#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # A shell script to build and run different versions of ldb to check for # expected forward and backward compatibility with "current" version. The # working copy must have no uncommitted changes. # # Usage: <SCRIPT> [ref_for_current] # `ref_for_current` can be a revision, tag, commit or branch name. Default is HEAD. # # Return value 0 means all regression tests pass. 1 if not pass. # # Environment options: # SHORT_TEST=1 - Test only the oldest branch for each kind of test. This is # a good choice for PR validation as it is relatively fast and will find # most issues. # USE_SSH=1 - Connect to GitHub with ssh instead of https if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD; then echo "You have uncommitted changes. Aborting." exit 1 fi current_checkout_name=${1:-HEAD} # This allows the script to work even if with transient refs like "HEAD" current_checkout_hash="$(git rev-parse --quiet --verify $current_checkout_name)" if [ "$current_checkout_hash" == "" ]; then echo "Not a recognized ref: $current_checkout_name" exit 1 fi # To restore to prior branch at the end orig_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" tmp_branch=_tmp_format_compatible tmp_origin=_tmp_origin # Don't depend on what current "origin" might be set -e git remote remove $tmp_origin 2>/dev/null || true if [ "$USE_SSH" ]; then git remote add $tmp_origin "git@github.com:facebook/rocksdb.git" else git remote add $tmp_origin "https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git" fi git fetch $tmp_origin # Used in building some ancient RocksDB versions where by default it tries to # use a precompiled libsnappy.a checked in to the repo. export SNAPPY_LDFLAGS=-lsnappy cleanup() { echo "== Cleaning up" git reset --hard || true git checkout "$orig_branch" || true git branch -D $tmp_branch || true git remote remove $tmp_origin || true } trap cleanup EXIT # Always clean up, even on failure or Ctrl+C scriptpath=`dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}` test_dir=${TEST_TMPDIR:-"/tmp"}"/rocksdb_format_compatible_$USER" rm -rf ${test_dir:?} # Prevent 'make clean' etc. from wiping out test_dir export TEST_TMPDIR=$test_dir"/misc" # For saving current version of scripts as we checkout different versions to test script_copy_dir=$test_dir"/script_copy" mkdir -p $script_copy_dir cp -f $scriptpath/*.sh $script_copy_dir # For shared raw input data input_data_path=$test_dir"/test_data_input" mkdir -p $input_data_path # For external sst ingestion test ext_test_dir=$test_dir"/ext" mkdir -p $ext_test_dir # For DB dump test db_test_dir=$test_dir"/db" mkdir -p $db_test_dir # For backup/restore test (uses DB test) bak_test_dir=$test_dir"/bak" mkdir -p $bak_test_dir python_bin=$(which python3 || which python || echo python3) # Generate random files. for i in {1..6} do input_data[$i]=$input_data_path/data$i echo == Generating random input file ${input_data[$i]} $python_bin - <<EOF import random random.seed($i) symbols=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] with open('${input_data[$i]}', 'w') as f: for i in range(1,1024): k = "" for j in range(1, random.randint(1,32)): k=k + symbols[random.randint(0, len(symbols) - 1)] vb = "" for j in range(1, random.randint(0,128)): vb = vb + symbols[random.randint(0, len(symbols) - 1)] v = "" for j in range(1, random.randint(1, 5)): v = v + vb print(k + " ==> " + v, file=f) EOF done # Generate file(s) with sorted keys. sorted_input_data=$input_data_path/sorted_data echo == Generating file with sorted keys ${sorted_input_data} $python_bin - <<EOF with open('${sorted_input_data}', 'w') as f: for i in range(0,10): k = str(i) v = "value" + k print(k + " ==> " + v, file=f) EOF # db_backward_only_refs defined below the rest # To check for DB forward compatibility with loading options (old version # reading data from new), as well as backward compatibility declare -a db_forward_with_options_refs=("6.6.fb" "6.7.fb" "6.8.fb" "6.9.fb" "6.10.fb" "6.11.fb" "6.12.fb" "6.13.fb" "6.14.fb" "6.15.fb" "6.16.fb" "6.17.fb" "6.18.fb" "6.19.fb" "6.20.fb" "6.21.fb" "6.22.fb" "6.23.fb" "6.24.fb" "6.25.fb" "6.26.fb" "6.27.fb" "6.28.fb" "6.29.fb" "7.0.fb" "7.1.fb" "7.2.fb" "7.3.fb" "7.4.fb") # To check for DB forward compatibility without loading options (in addition # to the "with loading options" set), as well as backward compatibility declare -a db_forward_no_options_refs=() # N/A at the moment # To check for SST ingestion backward compatibility (new version reading # data from old) (ldb ingest_extern_sst added in 5.16.x, back-ported to # 5.14.x, 5.15.x) declare -a ext_backward_only_refs=("5.14.fb" "5.15.fb" "5.16.fb" "5.17.fb" "5.18.fb" "6.0.fb" "6.1.fb" "6.2.fb" "6.3.fb" "6.4.fb" "6.5.fb") # To check for SST ingestion forward compatibility (old version reading # data from new) as well as backward compatibility declare -a ext_forward_refs=("${db_forward_no_options_refs[@]}" "${db_forward_with_options_refs[@]}") # To check for backup backward compatibility (new version reading data # from old) (ldb backup/restore added in 4.11.x) declare -a bak_backward_only_refs=("4.11.fb" "4.12.fb" "4.13.fb" "5.0.fb" "5.1.fb" "5.2.fb" "5.3.fb" "5.4.fb" "5.5.fb" "5.6.fb" "5.7.fb" "5.8.fb" "5.9.fb" "5.10.fb" "5.11.fb" "5.12.fb" "5.13.fb" "${ext_backward_only_refs[@]}") # To check for backup forward compatibility (old version reading data # from new) as well as backward compatibility declare -a bak_forward_refs=("${db_forward_no_options_refs[@]}" "${db_forward_with_options_refs[@]}") # Branches (git refs) to check for DB backward compatibility (new version # reading data from old) (in addition to the "forward compatible" list) # NOTE: 2.7.fb.branch shows assertion violation in some configurations declare -a db_backward_only_refs=("2.2.fb.branch" "2.3.fb.branch" "2.4.fb.branch" "2.5.fb.branch" "2.6.fb.branch" "2.7.fb.branch" "2.8.1.fb" "3.0.fb.branch" "3.1.fb" "3.2.fb" "3.3.fb" "3.4.fb" "3.5.fb" "3.6.fb" "3.7.fb" "3.8.fb" "3.9.fb" "4.2.fb" "4.3.fb" "4.4.fb" "4.5.fb" "4.6.fb" "4.7.fb" "4.8.fb" "4.9.fb" "4.10.fb" "${bak_backward_only_refs[@]}") if [ "$SHORT_TEST" ]; then # Use only the first (if exists) of each list db_backward_only_refs=(${db_backward_only_refs[0]}) db_forward_no_options_refs=(${db_forward_no_options_refs[0]}) db_forward_with_options_refs=(${db_forward_with_options_refs[0]}) ext_backward_only_refs=(${ext_backward_only_refs[0]}) ext_forward_refs=(${ext_forward_refs[0]}) bak_backward_only_refs=(${bak_backward_only_refs[0]}) bak_forward_refs=(${bak_forward_refs[0]}) fi # De-duplicate & accumulate declare -a checkout_refs=() for checkout_ref in "${db_backward_only_refs[@]}" "${db_forward_no_options_refs[@]}" "${db_forward_with_options_refs[@]}" "${ext_backward_only_refs[@]}" "${ext_forward_refs[@]}" "${bak_backward_only_refs[@]}" "${bak_forward_refs[@]}" do if [ ! -e $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref ]; then mkdir -p $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref checkout_refs+=($checkout_ref) fi done generate_db() { set +e $script_copy_dir/generate_random_db.sh $1 $2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ==== Error loading data from $2 to $1 ==== exit 1 fi set -e } compare_db() { set +e $script_copy_dir/verify_random_db.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ==== Read different content from $1 and $2 or error happened. ==== exit 1 fi set -e } write_external_sst() { set +e $script_copy_dir/write_external_sst.sh $1 $2 $3 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ==== Error writing external SST file using data from $1 to $3 ==== exit 1 fi set -e } ingest_external_sst() { set +e $script_copy_dir/ingest_external_sst.sh $1 $2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ==== Error ingesting external SST in $2 to DB at $1 ==== exit 1 fi set -e } backup_db() { set +e $script_copy_dir/backup_db.sh $1 $2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ==== Error backing up DB $1 to $2 ==== exit 1 fi set -e } restore_db() { set +e $script_copy_dir/restore_db.sh $1 $2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ==== Error restoring from $1 to $2 ==== exit 1 fi set -e } member_of_array() { local e match="$1" shift for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } force_no_fbcode() { # Not all branches recognize ROCKSDB_NO_FBCODE and we should not need # to patch old branches for changes to available FB compilers. sed -i -e 's|-d /mnt/gvfs/third-party|"$ROCKSDB_FORCE_FBCODE"|' build_tools/build_detect_platform } # General structure from here: # * Check out, build, and do stuff with the "current" branch. # * For each older branch under consideration, # * Check out, build, and do stuff with it, potentially using data # generated from "current" branch. # * (Again) check out, build, and do (other) stuff with the "current" # branch, potentially using data from older branches. # # This way, we only do at most n+1 checkout+build steps, without the # need to stash away executables. # Decorate name current_checkout_name="$current_checkout_name ($current_checkout_hash)" echo "== Building $current_checkout_name debug" git checkout -B $tmp_branch $current_checkout_hash force_no_fbcode make clean DISABLE_WARNING_AS_ERROR=1 make ldb -j32 echo "== Using $current_checkout_name, generate DB with extern SST and ingest" current_ext_test_dir=$ext_test_dir"/current" write_external_sst $input_data_path ${current_ext_test_dir}_pointless $current_ext_test_dir ingest_external_sst ${current_ext_test_dir}_ingest $current_ext_test_dir echo "== Generating DB from $current_checkout_name ..." current_db_test_dir=$db_test_dir"/current" generate_db $input_data_path $current_db_test_dir echo "== Creating backup of DB from $current_checkout_name ..." current_bak_test_dir=$bak_test_dir"/current" backup_db $current_db_test_dir $current_bak_test_dir for checkout_ref in "${checkout_refs[@]}" do echo "== Building $checkout_ref debug" git reset --hard $tmp_origin/$checkout_ref force_no_fbcode make clean DISABLE_WARNING_AS_ERROR=1 make ldb -j32 # We currently assume DB backward compatibility for every branch listed echo "== Use $checkout_ref to generate a DB ..." generate_db $input_data_path $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${ext_backward_only_refs[@]}" || member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${ext_forward_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $checkout_ref to generate DB with extern SST file" write_external_sst $input_data_path $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_pointless $ext_test_dir/$checkout_ref fi if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${ext_forward_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $checkout_ref to ingest extern SST file and compare vs. $current_checkout_name" ingest_external_sst $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_ingest $ext_test_dir/$checkout_ref compare_db $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_ingest ${current_ext_test_dir}_ingest db_dump.txt 1 1 rm -rf ${ext_test_dir:?}/${checkout_ref}_ingest echo "== Use $checkout_ref to ingest extern SST file from $current_checkout_name" ingest_external_sst $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_ingest $current_ext_test_dir compare_db $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_ingest ${current_ext_test_dir}_ingest db_dump.txt 1 1 fi if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${db_forward_no_options_refs[@]}" || member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${db_forward_with_options_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $checkout_ref to open DB generated using $current_checkout_name..." compare_db $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref $current_db_test_dir forward_${checkout_ref}_dump.txt 0 fi if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${db_forward_with_options_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $checkout_ref to open DB generated using $current_checkout_name with its options..." compare_db $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref $current_db_test_dir forward_${checkout_ref}_dump.txt 1 1 fi if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${bak_backward_only_refs[@]}" || member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${bak_forward_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $checkout_ref to backup DB" backup_db $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref $bak_test_dir/$checkout_ref fi if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${bak_forward_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $checkout_ref to restore DB from $current_checkout_name" rm -rf ${db_test_dir:?}/$checkout_ref restore_db $current_bak_test_dir $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref compare_db $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref $current_db_test_dir forward_${checkout_ref}_dump.txt 0 fi done echo "== Building $current_checkout_name debug (again, final)" git reset --hard $current_checkout_hash force_no_fbcode make clean DISABLE_WARNING_AS_ERROR=1 make ldb -j32 for checkout_ref in "${checkout_refs[@]}" do # We currently assume DB backward compatibility for every branch listed echo "== Use $current_checkout_name to open DB generated using $checkout_ref..." compare_db $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref $current_db_test_dir db_dump.txt 1 0 if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${ext_backward_only_refs[@]}" || member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${ext_forward_refs[@]}" then rm -rf ${ext_test_dir:?}/${checkout_ref}_ingest echo "== Use $current_checkout_name to ingest extern SST file from $checkout_ref" ingest_external_sst $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_ingest $current_ext_test_dir compare_db $ext_test_dir/${checkout_ref}_ingest ${current_ext_test_dir}_ingest db_dump.txt 1 1 fi if member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${bak_backward_only_refs[@]}" || member_of_array "$checkout_ref" "${bak_forward_refs[@]}" then echo "== Use $current_checkout_name to restore DB from $checkout_ref" rm -rf ${db_test_dir:?}/$checkout_ref restore_db $bak_test_dir/$checkout_ref $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref compare_db $db_test_dir/$checkout_ref $current_db_test_dir db_dump.txt 1 0 fi done echo ==== Compatibility Test PASSED ====