// Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #include "db/range_del_aggregator.h" #include "util/heap.h" #include namespace rocksdb { struct TombstoneStartKeyComparator { explicit TombstoneStartKeyComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c) : cmp(c) {} bool operator()(const TruncatedRangeTombstone& a, const TruncatedRangeTombstone& b) const { return cmp->Compare(a.start_key_, b.start_key_) < 0; } const InternalKeyComparator* cmp; }; struct ParsedInternalKeyComparator { explicit ParsedInternalKeyComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c) : cmp(c) {} bool operator()(const ParsedInternalKey& a, const ParsedInternalKey& b) const { return cmp->Compare(a, b) < 0; } const InternalKeyComparator* cmp; }; // An UncollapsedRangeDelMap is quick to create but slow to answer ShouldDelete // queries. class UncollapsedRangeDelMap : public RangeDelMap { typedef std::vector Rep; class Iterator : public RangeDelIterator { const Rep& rep_; Rep::const_iterator iter_; public: Iterator(const Rep& rep) : rep_(rep), iter_(rep.begin()) {} bool Valid() const override { return iter_ != rep_.end(); } void Next() override { iter_++; } void Seek(const Slice&) override { fprintf(stderr, "UncollapsedRangeDelMap::Iterator::Seek(Slice&) unimplemented\n"); abort(); } void Seek(const ParsedInternalKey&) override { fprintf(stderr, "UncollapsedRangeDelMap::Iterator::Seek(ParsedInternalKey&) " "unimplemented\n"); abort(); } RangeTombstone Tombstone() const override { return iter_->Tombstone(); } }; Rep rep_; const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_; public: explicit UncollapsedRangeDelMap(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp) : icmp_(icmp) {} bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed, RangeDelPositioningMode mode) override { (void)mode; assert(mode == RangeDelPositioningMode::kFullScan); for (const auto& tombstone : rep_) { if (icmp_->Compare(parsed, tombstone.start_key_) < 0) { continue; } if (parsed.sequence < tombstone.seq_ && icmp_->Compare(parsed, tombstone.end_key_) < 0) { return true; } } return false; } bool IsRangeOverlapped(const ParsedInternalKey& start, const ParsedInternalKey& end) override { for (const auto& tombstone : rep_) { if (icmp_->Compare(start, tombstone.end_key_) < 0 && icmp_->Compare(tombstone.start_key_, end) <= 0 && icmp_->Compare(tombstone.start_key_, tombstone.end_key_) < 0) { return true; } } return false; } void AddTombstone(TruncatedRangeTombstone tombstone) override { rep_.emplace_back(tombstone); } size_t Size() const override { return rep_.size(); } void InvalidatePosition() override {} // no-op std::unique_ptr NewIterator() override { std::sort(rep_.begin(), rep_.end(), TombstoneStartKeyComparator(icmp_)); return std::unique_ptr(new Iterator(this->rep_)); } }; // A CollapsedRangeDelMap is slow to create but quick to answer ShouldDelete // queries. // // An explanation of the design follows. Suppose we have tombstones [b, n) @ 1, // [e, h) @ 2, [q, t) @ 2, and [g, k) @ 3. Visually, the tombstones look like // this: // // 3: g---k // 2: e---h q--t // 1: b------------n // // The CollapsedRangeDelMap representation is based on the observation that // wherever tombstones overlap, we need only store the tombstone with the // largest seqno. From the perspective of a read at seqno 4 or greater, this set // of tombstones is exactly equivalent: // // 3: g---k // 2: e--g q--t // 1: b--e k--n // // Because these tombstones do not overlap, they can be efficiently represented // in an ordered map from keys to sequence numbers. Each entry should be thought // of as a transition from one tombstone to the next. In this example, the // CollapsedRangeDelMap would store the following entries, in order: // // b → 1, e → 2, g → 3, k → 1, n → 0, q → 2, t → 0 // // If a tombstone ends before the next tombstone begins, a sentinel seqno of 0 // is installed to indicate that no tombstone exists. This occurs at keys n and // t in the example above. // // To check whether a key K is covered by a tombstone, the map is binary // searched for the last key less than K. K is covered iff the map entry has a // larger seqno than K. As an example, consider the key h @ 4. It would be // compared against the map entry g → 3 and determined to be uncovered. By // contrast, the key h @ 2 would be determined to be covered. class CollapsedRangeDelMap : public RangeDelMap { typedef std::map Rep; class Iterator : public RangeDelIterator { void MaybeSeekPastSentinel() { if (Valid() && iter_->second == 0) { iter_++; } } const Rep& rep_; Rep::const_iterator iter_; public: Iterator(const Rep& rep) : rep_(rep), iter_(rep.begin()) {} bool Valid() const override { return iter_ != rep_.end(); } void Next() override { iter_++; MaybeSeekPastSentinel(); } void Seek(const Slice&) override { fprintf(stderr, "CollapsedRangeDelMap::Iterator::Seek(Slice&) unimplemented\n"); abort(); } void Seek(const ParsedInternalKey& target) override { iter_ = rep_.upper_bound(target); if (iter_ != rep_.begin()) { iter_--; } MaybeSeekPastSentinel(); } RangeTombstone Tombstone() const override { assert(Valid()); assert(std::next(iter_) != rep_.end()); assert(iter_->second != 0); RangeTombstone tombstone; tombstone.start_key_ = iter_->first.user_key; tombstone.end_key_ = std::next(iter_)->first.user_key; tombstone.seq_ = iter_->second; return tombstone; } }; Rep rep_; Rep::iterator iter_; const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_; public: explicit CollapsedRangeDelMap(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp) : rep_(ParsedInternalKeyComparator(icmp)), icmp_(icmp) { InvalidatePosition(); } bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed, RangeDelPositioningMode mode) override { if (iter_ == rep_.end() && (mode == RangeDelPositioningMode::kForwardTraversal || mode == RangeDelPositioningMode::kBackwardTraversal)) { // invalid (e.g., if AddTombstones() changed the deletions), so need to // reseek mode = RangeDelPositioningMode::kBinarySearch; } switch (mode) { case RangeDelPositioningMode::kFullScan: assert(false); case RangeDelPositioningMode::kForwardTraversal: assert(iter_ != rep_.end()); if (iter_ == rep_.begin() && icmp_->Compare(parsed, iter_->first) < 0) { // before start of deletion intervals return false; } while (std::next(iter_) != rep_.end() && icmp_->Compare(std::next(iter_)->first, parsed) <= 0) { ++iter_; } break; case RangeDelPositioningMode::kBackwardTraversal: assert(iter_ != rep_.end()); while (iter_ != rep_.begin() && icmp_->Compare(parsed, iter_->first) < 0) { --iter_; } if (iter_ == rep_.begin() && icmp_->Compare(parsed, iter_->first) < 0) { // before start of deletion intervals return false; } break; case RangeDelPositioningMode::kBinarySearch: iter_ = rep_.upper_bound(parsed); if (iter_ == rep_.begin()) { // before start of deletion intervals return false; } --iter_; break; } assert(iter_ != rep_.end() && icmp_->Compare(iter_->first, parsed) <= 0); assert(std::next(iter_) == rep_.end() || icmp_->Compare(parsed, std::next(iter_)->first) < 0); return parsed.sequence < iter_->second; } bool IsRangeOverlapped(const ParsedInternalKey&, const ParsedInternalKey&) override { // Unimplemented because the only client of this method, file ingestion, // uses uncollapsed maps. fprintf(stderr, "CollapsedRangeDelMap::IsRangeOverlapped unimplemented"); abort(); } void AddTombstone(TruncatedRangeTombstone t) override { if (icmp_->Compare(t.start_key_, t.end_key_) >= 0 || t.seq_ == 0) { // The tombstone covers no keys. Nothing to do. return; } auto it = rep_.upper_bound(t.start_key_); auto prev_seq = [&]() { return it == rep_.begin() ? 0 : std::prev(it)->second; }; // end_seq stores the seqno of the last transition that the new tombstone // covered. This is the seqno that we'll install if we need to insert a // transition for the new tombstone's end key. SequenceNumber end_seq = 0; // In the diagrams below, the new tombstone is always [c, k) @ 2. The // existing tombstones are varied to depict different scenarios. Uppercase // letters are used to indicate points that exist in the map, while // lowercase letters are used to indicate points that do not exist in the // map. The location of the iterator is marked with a caret; it may point // off the end of the diagram to indicate that it is positioned at a // entry with a larger key whose specific key is irrelevant. if (t.seq_ > prev_seq()) { // The new tombstone's start point covers the existing tombstone: // // 3: 3: A--C 3: 3: // 2: c--- OR 2: c--- OR 2: c--- OR 2: c------ // 1: A--C 1: 1: A------ 1: C------ // ^ ^ ^ ^ end_seq = prev_seq(); Rep::iterator pit; if (it != rep_.begin() && (pit = std::prev(it)) != rep_.begin() && icmp_->Compare(pit->first, t.start_key_) == 0 && std::prev(pit)->second == t.seq_) { // The new tombstone starts at the end of an existing tombstone with an // identical seqno: // // 3: // 2: A--C--- // 1: // ^ // Merge the tombstones by removing the existing tombstone's end key. it = rep_.erase(std::prev(it)); } else { // Insert a new transition at the new tombstone's start point, or raise // the existing transition at that point to the new tombstone's seqno. rep_[t.start_key_] = t.seq_; // operator[] will overwrite existing entry } } else { // The new tombstone's start point is covered by an existing tombstone: // // 3: A----- OR 3: C------ OR // 2: c--- 2: c------ 2: C------ // ^ ^ ^ // Do nothing. } // Look at all the existing transitions that overlap the new tombstone. while (it != rep_.end() && icmp_->Compare(it->first, t.end_key_) < 0) { if (t.seq_ >= it->second) { // The transition is to an existing tombstone that the new tombstone // covers. Save the covered tombstone's seqno. We'll need to return to // it if the new tombstone ends before the existing tombstone. end_seq = it->second; if (t.seq_ == prev_seq()) { // The previous transition is to the seqno of the new tombstone: // // 3: 3: 3: --F // 2: C------ OR 2: C------ OR 2: F---- // 1: F--- 1: ---F 1: H-- // ^ ^ ^ // // Erase this transition. It's been superseded. it = rep_.erase(it); continue; // skip increment; erase positions iterator correctly } else { // The previous transition is to a tombstone that covers the new // tombstone, but this transition is to a tombstone that is covered by // the new tombstone. That is, this is the end of a run of existing // tombstones that cover the new tombstone: // // 3: A---E OR 3: E-G // 2: c---- 2: ------ // ^ ^ // Preserve this transition point, but raise it to the new tombstone's // seqno. it->second = t.seq_; } } else { // The transition is to an existing tombstone that covers the new // tombstone: // // 4: 4: --F // 3: F-- OR 3: F-- // 2: ----- 2: ----- // ^ ^ // Do nothing. } ++it; } if (t.seq_ == prev_seq()) { // The new tombstone is unterminated in the map. if (it != rep_.end() && t.seq_ == it->second && icmp_->Compare(it->first, t.end_key_) == 0) { // The new tombstone ends at the start of another tombstone with an // identical seqno. Merge the tombstones by removing the existing // tombstone's start key. rep_.erase(it); } else if (end_seq == prev_seq() || (it != rep_.end() && end_seq == it->second)) { // The new tombstone is implicitly ended because its end point is // contained within an existing tombstone with the same seqno: // // 2: ---k--N // ^ } else { // The new tombstone needs an explicit end point. // // 3: OR 3: --G OR 3: --G K-- // 2: C-------k 2: G---k 2: G---k // ^ ^ ^ // Install one that returns to the last seqno we covered. Because end // keys are exclusive, if there's an existing transition at t.end_key_, // it takes precedence over the transition that we install here. rep_.emplace(t.end_key_, end_seq); // emplace is a noop if existing entry } } else { // The new tombstone is implicitly ended because its end point is covered // by an existing tombstone with a higher seqno. // // 3: I---M OR 3: A-----------M // 2: ----k 2: c-------k // ^ ^ // Do nothing. } } size_t Size() const override { return rep_.empty() ? 0 : rep_.size() - 1; } void InvalidatePosition() override { iter_ = rep_.end(); } std::unique_ptr NewIterator() override { return std::unique_ptr(new Iterator(this->rep_)); } }; RangeDelAggregator::RangeDelAggregator( const InternalKeyComparator& icmp, const std::vector& snapshots, bool collapse_deletions /* = true */) : upper_bound_(kMaxSequenceNumber), icmp_(icmp), collapse_deletions_(collapse_deletions) { InitRep(snapshots); } RangeDelAggregator::RangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp, SequenceNumber snapshot, bool collapse_deletions /* = false */) : upper_bound_(snapshot), icmp_(icmp), collapse_deletions_(collapse_deletions) {} void RangeDelAggregator::InitRep(const std::vector& snapshots) { assert(rep_ == nullptr); rep_.reset(new Rep()); for (auto snapshot : snapshots) { rep_->stripe_map_.emplace(snapshot, NewRangeDelMap()); } // Data newer than any snapshot falls in this catch-all stripe rep_->stripe_map_.emplace(kMaxSequenceNumber, NewRangeDelMap()); rep_->pinned_iters_mgr_.StartPinning(); } std::unique_ptr RangeDelAggregator::NewRangeDelMap() { RangeDelMap* tombstone_map; if (collapse_deletions_) { tombstone_map = new CollapsedRangeDelMap(&icmp_); } else { tombstone_map = new UncollapsedRangeDelMap(&icmp_); } return std::unique_ptr(tombstone_map); } bool RangeDelAggregator::ShouldDeleteImpl(const Slice& internal_key, RangeDelPositioningMode mode) { assert(rep_ != nullptr); ParsedInternalKey parsed; if (!ParseInternalKey(internal_key, &parsed)) { assert(false); return false; } return ShouldDeleteImpl(parsed, mode); } bool RangeDelAggregator::ShouldDeleteImpl(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed, RangeDelPositioningMode mode) { assert(IsValueType(parsed.type)); assert(rep_ != nullptr); auto& tombstone_map = GetRangeDelMap(parsed.sequence); if (tombstone_map.IsEmpty()) { return false; } return tombstone_map.ShouldDelete(parsed, mode); } bool RangeDelAggregator::IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end) { // Unimplemented because the only client of this method, file ingestion, // uses uncollapsed maps. assert(!collapse_deletions_); if (rep_ == nullptr) { return false; } ParsedInternalKey start_ikey(start, kMaxSequenceNumber, kMaxValue); ParsedInternalKey end_ikey(end, 0, static_cast(0)); for (const auto& stripe : rep_->stripe_map_) { if (stripe.second->IsRangeOverlapped(start_ikey, end_ikey)) { return true; } } return false; } Status RangeDelAggregator::AddTombstones( std::unique_ptr input, const InternalKey* smallest, const InternalKey* largest) { if (input == nullptr) { return Status::OK(); } input->SeekToFirst(); bool first_iter = true; while (input->Valid()) { if (first_iter) { if (rep_ == nullptr) { InitRep({upper_bound_}); } else { InvalidateRangeDelMapPositions(); } first_iter = false; } ParsedInternalKey parsed_key; bool parsed; if (input->IsKeyPinned()) { parsed = ParseInternalKey(input->key(), &parsed_key); } else { // The tombstone map holds slices into the iterator's memory. Make a // copy of the key if it is not pinned. rep_->pinned_slices_.emplace_back(input->key().data(), input->key().size()); parsed = ParseInternalKey(rep_->pinned_slices_.back(), &parsed_key); } if (!parsed) { return Status::Corruption("Unable to parse range tombstone InternalKey"); } Slice end_user_key; if (input->IsValuePinned()) { end_user_key = input->value(); } else { // The tombstone map holds slices into the iterator's memory. Make a // copy of the value if it is not pinned. rep_->pinned_slices_.emplace_back(input->value().data(), input->value().size()); end_user_key = rep_->pinned_slices_.back(); } ParsedInternalKey start_key(parsed_key.user_key, kMaxSequenceNumber, kMaxValue); ParsedInternalKey end_key(end_user_key, kMaxSequenceNumber, kMaxValue); // Truncate the tombstone to the range [smallest, largest]. if (smallest != nullptr) { ParsedInternalKey parsed_smallest; if (ParseInternalKey(smallest->Encode(), &parsed_smallest) && icmp_.Compare(start_key, parsed_smallest) < 0) { start_key.user_key = parsed_smallest.user_key; start_key.sequence = parsed_smallest.sequence; } } if (largest != nullptr) { ParsedInternalKey parsed_largest; if (ParseInternalKey(largest->Encode(), &parsed_largest) && icmp_.Compare(end_key, parsed_largest) > 0) { end_key.user_key = parsed_largest.user_key; if (parsed_largest.sequence != kMaxSequenceNumber) { // The same user key straddles two adjacent sstables. To make sure we // can truncate to a range that includes the largest point key in the // first sstable, set the tombstone end key's sequence number to 1 // less than the largest key. assert(parsed_largest.sequence != 0); end_key.sequence = parsed_largest.sequence - 1; } else { // The SST file boundary was artificially extended by a range tombstone. // We will not see any entries in this SST with this user key, so we // can leave the seqnum at kMaxSequenceNumber. } } } TruncatedRangeTombstone tombstone(start_key, end_key, parsed_key.sequence); GetRangeDelMap(parsed_key.sequence).AddTombstone(std::move(tombstone)); input->Next(); } if (!first_iter) { rep_->pinned_iters_mgr_.PinIterator(input.release(), false /* arena */); } return Status::OK(); } void RangeDelAggregator::InvalidateRangeDelMapPositions() { if (rep_ == nullptr) { return; } for (auto& stripe : rep_->stripe_map_) { stripe.second->InvalidatePosition(); } } RangeDelMap& RangeDelAggregator::GetRangeDelMap(SequenceNumber seq) { assert(rep_ != nullptr); // The stripe includes seqnum for the snapshot above and excludes seqnum for // the snapshot below. StripeMap::iterator iter; if (seq > 0) { // upper_bound() checks strict inequality so need to subtract one iter = rep_->stripe_map_.upper_bound(seq - 1); } else { iter = rep_->stripe_map_.begin(); } // catch-all stripe justifies this assertion in either of above cases assert(iter != rep_->stripe_map_.end()); return *iter->second; } bool RangeDelAggregator::IsEmpty() { if (rep_ == nullptr) { return true; } for (const auto& stripe : rep_->stripe_map_) { if (!stripe.second->IsEmpty()) { return false; } } return true; } bool RangeDelAggregator::AddFile(uint64_t file_number) { if (rep_ == nullptr) { return true; } return rep_->added_files_.emplace(file_number).second; } class MergingRangeDelIter : public RangeDelIterator { public: MergingRangeDelIter(const Comparator* c) : heap_(IterMinHeap(IterComparator(c))), current_(nullptr) {} void AddIterator(std::unique_ptr iter) { if (iter->Valid()) { heap_.push(iter.get()); iters_.push_back(std::move(iter)); current_ = heap_.top(); } } bool Valid() const override { return current_ != nullptr; } void Next() override { current_->Next(); if (current_->Valid()) { heap_.replace_top(current_); } else { heap_.pop(); } current_ = heap_.empty() ? nullptr : heap_.top(); } void Seek(const Slice& target) override { ParsedInternalKey ikey(target, kMaxSequenceNumber, kMaxValue); Seek(ikey); } void Seek(const ParsedInternalKey& target) override { heap_.clear(); for (auto& iter : iters_) { iter->Seek(target); if (iter->Valid()) { heap_.push(iter.get()); } } current_ = heap_.empty() ? nullptr : heap_.top(); } RangeTombstone Tombstone() const override { return current_->Tombstone(); } private: struct IterComparator { IterComparator(const Comparator* c) : cmp(c) {} bool operator()(const RangeDelIterator* a, const RangeDelIterator* b) const { // Note: counterintuitively, returning the tombstone with the larger start // key puts the tombstone with the smallest key at the top of the heap. return cmp->Compare(a->Tombstone().start_key_, b->Tombstone().start_key_) > 0; } const Comparator* cmp; }; typedef BinaryHeap IterMinHeap; std::vector> iters_; IterMinHeap heap_; RangeDelIterator* current_; }; std::unique_ptr RangeDelAggregator::NewIterator() { std::unique_ptr iter( new MergingRangeDelIter(icmp_.user_comparator())); if (rep_ != nullptr) { for (const auto& stripe : rep_->stripe_map_) { iter->AddIterator(stripe.second->NewIterator()); } } return std::move(iter); } } // namespace rocksdb