// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. // // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include "rocksdb/c.h" #include #include #include "rocksdb/cache.h" #include "rocksdb/compaction_filter.h" #include "rocksdb/comparator.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/env.h" #include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h" #include "rocksdb/iterator.h" #include "rocksdb/merge_operator.h" #include "rocksdb/options.h" #include "rocksdb/status.h" #include "rocksdb/write_batch.h" #include "rocksdb/memtablerep.h" #include "rocksdb/universal_compaction.h" #include "rocksdb/statistics.h" #include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h" #include "rocksdb/table.h" using rocksdb::Cache; using rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor; using rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle; using rocksdb::ColumnFamilyOptions; using rocksdb::CompactionFilter; using rocksdb::CompactionFilterFactory; using rocksdb::CompactionOptionsFIFO; using rocksdb::Comparator; using rocksdb::CompressionType; using rocksdb::DB; using rocksdb::DBOptions; using rocksdb::Env; using rocksdb::InfoLogLevel; using rocksdb::FileLock; using rocksdb::FilterPolicy; using rocksdb::FlushOptions; using rocksdb::Iterator; using rocksdb::Logger; using rocksdb::MergeOperator; using rocksdb::NewBloomFilterPolicy; using rocksdb::NewLRUCache; using rocksdb::Options; using rocksdb::RandomAccessFile; using rocksdb::Range; using rocksdb::ReadOptions; using rocksdb::SequentialFile; using rocksdb::Slice; using rocksdb::SliceTransform; using rocksdb::Snapshot; using rocksdb::Status; using rocksdb::WritableFile; using rocksdb::WriteBatch; using rocksdb::WriteOptions; using rocksdb::LiveFileMetaData; using std::shared_ptr; extern "C" { struct rocksdb_t { DB* rep; }; struct rocksdb_iterator_t { Iterator* rep; }; struct rocksdb_writebatch_t { WriteBatch rep; }; struct rocksdb_snapshot_t { const Snapshot* rep; }; struct rocksdb_flushoptions_t { FlushOptions rep; }; struct rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t { CompactionOptionsFIFO rep; }; struct rocksdb_readoptions_t { ReadOptions rep; }; struct rocksdb_writeoptions_t { WriteOptions rep; }; struct rocksdb_options_t { Options rep; }; struct rocksdb_seqfile_t { SequentialFile* rep; }; struct rocksdb_randomfile_t { RandomAccessFile* rep; }; struct rocksdb_writablefile_t { WritableFile* rep; }; struct rocksdb_filelock_t { FileLock* rep; }; struct rocksdb_logger_t { shared_ptr rep; }; struct rocksdb_cache_t { shared_ptr rep; }; struct rocksdb_livefiles_t { std::vector rep; }; struct rocksdb_column_family_handle_t { ColumnFamilyHandle* rep; }; struct rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_t { CompactionFilter::Context rep; }; struct rocksdb_compactionfilter_t : public CompactionFilter { void* state_; void (*destructor_)(void*); unsigned char (*filter_)( void*, int level, const char* key, size_t key_length, const char* existing_value, size_t value_length, char** new_value, size_t *new_value_length, unsigned char* value_changed); const char* (*name_)(void*); virtual ~rocksdb_compactionfilter_t() { (*destructor_)(state_); } virtual bool Filter( int level, const Slice& key, const Slice& existing_value, std::string* new_value, bool* value_changed) const { char* c_new_value = NULL; size_t new_value_length = 0; unsigned char c_value_changed = 0; unsigned char result = (*filter_)( state_, level, key.data(), key.size(), existing_value.data(), existing_value.size(), &c_new_value, &new_value_length, &c_value_changed); if (c_value_changed) { new_value->assign(c_new_value, new_value_length); *value_changed = true; } return result; } virtual const char* Name() const { return (*name_)(state_); } }; struct rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t : public CompactionFilterFactory { void* state_; void (*destructor_)(void*); rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* (*create_compaction_filter_)( void*, rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_t* context); const char* (*name_)(void*); virtual ~rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t() { (*destructor_)(state_); } virtual std::unique_ptr CreateCompactionFilter( const CompactionFilter::Context& context) { rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_t ccontext; ccontext.rep = context; CompactionFilter* cf = (*create_compaction_filter_)(state_, &ccontext); return std::unique_ptr(cf); } virtual const char* Name() const { return (*name_)(state_); } }; struct rocksdb_comparator_t : public Comparator { void* state_; void (*destructor_)(void*); int (*compare_)( void*, const char* a, size_t alen, const char* b, size_t blen); const char* (*name_)(void*); virtual ~rocksdb_comparator_t() { (*destructor_)(state_); } virtual int Compare(const Slice& a, const Slice& b) const { return (*compare_)(state_, a.data(), a.size(), b.data(), b.size()); } virtual const char* Name() const { return (*name_)(state_); } // No-ops since the C binding does not support key shortening methods. virtual void FindShortestSeparator(std::string*, const Slice&) const { } virtual void FindShortSuccessor(std::string* key) const { } }; struct rocksdb_filterpolicy_t : public FilterPolicy { void* state_; void (*destructor_)(void*); const char* (*name_)(void*); char* (*create_)( void*, const char* const* key_array, const size_t* key_length_array, int num_keys, size_t* filter_length); unsigned char (*key_match_)( void*, const char* key, size_t length, const char* filter, size_t filter_length); void (*delete_filter_)( void*, const char* filter, size_t filter_length); virtual ~rocksdb_filterpolicy_t() { (*destructor_)(state_); } virtual const char* Name() const { return (*name_)(state_); } virtual void CreateFilter(const Slice* keys, int n, std::string* dst) const { std::vector key_pointers(n); std::vector key_sizes(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key_pointers[i] = keys[i].data(); key_sizes[i] = keys[i].size(); } size_t len; char* filter = (*create_)(state_, &key_pointers[0], &key_sizes[0], n, &len); dst->append(filter, len); if (delete_filter_ != nullptr) { (*delete_filter_)(state_, filter, len); } else { free(filter); } } virtual bool KeyMayMatch(const Slice& key, const Slice& filter) const { return (*key_match_)(state_, key.data(), key.size(), filter.data(), filter.size()); } }; struct rocksdb_mergeoperator_t : public MergeOperator { void* state_; void (*destructor_)(void*); const char* (*name_)(void*); char* (*full_merge_)( void*, const char* key, size_t key_length, const char* existing_value, size_t existing_value_length, const char* const* operands_list, const size_t* operands_list_length, int num_operands, unsigned char* success, size_t* new_value_length); char* (*partial_merge_)(void*, const char* key, size_t key_length, const char* const* operands_list, const size_t* operands_list_length, int num_operands, unsigned char* success, size_t* new_value_length); void (*delete_value_)( void*, const char* value, size_t value_length); virtual ~rocksdb_mergeoperator_t() { (*destructor_)(state_); } virtual const char* Name() const { return (*name_)(state_); } virtual bool FullMerge( const Slice& key, const Slice* existing_value, const std::deque& operand_list, std::string* new_value, Logger* logger) const { size_t n = operand_list.size(); std::vector operand_pointers(n); std::vector operand_sizes(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { Slice operand(operand_list[i]); operand_pointers[i] = operand.data(); operand_sizes[i] = operand.size(); } const char* existing_value_data = nullptr; size_t existing_value_len = 0; if (existing_value != nullptr) { existing_value_data = existing_value->data(); existing_value_len = existing_value->size(); } unsigned char success; size_t new_value_len; char* tmp_new_value = (*full_merge_)( state_, key.data(), key.size(), existing_value_data, existing_value_len, &operand_pointers[0], &operand_sizes[0], n, &success, &new_value_len); new_value->assign(tmp_new_value, new_value_len); if (delete_value_ != nullptr) { (*delete_value_)(state_, tmp_new_value, new_value_len); } else { free(tmp_new_value); } return success; } virtual bool PartialMergeMulti(const Slice& key, const std::deque& operand_list, std::string* new_value, Logger* logger) const { size_t operand_count = operand_list.size(); std::vector operand_pointers(operand_count); std::vector operand_sizes(operand_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < operand_count; ++i) { Slice operand(operand_list[i]); operand_pointers[i] = operand.data(); operand_sizes[i] = operand.size(); } unsigned char success; size_t new_value_len; char* tmp_new_value = (*partial_merge_)( state_, key.data(), key.size(), &operand_pointers[0], &operand_sizes[0], operand_count, &success, &new_value_len); new_value->assign(tmp_new_value, new_value_len); if (delete_value_ != nullptr) { (*delete_value_)(state_, tmp_new_value, new_value_len); } else { free(tmp_new_value); } return success; } }; struct rocksdb_env_t { Env* rep; bool is_default; }; struct rocksdb_slicetransform_t : public SliceTransform { void* state_; void (*destructor_)(void*); const char* (*name_)(void*); char* (*transform_)( void*, const char* key, size_t length, size_t* dst_length); unsigned char (*in_domain_)( void*, const char* key, size_t length); unsigned char (*in_range_)( void*, const char* key, size_t length); virtual ~rocksdb_slicetransform_t() { (*destructor_)(state_); } virtual const char* Name() const { return (*name_)(state_); } virtual Slice Transform(const Slice& src) const { size_t len; char* dst = (*transform_)(state_, src.data(), src.size(), &len); return Slice(dst, len); } virtual bool InDomain(const Slice& src) const { return (*in_domain_)(state_, src.data(), src.size()); } virtual bool InRange(const Slice& src) const { return (*in_range_)(state_, src.data(), src.size()); } }; struct rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t { rocksdb::CompactionOptionsUniversal *rep; }; static bool SaveError(char** errptr, const Status& s) { assert(errptr != nullptr); if (s.ok()) { return false; } else if (*errptr == nullptr) { *errptr = strdup(s.ToString().c_str()); } else { // TODO(sanjay): Merge with existing error? free(*errptr); *errptr = strdup(s.ToString().c_str()); } return true; } static char* CopyString(const std::string& str) { char* result = reinterpret_cast(malloc(sizeof(char) * str.size())); memcpy(result, str.data(), sizeof(char) * str.size()); return result; } rocksdb_t* rocksdb_open( const rocksdb_options_t* options, const char* name, char** errptr) { DB* db; if (SaveError(errptr, DB::Open(options->rep, std::string(name), &db))) { return nullptr; } rocksdb_t* result = new rocksdb_t; result->rep = db; return result; } rocksdb_t* rocksdb_open_for_read_only( const rocksdb_options_t* options, const char* name, unsigned char error_if_log_file_exist, char** errptr) { DB* db; if (SaveError(errptr, DB::OpenForReadOnly(options->rep, std::string(name), &db, error_if_log_file_exist))) { return nullptr; } rocksdb_t* result = new rocksdb_t; result->rep = db; return result; } void rocksdb_close(rocksdb_t* db) { delete db->rep; delete db; } rocksdb_t* rocksdb_open_column_families( const rocksdb_options_t* db_options, const char* name, int num_column_families, const char** column_family_names, const rocksdb_options_t** column_family_options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t** column_family_handles, char** errptr) { std::vector column_families; for (int i = 0; i < num_column_families; i++) { column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor( std::string(column_family_names[i]), ColumnFamilyOptions(column_family_options[i]->rep))); } DB* db; std::vector handles; if (SaveError(errptr, DB::Open(DBOptions(db_options->rep), std::string(name), column_families, &handles, &db))) { return nullptr; } for (size_t i = 0; i < handles.size(); i++) { rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* c_handle = new rocksdb_column_family_handle_t; c_handle->rep = handles[i]; column_family_handles[i] = c_handle; } rocksdb_t* result = new rocksdb_t; result->rep = db; return result; } rocksdb_t* rocksdb_open_for_read_only_column_families( const rocksdb_options_t* db_options, const char* name, int num_column_families, const char** column_family_names, const rocksdb_options_t** column_family_options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t** column_family_handles, unsigned char error_if_log_file_exist, char** errptr) { std::vector column_families; for (int i = 0; i < num_column_families; i++) { column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor( std::string(column_family_names[i]), ColumnFamilyOptions(column_family_options[i]->rep))); } DB* db; std::vector handles; if (SaveError(errptr, DB::OpenForReadOnly(DBOptions(db_options->rep), std::string(name), column_families, &handles, &db, error_if_log_file_exist))) { return nullptr; } for (size_t i = 0; i < handles.size(); i++) { rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* c_handle = new rocksdb_column_family_handle_t; c_handle->rep = handles[i]; column_family_handles[i] = c_handle; } rocksdb_t* result = new rocksdb_t; result->rep = db; return result; } char** rocksdb_list_column_families( const rocksdb_options_t* options, const char* name, size_t* lencfs, char** errptr) { std::vector fams; SaveError(errptr, DB::ListColumnFamilies(DBOptions(options->rep), std::string(name), &fams)); *lencfs = fams.size(); char** column_families = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(char*) * fams.size())); for (size_t i = 0; i < fams.size(); i++) { column_families[i] = strdup(fams[i].c_str()); } return column_families; } void rocksdb_list_column_families_destroy(char** list, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { free(list[i]); } free(list); } rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* rocksdb_create_column_family( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_options_t* column_family_options, const char* column_family_name, char** errptr) { rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* handle = new rocksdb_column_family_handle_t; SaveError(errptr, db->rep->CreateColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyOptions(column_family_options->rep), std::string(column_family_name), &(handle->rep))); return handle; } void rocksdb_drop_column_family( rocksdb_t* db, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* handle, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->DropColumnFamily(handle->rep)); } void rocksdb_column_family_handle_destroy(rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* handle) { delete handle->rep; delete handle; } void rocksdb_put( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, const char* key, size_t keylen, const char* val, size_t vallen, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Put(options->rep, Slice(key, keylen), Slice(val, vallen))); } void rocksdb_put_cf( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t keylen, const char* val, size_t vallen, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Put(options->rep, column_family->rep, Slice(key, keylen), Slice(val, vallen))); } void rocksdb_delete( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, const char* key, size_t keylen, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Delete(options->rep, Slice(key, keylen))); } void rocksdb_delete_cf( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t keylen, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Delete(options->rep, column_family->rep, Slice(key, keylen))); } void rocksdb_merge( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, const char* key, size_t keylen, const char* val, size_t vallen, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Merge(options->rep, Slice(key, keylen), Slice(val, vallen))); } void rocksdb_merge_cf( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t keylen, const char* val, size_t vallen, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Merge(options->rep, column_family->rep, Slice(key, keylen), Slice(val, vallen))); } void rocksdb_write( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_writeoptions_t* options, rocksdb_writebatch_t* batch, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Write(options->rep, &batch->rep)); } char* rocksdb_get( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_readoptions_t* options, const char* key, size_t keylen, size_t* vallen, char** errptr) { char* result = nullptr; std::string tmp; Status s = db->rep->Get(options->rep, Slice(key, keylen), &tmp); if (s.ok()) { *vallen = tmp.size(); result = CopyString(tmp); } else { *vallen = 0; if (!s.IsNotFound()) { SaveError(errptr, s); } } return result; } char* rocksdb_get_cf( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_readoptions_t* options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t keylen, size_t* vallen, char** errptr) { char* result = nullptr; std::string tmp; Status s = db->rep->Get(options->rep, column_family->rep, Slice(key, keylen), &tmp); if (s.ok()) { *vallen = tmp.size(); result = CopyString(tmp); } else { *vallen = 0; if (!s.IsNotFound()) { SaveError(errptr, s); } } return result; } rocksdb_iterator_t* rocksdb_create_iterator( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_readoptions_t* options) { rocksdb_iterator_t* result = new rocksdb_iterator_t; result->rep = db->rep->NewIterator(options->rep); return result; } rocksdb_iterator_t* rocksdb_create_iterator_cf( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_readoptions_t* options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family) { rocksdb_iterator_t* result = new rocksdb_iterator_t; result->rep = db->rep->NewIterator(options->rep, column_family->rep); return result; } const rocksdb_snapshot_t* rocksdb_create_snapshot( rocksdb_t* db) { rocksdb_snapshot_t* result = new rocksdb_snapshot_t; result->rep = db->rep->GetSnapshot(); return result; } void rocksdb_release_snapshot( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_snapshot_t* snapshot) { db->rep->ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot->rep); delete snapshot; } char* rocksdb_property_value( rocksdb_t* db, const char* propname) { std::string tmp; if (db->rep->GetProperty(Slice(propname), &tmp)) { // We use strdup() since we expect human readable output. return strdup(tmp.c_str()); } else { return nullptr; } } char* rocksdb_property_value_cf( rocksdb_t* db, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* propname) { std::string tmp; if (db->rep->GetProperty(column_family->rep, Slice(propname), &tmp)) { // We use strdup() since we expect human readable output. return strdup(tmp.c_str()); } else { return nullptr; } } void rocksdb_approximate_sizes( rocksdb_t* db, int num_ranges, const char* const* range_start_key, const size_t* range_start_key_len, const char* const* range_limit_key, const size_t* range_limit_key_len, uint64_t* sizes) { Range* ranges = new Range[num_ranges]; for (int i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++) { ranges[i].start = Slice(range_start_key[i], range_start_key_len[i]); ranges[i].limit = Slice(range_limit_key[i], range_limit_key_len[i]); } db->rep->GetApproximateSizes(ranges, num_ranges, sizes); delete[] ranges; } void rocksdb_approximate_sizes_cf( rocksdb_t* db, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, int num_ranges, const char* const* range_start_key, const size_t* range_start_key_len, const char* const* range_limit_key, const size_t* range_limit_key_len, uint64_t* sizes) { Range* ranges = new Range[num_ranges]; for (int i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++) { ranges[i].start = Slice(range_start_key[i], range_start_key_len[i]); ranges[i].limit = Slice(range_limit_key[i], range_limit_key_len[i]); } db->rep->GetApproximateSizes(column_family->rep, ranges, num_ranges, sizes); delete[] ranges; } void rocksdb_delete_file( rocksdb_t* db, const char* name) { db->rep->DeleteFile(name); } const rocksdb_livefiles_t* rocksdb_livefiles( rocksdb_t* db) { rocksdb_livefiles_t* result = new rocksdb_livefiles_t; db->rep->GetLiveFilesMetaData(&result->rep); return result; } void rocksdb_compact_range( rocksdb_t* db, const char* start_key, size_t start_key_len, const char* limit_key, size_t limit_key_len) { Slice a, b; db->rep->CompactRange( // Pass nullptr Slice if corresponding "const char*" is nullptr (start_key ? (a = Slice(start_key, start_key_len), &a) : nullptr), (limit_key ? (b = Slice(limit_key, limit_key_len), &b) : nullptr)); } void rocksdb_compact_range_cf( rocksdb_t* db, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* start_key, size_t start_key_len, const char* limit_key, size_t limit_key_len) { Slice a, b; db->rep->CompactRange( // Pass nullptr Slice if corresponding "const char*" is nullptr (start_key ? (a = Slice(start_key, start_key_len), &a) : nullptr), (limit_key ? (b = Slice(limit_key, limit_key_len), &b) : nullptr)); } void rocksdb_flush( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_flushoptions_t* options, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Flush(options->rep)); } void rocksdb_disable_file_deletions( rocksdb_t* db, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->DisableFileDeletions()); } void rocksdb_enable_file_deletions( rocksdb_t* db, unsigned char force, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, db->rep->EnableFileDeletions(force)); } void rocksdb_destroy_db( const rocksdb_options_t* options, const char* name, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, DestroyDB(name, options->rep)); } void rocksdb_repair_db( const rocksdb_options_t* options, const char* name, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, RepairDB(name, options->rep)); } void rocksdb_iter_destroy(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter) { delete iter->rep; delete iter; } unsigned char rocksdb_iter_valid(const rocksdb_iterator_t* iter) { return iter->rep->Valid(); } void rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter) { iter->rep->SeekToFirst(); } void rocksdb_iter_seek_to_last(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter) { iter->rep->SeekToLast(); } void rocksdb_iter_seek(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter, const char* k, size_t klen) { iter->rep->Seek(Slice(k, klen)); } void rocksdb_iter_next(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter) { iter->rep->Next(); } void rocksdb_iter_prev(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter) { iter->rep->Prev(); } const char* rocksdb_iter_key(const rocksdb_iterator_t* iter, size_t* klen) { Slice s = iter->rep->key(); *klen = s.size(); return s.data(); } const char* rocksdb_iter_value(const rocksdb_iterator_t* iter, size_t* vlen) { Slice s = iter->rep->value(); *vlen = s.size(); return s.data(); } void rocksdb_iter_get_error(const rocksdb_iterator_t* iter, char** errptr) { SaveError(errptr, iter->rep->status()); } rocksdb_writebatch_t* rocksdb_writebatch_create() { return new rocksdb_writebatch_t; } rocksdb_writebatch_t* rocksdb_writebatch_create_from(const char* rep, size_t size) { rocksdb_writebatch_t* b = new rocksdb_writebatch_t; b->rep = WriteBatch(std::string(rep, size)); return b; } void rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(rocksdb_writebatch_t* b) { delete b; } void rocksdb_writebatch_clear(rocksdb_writebatch_t* b) { b->rep.Clear(); } int rocksdb_writebatch_count(rocksdb_writebatch_t* b) { return b->rep.Count(); } void rocksdb_writebatch_put( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, const char* key, size_t klen, const char* val, size_t vlen) { b->rep.Put(Slice(key, klen), Slice(val, vlen)); } void rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t klen, const char* val, size_t vlen) { b->rep.Put(column_family->rep, Slice(key, klen), Slice(val, vlen)); } void rocksdb_writebatch_merge( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, const char* key, size_t klen, const char* val, size_t vlen) { b->rep.Merge(Slice(key, klen), Slice(val, vlen)); } void rocksdb_writebatch_merge_cf( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t klen, const char* val, size_t vlen) { b->rep.Merge(column_family->rep, Slice(key, klen), Slice(val, vlen)); } void rocksdb_writebatch_delete( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, const char* key, size_t klen) { b->rep.Delete(Slice(key, klen)); } void rocksdb_writebatch_delete_cf( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* column_family, const char* key, size_t klen) { b->rep.Delete(column_family->rep, Slice(key, klen)); } void rocksdb_writebatch_iterate( rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, void* state, void (*put)(void*, const char* k, size_t klen, const char* v, size_t vlen), void (*deleted)(void*, const char* k, size_t klen)) { class H : public WriteBatch::Handler { public: void* state_; void (*put_)(void*, const char* k, size_t klen, const char* v, size_t vlen); void (*deleted_)(void*, const char* k, size_t klen); virtual void Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { (*put_)(state_, key.data(), key.size(), value.data(), value.size()); } virtual void Delete(const Slice& key) { (*deleted_)(state_, key.data(), key.size()); } }; H handler; handler.state_ = state; handler.put_ = put; handler.deleted_ = deleted; b->rep.Iterate(&handler); } const char* rocksdb_writebatch_data(rocksdb_writebatch_t* b, size_t* size) { *size = b->rep.GetDataSize(); return b->rep.Data().c_str(); } rocksdb_options_t* rocksdb_options_create() { return new rocksdb_options_t; } void rocksdb_options_destroy(rocksdb_options_t* options) { delete options; } void rocksdb_options_increase_parallelism( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int total_threads) { opt->rep.IncreaseParallelism(total_threads); } void rocksdb_options_optimize_for_point_lookup( rocksdb_options_t* opt) { opt->rep.OptimizeForPointLookup(); } void rocksdb_options_optimize_level_style_compaction( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t memtable_memory_budget) { opt->rep.OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction(memtable_memory_budget); } void rocksdb_options_optimize_universal_style_compaction( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t memtable_memory_budget) { opt->rep.OptimizeUniversalStyleCompaction(memtable_memory_budget); } void rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* filter) { opt->rep.compaction_filter = filter; } void rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter_factory( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t* factory) { opt->rep.compaction_filter_factory = std::shared_ptr(factory); } void rocksdb_options_set_comparator( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_comparator_t* cmp) { opt->rep.comparator = cmp; } void rocksdb_options_set_merge_operator( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_mergeoperator_t* merge_operator) { opt->rep.merge_operator = std::shared_ptr(merge_operator); } void rocksdb_options_set_filter_policy( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* policy) { opt->rep.filter_policy = policy; } void rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.create_if_missing = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.error_if_exists = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_paranoid_checks( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.paranoid_checks = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_env(rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_env_t* env) { opt->rep.env = (env ? env->rep : nullptr); } void rocksdb_options_set_info_log(rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_logger_t* l) { if (l) { opt->rep.info_log = l->rep; } } void rocksdb_options_set_info_log_level( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int v) { opt->rep.info_log_level = static_cast(v); } void rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size(rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t s) { opt->rep.write_buffer_size = s; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_open_files(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_open_files = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_cache(rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_cache_t* c) { if (c) { opt->rep.block_cache = c->rep; } } void rocksdb_options_set_cache_compressed(rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_cache_t* c) { if (c) { opt->rep.block_cache_compressed = c->rep; } } void rocksdb_options_set_block_size(rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t s) { opt->rep.block_size = s; } void rocksdb_options_set_block_restart_interval(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.block_restart_interval = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_target_file_size_base( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t n) { opt->rep.target_file_size_base = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_target_file_size_multiplier( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.target_file_size_multiplier = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_bytes_for_level_base( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t n) { opt->rep.max_bytes_for_level_base = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_bytes_for_level_multiplier( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_expanded_compaction_factor( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.expanded_compaction_factor = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_grandparent_overlap_factor( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_grandparent_overlap_factor = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_additional( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int* level_values, size_t num_levels) { opt->rep.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_additional.resize(num_levels); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_levels; ++i) { opt->rep.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_additional[i] = level_values[i]; } } void rocksdb_options_enable_statistics(rocksdb_options_t* opt) { opt->rep.statistics = rocksdb::CreateDBStatistics(); } void rocksdb_options_set_num_levels(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.num_levels = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_level0_file_num_compaction_trigger( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_level0_slowdown_writes_trigger( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_level0_stop_writes_trigger( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.level0_stop_writes_trigger = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_mem_compaction_level( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_mem_compaction_level = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_compression(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int t) { opt->rep.compression = static_cast(t); } void rocksdb_options_set_compression_per_level(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int* level_values, size_t num_levels) { opt->rep.compression_per_level.resize(num_levels); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_levels; ++i) { opt->rep.compression_per_level[i] = static_cast(level_values[i]); } } void rocksdb_options_set_compression_options( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int w_bits, int level, int strategy) { opt->rep.compression_opts.window_bits = w_bits; opt->rep.compression_opts.level = level; opt->rep.compression_opts.strategy = strategy; } void rocksdb_options_set_prefix_extractor( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_slicetransform_t* prefix_extractor) { opt->rep.prefix_extractor.reset(prefix_extractor); } void rocksdb_options_set_whole_key_filtering( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.whole_key_filtering = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_disable_data_sync( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int disable_data_sync) { opt->rep.disableDataSync = disable_data_sync; } void rocksdb_options_set_use_fsync( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int use_fsync) { opt->rep.use_fsync = use_fsync; } void rocksdb_options_set_db_stats_log_interval( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int db_stats_log_interval) { opt->rep.db_stats_log_interval = db_stats_log_interval; } void rocksdb_options_set_db_log_dir( rocksdb_options_t* opt, const char* db_log_dir) { opt->rep.db_log_dir = db_log_dir; } void rocksdb_options_set_wal_dir( rocksdb_options_t* opt, const char* v) { opt->rep.wal_dir = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_WAL_ttl_seconds(rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t ttl) { opt->rep.WAL_ttl_seconds = ttl; } void rocksdb_options_set_WAL_size_limit_MB( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t limit) { opt->rep.WAL_size_limit_MB = limit; } void rocksdb_options_set_manifest_preallocation_size( rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.manifest_preallocation_size = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_purge_redundant_kvs_while_flush( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.purge_redundant_kvs_while_flush = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_allow_os_buffer( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.allow_os_buffer = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_allow_mmap_reads( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.allow_mmap_reads = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_allow_mmap_writes( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.allow_mmap_writes = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_is_fd_close_on_exec( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.is_fd_close_on_exec = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_skip_log_error_on_recovery( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.skip_log_error_on_recovery = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_stats_dump_period_sec( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned int v) { opt->rep.stats_dump_period_sec = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_block_size_deviation( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int v) { opt->rep.block_size_deviation = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_advise_random_on_open( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.advise_random_on_open = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_access_hint_on_compaction_start( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int v) { switch(v) { case 0: opt->rep.access_hint_on_compaction_start = rocksdb::Options::NONE; break; case 1: opt->rep.access_hint_on_compaction_start = rocksdb::Options::NORMAL; break; case 2: opt->rep.access_hint_on_compaction_start = rocksdb::Options::SEQUENTIAL; break; case 3: opt->rep.access_hint_on_compaction_start = rocksdb::Options::WILLNEED; break; } } void rocksdb_options_set_use_adaptive_mutex( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.use_adaptive_mutex = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_bytes_per_sync( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t v) { opt->rep.bytes_per_sync = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_verify_checksums_in_compaction( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.verify_checksums_in_compaction = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_filter_deletes( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.filter_deletes = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_sequential_skip_in_iterations( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t v) { opt->rep.max_sequential_skip_in_iterations = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_write_buffer_number(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_write_buffer_number = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.min_write_buffer_number_to_merge = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_background_compactions(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_background_compactions = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_background_flushes(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.max_background_flushes = n; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_log_file_size(rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.max_log_file_size = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_log_file_time_to_roll(rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.log_file_time_to_roll = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_keep_log_file_num(rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.keep_log_file_num = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_soft_rate_limit(rocksdb_options_t* opt, double v) { opt->rep.soft_rate_limit = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_hard_rate_limit(rocksdb_options_t* opt, double v) { opt->rep.hard_rate_limit = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_rate_limit_delay_max_milliseconds( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned int v) { opt->rep.rate_limit_delay_max_milliseconds = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_max_manifest_file_size( rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.max_manifest_file_size = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_no_block_cache( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.no_block_cache = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_table_cache_numshardbits( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int v) { opt->rep.table_cache_numshardbits = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_table_cache_remove_scan_count_limit( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int v) { opt->rep.table_cache_remove_scan_count_limit = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_arena_block_size( rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.arena_block_size = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_disable_auto_compactions(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int disable) { opt->rep.disable_auto_compactions = disable; } void rocksdb_options_set_disable_seek_compaction(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int disable) { opt->rep.disable_seek_compaction = disable; } void rocksdb_options_set_delete_obsolete_files_period_micros( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint64_t v) { opt->rep.delete_obsolete_files_period_micros = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_source_compaction_factor( rocksdb_options_t* opt, int n) { opt->rep.expanded_compaction_factor = n; } void rocksdb_options_prepare_for_bulk_load(rocksdb_options_t* opt) { opt->rep.PrepareForBulkLoad(); } void rocksdb_options_set_memtable_vector_rep(rocksdb_options_t *opt) { static rocksdb::VectorRepFactory* factory = 0; if (!factory) { factory = new rocksdb::VectorRepFactory; } opt->rep.memtable_factory.reset(factory); } void rocksdb_options_set_memtable_prefix_bloom_bits( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint32_t v) { opt->rep.memtable_prefix_bloom_bits = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_memtable_prefix_bloom_probes( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint32_t v) { opt->rep.memtable_prefix_bloom_probes = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_hash_skip_list_rep( rocksdb_options_t *opt, size_t bucket_count, int32_t skiplist_height, int32_t skiplist_branching_factor) { static rocksdb::MemTableRepFactory* factory = 0; if (!factory) { factory = rocksdb::NewHashSkipListRepFactory( bucket_count, skiplist_height, skiplist_branching_factor); } opt->rep.memtable_factory.reset(factory); } void rocksdb_options_set_hash_link_list_rep( rocksdb_options_t *opt, size_t bucket_count) { static rocksdb::MemTableRepFactory* factory = 0; if (!factory) { factory = rocksdb::NewHashLinkListRepFactory(bucket_count); } opt->rep.memtable_factory.reset(factory); } void rocksdb_options_set_plain_table_factory( rocksdb_options_t *opt, uint32_t user_key_len, int bloom_bits_per_key, double hash_table_ratio, size_t index_sparseness) { static rocksdb::TableFactory* factory = 0; if (!factory) { factory = rocksdb::NewPlainTableFactory( user_key_len, bloom_bits_per_key, hash_table_ratio, index_sparseness); } opt->rep.table_factory.reset(factory); } void rocksdb_options_set_max_successive_merges( rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.max_successive_merges = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_min_partial_merge_operands( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint32_t v) { opt->rep.min_partial_merge_operands = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_bloom_locality( rocksdb_options_t* opt, uint32_t v) { opt->rep.bloom_locality = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_allow_thread_local( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.allow_thread_local = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_inplace_update_support( rocksdb_options_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.inplace_update_support = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_inplace_update_num_locks( rocksdb_options_t* opt, size_t v) { opt->rep.inplace_update_num_locks = v; } void rocksdb_options_set_compaction_style(rocksdb_options_t *opt, int style) { opt->rep.compaction_style = static_cast(style); } void rocksdb_options_set_universal_compaction_options(rocksdb_options_t *opt, rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t *uco) { opt->rep.compaction_options_universal = *(uco->rep); } void rocksdb_options_set_fifo_compaction_options( rocksdb_options_t* opt, rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t* fifo) { opt->rep.compaction_options_fifo = fifo->rep; } /* TODO: DB::OpenForReadOnly DB::MultiGet DB::KeyMayExist DB::GetOptions DB::GetSortedWalFiles DB::GetLatestSequenceNumber DB::GetUpdatesSince DB::GetDbIdentity DB::RunManualCompaction custom cache table_properties_collectors */ rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* rocksdb_compactionfilter_create( void* state, void (*destructor)(void*), unsigned char (*filter)( void*, int level, const char* key, size_t key_length, const char* existing_value, size_t value_length, char** new_value, size_t *new_value_length, unsigned char* value_changed), const char* (*name)(void*)) { rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* result = new rocksdb_compactionfilter_t; result->state_ = state; result->destructor_ = destructor; result->filter_ = filter; result->name_ = name; return result; } void rocksdb_compactionfilter_destroy(rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* filter) { delete filter; } unsigned char rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_is_full_compaction( rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_t* context) { return context->rep.is_full_compaction; } unsigned char rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_is_manual_compaction( rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_t* context) { return context->rep.is_manual_compaction; } rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t* rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_create( void* state, void (*destructor)(void*), rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* (*create_compaction_filter)( void*, rocksdb_compactionfiltercontext_t* context), const char* (*name)(void*)) { rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t* result = new rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t; result->state_ = state; result->destructor_ = destructor; result->create_compaction_filter_ = create_compaction_filter; result->name_ = name; return result; } void rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_destroy( rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t* factory) { delete factory; } rocksdb_comparator_t* rocksdb_comparator_create( void* state, void (*destructor)(void*), int (*compare)( void*, const char* a, size_t alen, const char* b, size_t blen), const char* (*name)(void*)) { rocksdb_comparator_t* result = new rocksdb_comparator_t; result->state_ = state; result->destructor_ = destructor; result->compare_ = compare; result->name_ = name; return result; } void rocksdb_comparator_destroy(rocksdb_comparator_t* cmp) { delete cmp; } rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* rocksdb_filterpolicy_create( void* state, void (*destructor)(void*), char* (*create_filter)( void*, const char* const* key_array, const size_t* key_length_array, int num_keys, size_t* filter_length), unsigned char (*key_may_match)( void*, const char* key, size_t length, const char* filter, size_t filter_length), void (*delete_filter)( void*, const char* filter, size_t filter_length), const char* (*name)(void*)) { rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* result = new rocksdb_filterpolicy_t; result->state_ = state; result->destructor_ = destructor; result->create_ = create_filter; result->key_match_ = key_may_match; result->delete_filter_ = delete_filter; result->name_ = name; return result; } void rocksdb_filterpolicy_destroy(rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* filter) { delete filter; } rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* rocksdb_filterpolicy_create_bloom(int bits_per_key) { // Make a rocksdb_filterpolicy_t, but override all of its methods so // they delegate to a NewBloomFilterPolicy() instead of user // supplied C functions. struct Wrapper : public rocksdb_filterpolicy_t { const FilterPolicy* rep_; ~Wrapper() { delete rep_; } const char* Name() const { return rep_->Name(); } void CreateFilter(const Slice* keys, int n, std::string* dst) const { return rep_->CreateFilter(keys, n, dst); } bool KeyMayMatch(const Slice& key, const Slice& filter) const { return rep_->KeyMayMatch(key, filter); } static void DoNothing(void*) { } }; Wrapper* wrapper = new Wrapper; wrapper->rep_ = NewBloomFilterPolicy(bits_per_key); wrapper->state_ = nullptr; wrapper->delete_filter_ = nullptr; wrapper->destructor_ = &Wrapper::DoNothing; return wrapper; } rocksdb_mergeoperator_t* rocksdb_mergeoperator_create( void* state, void (*destructor)(void*), char* (*full_merge)(void*, const char* key, size_t key_length, const char* existing_value, size_t existing_value_length, const char* const* operands_list, const size_t* operands_list_length, int num_operands, unsigned char* success, size_t* new_value_length), char* (*partial_merge)(void*, const char* key, size_t key_length, const char* const* operands_list, const size_t* operands_list_length, int num_operands, unsigned char* success, size_t* new_value_length), void (*delete_value)(void*, const char* value, size_t value_length), const char* (*name)(void*)) { rocksdb_mergeoperator_t* result = new rocksdb_mergeoperator_t; result->state_ = state; result->destructor_ = destructor; result->full_merge_ = full_merge; result->partial_merge_ = partial_merge; result->delete_value_ = delete_value; result->name_ = name; return result; } void rocksdb_mergeoperator_destroy(rocksdb_mergeoperator_t* merge_operator) { delete merge_operator; } rocksdb_readoptions_t* rocksdb_readoptions_create() { return new rocksdb_readoptions_t; } void rocksdb_readoptions_destroy(rocksdb_readoptions_t* opt) { delete opt; } void rocksdb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums( rocksdb_readoptions_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.verify_checksums = v; } void rocksdb_readoptions_set_fill_cache( rocksdb_readoptions_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.fill_cache = v; } void rocksdb_readoptions_set_snapshot( rocksdb_readoptions_t* opt, const rocksdb_snapshot_t* snap) { opt->rep.snapshot = (snap ? snap->rep : nullptr); } void rocksdb_readoptions_set_read_tier( rocksdb_readoptions_t* opt, int v) { opt->rep.read_tier = static_cast(v); } void rocksdb_readoptions_set_tailing( rocksdb_readoptions_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.tailing = v; } rocksdb_writeoptions_t* rocksdb_writeoptions_create() { return new rocksdb_writeoptions_t; } void rocksdb_writeoptions_destroy(rocksdb_writeoptions_t* opt) { delete opt; } void rocksdb_writeoptions_set_sync( rocksdb_writeoptions_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.sync = v; } void rocksdb_writeoptions_disable_WAL(rocksdb_writeoptions_t* opt, int disable) { opt->rep.disableWAL = disable; } rocksdb_flushoptions_t* rocksdb_flushoptions_create() { return new rocksdb_flushoptions_t; } void rocksdb_flushoptions_destroy(rocksdb_flushoptions_t* opt) { delete opt; } void rocksdb_flushoptions_set_wait( rocksdb_flushoptions_t* opt, unsigned char v) { opt->rep.wait = v; } rocksdb_cache_t* rocksdb_cache_create_lru(size_t capacity) { rocksdb_cache_t* c = new rocksdb_cache_t; c->rep = NewLRUCache(capacity); return c; } void rocksdb_cache_destroy(rocksdb_cache_t* cache) { delete cache; } rocksdb_env_t* rocksdb_create_default_env() { rocksdb_env_t* result = new rocksdb_env_t; result->rep = Env::Default(); result->is_default = true; return result; } void rocksdb_env_set_background_threads(rocksdb_env_t* env, int n) { env->rep->SetBackgroundThreads(n); } void rocksdb_env_set_high_priority_background_threads(rocksdb_env_t* env, int n) { env->rep->SetBackgroundThreads(n, Env::HIGH); } void rocksdb_env_destroy(rocksdb_env_t* env) { if (!env->is_default) delete env->rep; delete env; } rocksdb_slicetransform_t* rocksdb_slicetransform_create( void* state, void (*destructor)(void*), char* (*transform)( void*, const char* key, size_t length, size_t* dst_length), unsigned char (*in_domain)( void*, const char* key, size_t length), unsigned char (*in_range)( void*, const char* key, size_t length), const char* (*name)(void*)) { rocksdb_slicetransform_t* result = new rocksdb_slicetransform_t; result->state_ = state; result->destructor_ = destructor; result->transform_ = transform; result->in_domain_ = in_domain; result->in_range_ = in_range; result->name_ = name; return result; } void rocksdb_slicetransform_destroy(rocksdb_slicetransform_t* st) { delete st; } rocksdb_slicetransform_t* rocksdb_slicetransform_create_fixed_prefix(size_t prefixLen) { struct Wrapper : public rocksdb_slicetransform_t { const SliceTransform* rep_; ~Wrapper() { delete rep_; } const char* Name() const { return rep_->Name(); } Slice Transform(const Slice& src) const { return rep_->Transform(src); } bool InDomain(const Slice& src) const { return rep_->InDomain(src); } bool InRange(const Slice& src) const { return rep_->InRange(src); } static void DoNothing(void*) { } }; Wrapper* wrapper = new Wrapper; wrapper->rep_ = rocksdb::NewFixedPrefixTransform(prefixLen); wrapper->state_ = nullptr; wrapper->destructor_ = &Wrapper::DoNothing; return wrapper; } rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_create() { rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* result = new rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t; result->rep = new rocksdb::CompactionOptionsUniversal; return result; } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_set_size_ratio( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco, int ratio) { uco->rep->size_ratio = ratio; } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_set_min_merge_width( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco, int w) { uco->rep->min_merge_width = w; } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_set_max_merge_width( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco, int w) { uco->rep->max_merge_width = w; } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_set_max_size_amplification_percent( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco, int p) { uco->rep->max_size_amplification_percent = p; } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_set_compression_size_percent( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco, int p) { uco->rep->compression_size_percent = p; } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_set_stop_style( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco, int style) { uco->rep->stop_style = static_cast(style); } void rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_destroy( rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t* uco) { delete uco->rep; delete uco; } rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t* rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_create() { rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t* result = new rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t; result->rep = CompactionOptionsFIFO(); return result; } void rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_set_max_table_files_size( rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t* fifo_opts, uint64_t size) { fifo_opts->rep.max_table_files_size = size; } void rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_destroy( rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t* fifo_opts) { delete fifo_opts; } void rocksdb_options_set_min_level_to_compress(rocksdb_options_t* opt, int level) { if (level >= 0) { assert(level <= opt->rep.num_levels); opt->rep.compression_per_level.resize(opt->rep.num_levels); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { opt->rep.compression_per_level[i] = rocksdb::kNoCompression; } for (int i = level; i < opt->rep.num_levels; i++) { opt->rep.compression_per_level[i] = opt->rep.compression; } } } int rocksdb_livefiles_count( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf) { return lf->rep.size(); } const char* rocksdb_livefiles_name( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf, int index) { return lf->rep[index].name.c_str(); } int rocksdb_livefiles_level( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf, int index) { return lf->rep[index].level; } size_t rocksdb_livefiles_size( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf, int index) { return lf->rep[index].size; } const char* rocksdb_livefiles_smallestkey( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf, int index, size_t* size) { *size = lf->rep[index].smallestkey.size(); return lf->rep[index].smallestkey.data(); } const char* rocksdb_livefiles_largestkey( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf, int index, size_t* size) { *size = lf->rep[index].largestkey.size(); return lf->rep[index].largestkey.data(); } extern void rocksdb_livefiles_destroy( const rocksdb_livefiles_t* lf) { delete lf; } } // end extern "C" #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE