#include #include #include #include #include "rocksdb/comparator.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/perf_context.h" #include "util/histogram.h" #include "util/stop_watch.h" #include "util/testharness.h" DEFINE_bool(use_prefix_hash_memtable, true, ""); DEFINE_bool(trigger_deadlock, false, "issue delete in range scan to trigger PrefixHashMap deadlock"); DEFINE_uint64(bucket_count, 100000, "number of buckets"); DEFINE_uint64(num_locks, 10001, "number of locks"); DEFINE_bool(random_prefix, false, "randomize prefix"); DEFINE_uint64(total_prefixes, 1000, "total number of prefixes"); DEFINE_uint64(items_per_prefix, 10, "total number of values per prefix"); DEFINE_int64(write_buffer_size, 1000000000, ""); DEFINE_int64(max_write_buffer_number, 8, ""); DEFINE_int64(min_write_buffer_number_to_merge, 7, ""); // Path to the database on file system const std::string kDbName = rocksdb::test::TmpDir() + "/prefix_test"; namespace rocksdb { struct TestKey { uint64_t prefix; uint64_t sorted; TestKey(uint64_t prefix, uint64_t sorted) : prefix(prefix), sorted(sorted) {} }; // return a slice backed by test_key inline Slice TestKeyToSlice(const TestKey& test_key) { return Slice((const char*)&test_key, sizeof(test_key)); } inline const TestKey* SliceToTestKey(const Slice& slice) { assert(slice.size() == sizeof(TestKey)); return (const TestKey*)slice.data(); } class TestKeyComparator : public Comparator { public: virtual int Compare(const Slice& a, const Slice& b) const { const TestKey* key_a = SliceToTestKey(a); const TestKey* key_b = SliceToTestKey(b); if (key_a->prefix != key_b->prefix) { if (key_a->prefix < key_b->prefix) return -1; if (key_a->prefix > key_b->prefix) return 1; assert(false); } else { if (key_a->sorted < key_b->sorted) return -1; if (key_a->sorted > key_b->sorted) return 1; if (key_a->sorted == key_b->sorted) return 0; assert(false); } assert(false); return 0; } virtual const char* Name() const override { return "TestKeyComparator"; } virtual void FindShortestSeparator( std::string* start, const Slice& limit) const { } virtual void FindShortSuccessor(std::string* key) const {} private: }; class PrefixTest { public: std::shared_ptr OpenDb() { DB* db; options.create_if_missing = true; options.write_buffer_size = FLAGS_write_buffer_size; options.max_write_buffer_number = FLAGS_max_write_buffer_number; options.min_write_buffer_number_to_merge = FLAGS_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge; options.comparator = new TestKeyComparator(); if (FLAGS_use_prefix_hash_memtable) { auto prefix_extractor = NewFixedPrefixTransform(8); options.prefix_extractor = prefix_extractor; options.memtable_factory = std::make_shared( prefix_extractor, FLAGS_bucket_count, FLAGS_num_locks); } Status s = DB::Open(options, kDbName, &db); ASSERT_OK(s); return std::shared_ptr(db); } protected: Options options; }; TEST(PrefixTest, PrefixHash) { DestroyDB(kDbName, Options()); auto db = OpenDb(); WriteOptions write_options; ReadOptions read_options; std::vector prefixes; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_prefixes; ++i) { prefixes.push_back(i); } if (FLAGS_random_prefix) { std::random_shuffle(prefixes.begin(), prefixes.end()); } // insert x random prefix, each with y continuous element. HistogramImpl hist_put_time; HistogramImpl hist_put_comparison; for (auto prefix : prefixes) { for (uint64_t sorted = 0; sorted < FLAGS_items_per_prefix; sorted++) { TestKey test_key(prefix, sorted); Slice key = TestKeyToSlice(test_key); std::string value = "v" + std::to_string(sorted); perf_context.Reset(); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); ASSERT_OK(db->Put(write_options, key, value)); hist_put_time.Add(timer.ElapsedNanos()); hist_put_comparison.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); } } std::cout << "Put key comparison: \n" << hist_put_comparison.ToString() << "Put time: \n" << hist_put_time.ToString(); // test seek existing keys HistogramImpl hist_seek_time; HistogramImpl hist_seek_comparison; for (auto prefix : prefixes) { TestKey test_key(prefix, 0); Slice key = TestKeyToSlice(test_key); std::string value = "v" + std::to_string(0); Slice key_prefix; if (FLAGS_use_prefix_hash_memtable) { key_prefix = options.prefix_extractor->Transform(key); read_options.prefix = &key_prefix; } std::unique_ptr iter(db->NewIterator(read_options)); perf_context.Reset(); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); uint64_t total_keys = 0; for (iter->Seek(key); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) { if (FLAGS_trigger_deadlock) { std::cout << "Behold the deadlock!\n"; db->Delete(write_options, iter->key()); } auto test_key = SliceToTestKey(iter->key()); if (test_key->prefix != prefix) break; total_keys++; } hist_seek_time.Add(timer.ElapsedNanos()); hist_seek_comparison.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); ASSERT_EQ(total_keys, FLAGS_items_per_prefix); } std::cout << "Seek key comparison: \n" << hist_seek_comparison.ToString() << "Seek time: \n" << hist_seek_time.ToString(); // test non-existing keys HistogramImpl hist_no_seek_time; HistogramImpl hist_no_seek_comparison; for (auto prefix = FLAGS_total_prefixes; prefix < FLAGS_total_prefixes + 100; prefix++) { TestKey test_key(prefix, 0); Slice key = TestKeyToSlice(test_key); if (FLAGS_use_prefix_hash_memtable) { Slice key_prefix = options.prefix_extractor->Transform(key); read_options.prefix = &key_prefix; } std::unique_ptr iter(db->NewIterator(read_options)); perf_context.Reset(); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); iter->Seek(key); hist_no_seek_time.Add(timer.ElapsedNanos()); hist_no_seek_comparison.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); ASSERT_TRUE(!iter->Valid()); } std::cout << "non-existing Seek key comparison: \n" << hist_no_seek_comparison.ToString() << "non-existing Seek time: \n" << hist_no_seek_time.ToString(); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); std::cout << kDbName << "\n"; rocksdb::test::RunAllTests(); return 0; }