#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # BlobDB benchmark script # # REQUIRES: benchmark.sh is in the tools subdirectory # # After the execution of this script, log files are available in $output_dir. # report.tsv provides high level statistics. # # Should be run from the parent of the tools directory. The command line is: # [$env_vars] tools/run_blob_bench.sh # # This runs the following sequence of BlobDB performance tests: # phase 1) write-only - bulkload+compact, overwrite+waitforcompaction # phase 2) read-write - readwhilewriting, fwdrangewhilewriting # phase 3) read-only - readrandom, fwdrange # # Exit Codes EXIT_INVALID_ARGS=1 # Size constants K=1024 M=$((1024 * K)) G=$((1024 * M)) T=$((1024 * G)) function display_usage() { echo "usage: run_blob_bench.sh [--help]" echo "" echo "Runs the following sequence of BlobDB benchmark tests using tools/benchmark.sh:" echo -e "\tPhase 1: write-only tests: bulkload+compact, overwrite+waitforcompaction" echo -e "\tPhase 2: read-write tests: readwhilewriting, fwdrangewhilewriting" echo -e "\tPhase 3: read-only tests: readrandom, fwdrange" echo "" echo "Environment Variables:" echo -e "\tJOB_ID\t\t\t\tIdentifier for the benchmark job, will appear in the results (default: empty)" echo -e "\tDB_DIR\t\t\t\tPath for the RocksDB data directory (mandatory)" echo -e "\tWAL_DIR\t\t\t\tPath for the RocksDB WAL directory (mandatory)" echo -e "\tOUTPUT_DIR\t\t\tPath for the benchmark results (mandatory)" echo -e "\tNUM_THREADS\t\t\tNumber of threads (default: 16)" echo -e "\tCOMPRESSION_TYPE\t\tCompression type for the SST files (default: lz4)" echo -e "\tDB_SIZE\t\t\t\tRaw (uncompressed) database size (default: 1 TB)" echo -e "\tVALUE_SIZE\t\t\tValue size (default: 1 KB)" echo -e "\tNUM_KEYS\t\t\tNumber of keys (default: raw database size divided by value size)" echo -e "\tDURATION\t\t\tIndividual duration for read-write/read-only tests in seconds (default: 1800)" echo -e "\tWRITE_BUFFER_SIZE\t\tWrite buffer (memtable) size (default: 1 GB)" echo -e "\tENABLE_BLOB_FILES\t\tEnable blob files (default: 1)" echo -e "\tMIN_BLOB_SIZE\t\t\tSize threshold for storing values in blob files (default: 0)" echo -e "\tBLOB_FILE_SIZE\t\t\tBlob file size (default: same as write buffer size)" echo -e "\tBLOB_COMPRESSION_TYPE\t\tCompression type for the blob files (default: lz4)" echo -e "\tENABLE_BLOB_GC\t\t\tEnable blob garbage collection (default: 1)" echo -e "\tBLOB_GC_AGE_CUTOFF\t\tBlob garbage collection age cutoff (default: 0.25)" echo -e "\tBLOB_GC_FORCE_THRESHOLD\t\tThreshold for forcing garbage collection of the oldest blob files (default: 1.0)" echo -e "\tTARGET_FILE_SIZE_BASE\t\tTarget SST file size for compactions (default: write buffer size, scaled down if blob files are enabled)" echo -e "\tMAX_BYTES_FOR_LEVEL_BASE\tMaximum size for the base level (default: 8 * target SST file size)" } if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then display_usage if [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then exit else exit $EXIT_INVALID_ARGS fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if [ -z "$DB_DIR" ]; then echo "DB_DIR is not defined" exit $EXIT_INVALID_ARGS fi # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if [ -z "$WAL_DIR" ]; then echo "WAL_DIR is not defined" exit $EXIT_INVALID_ARGS fi # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if [ -z "$OUTPUT_DIR" ]; then echo "OUTPUT_DIR is not defined" exit $EXIT_INVALID_ARGS fi # shellcheck disable=SC2153 job_id=$JOB_ID db_dir=$DB_DIR wal_dir=$WAL_DIR output_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR num_threads=${NUM_THREADS:-16} compression_type=${COMPRESSION_TYPE:-lz4} db_size=${DB_SIZE:-$((1 * T))} value_size=${VALUE_SIZE:-$((1 * K))} num_keys=${NUM_KEYS:-$((db_size / value_size))} duration=${DURATION:-1800} write_buffer_size=${WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE:-$((1 * G))} enable_blob_files=${ENABLE_BLOB_FILES:-1} min_blob_size=${MIN_BLOB_SIZE:-0} blob_file_size=${BLOB_FILE_SIZE:-$write_buffer_size} blob_compression_type=${BLOB_COMPRESSION_TYPE:-lz4} enable_blob_garbage_collection=${ENABLE_BLOB_GC:-1} blob_garbage_collection_age_cutoff=${BLOB_GC_AGE_CUTOFF:-0.25} blob_garbage_collection_force_threshold=${BLOB_GC_FORCE_THRESHOLD:-1.0} if [ "$enable_blob_files" == "1" ]; then target_file_size_base=${TARGET_FILE_SIZE_BASE:-$((32 * write_buffer_size / value_size))} else target_file_size_base=${TARGET_FILE_SIZE_BASE:-$write_buffer_size} fi max_bytes_for_level_base=${MAX_BYTES_FOR_LEVEL_BASE:-$((8 * target_file_size_base))} echo "======================== Benchmark setup ========================" echo -e "Job ID:\t\t\t\t\t$job_id" echo -e "Data directory:\t\t\t\t$db_dir" echo -e "WAL directory:\t\t\t\t$wal_dir" echo -e "Output directory:\t\t\t$output_dir" echo -e "Number of threads:\t\t\t$num_threads" echo -e "Compression type for SST files:\t\t$compression_type" echo -e "Raw database size:\t\t\t$db_size" echo -e "Value size:\t\t\t\t$value_size" echo -e "Number of keys:\t\t\t\t$num_keys" echo -e "Duration of read-write/read-only tests:\t$duration" echo -e "Write buffer size:\t\t\t$write_buffer_size" echo -e "Blob files enabled:\t\t\t$enable_blob_files" echo -e "Blob size threshold:\t\t\t$min_blob_size" echo -e "Blob file size:\t\t\t\t$blob_file_size" echo -e "Compression type for blob files:\t$blob_compression_type" echo -e "Blob GC enabled:\t\t\t$enable_blob_garbage_collection" echo -e "Blob GC age cutoff:\t\t\t$blob_garbage_collection_age_cutoff" echo -e "Blob GC force threshold:\t\t$blob_garbage_collection_force_threshold" echo -e "Target SST file size:\t\t\t$target_file_size_base" echo -e "Maximum size of base level:\t\t$max_bytes_for_level_base" echo "=================================================================" rm -rf "$db_dir" rm -rf "$wal_dir" rm -rf "$output_dir" ENV_VARS="\ JOB_ID=$job_id \ DB_DIR=$db_dir \ WAL_DIR=$wal_dir \ OUTPUT_DIR=$output_dir \ NUM_THREADS=$num_threads \ COMPRESSION_TYPE=$compression_type \ VALUE_SIZE=$value_size \ NUM_KEYS=$num_keys" ENV_VARS_D="$ENV_VARS DURATION=$duration" PARAMS="\ --enable_blob_files=$enable_blob_files \ --min_blob_size=$min_blob_size \ --blob_file_size=$blob_file_size \ --blob_compression_type=$blob_compression_type \ --write_buffer_size=$write_buffer_size \ --target_file_size_base=$target_file_size_base \ --max_bytes_for_level_base=$max_bytes_for_level_base" PARAMS_GC="$PARAMS \ --enable_blob_garbage_collection=$enable_blob_garbage_collection \ --blob_garbage_collection_age_cutoff=$blob_garbage_collection_age_cutoff \ --blob_garbage_collection_force_threshold=$blob_garbage_collection_force_threshold" # bulk load (using fillrandom) + compact env -u DURATION -S "$ENV_VARS" ./tools/benchmark.sh bulkload "$PARAMS" # overwrite + waitforcompaction env -u DURATION -S "$ENV_VARS" ./tools/benchmark.sh overwrite "$PARAMS_GC" # readwhilewriting env -S "$ENV_VARS_D" ./tools/benchmark.sh readwhilewriting "$PARAMS_GC" # fwdrangewhilewriting env -S "$ENV_VARS_D" ./tools/benchmark.sh fwdrangewhilewriting "$PARAMS_GC" # readrandom env -S "$ENV_VARS_D" ./tools/benchmark.sh readrandom "$PARAMS_GC" # fwdrange env -S "$ENV_VARS_D" ./tools/benchmark.sh fwdrange "$PARAMS_GC" # save logs to output directory cp "$db_dir"/LOG* "$output_dir/"