#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import os import sys import time import random import re import tempfile import subprocess import shutil import argparse # params overwrite priority: # for default: # default_params < {blackbox,whitebox}_default_params < args # for simple: # default_params < {blackbox,whitebox}_default_params < # simple_default_params < # {blackbox,whitebox}_simple_default_params < args # for cf_consistency: # default_params < {blackbox,whitebox}_default_params < # cf_consistency_params < args # for txn: # default_params < {blackbox,whitebox}_default_params < txn_params < args expected_values_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() default_params = { "acquire_snapshot_one_in": 10000, "block_size": 16384, "bloom_bits": lambda: random.choice([random.randint(0,19), random.lognormvariate(2.3, 1.3)]), "cache_index_and_filter_blocks": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "cache_size": 1048576, "checkpoint_one_in": 1000000, "compression_type": lambda: random.choice( ["none", "snappy", "zlib", "bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "xpress", "zstd"]), "bottommost_compression_type": lambda: "disable" if random.randint(0, 1) == 0 else random.choice( ["none", "snappy", "zlib", "bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "xpress", "zstd"]), "checksum_type" : lambda: random.choice(["kCRC32c", "kxxHash", "kxxHash64"]), "compression_max_dict_bytes": lambda: 16384 * random.randint(0, 1), "compression_zstd_max_train_bytes": lambda: 65536 * random.randint(0, 1), # Disabled compression_parallel_threads as the feature is not stable # lambda: random.choice([1] * 9 + [4]) "compression_parallel_threads": 1, "clear_column_family_one_in": 0, "compact_files_one_in": 1000000, "compact_range_one_in": 1000000, "delpercent": 4, "delrangepercent": 1, "destroy_db_initially": 0, "enable_pipelined_write": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "enable_compaction_filter": lambda: random.choice([0, 0, 0, 1]), "expected_values_path": expected_values_file.name, "flush_one_in": 1000000, "file_checksum_impl": lambda: random.choice(["none", "crc32c", "xxh64", "big"]), "get_live_files_one_in": 1000000, # Note: the following two are intentionally disabled as the corresponding # APIs are not guaranteed to succeed. "get_sorted_wal_files_one_in": 0, "get_current_wal_file_one_in": 0, # Temporarily disable hash index "index_type": lambda: random.choice([0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 3]), "iterpercent": 10, "mark_for_compaction_one_file_in": lambda: 10 * random.randint(0, 1), "max_background_compactions": 20, "max_bytes_for_level_base": 10485760, "max_key": 100000000, "max_write_buffer_number": 3, "mmap_read": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "nooverwritepercent": 1, "open_files": lambda : random.choice([-1, -1, 100, 500000]), "optimize_filters_for_memory": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "partition_filters": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "pause_background_one_in": 1000000, "prefixpercent": 5, "progress_reports": 0, "readpercent": 45, "recycle_log_file_num": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "reopen": 20, "snapshot_hold_ops": 100000, "sst_file_manager_bytes_per_sec": lambda: random.choice([0, 104857600]), "sst_file_manager_bytes_per_truncate": lambda: random.choice([0, 1048576]), "long_running_snapshots": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "subcompactions": lambda: random.randint(1, 4), "target_file_size_base": 2097152, "target_file_size_multiplier": 2, "use_direct_reads": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "mock_direct_io": False, "use_full_merge_v1": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "use_merge": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "verify_checksum": 1, "write_buffer_size": 4 * 1024 * 1024, "writepercent": 35, "format_version": lambda: random.choice([2, 3, 4, 5, 5]), "index_block_restart_interval": lambda: random.choice(range(1, 16)), "use_multiget" : lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "periodic_compaction_seconds" : lambda: random.choice([0, 0, 1, 2, 10, 100, 1000]), "compaction_ttl" : lambda: random.choice([0, 0, 1, 2, 10, 100, 1000]), # Test small max_manifest_file_size in a smaller chance, as most of the # time we wnat manifest history to be preserved to help debug "max_manifest_file_size" : lambda : random.choice( [t * 16384 if t < 3 else 1024 * 1024 * 1024 for t in range(1, 30)]), # Sync mode might make test runs slower so running it in a smaller chance "sync" : lambda : random.choice( [1 if t == 0 else 0 for t in range(0, 20)]), # Disable compation_readahead_size because the test is not passing. #"compaction_readahead_size" : lambda : random.choice( # [0, 0, 1024 * 1024]), "db_write_buffer_size" : lambda: random.choice( [0, 0, 0, 1024 * 1024, 8 * 1024 * 1024, 128 * 1024 * 1024]), "avoid_unnecessary_blocking_io" : random.randint(0, 1), "write_dbid_to_manifest" : random.randint(0, 1), "avoid_flush_during_recovery" : random.choice( [1 if t == 0 else 0 for t in range(0, 8)]), "max_write_batch_group_size_bytes" : lambda: random.choice( [16, 64, 1024 * 1024, 16 * 1024 * 1024]), "level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes" : True, "verify_checksum_one_in": 1000000, "verify_db_one_in": 100000, "continuous_verification_interval" : 0, "max_key_len": 3, "key_len_percent_dist": "1,30,69", "read_fault_one_in": lambda: random.choice([0, 1000]), "sync_fault_injection": False, "get_property_one_in": 1000000, } _TEST_DIR_ENV_VAR = 'TEST_TMPDIR' _DEBUG_LEVEL_ENV_VAR = 'DEBUG_LEVEL' def is_release_mode(): return os.environ.get(_DEBUG_LEVEL_ENV_VAR) == "0" def get_dbname(test_name): test_dir_name = "rocksdb_crashtest_" + test_name test_tmpdir = os.environ.get(_TEST_DIR_ENV_VAR) if test_tmpdir is None or test_tmpdir == "": dbname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=test_dir_name) else: dbname = test_tmpdir + "/" + test_dir_name shutil.rmtree(dbname, True) os.mkdir(dbname) return dbname def is_direct_io_supported(dbname): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dbname) as f: try: os.open(f.name, os.O_DIRECT) except BaseException: return False return True blackbox_default_params = { # total time for this script to test db_stress "duration": 6000, # time for one db_stress instance to run "interval": 120, # since we will be killing anyway, use large value for ops_per_thread "ops_per_thread": 100000000, "set_options_one_in": 10000, "test_batches_snapshots": 1, } whitebox_default_params = { "duration": 10000, "log2_keys_per_lock": 10, "ops_per_thread": 200000, "random_kill_odd": 888887, "test_batches_snapshots": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), } simple_default_params = { "allow_concurrent_memtable_write": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "column_families": 1, "max_background_compactions": 1, "max_bytes_for_level_base": 67108864, "memtablerep": "skip_list", "prefixpercent": 0, "readpercent": 50, "prefix_size" : -1, "target_file_size_base": 16777216, "target_file_size_multiplier": 1, "test_batches_snapshots": 0, "write_buffer_size": 32 * 1024 * 1024, "level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes": False, } blackbox_simple_default_params = { "open_files": -1, "set_options_one_in": 0, } whitebox_simple_default_params = {} cf_consistency_params = { "disable_wal": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), "reopen": 0, "test_cf_consistency": 1, # use small value for write_buffer_size so that RocksDB triggers flush # more frequently "write_buffer_size": 1024 * 1024, "enable_pipelined_write": lambda: random.randint(0, 1), # Snapshots are used heavily in this test mode, while they are incompatible # with compaction filter. "enable_compaction_filter": 0, } txn_params = { "use_txn" : 1, # Avoid lambda to set it once for the entire test "txn_write_policy": random.randint(0, 2), "unordered_write": random.randint(0, 1), "disable_wal": 0, # OpenReadOnly after checkpoint is not currnetly compatible with WritePrepared txns "checkpoint_one_in": 0, # pipeline write is not currnetly compatible with WritePrepared txns "enable_pipelined_write": 0, } best_efforts_recovery_params = { "best_efforts_recovery": True, "skip_verifydb": True, "verify_db_one_in": 0, "continuous_verification_interval": 0, } def finalize_and_sanitize(src_params): dest_params = dict([(k, v() if callable(v) else v) for (k, v) in src_params.items()]) if dest_params.get("compression_type") != "zstd" or \ dest_params.get("compression_max_dict_bytes") == 0: dest_params["compression_zstd_max_train_bytes"] = 0 if dest_params.get("allow_concurrent_memtable_write", 1) == 1: dest_params["memtablerep"] = "skip_list" if dest_params["mmap_read"] == 1: dest_params["use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction"] = 0 dest_params["use_direct_reads"] = 0 if (dest_params["use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction"] == 1 or dest_params["use_direct_reads"] == 1) and \ not is_direct_io_supported(dest_params["db"]): if is_release_mode(): print("{} does not support direct IO".format(dest_params["db"])) sys.exit(1) else: dest_params["mock_direct_io"] = True # DeleteRange is not currnetly compatible with Txns if dest_params.get("test_batches_snapshots") == 1 or \ dest_params.get("use_txn") == 1: dest_params["delpercent"] += dest_params["delrangepercent"] dest_params["delrangepercent"] = 0 # Only under WritePrepared txns, unordered_write would provide the same guarnatees as vanilla rocksdb if dest_params.get("unordered_write", 0) == 1: dest_params["txn_write_policy"] = 1 dest_params["allow_concurrent_memtable_write"] = 1 if dest_params.get("disable_wal", 0) == 1: dest_params["atomic_flush"] = 1 dest_params["sync"] = 0 if dest_params.get("open_files", 1) != -1: # Compaction TTL and periodic compactions are only compatible # with open_files = -1 dest_params["compaction_ttl"] = 0 dest_params["periodic_compaction_seconds"] = 0 if dest_params.get("compaction_style", 0) == 2: # Disable compaction TTL in FIFO compaction, because right # now assertion failures are triggered. dest_params["compaction_ttl"] = 0 dest_params["periodic_compaction_seconds"] = 0 if dest_params["partition_filters"] == 1: if dest_params["index_type"] != 2: dest_params["partition_filters"] = 0 else: dest_params["use_block_based_filter"] = 0 if dest_params.get("atomic_flush", 0) == 1: # disable pipelined write when atomic flush is used. dest_params["enable_pipelined_write"] = 0 if dest_params.get("sst_file_manager_bytes_per_sec", 0) == 0: dest_params["sst_file_manager_bytes_per_truncate"] = 0 if dest_params.get("enable_compaction_filter", 0) == 1: # Compaction filter is incompatible with snapshots. Need to avoid taking # snapshots, as well as avoid operations that use snapshots for # verification. dest_params["acquire_snapshot_one_in"] = 0 dest_params["compact_range_one_in"] = 0 # Give the iterator ops away to reads. dest_params["readpercent"] += dest_params.get("iterpercent", 10) dest_params["iterpercent"] = 0 dest_params["test_batches_snapshots"] = 0 return dest_params def gen_cmd_params(args): params = {} params.update(default_params) if args.test_type == 'blackbox': params.update(blackbox_default_params) if args.test_type == 'whitebox': params.update(whitebox_default_params) if args.simple: params.update(simple_default_params) if args.test_type == 'blackbox': params.update(blackbox_simple_default_params) if args.test_type == 'whitebox': params.update(whitebox_simple_default_params) if args.cf_consistency: params.update(cf_consistency_params) if args.txn: params.update(txn_params) if args.test_best_efforts_recovery: params.update(best_efforts_recovery_params) for k, v in vars(args).items(): if v is not None: params[k] = v return params def gen_cmd(params, unknown_params): finalzied_params = finalize_and_sanitize(params) cmd = ['./db_stress'] + [ '--{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in [(k, finalzied_params[k]) for k in sorted(finalzied_params)] if k not in set(['test_type', 'simple', 'duration', 'interval', 'random_kill_odd', 'cf_consistency', 'txn', 'test_best_efforts_recovery']) and v is not None] + unknown_params return cmd # Inject inconsistency to db directory. def inject_inconsistencies_to_db_dir(dir_path): files = os.listdir(dir_path) file_num_rgx = re.compile(r'(?P[0-9]{6})') largest_fnum = 0 for f in files: m = file_num_rgx.search(f) if m and not f.startswith('LOG'): largest_fnum = max(largest_fnum, int(m.group('number'))) candidates = [ f for f in files if re.search(r'[0-9]+\.sst', f) ] deleted = 0 corrupted = 0 for f in candidates: rnd = random.randint(0, 99) f_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f) if rnd < 10: os.unlink(f_path) deleted = deleted + 1 elif 10 <= rnd and rnd < 30: with open(f_path, "a") as fd: fd.write('12345678') corrupted = corrupted + 1 print('Removed %d table files' % deleted) print('Corrupted %d table files' % corrupted) # Add corrupted MANIFEST and SST for num in range(largest_fnum + 1, largest_fnum + 10): rnd = random.randint(0, 1) fname = ("MANIFEST-%06d" % num) if rnd == 0 else ("%06d.sst" % num) print('Write %s' % fname) with open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), "w") as fd: fd.write("garbage") # This script runs and kills db_stress multiple times. It checks consistency # in case of unsafe crashes in RocksDB. def blackbox_crash_main(args, unknown_args): cmd_params = gen_cmd_params(args) dbname = get_dbname('blackbox') exit_time = time.time() + cmd_params['duration'] print("Running blackbox-crash-test with \n" + "interval_between_crash=" + str(cmd_params['interval']) + "\n" + "total-duration=" + str(cmd_params['duration']) + "\n") while time.time() < exit_time: run_had_errors = False killtime = time.time() + cmd_params['interval'] cmd = gen_cmd(dict( list(cmd_params.items()) + list({'db': dbname}.items())), unknown_args) child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print("Running db_stress with pid=%d: %s\n\n" % (child.pid, ' '.join(cmd))) stop_early = False while time.time() < killtime: if child.poll() is not None: print("WARNING: db_stress ended before kill: exitcode=%d\n" % child.returncode) stop_early = True break time.sleep(1) if not stop_early: if child.poll() is not None: print("WARNING: db_stress ended before kill: exitcode=%d\n" % child.returncode) else: child.kill() print("KILLED %d\n" % child.pid) time.sleep(1) # time to stabilize after a kill while True: line = child.stderr.readline().strip().decode('utf-8') if line == '': break elif not line.startswith('WARNING'): run_had_errors = True print('stderr has error message:') print('***' + line + '***') if run_had_errors: sys.exit(2) time.sleep(1) # time to stabilize before the next run if args.test_best_efforts_recovery: inject_inconsistencies_to_db_dir(dbname) time.sleep(1) # time to stabilize before the next run # we need to clean up after ourselves -- only do this on test success shutil.rmtree(dbname, True) # This python script runs db_stress multiple times. Some runs with # kill_random_test that causes rocksdb to crash at various points in code. def whitebox_crash_main(args, unknown_args): cmd_params = gen_cmd_params(args) dbname = get_dbname('whitebox') cur_time = time.time() exit_time = cur_time + cmd_params['duration'] half_time = cur_time + cmd_params['duration'] // 2 print("Running whitebox-crash-test with \n" + "total-duration=" + str(cmd_params['duration']) + "\n") total_check_mode = 4 check_mode = 0 kill_random_test = cmd_params['random_kill_odd'] kill_mode = 0 while time.time() < exit_time: if check_mode == 0: additional_opts = { # use large ops per thread since we will kill it anyway "ops_per_thread": 100 * cmd_params['ops_per_thread'], } # run with kill_random_test, with three modes. # Mode 0 covers all kill points. Mode 1 covers less kill points but # increases change of triggering them. Mode 2 covers even less # frequent kill points and further increases triggering change. if kill_mode == 0: additional_opts.update({ "kill_random_test": kill_random_test, }) elif kill_mode == 1: if cmd_params.get('disable_wal', 0) == 1: my_kill_odd = kill_random_test // 50 + 1 else: my_kill_odd = kill_random_test // 10 + 1 additional_opts.update({ "kill_random_test": my_kill_odd, "kill_exclude_prefixes": "WritableFileWriter::Append," + "WritableFileWriter::WriteBuffered", }) elif kill_mode == 2: # TODO: May need to adjust random odds if kill_random_test # is too small. additional_opts.update({ "kill_random_test": (kill_random_test // 5000 + 1), "kill_exclude_prefixes": "WritableFileWriter::Append," "WritableFileWriter::WriteBuffered," "PosixMmapFile::Allocate,WritableFileWriter::Flush", }) # Run kill mode 0, 1 and 2 by turn. kill_mode = (kill_mode + 1) % 3 elif check_mode == 1: # normal run with universal compaction mode additional_opts = { "kill_random_test": None, "ops_per_thread": cmd_params['ops_per_thread'], "compaction_style": 1, } # Single level universal has a lot of special logic. Ensure we cover # it sometimes. if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: additional_opts.update({ "num_levels": 1, }) elif check_mode == 2: # normal run with FIFO compaction mode # ops_per_thread is divided by 5 because FIFO compaction # style is quite a bit slower on reads with lot of files additional_opts = { "kill_random_test": None, "ops_per_thread": cmd_params['ops_per_thread'] // 5, "compaction_style": 2, } else: # normal run additional_opts = { "kill_random_test": None, "ops_per_thread": cmd_params['ops_per_thread'], } cmd = gen_cmd(dict(list(cmd_params.items()) + list(additional_opts.items()) + list({'db': dbname}.items())), unknown_args) print("Running:" + ' '.join(cmd) + "\n") # noqa: E999 T25377293 Grandfathered in popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdoutdata, stderrdata = popen.communicate() if stdoutdata: stdoutdata = stdoutdata.decode('utf-8') if stderrdata: stderrdata = stderrdata.decode('utf-8') retncode = popen.returncode msg = ("check_mode={0}, kill option={1}, exitcode={2}\n".format( check_mode, additional_opts['kill_random_test'], retncode)) print(msg) print(stdoutdata) expected = False if additional_opts['kill_random_test'] is None and (retncode == 0): # we expect zero retncode if no kill option expected = True elif additional_opts['kill_random_test'] is not None and retncode <= 0: # When kill option is given, the test MIGHT kill itself. # If it does, negative retncode is expected. Otherwise 0. expected = True if not expected: print("TEST FAILED. See kill option and exit code above!!!\n") sys.exit(1) stdoutdata = stdoutdata.lower() errorcount = (stdoutdata.count('error') - stdoutdata.count('got errors 0 times')) print("#times error occurred in output is " + str(errorcount) + "\n") if (errorcount > 0): print("TEST FAILED. Output has 'error'!!!\n") sys.exit(2) if (stdoutdata.find('fail') >= 0): print("TEST FAILED. Output has 'fail'!!!\n") sys.exit(2) # First half of the duration, keep doing kill test. For the next half, # try different modes. if time.time() > half_time: # we need to clean up after ourselves -- only do this on test # success shutil.rmtree(dbname, True) os.mkdir(dbname) cmd_params.pop('expected_values_path', None) check_mode = (check_mode + 1) % total_check_mode time.sleep(1) # time to stabilize after a kill def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This script runs and kills \ db_stress multiple times") parser.add_argument("test_type", choices=["blackbox", "whitebox"]) parser.add_argument("--simple", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--cf_consistency", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--txn", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--test_best_efforts_recovery", action='store_true') all_params = dict(list(default_params.items()) + list(blackbox_default_params.items()) + list(whitebox_default_params.items()) + list(simple_default_params.items()) + list(blackbox_simple_default_params.items()) + list(whitebox_simple_default_params.items())) for k, v in all_params.items(): parser.add_argument("--" + k, type=type(v() if callable(v) else v)) # unknown_args are passed directly to db_stress args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() test_tmpdir = os.environ.get(_TEST_DIR_ENV_VAR) if test_tmpdir is not None and not os.path.isdir(test_tmpdir): print('%s env var is set to a non-existent directory: %s' % (_TEST_DIR_ENV_VAR, test_tmpdir)) sys.exit(1) if args.test_type == 'blackbox': blackbox_crash_main(args, unknown_args) if args.test_type == 'whitebox': whitebox_crash_main(args, unknown_args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()