/** * Copyright 2012 Facebook * @author Tudor Bosman (tudorb@fb.com) */ #ifndef THRIFT_LIB_CPP_PROTOCOL_NEUTRONIUM_DECODER_INL_H_ #define THRIFT_LIB_CPP_PROTOCOL_NEUTRONIUM_DECODER_INL_H_ #ifndef THRIFT_INCLUDE_DECODER_INL #error This file may only be included from Decoder.h #endif #include "folly/GroupVarint.h" #include "folly/Conv.h" namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace protocol { namespace neutronium { inline const char* CH(const uint8_t* p) { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p); } inline char* CH(uint8_t* p) { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(p); } template <class P> inline auto CH(P p) -> std::pair<decltype(CH(p.first)), decltype(p.second)> { return std::make_pair(CH(p.first), p.second); } inline folly::StringPiece SP(std::pair<const uint8_t*, size_t> p) { return folly::StringPiece(CH(p.first), p.second); } inline void Decoder::setRootType(int64_t rootType) { CHECK(stack_.empty()); rootType_ = rootType; } inline void Decoder::readStructBegin() { push(reflection::TYPE_STRUCT, nextType(), 0); } inline void Decoder::readStructEnd() { DCHECK_EQ(top().state, IN_STRUCT); // The last readFieldBegin returned T_STOP and so didn't change the state // to IN_FIELD pop(); } inline int64_t Decoder::nextType() { int64_t type; if (!stack_.empty()) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); type = s.type.typeVal; } else { type = rootType_; } return type; } inline void Decoder::readMapBegin(TType& keyType, TType& valType, uint32_t& size) { size = peekElementCount(); push(reflection::TYPE_MAP, nextType(), size); keyType = top().list.mapKeyType.ttype(); valType = top().list.valueType.ttype(); size = top().list.remaining; } inline void Decoder::readMapEnd() { DCHECK_EQ(top().state, IN_MAP_VALUE); DCHECK_EQ(top().list.remaining, 0); pop(); } inline void Decoder::readListBegin(TType& elemType, uint32_t& size) { size = peekElementCount(); push(reflection::TYPE_LIST, nextType(), size); elemType = top().list.valueType.ttype(); size = top().list.remaining; } inline void Decoder::readListEnd() { DCHECK_EQ(top().state, IN_LIST_VALUE); DCHECK_EQ(top().list.remaining, 0); pop(); } inline void Decoder::readSetBegin(TType& elemType, uint32_t& size) { size = peekElementCount(); push(reflection::TYPE_SET, nextType(), size); elemType = top().list.valueType.ttype(); size = top().list.remaining; } inline void Decoder::readSetEnd() { DCHECK_EQ(top().state, IN_SET_VALUE); DCHECK_EQ(top().list.remaining, 0); pop(); } inline void Decoder::push(reflection::Type rtype, int64_t type, uint32_t size) { if (rtype != reflection::getType(type)) { throw TProtocolException(folly::to<std::string>( "Invalid type ", reflection::getType(type), " expected ", rtype)); } const DataType* dt = &(schema_->map().at(type)); stack_.emplace_back(schema_, type, dt, size); read(); } inline Decoder::TypeInfo::TypeInfo(const Schema* schema, int64_t t) : typeVal(t), length(kVariableLength), dataType(nullptr), terminator('\0') { if (!reflection::isBaseType(type())) { dataType = &(schema->map().at(t)); length = dataType->fixedSize; } } inline Decoder::TypeInfo::TypeInfo(int64_t t) : typeVal(t), length(kVariableLength), dataType(nullptr), terminator('\0') { DCHECK(reflection::isBaseType(type())); } template <typename T> inline void Decoder::DecoderState::setStateList(T& ts) { if (UNLIKELY(++ts.index == ts.count)) { throw TProtocolException("type mismatch"); } } inline void Decoder::DecoderState::nextList() { switch (state) { case IN_MAP_KEY: state = IN_MAP_VALUE; type = list.valueType; break; // don't advance to next case IN_MAP_VALUE: state = IN_MAP_KEY; type = list.mapKeyType; DCHECK_NE(list.remaining, 0); --list.remaining; break; case IN_LIST_VALUE: case IN_SET_VALUE: type = list.valueType; DCHECK_NE(list.remaining, 0); --list.remaining; break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid state " << state; } // Advance to next element switch (type.typeVal) { case reflection::TYPE_BOOL: setStateList(bools); break; case reflection::TYPE_BYTE: setStateList(bytes); break; case reflection::TYPE_I16: // fallthrough case reflection::TYPE_I32: setStateList(ints); break; case reflection::TYPE_I64: // fallthrough case reflection::TYPE_DOUBLE: setStateList(int64s); break; case reflection::TYPE_STRING: // fallthrough default: setStateList(strings); } } template <typename TS, typename TV> bool Decoder::DecoderState::setStateStruct( TS& ts, const TV& tv, FieldState nextState) { if (++ts.index == ts.count) { str.fieldState = nextState; return false; } else { auto& p = tv[ts.index]; str.tag = p.first; type = p.second; return true; } } inline bool Decoder::DecoderState::nextStruct() { switch (str.fieldState) { case FS_START: str.fieldState = FS_INT; ints.index = -1; // fallthrough case FS_INT: if (setStateStruct(ints, str.intTags, FS_INT64)) { break; } // fallthrough case FS_INT64: if (setStateStruct(int64s, str.int64Tags, FS_BOOL)) { break; } // fallthrough case FS_BOOL: if (setStateStruct(bools, str.boolTags, FS_STRICT_ENUM)) { break; } case FS_STRICT_ENUM: if (setStateStruct(strictEnums, str.strictEnumTags, FS_BYTE)) { break; } // fallthrough case FS_BYTE: if (setStateStruct(bytes, str.byteTags, FS_INTERNED_STRING)) { break; } // fallthrough case FS_INTERNED_STRING: if (setStateStruct(internedStrings, str.internedStringTags, FS_STRING)) { break; } case FS_STRING: if (setStateStruct(strings, str.stringTags, FS_END)) { break; } // fallthrough case FS_END: return false; } return true; } inline bool Decoder::DecoderState::nextField() { DCHECK_EQ(state, IN_STRUCT); if (!nextStruct()) { return false; } state = IN_FIELD; setLength(); return true; } inline void Decoder::DecoderState::nextValue() { DCHECK_NE(state, IN_STRUCT); if (state != IN_FIELD) { nextList(); setLength(); } } inline void Decoder::DecoderState::setLength() { if (type.type() == reflection::TYPE_STRING && type.length == kVariableLength) { // Variable size, read length if (++vars.index == vars.count) { throw TProtocolException("too many vars"); } type.length = vars.values[vars.index]; } } inline uint32_t Decoder::peekElementCount() { uint32_t len; cursor_.gather(folly::GroupVarint32::maxSize(1)); folly::GroupVarint32Decoder decoder(SP(cursor_.peek())); uint32_t count; if (!decoder.next(&count)) { throw TProtocolException("underflow"); } return count; } inline void Decoder::readFieldBegin(TType& fieldType, int16_t& fieldId) { auto& s = top(); if (s.nextField()) { fieldType = s.type.ttype(); fieldId = s.str.tag; } else { fieldType = T_STOP; fieldId = 0; } } inline void Decoder::readFieldEnd() { auto& s = top(); CHECK_EQ(s.state, IN_FIELD); s.state = IN_STRUCT; } inline void Decoder::readBool(bool& value) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_BOOL)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } value = testBit(s.bools.values, s.boolStartBit + s.bools.index); } inline void Decoder::readByte(int8_t& value) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_BYTE)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } value = s.bytes.values[s.bytes.index]; } inline void Decoder::readI16(int16_t& value) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_I16)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } value = s.ints.values[s.ints.index]; } inline void Decoder::readI32(int32_t& value) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); // Strict enums only occur in structs // TODO(tudorb): Relax? if (s.state == IN_FIELD && s.str.fieldState == DecoderState::FS_STRICT_ENUM) { value = s.strictEnums.values[s.strictEnums.index]; } else if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_I32)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } else { value = s.ints.values[s.ints.index]; } } inline void Decoder::readI64(int64_t& value) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_I64)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } value = s.int64s.values[s.int64s.index]; } inline void Decoder::readDouble(double& value) { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_DOUBLE)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } int64_t i64 = s.int64s.values[s.int64s.index]; value = bitwise_cast<double>(i64); } inline bool Decoder::beginReadString() { auto& s = top(); s.nextValue(); if (UNLIKELY(s.type.typeVal != reflection::TYPE_STRING)) { throw TProtocolException("invalid type"); } // Interned strings only occur in structs, // TODO(tudorb): Relax? return (s.state == IN_FIELD && s.str.fieldState == DecoderState::FS_INTERNED_STRING); } template <typename StrType> inline void Decoder::readString(StrType& str) { if (beginReadString()) { // interned auto& s = top(); auto sp = s.internedStrings.values[s.internedStrings.index]; str.assign(sp.data(), sp.size()); } else { // not interned str.clear(); int64_t len = top().type.length; DCHECK(len >= 0 || len == kTerminated); if (len == kTerminated) { char terminator = top().type.terminator; const uint8_t* term = nullptr; while (!term) { auto p = cursor_.peek(); if (p.second == 0) throw TLibraryException("eof"); term = static_cast<const uint8_t*>( memchr(p.first, terminator, p.second)); size_t n = term ? term - p.first : p.second; str.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p.first), n); cursor_.skip(n); top().bytesRead += n; } } else { while (len) { auto p = cursor_.peek(); if (p.second == 0) throw TLibraryException("eof"); auto n = std::min(len, static_cast<int64_t>(p.second)); str.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p.first), n); cursor_.skip(n); top().bytesRead += n; len -= n; } } } } inline Decoder::DecoderState& Decoder::top() { DCHECK(!stack_.empty()); return stack_.back(); } inline void Decoder::pop() { DCHECK(!stack_.empty()); size_t bytesRead = stack_.back().bytesRead; stack_.pop_back(); if (stack_.empty()) { bytesRead_ = bytesRead; } else { top().bytesRead += bytesRead; } } } // namespace neutronium } // namespace protocol } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache #endif /* THRIFT_LIB_CPP_PROTOCOL_NEUTRONIUM_DECODER_INL_H_ */