// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. // This source code is also licensed under the GPLv2 license found in the // COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree. #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include #include #include #include #include "db/column_family.h" #include "db/compaction_job.h" #include "db/version_set.h" #include "rocksdb/cache.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/options.h" #include "rocksdb/write_buffer_manager.h" #include "table/mock_table.h" #include "util/file_reader_writer.h" #include "util/string_util.h" #include "util/testharness.h" #include "util/testutil.h" #include "utilities/merge_operators.h" namespace rocksdb { namespace { void VerifyInitializationOfCompactionJobStats( const CompactionJobStats& compaction_job_stats) { #if !defined(IOS_CROSS_COMPILE) ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.elapsed_micros, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_input_records, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_input_files, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_input_files_at_output_level, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_output_records, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_output_files, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.is_manual_compaction, true); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.total_input_bytes, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.total_output_bytes, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.total_input_raw_key_bytes, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.total_input_raw_value_bytes, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.smallest_output_key_prefix[0], 0); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.largest_output_key_prefix[0], 0); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_records_replaced, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_input_deletion_records, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_expired_deletion_records, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats.num_corrupt_keys, 0U); #endif // !defined(IOS_CROSS_COMPILE) } } // namespace // TODO(icanadi) Make it simpler once we mock out VersionSet class CompactionJobTest : public testing::Test { public: CompactionJobTest() : env_(Env::Default()), dbname_(test::TmpDir() + "/compaction_job_test"), db_options_(), mutable_cf_options_(cf_options_), table_cache_(NewLRUCache(50000, 16)), write_buffer_manager_(db_options_.db_write_buffer_size), versions_(new VersionSet(dbname_, &db_options_, env_options_, table_cache_.get(), &write_buffer_manager_, &write_controller_)), shutting_down_(false), mock_table_factory_(new mock::MockTableFactory()) { EXPECT_OK(env_->CreateDirIfMissing(dbname_)); db_options_.db_paths.emplace_back(dbname_, std::numeric_limits::max()); } std::string GenerateFileName(uint64_t file_number) { FileMetaData meta; std::vector db_paths; db_paths.emplace_back(dbname_, std::numeric_limits::max()); meta.fd = FileDescriptor(file_number, 0, 0); return TableFileName(db_paths, meta.fd.GetNumber(), meta.fd.GetPathId()); } std::string KeyStr(const std::string& user_key, const SequenceNumber seq_num, const ValueType t) { return InternalKey(user_key, seq_num, t).Encode().ToString(); } void AddMockFile(const stl_wrappers::KVMap& contents, int level = 0) { assert(contents.size() > 0); bool first_key = true; std::string smallest, largest; InternalKey smallest_key, largest_key; SequenceNumber smallest_seqno = kMaxSequenceNumber; SequenceNumber largest_seqno = 0; for (auto kv : contents) { ParsedInternalKey key; std::string skey; std::string value; std::tie(skey, value) = kv; ParseInternalKey(skey, &key); smallest_seqno = std::min(smallest_seqno, key.sequence); largest_seqno = std::max(largest_seqno, key.sequence); if (first_key || cfd_->user_comparator()->Compare(key.user_key, smallest) < 0) { smallest.assign(key.user_key.data(), key.user_key.size()); smallest_key.DecodeFrom(skey); } if (first_key || cfd_->user_comparator()->Compare(key.user_key, largest) > 0) { largest.assign(key.user_key.data(), key.user_key.size()); largest_key.DecodeFrom(skey); } first_key = false; } uint64_t file_number = versions_->NewFileNumber(); EXPECT_OK(mock_table_factory_->CreateMockTable( env_, GenerateFileName(file_number), std::move(contents))); VersionEdit edit; edit.AddFile(level, file_number, 0, 10, smallest_key, largest_key, smallest_seqno, largest_seqno, false); mutex_.Lock(); versions_->LogAndApply(versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()->GetDefault(), mutable_cf_options_, &edit, &mutex_); mutex_.Unlock(); } void SetLastSequence(const SequenceNumber sequence_number) { versions_->SetLastSequence(sequence_number + 1); } // returns expected result after compaction stl_wrappers::KVMap CreateTwoFiles(bool gen_corrupted_keys) { auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile(); const int kKeysPerFile = 10000; const int kCorruptKeysPerFile = 200; const int kMatchingKeys = kKeysPerFile / 2; SequenceNumber sequence_number = 0; auto corrupt_id = [&](int id) { return gen_corrupted_keys && id > 0 && id <= kCorruptKeysPerFile; }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { auto contents = mock::MakeMockFile(); for (int k = 0; k < kKeysPerFile; ++k) { auto key = ToString(i * kMatchingKeys + k); auto value = ToString(i * kKeysPerFile + k); InternalKey internal_key(key, ++sequence_number, kTypeValue); // This is how the key will look like once it's written in bottommost // file InternalKey bottommost_internal_key( key, (key == "9999") ? sequence_number : 0, kTypeValue); if (corrupt_id(k)) { test::CorruptKeyType(&internal_key); test::CorruptKeyType(&bottommost_internal_key); } contents.insert({ internal_key.Encode().ToString(), value }); if (i == 1 || k < kMatchingKeys || corrupt_id(k - kMatchingKeys)) { expected_results.insert( { bottommost_internal_key.Encode().ToString(), value }); } } AddMockFile(contents); } SetLastSequence(sequence_number); return expected_results; } void NewDB() { VersionEdit new_db; new_db.SetLogNumber(0); new_db.SetNextFile(2); new_db.SetLastSequence(0); const std::string manifest = DescriptorFileName(dbname_, 1); unique_ptr file; Status s = env_->NewWritableFile( manifest, &file, env_->OptimizeForManifestWrite(env_options_)); ASSERT_OK(s); unique_ptr file_writer( new WritableFileWriter(std::move(file), env_options_)); { log::Writer log(std::move(file_writer), 0, false); std::string record; new_db.EncodeTo(&record); s = log.AddRecord(record); } ASSERT_OK(s); // Make "CURRENT" file that points to the new manifest file. s = SetCurrentFile(env_, dbname_, 1, nullptr); std::vector column_families; cf_options_.table_factory = mock_table_factory_; cf_options_.merge_operator = merge_op_; cf_options_.compaction_filter = compaction_filter_.get(); column_families.emplace_back(kDefaultColumnFamilyName, cf_options_); EXPECT_OK(versions_->Recover(column_families, false)); cfd_ = versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()->GetDefault(); } void RunCompaction( const std::vector>& input_files, const stl_wrappers::KVMap& expected_results, const std::vector& snapshots = {}, SequenceNumber earliest_write_conflict_snapshot = kMaxSequenceNumber) { auto cfd = versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()->GetDefault(); size_t num_input_files = 0; std::vector compaction_input_files; for (size_t level = 0; level < input_files.size(); level++) { auto level_files = input_files[level]; CompactionInputFiles compaction_level; compaction_level.level = static_cast(level); compaction_level.files.insert(compaction_level.files.end(), level_files.begin(), level_files.end()); compaction_input_files.push_back(compaction_level); num_input_files += level_files.size(); } Compaction compaction(cfd->current()->storage_info(), *cfd->ioptions(), *cfd->GetLatestMutableCFOptions(), compaction_input_files, 1, 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024, 0, kNoCompression, {}, true); compaction.SetInputVersion(cfd->current()); LogBuffer log_buffer(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log.get()); mutex_.Lock(); EventLogger event_logger(db_options_.info_log.get()); CompactionJob compaction_job( 0, &compaction, db_options_, env_options_, versions_.get(), &shutting_down_, &log_buffer, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &mutex_, &bg_error_, snapshots, earliest_write_conflict_snapshot, table_cache_, &event_logger, false, false, dbname_, &compaction_job_stats_); VerifyInitializationOfCompactionJobStats(compaction_job_stats_); compaction_job.Prepare(); mutex_.Unlock(); Status s; s = compaction_job.Run(); ASSERT_OK(s); mutex_.Lock(); ASSERT_OK(compaction_job.Install(*cfd->GetLatestMutableCFOptions())); mutex_.Unlock(); if (expected_results.size() == 0) { ASSERT_GE(compaction_job_stats_.elapsed_micros, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats_.num_input_files, num_input_files); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats_.num_output_files, 0U); } else { ASSERT_GE(compaction_job_stats_.elapsed_micros, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats_.num_input_files, num_input_files); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats_.num_output_files, 1U); mock_table_factory_->AssertLatestFile(expected_results); } } Env* env_; std::string dbname_; EnvOptions env_options_; ImmutableDBOptions db_options_; ColumnFamilyOptions cf_options_; MutableCFOptions mutable_cf_options_; std::shared_ptr table_cache_; WriteController write_controller_; WriteBufferManager write_buffer_manager_; std::unique_ptr versions_; InstrumentedMutex mutex_; std::atomic shutting_down_; std::shared_ptr mock_table_factory_; CompactionJobStats compaction_job_stats_; ColumnFamilyData* cfd_; std::unique_ptr compaction_filter_; std::shared_ptr merge_op_; Status bg_error_; }; TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, Simple) { NewDB(); auto expected_results = CreateTwoFiles(false); auto cfd = versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()->GetDefault(); auto files = cfd->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); ASSERT_EQ(2U, files.size()); RunCompaction({ files }, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SimpleCorrupted) { NewDB(); auto expected_results = CreateTwoFiles(true); auto cfd = versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()->GetDefault(); auto files = cfd->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); ASSERT_EQ(compaction_job_stats_.num_corrupt_keys, 400U); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SimpleDeletion) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("c", 4U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("c", 3U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("b", 0U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); SetLastSequence(4U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SimpleOverwrite) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("b", 4U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 0U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("b", 4U, kTypeValue), "val3"}}); SetLastSequence(4U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SimpleNonLastLevel) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("b", 6U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("b", 4U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file2, 1); auto file3 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file3, 2); // Because level 1 is not the last level, the sequence numbers of a and b // cannot be set to 0 auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("b", 6U, kTypeValue), "val3"}}); SetLastSequence(6U); auto lvl0_files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); auto lvl1_files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(1); RunCompaction({lvl0_files, lvl1_files}, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SimpleMerge) { merge_op_ = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendOperator(); NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeMerge), "5"}, {KeyStr("a", 4U, kTypeMerge), "4"}, {KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeValue), "3"}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile( {{KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), "2"}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeValue), "1"}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 0U, kTypeValue), "3,4,5"}, {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeValue), "1,2"}}); SetLastSequence(5U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, NonAssocMerge) { merge_op_ = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendTESTOperator(); NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeMerge), "5"}, {KeyStr("a", 4U, kTypeMerge), "4"}, {KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeMerge), "3"}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile( {{KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), "2"}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeMerge), "1"}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 0U, kTypeValue), "3,4,5"}, {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), "2"}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeMerge), "1"}}); SetLastSequence(5U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } // Filters merge operands with value 10. TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, MergeOperandFilter) { merge_op_ = MergeOperators::CreateUInt64AddOperator(); compaction_filter_.reset(new test::FilterNumber(10U)); NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile( {{KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(5U)}, {KeyStr("a", 4U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, // Filtered {KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(3U)}}); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(2U)}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)} // Filtered }); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 0U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(8U)}, {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(2U)}}); SetLastSequence(5U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, FilterSomeMergeOperands) { merge_op_ = MergeOperators::CreateUInt64AddOperator(); compaction_filter_.reset(new test::FilterNumber(10U)); NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile( {{KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(5U)}, {KeyStr("a", 4U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, // Filtered {KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(5U)}, {KeyStr("d", 8U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}}); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("c", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(3U)}, {KeyStr("c", 1U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(7U)}, {KeyStr("d", 1U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(6U)}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto file3 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 1U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(3U)}}); AddMockFile(file3, 2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("c", 2U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("d", 1U, kTypeValue), test::EncodeInt(6U)} // b does not appear because the operands are filtered }); SetLastSequence(5U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } // Test where all operands/merge results are filtered out. TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, FilterAllMergeOperands) { merge_op_ = MergeOperators::CreateUInt64AddOperator(); compaction_filter_.reset(new test::FilterNumber(10U)); NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 11U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("a", 10U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("a", 9U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}}); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("b", 8U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 7U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 6U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 5U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 4U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 3U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("c", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("c", 1U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto file3 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 2U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}, {KeyStr("b", 1U, kTypeMerge), test::EncodeInt(10U)}}); AddMockFile(file3, 2); SetLastSequence(11U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); stl_wrappers::KVMap empty_map; RunCompaction({files}, empty_map); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SimpleSingleDelete) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("b", 6U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 3U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("b", 4U, kTypeValue), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto file3 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("a", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, }); AddMockFile(file3, 2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeDeletion), ""}}); SetLastSequence(6U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SingleDeleteSnapshots) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("a", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("b", 21U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("c", 22U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("d", 9U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("f", 21U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("j", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("j", 9U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("k", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("k", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("l", 3U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("l", 2U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("0", 2U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("a", 11U, kTypeValue), "val1"}, {KeyStr("b", 11U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("c", 21U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("d", 8U, kTypeValue), "val4"}, {KeyStr("e", 2U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("f", 1U, kTypeValue), "val1"}, {KeyStr("g", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("h", 2U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("m", 12U, kTypeValue), "val1"}, {KeyStr("m", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("m", 8U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, }); AddMockFile(file2); auto file3 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("e", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, }); AddMockFile(file3, 2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("a", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("a", 11U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("b", 21U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("b", 11U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("c", 22U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("c", 21U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("e", 2U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("f", 21U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("f", 1U, kTypeValue), "val1"}, {KeyStr("g", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("j", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("k", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("m", 12U, kTypeValue), "val1"}, {KeyStr("m", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("m", 8U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, }); SetLastSequence(22U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results, {10U, 20U}, 10U); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, EarliestWriteConflictSnapshot) { NewDB(); // Test multiple snapshots where the earliest snapshot is not a // write-conflic-snapshot. auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 23U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("B", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 23U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("D", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 32U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 31U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("G", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 23U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("H", 31U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("H", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("H", 23U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("I", 35U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 34U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("I", 33U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 32U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("I", 31U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 34U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 33U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 25U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("J", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 13U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("C", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("C", 13U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("E", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("F", 4U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("F", 3U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("G", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 13U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("H", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("H", 13U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("I", 13U, kTypeValue), "val4"}, {KeyStr("I", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 11U, kTypeValue), "val5"}, {KeyStr("J", 15U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("J", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, }); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 23U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 23U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("D", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("E", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 32U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 31U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("H", 31U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("I", 35U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 34U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 31U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 13U, kTypeValue), "val4"}, {KeyStr("J", 34U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 33U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 25U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("J", 24U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 15U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("J", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, }); SetLastSequence(24U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results, {10U, 20U, 30U}, 20U); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, SingleDeleteZeroSeq) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 10U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("dummy", 5U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 0U, kTypeValue), "val"}, }); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("dummy", 5U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, }); SetLastSequence(22U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results, {}); } TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, MultiSingleDelete) { // Tests three scenarios involving multiple single delete/put pairs: // // A: Put Snapshot SDel Put SDel -> Put Snapshot SDel // B: Snapshot Put SDel Put SDel Snapshot -> Snapshot SDel Snapshot // C: SDel Put SDel Snapshot Put -> Snapshot Put // D: (Put) SDel Snapshot Put SDel -> (Put) SDel Snapshot SDel // E: Put SDel Snapshot Put SDel -> Snapshot SDel // F: Put SDel Put Sdel Snapshot -> removed // G: Snapshot SDel Put SDel Put -> Snapshot Put SDel // H: (Put) Put SDel Put Sdel Snapshot -> Removed // I: (Put) Snapshot Put SDel Put SDel -> SDel // J: Put Put SDel Put SDel SDel Snapshot Put Put SDel SDel Put // -> Snapshot Put // K: SDel SDel Put SDel Put Put Snapshot SDel Put SDel SDel Put SDel // -> Snapshot Put Snapshot SDel // L: SDel Put Del Put SDel Snapshot Del Put Del SDel Put SDel // -> Snapshot SDel // M: (Put) SDel Put Del Put SDel Snapshot Put Del SDel Put SDel Del // -> SDel Snapshot Del NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 13U, kTypeValue), "val5"}, {KeyStr("A", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 13U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("C", 14U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("D", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("D", 11U, kTypeValue), "val4"}, {KeyStr("G", 15U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("G", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 13U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("I", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 13U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 15U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 13U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 12U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 11U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("K", 16U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 15U, kTypeValue), "val1"}, {KeyStr("K", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 13U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 12U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("K", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 16U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 15U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("L", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 13U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 12U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("L", 11U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 16U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 15U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 14U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("M", 13U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 12U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 11U, kTypeValue), "val"}, }); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("A", 10U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("B", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 11U, kTypeValue), "val2"}, {KeyStr("C", 10U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("C", 9U, kTypeValue), "val6"}, {KeyStr("C", 8U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("D", 10U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("E", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("E", 11U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("E", 5U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("E", 4U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("F", 6U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("F", 5U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("F", 4U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("F", 3U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("G", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("H", 6U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("H", 5U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("H", 4U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("H", 3U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("I", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 11U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 6U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 5U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 4U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("J", 3U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 2U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("K", 8U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("K", 7U, kTypeValue), "val4"}, {KeyStr("K", 6U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 5U, kTypeValue), "val5"}, {KeyStr("K", 2U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 1U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 5U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 4U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("L", 3U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 2U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("L", 1U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 10U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 7U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("M", 5U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 4U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("M", 3U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, }); AddMockFile(file2); auto file3 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("D", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("H", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("I", 2U, kTypeValue), "val"}, }); AddMockFile(file3, 2); auto file4 = mock::MakeMockFile({ {KeyStr("M", 1U, kTypeValue), "val"}, }); AddMockFile(file4, 2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{KeyStr("A", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 13U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("A", 10U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("B", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("B", 13U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("C", 14U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("D", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("D", 11U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("D", 10U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("E", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("E", 11U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("G", 15U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("G", 12U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 14U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("I", 13U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("J", 15U, kTypeValue), "val"}, {KeyStr("K", 16U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 15U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 11U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("K", 8U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {KeyStr("L", 16U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("L", 15U, kTypeValue), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 16U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {KeyStr("M", 3U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}}); SetLastSequence(22U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results, {10U}, 10U); } // This test documents the behavior where a corrupt key follows a deletion or a // single deletion and the (single) deletion gets removed while the corrupt key // gets written out. TODO(noetzli): We probably want a better way to treat // corrupt keys. TEST_F(CompactionJobTest, CorruptionAfterDeletion) { NewDB(); auto file1 = mock::MakeMockFile({{test::KeyStr("A", 6U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {test::KeyStr("a", 5U, kTypeDeletion), ""}, {test::KeyStr("a", 4U, kTypeValue, true), "val"}}); AddMockFile(file1); auto file2 = mock::MakeMockFile({{test::KeyStr("b", 3U, kTypeSingleDeletion), ""}, {test::KeyStr("b", 2U, kTypeValue, true), "val"}, {test::KeyStr("c", 1U, kTypeValue), "val2"}}); AddMockFile(file2); auto expected_results = mock::MakeMockFile({{test::KeyStr("A", 0U, kTypeValue), "val3"}, {test::KeyStr("a", 0U, kTypeValue, true), "val"}, {test::KeyStr("b", 0U, kTypeValue, true), "val"}, {test::KeyStr("c", 1U, kTypeValue), "val2"}}); SetLastSequence(6U); auto files = cfd_->current()->storage_info()->LevelFiles(0); RunCompaction({files}, expected_results); } } // namespace rocksdb int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } #else #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED as CompactionJobStats is not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE\n"); return 0; } #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE