// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). // // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #include "db/log_reader.h" #include "db/log_writer.h" #include "rocksdb/env.h" #include "util/coding.h" #include "util/crc32c.h" #include "util/file_reader_writer.h" #include "util/random.h" #include "test_util/testharness.h" #include "test_util/testutil.h" namespace rocksdb { namespace log { // Construct a string of the specified length made out of the supplied // partial string. static std::string BigString(const std::string& partial_string, size_t n) { std::string result; while (result.size() < n) { result.append(partial_string); } result.resize(n); return result; } // Construct a string from a number static std::string NumberString(int n) { char buf[50]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d.", n); return std::string(buf); } // Return a skewed potentially long string static std::string RandomSkewedString(int i, Random* rnd) { return BigString(NumberString(i), rnd->Skewed(17)); } // Param type is tuple // get<0>(tuple): non-zero if recycling log, zero if regular log // get<1>(tuple): true if allow retry after read EOF, false otherwise class LogTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam> { private: class StringSource : public SequentialFile { public: Slice& contents_; bool force_error_; size_t force_error_position_; bool force_eof_; size_t force_eof_position_; bool returned_partial_; bool fail_after_read_partial_; explicit StringSource(Slice& contents, bool fail_after_read_partial) : contents_(contents), force_error_(false), force_error_position_(0), force_eof_(false), force_eof_position_(0), returned_partial_(false), fail_after_read_partial_(fail_after_read_partial) {} Status Read(size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) override { if (fail_after_read_partial_) { EXPECT_TRUE(!returned_partial_) << "must not Read() after eof/error"; } if (force_error_) { if (force_error_position_ >= n) { force_error_position_ -= n; } else { *result = Slice(contents_.data(), force_error_position_); contents_.remove_prefix(force_error_position_); force_error_ = false; returned_partial_ = true; return Status::Corruption("read error"); } } if (contents_.size() < n) { n = contents_.size(); returned_partial_ = true; } if (force_eof_) { if (force_eof_position_ >= n) { force_eof_position_ -= n; } else { force_eof_ = false; n = force_eof_position_; returned_partial_ = true; } } // By using scratch we ensure that caller has control over the // lifetime of result.data() memcpy(scratch, contents_.data(), n); *result = Slice(scratch, n); contents_.remove_prefix(n); return Status::OK(); } Status Skip(uint64_t n) override { if (n > contents_.size()) { contents_.clear(); return Status::NotFound("in-memory file skipepd past end"); } contents_.remove_prefix(n); return Status::OK(); } }; class ReportCollector : public Reader::Reporter { public: size_t dropped_bytes_; std::string message_; ReportCollector() : dropped_bytes_(0) { } void Corruption(size_t bytes, const Status& status) override { dropped_bytes_ += bytes; message_.append(status.ToString()); } }; std::string& dest_contents() { auto dest = dynamic_cast(writer_.file()->writable_file()); assert(dest); return dest->contents_; } const std::string& dest_contents() const { auto dest = dynamic_cast(writer_.file()->writable_file()); assert(dest); return dest->contents_; } void reset_source_contents() { auto src = dynamic_cast(reader_->file()->file()); assert(src); src->contents_ = dest_contents(); } Slice reader_contents_; std::unique_ptr dest_holder_; std::unique_ptr source_holder_; ReportCollector report_; Writer writer_; std::unique_ptr reader_; protected: bool allow_retry_read_; public: LogTest() : reader_contents_(), dest_holder_(test::GetWritableFileWriter( new test::StringSink(&reader_contents_), "" /* don't care */)), source_holder_(test::GetSequentialFileReader( new StringSource(reader_contents_, !std::get<1>(GetParam())), "" /* file name */)), writer_(std::move(dest_holder_), 123, std::get<0>(GetParam())), allow_retry_read_(std::get<1>(GetParam())) { if (allow_retry_read_) { reader_.reset(new FragmentBufferedReader( nullptr, std::move(source_holder_), &report_, true /* checksum */, 123 /* log_number */)); } else { reader_.reset(new Reader(nullptr, std::move(source_holder_), &report_, true /* checksum */, 123 /* log_number */)); } } Slice* get_reader_contents() { return &reader_contents_; } void Write(const std::string& msg) { writer_.AddRecord(Slice(msg)); } size_t WrittenBytes() const { return dest_contents().size(); } std::string Read(const WALRecoveryMode wal_recovery_mode = WALRecoveryMode::kTolerateCorruptedTailRecords) { std::string scratch; Slice record; bool ret = false; ret = reader_->ReadRecord(&record, &scratch, wal_recovery_mode); if (ret) { return record.ToString(); } else { return "EOF"; } } void IncrementByte(int offset, char delta) { dest_contents()[offset] += delta; } void SetByte(int offset, char new_byte) { dest_contents()[offset] = new_byte; } void ShrinkSize(int bytes) { auto dest = dynamic_cast(writer_.file()->writable_file()); assert(dest); dest->Drop(bytes); } void FixChecksum(int header_offset, int len, bool recyclable) { // Compute crc of type/len/data int header_size = recyclable ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; uint32_t crc = crc32c::Value(&dest_contents()[header_offset + 6], header_size - 6 + len); crc = crc32c::Mask(crc); EncodeFixed32(&dest_contents()[header_offset], crc); } void ForceError(size_t position = 0) { auto src = dynamic_cast(reader_->file()->file()); src->force_error_ = true; src->force_error_position_ = position; } size_t DroppedBytes() const { return report_.dropped_bytes_; } std::string ReportMessage() const { return report_.message_; } void ForceEOF(size_t position = 0) { auto src = dynamic_cast(reader_->file()->file()); src->force_eof_ = true; src->force_eof_position_ = position; } void UnmarkEOF() { auto src = dynamic_cast(reader_->file()->file()); src->returned_partial_ = false; reader_->UnmarkEOF(); } bool IsEOF() { return reader_->IsEOF(); } // Returns OK iff recorded error message contains "msg" std::string MatchError(const std::string& msg) const { if (report_.message_.find(msg) == std::string::npos) { return report_.message_; } else { return "OK"; } } }; TEST_P(LogTest, Empty) { ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, ReadWrite) { Write("foo"); Write("bar"); Write(""); Write("xxxx"); ASSERT_EQ("foo", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("xxxx", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); // Make sure reads at eof work } TEST_P(LogTest, ManyBlocks) { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Write(NumberString(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(NumberString(i), Read()); } ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, Fragmentation) { Write("small"); Write(BigString("medium", 50000)); Write(BigString("large", 100000)); ASSERT_EQ("small", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("medium", 50000), Read()); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("large", 100000), Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, MarginalTrailer) { // Make a trailer that is exactly the same length as an empty record. int header_size = std::get<0>(GetParam()) ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; const int n = kBlockSize - 2 * header_size; Write(BigString("foo", n)); ASSERT_EQ((unsigned int)(kBlockSize - header_size), WrittenBytes()); Write(""); Write("bar"); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read()); ASSERT_EQ("", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, MarginalTrailer2) { // Make a trailer that is exactly the same length as an empty record. int header_size = std::get<0>(GetParam()) ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; const int n = kBlockSize - 2 * header_size; Write(BigString("foo", n)); ASSERT_EQ((unsigned int)(kBlockSize - header_size), WrittenBytes()); Write("bar"); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read()); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(0U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage()); } TEST_P(LogTest, ShortTrailer) { int header_size = std::get<0>(GetParam()) ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; const int n = kBlockSize - 2 * header_size + 4; Write(BigString("foo", n)); ASSERT_EQ((unsigned int)(kBlockSize - header_size + 4), WrittenBytes()); Write(""); Write("bar"); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read()); ASSERT_EQ("", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, AlignedEof) { int header_size = std::get<0>(GetParam()) ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; const int n = kBlockSize - 2 * header_size + 4; Write(BigString("foo", n)); ASSERT_EQ((unsigned int)(kBlockSize - header_size + 4), WrittenBytes()); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, RandomRead) { const int N = 500; Random write_rnd(301); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { Write(RandomSkewedString(i, &write_rnd)); } Random read_rnd(301); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(RandomSkewedString(i, &read_rnd), Read()); } ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } // Tests of all the error paths in log_reader.cc follow: TEST_P(LogTest, ReadError) { Write("foo"); ForceError(); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ((unsigned int)kBlockSize, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("read error")); } TEST_P(LogTest, BadRecordType) { Write("foo"); // Type is stored in header[6] IncrementByte(6, 100); FixChecksum(0, 3, false); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(3U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("unknown record type")); } TEST_P(LogTest, TruncatedTrailingRecordIsIgnored) { Write("foo"); ShrinkSize(4); // Drop all payload as well as a header byte ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); // Truncated last record is ignored, not treated as an error ASSERT_EQ(0U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage()); } TEST_P(LogTest, TruncatedTrailingRecordIsNotIgnored) { if (allow_retry_read_) { // If read retry is allowed, then truncated trailing record should not // raise an error. return; } Write("foo"); ShrinkSize(4); // Drop all payload as well as a header byte ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read(WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency)); // Truncated last record is ignored, not treated as an error ASSERT_GT(DroppedBytes(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("Corruption: truncated header")); } TEST_P(LogTest, BadLength) { if (allow_retry_read_) { // If read retry is allowed, then we should not raise an error when the // record length specified in header is longer than data currently // available. It's possible that the body of the record is not written yet. return; } bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); int header_size = recyclable_log ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; const int kPayloadSize = kBlockSize - header_size; Write(BigString("bar", kPayloadSize)); Write("foo"); // Least significant size byte is stored in header[4]. IncrementByte(4, 1); if (!recyclable_log) { ASSERT_EQ("foo", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("bad record length")); } else { ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } } TEST_P(LogTest, BadLengthAtEndIsIgnored) { if (allow_retry_read_) { // If read retry is allowed, then we should not raise an error when the // record length specified in header is longer than data currently // available. It's possible that the body of the record is not written yet. return; } Write("foo"); ShrinkSize(1); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(0U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage()); } TEST_P(LogTest, BadLengthAtEndIsNotIgnored) { if (allow_retry_read_) { // If read retry is allowed, then we should not raise an error when the // record length specified in header is longer than data currently // available. It's possible that the body of the record is not written yet. return; } Write("foo"); ShrinkSize(1); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read(WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency)); ASSERT_GT(DroppedBytes(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("Corruption: truncated header")); } TEST_P(LogTest, ChecksumMismatch) { Write("foooooo"); IncrementByte(0, 14); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); if (!recyclable_log) { ASSERT_EQ(14U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("checksum mismatch")); } else { ASSERT_EQ(0U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage()); } } TEST_P(LogTest, UnexpectedMiddleType) { Write("foo"); bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); SetByte(6, static_cast(recyclable_log ? kRecyclableMiddleType : kMiddleType)); FixChecksum(0, 3, !!recyclable_log); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(3U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("missing start")); } TEST_P(LogTest, UnexpectedLastType) { Write("foo"); bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); SetByte(6, static_cast(recyclable_log ? kRecyclableLastType : kLastType)); FixChecksum(0, 3, !!recyclable_log); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(3U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("missing start")); } TEST_P(LogTest, UnexpectedFullType) { Write("foo"); Write("bar"); bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); SetByte( 6, static_cast(recyclable_log ? kRecyclableFirstType : kFirstType)); FixChecksum(0, 3, !!recyclable_log); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(3U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("partial record without end")); } TEST_P(LogTest, UnexpectedFirstType) { Write("foo"); Write(BigString("bar", 100000)); bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); SetByte( 6, static_cast(recyclable_log ? kRecyclableFirstType : kFirstType)); FixChecksum(0, 3, !!recyclable_log); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("bar", 100000), Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(3U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("partial record without end")); } TEST_P(LogTest, MissingLastIsIgnored) { Write(BigString("bar", kBlockSize)); // Remove the LAST block, including header. ShrinkSize(14); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage()); ASSERT_EQ(0U, DroppedBytes()); } TEST_P(LogTest, MissingLastIsNotIgnored) { if (allow_retry_read_) { // If read retry is allowed, then truncated trailing record should not // raise an error. return; } Write(BigString("bar", kBlockSize)); // Remove the LAST block, including header. ShrinkSize(14); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read(WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency)); ASSERT_GT(DroppedBytes(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("Corruption: error reading trailing data")); } TEST_P(LogTest, PartialLastIsIgnored) { Write(BigString("bar", kBlockSize)); // Cause a bad record length in the LAST block. ShrinkSize(1); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage()); ASSERT_EQ(0U, DroppedBytes()); } TEST_P(LogTest, PartialLastIsNotIgnored) { if (allow_retry_read_) { // If read retry is allowed, then truncated trailing record should not // raise an error. return; } Write(BigString("bar", kBlockSize)); // Cause a bad record length in the LAST block. ShrinkSize(1); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read(WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency)); ASSERT_GT(DroppedBytes(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError( "Corruption: truncated headerCorruption: " "error reading trailing data")); } TEST_P(LogTest, ErrorJoinsRecords) { // Consider two fragmented records: // first(R1) last(R1) first(R2) last(R2) // where the middle two fragments disappear. We do not want // first(R1),last(R2) to get joined and returned as a valid record. // Write records that span two blocks Write(BigString("foo", kBlockSize)); Write(BigString("bar", kBlockSize)); Write("correct"); // Wipe the middle block for (unsigned int offset = kBlockSize; offset < 2*kBlockSize; offset++) { SetByte(offset, 'x'); } bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); if (!recyclable_log) { ASSERT_EQ("correct", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); size_t dropped = DroppedBytes(); ASSERT_LE(dropped, 2 * kBlockSize + 100); ASSERT_GE(dropped, 2 * kBlockSize); } else { ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } } TEST_P(LogTest, ClearEofSingleBlock) { Write("foo"); Write("bar"); bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); int header_size = recyclable_log ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; ForceEOF(3 + header_size + 2); ASSERT_EQ("foo", Read()); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsEOF()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); Write("xxx"); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ("xxx", Read()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsEOF()); } TEST_P(LogTest, ClearEofMultiBlock) { size_t num_full_blocks = 5; bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); int header_size = recyclable_log ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; size_t n = (kBlockSize - header_size) * num_full_blocks + 25; Write(BigString("foo", n)); Write(BigString("bar", n)); ForceEOF(n + num_full_blocks * header_size + header_size + 3); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsEOF()); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("bar", n), Read()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsEOF()); Write(BigString("xxx", n)); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ(BigString("xxx", n), Read()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsEOF()); } TEST_P(LogTest, ClearEofError) { // If an error occurs during Read() in UnmarkEOF(), the records contained // in the buffer should be returned on subsequent calls of ReadRecord() // until no more full records are left, whereafter ReadRecord() should return // false to indicate that it cannot read any further. Write("foo"); Write("bar"); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ("foo", Read()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsEOF()); Write("xxx"); ForceError(0); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } TEST_P(LogTest, ClearEofError2) { Write("foo"); Write("bar"); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ("foo", Read()); Write("xxx"); ForceError(3); UnmarkEOF(); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); ASSERT_EQ(3U, DroppedBytes()); ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("read error")); } TEST_P(LogTest, Recycle) { bool recyclable_log = (std::get<0>(GetParam()) != 0); if (!recyclable_log) { return; // test is only valid for recycled logs } Write("foo"); Write("bar"); Write("baz"); Write("bif"); Write("blitz"); while (get_reader_contents()->size() < log::kBlockSize * 2) { Write("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); } std::unique_ptr dest_holder(test::GetWritableFileWriter( new test::OverwritingStringSink(get_reader_contents()), "" /* don't care */)); Writer recycle_writer(std::move(dest_holder), 123, true); recycle_writer.AddRecord(Slice("foooo")); recycle_writer.AddRecord(Slice("bar")); ASSERT_GE(get_reader_contents()->size(), log::kBlockSize * 2); ASSERT_EQ("foooo", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read()); ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(bool, LogTest, ::testing::Values(std::make_tuple(0, false), std::make_tuple(0, true), std::make_tuple(1, false), std::make_tuple(1, true))); class RetriableLogTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { private: class ReportCollector : public Reader::Reporter { public: size_t dropped_bytes_; std::string message_; ReportCollector() : dropped_bytes_(0) {} void Corruption(size_t bytes, const Status& status) override { dropped_bytes_ += bytes; message_.append(status.ToString()); } }; Slice contents_; std::unique_ptr dest_holder_; std::unique_ptr log_writer_; Env* env_; EnvOptions env_options_; const std::string test_dir_; const std::string log_file_; std::unique_ptr writer_; std::unique_ptr reader_; ReportCollector report_; std::unique_ptr log_reader_; public: RetriableLogTest() : contents_(), dest_holder_(nullptr), log_writer_(nullptr), env_(Env::Default()), test_dir_(test::PerThreadDBPath("retriable_log_test")), log_file_(test_dir_ + "/log"), writer_(nullptr), reader_(nullptr), log_reader_(nullptr) {} Status SetupTestEnv() { dest_holder_.reset(test::GetWritableFileWriter( new test::StringSink(&contents_), "" /* file name */)); assert(dest_holder_ != nullptr); log_writer_.reset(new Writer(std::move(dest_holder_), 123, GetParam())); assert(log_writer_ != nullptr); Status s; s = env_->CreateDirIfMissing(test_dir_); std::unique_ptr writable_file; if (s.ok()) { s = env_->NewWritableFile(log_file_, &writable_file, env_options_); } if (s.ok()) { writer_.reset(new WritableFileWriter(std::move(writable_file), log_file_, env_options_)); assert(writer_ != nullptr); } std::unique_ptr seq_file; if (s.ok()) { s = env_->NewSequentialFile(log_file_, &seq_file, env_options_); } if (s.ok()) { reader_.reset(new SequentialFileReader(std::move(seq_file), log_file_)); assert(reader_ != nullptr); log_reader_.reset(new FragmentBufferedReader( nullptr, std::move(reader_), &report_, true /* checksum */, 123 /* log_number */)); assert(log_reader_ != nullptr); } return s; } std::string contents() { auto file = dynamic_cast(log_writer_->file()->writable_file()); assert(file != nullptr); return file->contents_; } void Encode(const std::string& msg) { log_writer_->AddRecord(Slice(msg)); } void Write(const Slice& data) { writer_->Append(data); writer_->Sync(true); } bool TryRead(std::string* result) { assert(result != nullptr); result->clear(); std::string scratch; Slice record; bool r = log_reader_->ReadRecord(&record, &scratch); if (r) { result->assign(record.data(), record.size()); return true; } else { return false; } } }; TEST_P(RetriableLogTest, TailLog_PartialHeader) { ASSERT_OK(SetupTestEnv()); std::vector remaining_bytes_in_last_record; size_t header_size = GetParam() ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; bool eof = false; SyncPoint::GetInstance()->DisableProcessing(); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->LoadDependency( {{"RetriableLogTest::TailLog:AfterPart1", "RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforeReadRecord"}, {"FragmentBufferedLogReader::TryReadMore:FirstEOF", "RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforePart2"}}); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->ClearAllCallBacks(); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack( "FragmentBufferedLogReader::TryReadMore:FirstEOF", [&](void* /*arg*/) { eof = true; }); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->EnableProcessing(); size_t delta = header_size - 1; port::Thread log_writer_thread([&]() { size_t old_sz = contents().size(); Encode("foo"); size_t new_sz = contents().size(); std::string part1 = contents().substr(old_sz, delta); std::string part2 = contents().substr(old_sz + delta, new_sz - old_sz - delta); Write(Slice(part1)); TEST_SYNC_POINT("RetriableLogTest::TailLog:AfterPart1"); TEST_SYNC_POINT("RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforePart2"); Write(Slice(part2)); }); std::string record; port::Thread log_reader_thread([&]() { TEST_SYNC_POINT("RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforeReadRecord"); while (!TryRead(&record)) { } }); log_reader_thread.join(); log_writer_thread.join(); ASSERT_EQ("foo", record); ASSERT_TRUE(eof); } TEST_P(RetriableLogTest, TailLog_FullHeader) { ASSERT_OK(SetupTestEnv()); std::vector remaining_bytes_in_last_record; size_t header_size = GetParam() ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; bool eof = false; SyncPoint::GetInstance()->DisableProcessing(); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->LoadDependency( {{"RetriableLogTest::TailLog:AfterPart1", "RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforeReadRecord"}, {"FragmentBufferedLogReader::TryReadMore:FirstEOF", "RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforePart2"}}); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->ClearAllCallBacks(); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack( "FragmentBufferedLogReader::TryReadMore:FirstEOF", [&](void* /*arg*/) { eof = true; }); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->EnableProcessing(); size_t delta = header_size + 1; port::Thread log_writer_thread([&]() { size_t old_sz = contents().size(); Encode("foo"); size_t new_sz = contents().size(); std::string part1 = contents().substr(old_sz, delta); std::string part2 = contents().substr(old_sz + delta, new_sz - old_sz - delta); Write(Slice(part1)); TEST_SYNC_POINT("RetriableLogTest::TailLog:AfterPart1"); TEST_SYNC_POINT("RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforePart2"); Write(Slice(part2)); ASSERT_TRUE(eof); }); std::string record; port::Thread log_reader_thread([&]() { TEST_SYNC_POINT("RetriableLogTest::TailLog:BeforeReadRecord"); while (!TryRead(&record)) { } }); log_reader_thread.join(); log_writer_thread.join(); ASSERT_EQ("foo", record); } TEST_P(RetriableLogTest, NonBlockingReadFullRecord) { // Clear all sync point callbacks even if this test does not use sync point. // It is necessary, otherwise the execute of this test may hit a sync point // with which a callback is registered. The registered callback may access // some dead variable, causing segfault. SyncPoint::GetInstance()->DisableProcessing(); SyncPoint::GetInstance()->ClearAllCallBacks(); ASSERT_OK(SetupTestEnv()); size_t header_size = GetParam() ? kRecyclableHeaderSize : kHeaderSize; size_t delta = header_size - 1; size_t old_sz = contents().size(); Encode("foo-bar"); size_t new_sz = contents().size(); std::string part1 = contents().substr(old_sz, delta); std::string part2 = contents().substr(old_sz + delta, new_sz - old_sz - delta); Write(Slice(part1)); std::string record; ASSERT_FALSE(TryRead(&record)); ASSERT_TRUE(record.empty()); Write(Slice(part2)); ASSERT_TRUE(TryRead(&record)); ASSERT_EQ("foo-bar", record); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(bool, RetriableLogTest, ::testing::Values(0, 2)); } // namespace log } // namespace rocksdb int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }