version: 2.1 orbs: win: circleci/windows@5.0.0 commands: install-cmake-on-macos: steps: - run: name: Install cmake on macos command: | HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install cmake install-jdk8-on-macos: steps: - run: name: Install JDK 8 on macos command: | brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8 increase-max-open-files-on-macos: steps: - run: name: Increase max open files command: | sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=1048576 sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=1048576 sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 1048576 pre-steps: steps: - checkout - run: name: Setup Environment Variables command: | echo "export GTEST_THROW_ON_FAILURE=0" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export GTEST_OUTPUT=\"xml:/tmp/test-results/\"" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export SKIP_FORMAT_BUCK_CHECKS=1" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export GTEST_COLOR=1" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT=300" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export ZLIB_DOWNLOAD_BASE=" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export BZIP2_DOWNLOAD_BASE=" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export SNAPPY_DOWNLOAD_BASE=" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export LZ4_DOWNLOAD_BASE=" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export ZSTD_DOWNLOAD_BASE=" >> $BASH_ENV windows-build-steps: steps: - checkout - run: name: "Install thirdparty dependencies" command: | echo "Installing CMake..." choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System' -y mkdir $Env:THIRDPARTY_HOME cd $Env:THIRDPARTY_HOME echo "Building Snappy dependency..." curl -O unzip -q cd snappy-1.1.8 mkdir build cd build & $Env:CMAKE_BIN -G "$Env:CMAKE_GENERATOR" .. msbuild.exe Snappy.sln -maxCpuCount -property:Configuration=Debug -property:Platform=x64 - run: name: "Build RocksDB" command: | mkdir build cd build & $Env:CMAKE_BIN -G "$Env:CMAKE_GENERATOR" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DOPTDBG=1 -DPORTABLE=1 -DSNAPPY=1 -DJNI=1 .. cd .. echo "Building with VS version: $Env:CMAKE_GENERATOR" msbuild.exe build/rocksdb.sln -maxCpuCount -property:Configuration=Debug -property:Platform=x64 - run: name: "Test RocksDB" shell: powershell.exe command: | build_tools\run_ci_db_test.ps1 -SuiteRun arena_test,db_basic_test,db_test,db_test2,db_merge_operand_test,bloom_test,c_test,coding_test,crc32c_test,dynamic_bloom_test,env_basic_test,env_test,hash_test,random_test -Concurrency 16 pre-steps-macos: steps: - pre-steps post-steps: steps: - store_test_results: # store test result if there's any path: /tmp/test-results - store_artifacts: # store LOG for debugging if there's any path: LOG - run: # on fail, compress Test Logs for diagnosing the issue name: Compress Test Logs command: tar -cvzf t.tar.gz t when: on_fail - store_artifacts: # on fail, store Test Logs for diagnosing the issue path: t.tar.gz destination: test_logs when: on_fail - run: # store core dumps if there's any command: | mkdir -p /tmp/core_dumps cp core.* /tmp/core_dumps when: on_fail - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/core_dumps when: on_fail upgrade-cmake: steps: - run: name: Upgrade cmake command: | sudo apt remove --purge cmake sudo snap install cmake --classic install-gflags: steps: - run: name: Install gflags command: | sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y libgflags-dev install-gflags-on-macos: steps: - run: name: Install gflags on macos command: | HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install gflags setup-folly: steps: - run: name: Checkout folly sources command: | make checkout_folly build-folly: steps: - run: name: Build folly and dependencies command: | make build_folly build-for-benchmarks: steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "Linux build for benchmarks" command: #sized for the resource-class rocksdb-benchmark-sys1 make V=1 J=8 -j8 release perform-benchmarks: steps: - run: name: "Test low-variance benchmarks" command: ./tools/ --db_dir /tmp/rocksdb-benchmark-datadir --output_dir /tmp/benchmark-results --num_keys 20000000 environment: LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/lib # How long to run parts of the test(s) DURATION_RO: 300 DURATION_RW: 500 # Keep threads within physical capacity of server (much lower than default) NUM_THREADS: 1 MAX_BACKGROUND_JOBS: 4 # Don't run a couple of "optional" initial tests CI_TESTS_ONLY: "true" # Reduce configured size of levels to ensure more levels in the leveled compaction LSM tree WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE_MB: 16 TARGET_FILE_SIZE_BASE_MB: 16 MAX_BYTES_FOR_LEVEL_BASE_MB: 64 # The benchmark host has 32GB memory # The following values are tailored to work with that # Note, tests may not exercise the targeted issues if the memory is increased on new test hosts. COMPRESSION_TYPE: "none" CACHE_INDEX_AND_FILTER_BLOCKS: 1 MIN_LEVEL_TO_COMPRESS: 3 CACHE_SIZE_MB: 10240 MB_WRITE_PER_SEC: 2 post-benchmarks: steps: - store_artifacts: # store the benchmark output path: /tmp/benchmark-results destination: test_logs - run: name: Send benchmark report to visualisation command: | set +e set +o pipefail ./build_tools/ --tsvfile /tmp/benchmark-results/report.tsv --esdocument true executors: linux-docker: docker: # The image configuration is build_tools/ubuntu20_image/Dockerfile # To update and build the image: # $ cd build_tools/ubuntu20_image # $ docker build -t zjay437/rocksdb:0.5 . # $ docker push zjay437/rocksdb:0.5 # `zjay437` is the account name for which readwrite token is shared internally. To login: # $ docker login --username zjay437 # Or please feel free to change it to your docker hub account for hosting the image, meta employee should already have the account and able to login with SSO. # To avoid impacting the existing CI runs, please bump the version every time creating a new image # to run the CI image environment locally: # $ docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -it zjay437/rocksdb:0.5 bash # option `--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined` is used to enable gdb to attach an existing process - image: zjay437/rocksdb:0.6 jobs: build-macos: macos: xcode: 12.5.1 resource_class: large environment: ROCKSDB_DISABLE_JEMALLOC: 1 # jemalloc cause env_test hang, disable it for now steps: - increase-max-open-files-on-macos - install-gflags-on-macos - pre-steps-macos - run: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && OPT=-DCIRCLECI make V=1 J=32 -j32 all - post-steps build-macos-cmake: macos: xcode: 12.5.1 resource_class: large parameters: run_even_tests: description: run even or odd tests, used to split tests to 2 groups type: boolean default: true steps: - increase-max-open-files-on-macos - install-cmake-on-macos - install-gflags-on-macos - pre-steps-macos - run: name: "cmake generate project file" command: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 .. - run: name: "Build tests" command: cd build && make V=1 -j32 - when: condition: << parameters.run_even_tests >> steps: - run: name: "Run even tests" command: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && cd build && ctest -j32 -I 0,,2 - when: condition: not: << parameters.run_even_tests >> steps: - run: name: "Run odd tests" command: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && cd build && ctest -j32 -I 1,,2 - post-steps build-linux: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: make V=1 J=32 -j32 check - post-steps build-linux-encrypted_env-no_compression: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: ENCRYPTED_ENV=1 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_SNAPPY=1 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ZLIB=1 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_BZIP=1 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_LZ4=1 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ZSTD=1 make V=1 J=32 -j32 check - run: | ./sst_dump --help | grep -E -q 'Supported compression types: kNoCompression$' # Verify no compiled in compression - post-steps build-linux-static_lib-alt_namespace-status_checked: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: ASSERT_STATUS_CHECKED=1 TEST_UINT128_COMPAT=1 ROCKSDB_MODIFY_NPHASH=1 LIB_MODE=static OPT="-DROCKSDB_NAMESPACE=alternative_rocksdb_ns" make V=1 -j24 check - post-steps build-linux-release: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - checkout # check out the code in the project directory - run: make V=1 -j32 LIB_MODE=shared release - run: ls # ensure shared lib built - run: ./db_stress --version # ensure with gflags - run: make clean - run: make V=1 -j32 release - run: ls librocksdb.a # ensure static lib built - run: ./db_stress --version # ensure with gflags - run: make clean - run: apt-get remove -y libgflags-dev - run: make V=1 -j32 LIB_MODE=shared release - run: ls # ensure shared lib built - run: if ./db_stress --version; then false; else true; fi # ensure without gflags - run: make clean - run: make V=1 -j32 release - run: ls librocksdb.a # ensure static lib built - run: if ./db_stress --version; then false; else true; fi # ensure without gflags - post-steps build-linux-release-rtti: executor: linux-docker resource_class: xlarge steps: - checkout # check out the code in the project directory - run: USE_RTTI=1 DEBUG_LEVEL=0 make V=1 -j16 static_lib tools db_bench - run: ./db_stress --version # ensure with gflags - run: make clean - run: apt-get remove -y libgflags-dev - run: USE_RTTI=1 DEBUG_LEVEL=0 make V=1 -j16 static_lib tools db_bench - run: if ./db_stress --version; then false; else true; fi # ensure without gflags build-linux-clang-no_test_run: executor: linux-docker resource_class: xlarge steps: - checkout # check out the code in the project directory - run: CC=clang CXX=clang++ USE_CLANG=1 PORTABLE=1 make V=1 -j16 all - post-steps build-linux-clang10-asan: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 CC=clang-10 CXX=clang++-10 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ALIGNED_NEW=1 USE_CLANG=1 make V=1 -j32 check # aligned new doesn't work for reason we haven't figured out - post-steps build-linux-clang10-mini-tsan: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge+ steps: - pre-steps - run: COMPILE_WITH_TSAN=1 CC=clang-13 CXX=clang++-13 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ALIGNED_NEW=1 USE_CLANG=1 make V=1 -j32 check - post-steps build-linux-clang10-ubsan: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: COMPILE_WITH_UBSAN=1 OPT="-fsanitize-blacklist=.circleci/ubsan_suppression_list.txt" CC=clang-10 CXX=clang++-10 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ALIGNED_NEW=1 USE_CLANG=1 make V=1 -j32 ubsan_check # aligned new doesn't work for reason we haven't figured out - post-steps build-linux-valgrind: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: PORTABLE=1 make V=1 -j32 valgrind_test - post-steps build-linux-clang10-clang-analyze: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: CC=clang-10 CXX=clang++-10 ROCKSDB_DISABLE_ALIGNED_NEW=1 CLANG_ANALYZER="/usr/bin/clang++-10" CLANG_SCAN_BUILD=scan-build-10 USE_CLANG=1 make V=1 -j32 analyze # aligned new doesn't work for reason we haven't figured out. For unknown, reason passing "clang++-10" as CLANG_ANALYZER doesn't work, and we need a full path. - post-steps - run: name: "compress test report" command: tar -cvzf scan_build_report.tar.gz scan_build_report when: on_fail - store_artifacts: path: scan_build_report.tar.gz destination: scan_build_report when: on_fail build-linux-runner: machine: true resource_class: facebook/rocksdb-benchmark-sys1 steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "Checked Linux build (Runner)" command: make V=1 J=8 -j8 check environment: LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/lib - post-steps build-linux-cmake-with-folly: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - setup-folly - build-folly - run: (mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DUSE_FOLLY=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 -DROCKSDB_BUILD_SHARED=0 .. && make V=1 -j20 && ctest -j20) - post-steps build-linux-cmake-with-folly-lite-no-test: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - setup-folly - run: (mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DUSE_FOLLY_LITE=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 .. && make V=1 -j20) - post-steps build-linux-cmake-with-benchmark: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 -DWITH_BENCHMARK=1 .. && make V=1 -j20 && ctest -j20 - post-steps build-linux-unity-and-headers: docker: # executor type - image: gcc:latest environment: EXTRA_CXXFLAGS: -mno-avx512f # Warnings-as-error in avx512fintrin.h, would be used on newer hardware resource_class: large steps: - checkout # check out the code in the project directory - run: apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libgflags-dev - run: name: "Unity build" command: make V=1 -j8 unity_test no_output_timeout: 20m - run: make V=1 -j8 -k check-headers # could be moved to a different build - post-steps build-linux-gcc-7-with-folly: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - setup-folly - build-folly - run: USE_FOLLY=1 LIB_MODE=static CC=gcc-7 CXX=g++-7 V=1 make -j32 check # TODO: LIB_MODE only to work around unresolved linker failures - post-steps build-linux-gcc-7-with-folly-lite-no-test: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - setup-folly - run: USE_FOLLY_LITE=1 CC=gcc-7 CXX=g++-7 V=1 make -j32 all - post-steps build-linux-gcc-8-no_test_run: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: CC=gcc-8 CXX=g++-8 V=1 make -j32 all - post-steps build-linux-cmake-with-folly-coroutines: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge environment: CC: gcc-10 CXX: g++-10 steps: - pre-steps - setup-folly - build-folly - run: (mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DUSE_COROUTINES=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 -DROCKSDB_BUILD_SHARED=0 .. && make V=1 -j20 && ctest -j20) - post-steps build-linux-gcc-10-cxx20-no_test_run: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: CC=gcc-10 CXX=g++-10 V=1 ROCKSDB_CXX_STANDARD=c++20 make -j32 all - post-steps build-linux-gcc-11-no_test_run: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: LIB_MODE=static CC=gcc-11 CXX=g++-11 V=1 make -j32 all microbench # TODO: LIB_MODE only to work around unresolved linker failures - post-steps build-linux-clang-13-no_test_run: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: CC=clang-13 CXX=clang++-13 USE_CLANG=1 make -j32 all microbench - post-steps # Ensure ASAN+UBSAN with folly, and full testsuite with clang 13 build-linux-clang-13-asan-ubsan-with-folly: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - setup-folly - build-folly - run: CC=clang-13 CXX=clang++-13 LIB_MODE=static USE_CLANG=1 USE_FOLLY=1 COMPILE_WITH_UBSAN=1 COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make -j32 check # TODO: LIB_MODE only to work around unresolved linker failures - post-steps # This job is only to make sure the microbench tests are able to run, the benchmark result is not meaningful as the CI host is changing. build-linux-run-microbench: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: DEBUG_LEVEL=0 make -j32 run_microbench - post-steps build-linux-mini-crashtest: executor: linux-docker resource_class: large steps: - pre-steps - run: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && make V=1 -j8 CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS='--duration=960 --max_key=2500000 --async_io=0' blackbox_crash_test_with_atomic_flush - post-steps build-linux-crashtest-tiered-storage-bb: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "run crashtest" command: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && make V=1 -j32 CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS='--duration=10800 --async_io=0' blackbox_crash_test_with_tiered_storage no_output_timeout: 100m - post-steps build-linux-crashtest-tiered-storage-wb: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "run crashtest" command: ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` && make V=1 -j32 CRASH_TEST_EXT_ARGS='--duration=10800 --async_io=0' whitebox_crash_test_with_tiered_storage no_output_timeout: 100m - post-steps build-windows-vs2022: executor: name: win/server-2022 size: 2xlarge environment: THIRDPARTY_HOME: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty CMAKE_HOME: C:/Program Files/CMake CMAKE_BIN: C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe SNAPPY_HOME: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8 SNAPPY_INCLUDE: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8;C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8/build SNAPPY_LIB_DEBUG: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8/build/Debug/snappy.lib CMAKE_GENERATOR: Visual Studio 17 2022 steps: - windows-build-steps build-windows-vs2019: executor: name: win/server-2019 size: 2xlarge environment: THIRDPARTY_HOME: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty CMAKE_HOME: C:/Program Files/CMake CMAKE_BIN: C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe SNAPPY_HOME: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8 SNAPPY_INCLUDE: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8;C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8/build SNAPPY_LIB_DEBUG: C:/Users/circleci/thirdparty/snappy-1.1.8/build/Debug/snappy.lib CMAKE_GENERATOR: Visual Studio 16 2019 steps: - windows-build-steps build-linux-java: executor: linux-docker resource_class: large steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "Set Java Environment" command: | echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" echo 'export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV which java && java -version which javac && javac -version - run: name: "Test RocksDBJava" command: make V=1 J=8 -j8 jtest - post-steps build-linux-java-static: executor: linux-docker resource_class: large steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "Set Java Environment" command: | echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" echo 'export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV which java && java -version which javac && javac -version - run: name: "Build RocksDBJava Static Library" command: make V=1 J=8 -j8 rocksdbjavastatic - post-steps build-macos-java: macos: xcode: 12.5.1 resource_class: large environment: JAVA_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home ROCKSDB_DISABLE_JEMALLOC: 1 # jemalloc causes java 8 crash steps: - increase-max-open-files-on-macos - install-gflags-on-macos - install-jdk8-on-macos - pre-steps-macos - run: name: "Set Java Environment" command: | echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" echo 'export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV which java && java -version which javac && javac -version - run: name: "Test RocksDBJava" command: make V=1 J=16 -j16 jtest no_output_timeout: 20m - post-steps build-macos-java-static: macos: xcode: 12.5.1 resource_class: large environment: JAVA_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home steps: - increase-max-open-files-on-macos - install-gflags-on-macos - install-cmake-on-macos - install-jdk8-on-macos - pre-steps-macos - run: name: "Set Java Environment" command: | echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" echo 'export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV which java && java -version which javac && javac -version - run: name: "Build RocksDBJava x86 and ARM Static Libraries" command: make V=1 J=16 -j16 rocksdbjavastaticosx no_output_timeout: 20m - post-steps build-macos-java-static-universal: macos: xcode: 12.5.1 resource_class: large environment: JAVA_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home steps: - increase-max-open-files-on-macos - install-gflags-on-macos - install-cmake-on-macos - install-jdk8-on-macos - pre-steps-macos - run: name: "Set Java Environment" command: | echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" echo 'export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV which java && java -version which javac && javac -version - run: name: "Build RocksDBJava Universal Binary Static Library" command: make V=1 J=16 -j16 rocksdbjavastaticosx_ub no_output_timeout: 20m - post-steps build-examples: executor: linux-docker resource_class: large steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "Build examples" command: | make V=1 -j4 static_lib && cd examples && make V=1 -j4 - post-steps build-cmake-mingw: executor: linux-docker resource_class: large steps: - pre-steps - run: update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix - run: name: "Build cmake-mingw" command: | export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" which java && java -version which javac && javac -version mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DJNI=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=OFF .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows && make -j4 rocksdb rocksdbjni - post-steps build-linux-non-shm: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge environment: TEST_TMPDIR: /tmp/rocksdb_test_tmp steps: - pre-steps - run: make V=1 -j32 check - post-steps build-linux-arm-test-full: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202111-02 resource_class: arm.large steps: - pre-steps - install-gflags - run: make V=1 J=4 -j4 check - post-steps build-linux-arm: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202111-02 resource_class: arm.large steps: - pre-steps - install-gflags - run: ROCKSDBTESTS_PLATFORM_DEPENDENT=only make V=1 J=4 -j4 all_but_some_tests check_some - post-steps build-linux-arm-cmake-no_test_run: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202111-02 resource_class: arm.large environment: JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-arm64 steps: - pre-steps - install-gflags - run: name: "Set Java Environment" command: | echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" echo 'export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV which java && java -version which javac && javac -version - run: name: "Build with cmake" command: | mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_TESTS=0 -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 -DWITH_BENCHMARK_TOOLS=0 -DWITH_TOOLS=0 -DWITH_CORE_TOOLS=1 .. make -j4 - run: name: "Build Java with cmake" command: | rm -rf build mkdir build cd build cmake -DJNI=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 .. make -j4 rocksdb rocksdbjni - post-steps build-format-compatible: executor: linux-docker resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "test" command: | export TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb rm -rf /dev/shm/rocksdb mkdir /dev/shm/rocksdb tools/ - post-steps build-fuzzers: executor: linux-docker resource_class: large steps: - pre-steps - run: name: "Build rocksdb lib" command: CC=clang-13 CXX=clang++-13 USE_CLANG=1 make -j4 static_lib - run: name: "Build fuzzers" command: cd fuzz && make sst_file_writer_fuzzer db_fuzzer db_map_fuzzer - post-steps benchmark-linux: #use a private Circle CI runner (resource_class) to run the job machine: true resource_class: facebook/rocksdb-benchmark-sys1 steps: - build-for-benchmarks - perform-benchmarks - post-benchmarks workflows: version: 2 jobs-linux-run-tests: jobs: - build-linux - build-linux-cmake-with-folly - build-linux-cmake-with-folly-lite-no-test - build-linux-gcc-7-with-folly - build-linux-gcc-7-with-folly-lite-no-test - build-linux-cmake-with-folly-coroutines - build-linux-cmake-with-benchmark - build-linux-encrypted_env-no_compression jobs-linux-run-tests-san: jobs: - build-linux-clang10-asan - build-linux-clang10-ubsan - build-linux-clang10-mini-tsan - build-linux-static_lib-alt_namespace-status_checked jobs-linux-no-test-run: jobs: - build-linux-release - build-linux-release-rtti - build-examples - build-fuzzers - build-linux-clang-no_test_run - build-linux-clang-13-no_test_run - build-linux-gcc-8-no_test_run - build-linux-gcc-10-cxx20-no_test_run - build-linux-gcc-11-no_test_run - build-linux-arm-cmake-no_test_run jobs-linux-other-checks: jobs: - build-linux-clang10-clang-analyze - build-linux-unity-and-headers - build-linux-mini-crashtest jobs-windows: jobs: - build-windows-vs2022 - build-windows-vs2019 - build-cmake-mingw jobs-java: jobs: - build-linux-java - build-linux-java-static - build-macos-java - build-macos-java-static - build-macos-java-static-universal jobs-macos: jobs: - build-macos - build-macos-cmake: run_even_tests: true - build-macos-cmake: run_even_tests: false jobs-linux-arm: jobs: - build-linux-arm build-fuzzers: jobs: - build-fuzzers benchmark-linux: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 * * * *" filters: branches: only: - main jobs: - benchmark-linux nightly: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 9 * * *" filters: branches: only: - main jobs: - build-format-compatible - build-linux-arm-test-full - build-linux-run-microbench - build-linux-non-shm - build-linux-clang-13-asan-ubsan-with-folly - build-linux-valgrind