// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). // // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #include "table/merging_iterator.h" #include #include #include "db/dbformat.h" #include "db/pinned_iterators_manager.h" #include "memory/arena.h" #include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h" #include "rocksdb/comparator.h" #include "rocksdb/iterator.h" #include "rocksdb/options.h" #include "table/internal_iterator.h" #include "table/iter_heap.h" #include "table/iterator_wrapper.h" #include "test_util/sync_point.h" #include "util/autovector.h" #include "util/heap.h" #include "util/stop_watch.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { // Without anonymous namespace here, we fail the warning -Wmissing-prototypes namespace { typedef BinaryHeap MergerMaxIterHeap; typedef BinaryHeap MergerMinIterHeap; } // namespace const size_t kNumIterReserve = 4; class MergingIterator : public InternalIterator { public: MergingIterator(const InternalKeyComparator* comparator, InternalIterator** children, int n, bool is_arena_mode, bool prefix_seek_mode) : is_arena_mode_(is_arena_mode), comparator_(comparator), current_(nullptr), direction_(kForward), minHeap_(comparator_), prefix_seek_mode_(prefix_seek_mode), pinned_iters_mgr_(nullptr) { children_.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { children_[i].Set(children[i]); } for (auto& child : children_) { AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } current_ = CurrentForward(); } void considerStatus(Status s) { if (!s.ok() && status_.ok()) { status_ = s; } } virtual void AddIterator(InternalIterator* iter) { assert(direction_ == kForward); children_.emplace_back(iter); if (pinned_iters_mgr_) { iter->SetPinnedItersMgr(pinned_iters_mgr_); } auto new_wrapper = children_.back(); AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(&new_wrapper); if (new_wrapper.Valid()) { current_ = CurrentForward(); } } ~MergingIterator() override { for (auto& child : children_) { child.DeleteIter(is_arena_mode_); } } bool Valid() const override { return current_ != nullptr && status_.ok(); } Status status() const override { return status_; } void SeekToFirst() override { ClearHeaps(); status_ = Status::OK(); for (auto& child : children_) { child.SeekToFirst(); AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } direction_ = kForward; current_ = CurrentForward(); } void SeekToLast() override { ClearHeaps(); InitMaxHeap(); status_ = Status::OK(); for (auto& child : children_) { child.SeekToLast(); AddToMaxHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } direction_ = kReverse; current_ = CurrentReverse(); } void Seek(const Slice& target) override { ClearHeaps(); status_ = Status::OK(); for (auto& child : children_) { { PERF_TIMER_GUARD(seek_child_seek_time); child.Seek(target); } PERF_COUNTER_ADD(seek_child_seek_count, 1); { // Strictly, we timed slightly more than min heap operation, // but these operations are very cheap. PERF_TIMER_GUARD(seek_min_heap_time); AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } } direction_ = kForward; { PERF_TIMER_GUARD(seek_min_heap_time); current_ = CurrentForward(); } } void SeekForPrev(const Slice& target) override { ClearHeaps(); InitMaxHeap(); status_ = Status::OK(); for (auto& child : children_) { { PERF_TIMER_GUARD(seek_child_seek_time); child.SeekForPrev(target); } PERF_COUNTER_ADD(seek_child_seek_count, 1); { PERF_TIMER_GUARD(seek_max_heap_time); AddToMaxHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } } direction_ = kReverse; { PERF_TIMER_GUARD(seek_max_heap_time); current_ = CurrentReverse(); } } void Next() override { assert(Valid()); // Ensure that all children are positioned after key(). // If we are moving in the forward direction, it is already // true for all of the non-current children since current_ is // the smallest child and key() == current_->key(). if (direction_ != kForward) { SwitchToForward(); // The loop advanced all non-current children to be > key() so current_ // should still be strictly the smallest key. } // For the heap modifications below to be correct, current_ must be the // current top of the heap. assert(current_ == CurrentForward()); // as the current points to the current record. move the iterator forward. current_->Next(); if (current_->Valid()) { // current is still valid after the Next() call above. Call // replace_top() to restore the heap property. When the same child // iterator yields a sequence of keys, this is cheap. assert(current_->status().ok()); minHeap_.replace_top(current_); } else { // current stopped being valid, remove it from the heap. considerStatus(current_->status()); minHeap_.pop(); } current_ = CurrentForward(); } bool NextAndGetResult(IterateResult* result) override { Next(); bool is_valid = Valid(); if (is_valid) { result->key = key(); result->bound_check_result = UpperBoundCheckResult(); result->value_prepared = current_->IsValuePrepared(); } return is_valid; } void Prev() override { assert(Valid()); // Ensure that all children are positioned before key(). // If we are moving in the reverse direction, it is already // true for all of the non-current children since current_ is // the largest child and key() == current_->key(). if (direction_ != kReverse) { // Otherwise, retreat the non-current children. We retreat current_ // just after the if-block. SwitchToBackward(); } // For the heap modifications below to be correct, current_ must be the // current top of the heap. assert(current_ == CurrentReverse()); current_->Prev(); if (current_->Valid()) { // current is still valid after the Prev() call above. Call // replace_top() to restore the heap property. When the same child // iterator yields a sequence of keys, this is cheap. assert(current_->status().ok()); maxHeap_->replace_top(current_); } else { // current stopped being valid, remove it from the heap. considerStatus(current_->status()); maxHeap_->pop(); } current_ = CurrentReverse(); } Slice key() const override { assert(Valid()); return current_->key(); } Slice value() const override { assert(Valid()); return current_->value(); } bool PrepareValue() override { assert(Valid()); if (current_->PrepareValue()) { return true; } considerStatus(current_->status()); assert(!status_.ok()); return false; } // Here we simply relay MayBeOutOfLowerBound/MayBeOutOfUpperBound result // from current child iterator. Potentially as long as one of child iterator // report out of bound is not possible, we know current key is within bound. bool MayBeOutOfLowerBound() override { assert(Valid()); return current_->MayBeOutOfLowerBound(); } IterBoundCheck UpperBoundCheckResult() override { assert(Valid()); return current_->UpperBoundCheckResult(); } void SetPinnedItersMgr(PinnedIteratorsManager* pinned_iters_mgr) override { pinned_iters_mgr_ = pinned_iters_mgr; for (auto& child : children_) { child.SetPinnedItersMgr(pinned_iters_mgr); } } bool IsKeyPinned() const override { assert(Valid()); return pinned_iters_mgr_ && pinned_iters_mgr_->PinningEnabled() && current_->IsKeyPinned(); } bool IsValuePinned() const override { assert(Valid()); return pinned_iters_mgr_ && pinned_iters_mgr_->PinningEnabled() && current_->IsValuePinned(); } private: // Clears heaps for both directions, used when changing direction or seeking void ClearHeaps(); // Ensures that maxHeap_ is initialized when starting to go in the reverse // direction void InitMaxHeap(); bool is_arena_mode_; const InternalKeyComparator* comparator_; autovector children_; // Cached pointer to child iterator with the current key, or nullptr if no // child iterators are valid. This is the top of minHeap_ or maxHeap_ // depending on the direction. IteratorWrapper* current_; // If any of the children have non-ok status, this is one of them. Status status_; // Which direction is the iterator moving? enum Direction { kForward, kReverse }; Direction direction_; MergerMinIterHeap minHeap_; bool prefix_seek_mode_; // Max heap is used for reverse iteration, which is way less common than // forward. Lazily initialize it to save memory. std::unique_ptr maxHeap_; PinnedIteratorsManager* pinned_iters_mgr_; // In forward direction, process a child that is not in the min heap. // If valid, add to the min heap. Otherwise, check status. void AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(IteratorWrapper*); // In backward direction, process a child that is not in the max heap. // If valid, add to the min heap. Otherwise, check status. void AddToMaxHeapOrCheckStatus(IteratorWrapper*); void SwitchToForward(); // Switch the direction from forward to backward without changing the // position. Iterator should still be valid. void SwitchToBackward(); IteratorWrapper* CurrentForward() const { assert(direction_ == kForward); return !minHeap_.empty() ? minHeap_.top() : nullptr; } IteratorWrapper* CurrentReverse() const { assert(direction_ == kReverse); assert(maxHeap_); return !maxHeap_->empty() ? maxHeap_->top() : nullptr; } }; void MergingIterator::AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(IteratorWrapper* child) { if (child->Valid()) { assert(child->status().ok()); minHeap_.push(child); } else { considerStatus(child->status()); } } void MergingIterator::AddToMaxHeapOrCheckStatus(IteratorWrapper* child) { if (child->Valid()) { assert(child->status().ok()); maxHeap_->push(child); } else { considerStatus(child->status()); } } void MergingIterator::SwitchToForward() { // Otherwise, advance the non-current children. We advance current_ // just after the if-block. ClearHeaps(); Slice target = key(); for (auto& child : children_) { if (&child != current_) { child.Seek(target); if (child.Valid() && comparator_->Equal(target, child.key())) { assert(child.status().ok()); child.Next(); } } AddToMinHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } direction_ = kForward; } void MergingIterator::SwitchToBackward() { ClearHeaps(); InitMaxHeap(); Slice target = key(); for (auto& child : children_) { if (&child != current_) { child.SeekForPrev(target); TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("MergeIterator::Prev:BeforePrev", &child); if (child.Valid() && comparator_->Equal(target, child.key())) { assert(child.status().ok()); child.Prev(); } } AddToMaxHeapOrCheckStatus(&child); } direction_ = kReverse; if (!prefix_seek_mode_) { // Note that we don't do assert(current_ == CurrentReverse()) here // because it is possible to have some keys larger than the seek-key // inserted between Seek() and SeekToLast(), which makes current_ not // equal to CurrentReverse(). current_ = CurrentReverse(); } assert(current_ == CurrentReverse()); } void MergingIterator::ClearHeaps() { minHeap_.clear(); if (maxHeap_) { maxHeap_->clear(); } } void MergingIterator::InitMaxHeap() { if (!maxHeap_) { maxHeap_.reset(new MergerMaxIterHeap(comparator_)); } } InternalIterator* NewMergingIterator(const InternalKeyComparator* cmp, InternalIterator** list, int n, Arena* arena, bool prefix_seek_mode) { assert(n >= 0); if (n == 0) { return NewEmptyInternalIterator(arena); } else if (n == 1) { return list[0]; } else { if (arena == nullptr) { return new MergingIterator(cmp, list, n, false, prefix_seek_mode); } else { auto mem = arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(MergingIterator)); return new (mem) MergingIterator(cmp, list, n, true, prefix_seek_mode); } } } MergeIteratorBuilder::MergeIteratorBuilder( const InternalKeyComparator* comparator, Arena* a, bool prefix_seek_mode) : first_iter(nullptr), use_merging_iter(false), arena(a) { auto mem = arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(MergingIterator)); merge_iter = new (mem) MergingIterator(comparator, nullptr, 0, true, prefix_seek_mode); } MergeIteratorBuilder::~MergeIteratorBuilder() { if (first_iter != nullptr) { first_iter->~InternalIterator(); } if (merge_iter != nullptr) { merge_iter->~MergingIterator(); } } void MergeIteratorBuilder::AddIterator(InternalIterator* iter) { if (!use_merging_iter && first_iter != nullptr) { merge_iter->AddIterator(first_iter); use_merging_iter = true; first_iter = nullptr; } if (use_merging_iter) { merge_iter->AddIterator(iter); } else { first_iter = iter; } } InternalIterator* MergeIteratorBuilder::Finish() { InternalIterator* ret = nullptr; if (!use_merging_iter) { ret = first_iter; first_iter = nullptr; } else { ret = merge_iter; merge_iter = nullptr; } return ret; } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE