// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include #include #include #include #include "rocksdb/cache.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/utilities/stackable_db.h" #include "rocksdb/utilities/spatial_db.h" #include "util/coding.h" #include "utilities/spatialdb/utils.h" namespace rocksdb { namespace spatial { // Column families are used to store element's data and spatial indexes. We use // [default] column family to store the element data. This is the format of // [default] column family: // * id (fixed 64 big endian) -> blob (length prefixed slice) feature_set // (serialized) // We have one additional column family for each spatial index. The name of the // column family is [spatial$]. The format is: // * quad_key (fixed 64 bit big endian) id (fixed 64 bit big endian) -> "" // We store information about indexes in [metadata] column family. Format is: // * spatial$ -> bbox (4 double encodings) tile_bits // (varint32) namespace { const std::string kMetadataColumnFamilyName("metadata"); inline std::string GetSpatialIndexColumnFamilyName( const std::string& spatial_index_name) { return "spatial$" + spatial_index_name; } inline bool GetSpatialIndexName(const std::string& column_family_name, Slice* dst) { *dst = Slice(column_family_name); if (dst->starts_with("spatial$")) { dst->remove_prefix(8); // strlen("spatial$") return true; } return false; } } // namespace Variant::Variant(const Variant& v) : type_(v.type_) { switch (v.type_) { case kNull: break; case kBool: data_.b = v.data_.b; break; case kInt: data_.i = v.data_.i; break; case kDouble: data_.d = v.data_.d; break; case kString: new (&data_.s) std::string(v.data_.s); break; default: assert(false); } } bool Variant::operator==(const Variant& rhs) { if (type_ != rhs.type_) { return false; } switch (type_) { case kNull: return true; case kBool: return data_.b == rhs.data_.b; case kInt: return data_.i == rhs.data_.i; case kDouble: return data_.d == rhs.data_.d; case kString: return data_.s == rhs.data_.s; default: assert(false); } // it will never reach here, but otherwise the compiler complains return false; } bool Variant::operator!=(const Variant& rhs) { return !(*this == rhs); } FeatureSet* FeatureSet::Set(const std::string& key, const Variant& value) { map_.insert({key, value}); return this; } bool FeatureSet::Contains(const std::string& key) const { return map_.find(key) != map_.end(); } const Variant& FeatureSet::Get(const std::string& key) const { auto itr = map_.find(key); assert(itr != map_.end()); return itr->second; } FeatureSet::iterator FeatureSet::Find(const std::string& key) const { return iterator(map_.find(key)); } void FeatureSet::Clear() { map_.clear(); } void FeatureSet::Serialize(std::string* output) const { for (const auto& iter : map_) { PutLengthPrefixedSlice(output, iter.first); output->push_back(static_cast(iter.second.type())); switch (iter.second.type()) { case Variant::kNull: break; case Variant::kBool: output->push_back(static_cast(iter.second.get_bool())); break; case Variant::kInt: PutVarint64(output, iter.second.get_int()); break; case Variant::kDouble: { PutDouble(output, iter.second.get_double()); break; } case Variant::kString: PutLengthPrefixedSlice(output, iter.second.get_string()); break; default: assert(false); } } } bool FeatureSet::Deserialize(const Slice& input) { assert(map_.empty()); Slice s(input); while (s.size()) { Slice key; if (!GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&s, &key) || s.size() == 0) { return false; } char type = s[0]; s.remove_prefix(1); switch (type) { case Variant::kNull: { map_.insert({key.ToString(), Variant()}); break; } case Variant::kBool: { if (s.size() == 0) { return false; } map_.insert({key.ToString(), Variant(static_cast(s[0]))}); s.remove_prefix(1); break; } case Variant::kInt: { uint64_t v; if (!GetVarint64(&s, &v)) { return false; } map_.insert({key.ToString(), Variant(v)}); break; } case Variant::kDouble: { double d; if (!GetDouble(&s, &d)) { return false; } map_.insert({key.ToString(), Variant(d)}); break; } case Variant::kString: { Slice str; if (!GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&s, &str)) { return false; } map_.insert({key.ToString(), str.ToString()}); break; } default: return false; } } return true; } class SpatialIndexCursor : public Cursor { public: SpatialIndexCursor(Iterator* spatial_iterator, Iterator* data_iterator, const BoundingBox& tile_bbox, uint32_t tile_bits) : spatial_iterator_(spatial_iterator), data_iterator_(data_iterator), tile_bbox_(tile_bbox), tile_bits_(tile_bits), valid_(true) { current_x_ = tile_bbox.min_x; current_y_ = tile_bbox.min_y; UpdateQuadKey(); ReSeek(); if (valid_) { // this is the first ID returned, so I don't care about return value of // Dedup Dedup(); } if (valid_) { ExtractData(); } } virtual bool Valid() const override { return valid_; } virtual void Next() override { assert(valid_); // this do-while loop deals only with deduplication do { spatial_iterator_->Next(); if (ExtractID()) { // OK, found what we needed continue; } // move to the next tile Increment(); if (ExtractID()) { // no need to reseek, found what we needed continue; } // reseek, find next good tile ReSeek(); } while (valid_ && !Dedup() && valid_); if (valid_) { ExtractData(); } } virtual const Slice blob() override { return current_blob_; } virtual const FeatureSet& feature_set() override { return current_feature_set_; } virtual Status status() const override { if (!status_.ok()) { return status_; } if (!spatial_iterator_->status().ok()) { return spatial_iterator_->status(); } return data_iterator_->status(); } private: // returns true if OK, false if already returned (duplicate) bool Dedup() { assert(valid_); uint64_t id; bool ok = GetFixed64BigEndian(current_id_, &id); if (!ok) { valid_ = false; status_ = Status::Corruption("Spatial index corruption"); return false; } if (returned_ids_.find(id) != returned_ids_.end()) { return false; } returned_ids_.insert(id); return true; } void ReSeek() { while (valid_) { spatial_iterator_->Seek(current_quad_key_); if (ExtractID()) { // found what we're looking for! break; } Increment(); } } void Increment() { ++current_x_; if (current_x_ > tile_bbox_.max_x) { current_x_ = tile_bbox_.min_x; ++current_y_; } if (current_y_ > tile_bbox_.max_y) { valid_ = false; } else { UpdateQuadKey(); } } void UpdateQuadKey() { current_quad_key_.clear(); PutFixed64BigEndian(¤t_quad_key_, GetQuadKeyFromTile(current_x_, current_y_, tile_bits_)); } // * returns true if spatial iterator is on the current quad key and all is // well. Caller will call Next() to get new data // * returns false if spatial iterator is not on current, or invalid or status // bad. Caller will need to reseek to get new data bool ExtractID() { if (!spatial_iterator_->Valid()) { // caller needs to reseek return false; } if (spatial_iterator_->key().size() != 2 * sizeof(uint64_t)) { status_ = Status::Corruption("Invalid spatial index key"); valid_ = false; return false; } Slice quad_key(spatial_iterator_->key().data(), sizeof(uint64_t)); if (quad_key != current_quad_key_) { // caller needs to reseek return false; } // if we come to here, we have found the quad key current_id_ = Slice(spatial_iterator_->key().data() + sizeof(uint64_t), sizeof(uint64_t)); return true; } // doesn't return anything, but sets valid_ and status_ on corruption void ExtractData() { assert(valid_); data_iterator_->Seek(current_id_); if (!data_iterator_->Valid() || data_iterator_->key() != current_id_) { status_ = Status::Corruption("Inconsistency in data column family"); valid_ = false; return; } Slice data = data_iterator_->value(); current_feature_set_.Clear(); if (!GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&data, ¤t_blob_) || !current_feature_set_.Deserialize(data)) { status_ = Status::Corruption("Data column family corruption"); valid_ = false; return; } } unique_ptr spatial_iterator_; unique_ptr data_iterator_; BoundingBox tile_bbox_; uint32_t tile_bits_; uint64_t current_x_; uint64_t current_y_; std::string current_quad_key_; Slice current_id_; bool valid_; Status status_; FeatureSet current_feature_set_; Slice current_blob_; // used for deduplicating results std::set returned_ids_; }; class ErrorCursor : public Cursor { public: explicit ErrorCursor(Status s) : s_(s) { assert(!s.ok()); } virtual Status status() const override { return s_; } virtual bool Valid() const override { return false; } virtual void Next() override { assert(false); } virtual const Slice blob() override { assert(false); return Slice(); } virtual const FeatureSet& feature_set() override { assert(false); // compiler complains otherwise return trash_; } private: Status s_; FeatureSet trash_; }; class SpatialDBImpl : public SpatialDB { public: // * db -- base DB that needs to be forwarded to StackableDB // * data_column_family -- column family used to store the data // * spatial_indexes -- a list of spatial indexes together with column // families that correspond to those spatial indexes // * next_id -- next ID in auto-incrementing ID. This is usually // `max_id_currenty_in_db + 1` SpatialDBImpl( DB* db, ColumnFamilyHandle* data_column_family, const std::vector>& spatial_indexes, uint64_t next_id) : SpatialDB(db), data_column_family_(data_column_family), next_id_(next_id) { for (const auto& index : spatial_indexes) { name_to_index_.insert( {index.first.name, IndexColumnFamily(index.first, index.second)}); } } ~SpatialDBImpl() { for (auto& iter : name_to_index_) { delete iter.second.column_family; } delete data_column_family_; } virtual Status Insert( const WriteOptions& write_options, const BoundingBox& bbox, const Slice& blob, const FeatureSet& feature_set, const std::vector& spatial_indexes) override { WriteBatch batch; if (spatial_indexes.size() == 0) { return Status::InvalidArgument("Spatial indexes can't be empty"); } uint64_t id = next_id_.fetch_add(1); for (const auto& si : spatial_indexes) { auto itr = name_to_index_.find(si); if (itr == name_to_index_.end()) { return Status::InvalidArgument("Can't find index " + si); } const auto& spatial_index = itr->second.index; if (!spatial_index.bbox.Intersects(bbox)) { continue; } BoundingBox tile_bbox = GetTileBoundingBox(spatial_index, bbox); for (uint64_t x = tile_bbox.min_x; x <= tile_bbox.max_x; ++x) { for (uint64_t y = tile_bbox.min_y; y <= tile_bbox.max_y; ++y) { // see above for format std::string key; PutFixed64BigEndian( &key, GetQuadKeyFromTile(x, y, spatial_index.tile_bits)); PutFixed64BigEndian(&key, id); batch.Put(itr->second.column_family, key, Slice()); } } } // see above for format std::string data_key; PutFixed64BigEndian(&data_key, id); std::string data_value; PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&data_value, blob); feature_set.Serialize(&data_value); batch.Put(data_column_family_, data_key, data_value); return Write(write_options, &batch); } virtual Status Compact() override { Status s, t; for (auto& iter : name_to_index_) { t = Flush(FlushOptions(), iter.second.column_family); if (!t.ok()) { s = t; } t = CompactRange(iter.second.column_family, nullptr, nullptr); if (!t.ok()) { s = t; } } t = Flush(FlushOptions(), data_column_family_); if (!t.ok()) { s = t; } t = CompactRange(data_column_family_, nullptr, nullptr); if (!t.ok()) { s = t; } return s; } virtual Cursor* Query(const ReadOptions& read_options, const BoundingBox& bbox, const std::string& spatial_index) override { auto itr = name_to_index_.find(spatial_index); if (itr == name_to_index_.end()) { return new ErrorCursor(Status::InvalidArgument( "Spatial index " + spatial_index + " not found")); } std::vector iterators; Status s = NewIterators(read_options, {data_column_family_, itr->second.column_family}, &iterators); if (!s.ok()) { return new ErrorCursor(s); } const auto& si = itr->second.index; return new SpatialIndexCursor(iterators[1], iterators[0], GetTileBoundingBox(si, bbox), si.tile_bits); } private: ColumnFamilyHandle* data_column_family_; struct IndexColumnFamily { SpatialIndexOptions index; ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family; IndexColumnFamily(const SpatialIndexOptions& _index, ColumnFamilyHandle* _cf) : index(_index), column_family(_cf) {} }; // constant after construction! std::unordered_map name_to_index_; std::atomic next_id_; }; namespace { Options GetRocksDBOptionsFromOptions(const SpatialDBOptions& options) { Options rocksdb_options; rocksdb_options.OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction(); rocksdb_options.IncreaseParallelism(options.num_threads); rocksdb_options.block_cache = NewLRUCache(options.cache_size); if (options.bulk_load) { rocksdb_options.PrepareForBulkLoad(); } return rocksdb_options; } } // namespace class MetadataStorage { public: MetadataStorage(DB* db, ColumnFamilyHandle* cf) : db_(db), cf_(cf) {} ~MetadataStorage() {} // format: // Status AddIndex(const SpatialIndexOptions& index) { std::string encoded_index; PutDouble(&encoded_index, index.bbox.min_x); PutDouble(&encoded_index, index.bbox.min_y); PutDouble(&encoded_index, index.bbox.max_x); PutDouble(&encoded_index, index.bbox.max_y); PutVarint32(&encoded_index, index.tile_bits); return db_->Put(WriteOptions(), cf_, GetSpatialIndexColumnFamilyName(index.name), encoded_index); } Status GetIndex(const std::string& name, SpatialIndexOptions* dst) { std::string value; Status s = db_->Get(ReadOptions(), cf_, GetSpatialIndexColumnFamilyName(name), &value); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } dst->name = name; Slice encoded_index(value); bool ok = GetDouble(&encoded_index, &(dst->bbox.min_x)); ok = ok && GetDouble(&encoded_index, &(dst->bbox.min_y)); ok = ok && GetDouble(&encoded_index, &(dst->bbox.max_x)); ok = ok && GetDouble(&encoded_index, &(dst->bbox.max_y)); ok = ok && GetVarint32(&encoded_index, &(dst->tile_bits)); return ok ? Status::OK() : Status::Corruption("Index encoding corrupted"); } private: DB* db_; ColumnFamilyHandle* cf_; }; Status SpatialDB::Create( const SpatialDBOptions& options, const std::string& name, const std::vector& spatial_indexes) { Options rocksdb_options = GetRocksDBOptionsFromOptions(options); rocksdb_options.create_if_missing = true; rocksdb_options.create_missing_column_families = true; rocksdb_options.error_if_exists = true; std::vector column_families; column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor( kDefaultColumnFamilyName, ColumnFamilyOptions(rocksdb_options))); column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor( kMetadataColumnFamilyName, ColumnFamilyOptions(rocksdb_options))); for (const auto& index : spatial_indexes) { column_families.emplace_back(GetSpatialIndexColumnFamilyName(index.name), ColumnFamilyOptions(rocksdb_options)); } std::vector handles; DB* base_db; Status s = DB::Open(DBOptions(rocksdb_options), name, column_families, &handles, &base_db); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } MetadataStorage metadata(base_db, handles[1]); for (const auto& index : spatial_indexes) { s = metadata.AddIndex(index); if (!s.ok()) { break; } } for (auto h : handles) { delete h; } delete base_db; return s; } Status SpatialDB::Open(const SpatialDBOptions& options, const std::string& name, SpatialDB** db, bool read_only) { Options rocksdb_options = GetRocksDBOptionsFromOptions(options); Status s; std::vector existing_column_families; std::vector spatial_indexes; s = DB::ListColumnFamilies(DBOptions(rocksdb_options), name, &existing_column_families); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } for (const auto& cf_name : existing_column_families) { Slice spatial_index; if (GetSpatialIndexName(cf_name, &spatial_index)) { spatial_indexes.emplace_back(spatial_index.data(), spatial_index.size()); } } std::vector column_families; column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor( kDefaultColumnFamilyName, ColumnFamilyOptions(rocksdb_options))); column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor( kMetadataColumnFamilyName, ColumnFamilyOptions(rocksdb_options))); for (const auto& index : spatial_indexes) { column_families.emplace_back(GetSpatialIndexColumnFamilyName(index), ColumnFamilyOptions(rocksdb_options)); } std::vector handles; DB* base_db; if (read_only) { s = DB::OpenForReadOnly(DBOptions(rocksdb_options), name, column_families, &handles, &base_db); } else { s = DB::Open(DBOptions(rocksdb_options), name, column_families, &handles, &base_db); } if (!s.ok()) { return s; } MetadataStorage metadata(base_db, handles[1]); std::vector> index_cf; assert(handles.size() == spatial_indexes.size() + 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < spatial_indexes.size(); ++i) { SpatialIndexOptions index_options; s = metadata.GetIndex(spatial_indexes[i], &index_options); if (!s.ok()) { break; } index_cf.emplace_back(index_options, handles[i + 2]); } uint64_t next_id = 1; if (s.ok()) { // find next_id Iterator* iter = base_db->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), handles[0]); iter->SeekToLast(); if (iter->Valid()) { uint64_t last_id = 0; if (!GetFixed64BigEndian(iter->key(), &last_id)) { s = Status::Corruption("Invalid key in data column family"); } else { next_id = last_id + 1; } } delete iter; } if (!s.ok()) { for (auto h : handles) { delete h; } delete db; return s; } // I don't need metadata column family any more, so delete it delete handles[1]; *db = new SpatialDBImpl(base_db, handles[0], index_cf, next_id); return Status::OK(); } } // namespace spatial } // namespace rocksdb #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE