You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

280 lines
7.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <atomic>
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "util/blob_store.h"
#include "util/testutil.h"
#define KB 1024LL
#define MB 1024*1024LL
// BlobStore does costly asserts to make sure it's running correctly, which
// significantly impacts benchmark runtime.
// NDEBUG will compile out those asserts.
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define NDEBUG
using namespace rocksdb;
using namespace std;
// used by all threads
uint64_t timeout_sec;
Env *env;
BlobStore* bs;
namespace {
std::string RandomString(Random* rnd, uint64_t len) {
std::string r;
test::RandomString(rnd, len, &r);
return r;
} // namespace
struct Result {
uint32_t writes;
uint32_t reads;
uint32_t deletes;
uint64_t data_written;
uint64_t data_read;
void print() {
printf("Total writes = %u\n", writes);
printf("Total reads = %u\n", reads);
printf("Total deletes = %u\n", deletes);
printf("Write throughput = %lf MB/s\n",
(double)data_written / (1024*1024.0) / timeout_sec);
printf("Read throughput = %lf MB/s\n",
(double)data_read / (1024*1024.0) / timeout_sec);
printf("Total throughput = %lf MB/s\n",
(double)(data_read + data_written) / (1024*1024.0) / timeout_sec);
Result() {
writes = reads = deletes = data_read = data_written = 0;
Result (uint32_t writes, uint32_t reads, uint32_t deletes,
uint64_t data_written, uint64_t data_read) :
writes(writes), reads(reads), deletes(deletes),
data_written(data_written), data_read(data_read) {}
namespace {
Result operator + (const Result &a, const Result &b) {
return Result(a.writes + b.writes, a.reads + b.reads,
a.deletes + b.deletes, a.data_written + b.data_written,
a.data_read + b.data_read);
} // namespace
struct WorkerThread {
uint64_t data_size_from, data_size_to;
double read_ratio;
uint64_t working_set_size; // start deleting once you reach this
Result result;
atomic<bool> stopped;
WorkerThread(uint64_t data_size_from, uint64_t data_size_to,
double read_ratio, uint64_t working_set_size) :
data_size_from(data_size_from), data_size_to(data_size_to),
read_ratio(read_ratio), working_set_size(working_set_size),
stopped(false) {}
WorkerThread(const WorkerThread& wt) :
data_size_from(wt.data_size_from), data_size_to(wt.data_size_to),
read_ratio(wt.read_ratio), working_set_size(wt.working_set_size),
stopped(false) {}
static void WorkerThreadBody(void* arg) {
WorkerThread* t = reinterpret_cast<WorkerThread*>(arg);
Random rnd(5);
string buf;
vector<pair<Blob, uint64_t>> blobs;
vector<string> random_strings;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
random_strings.push_back(RandomString(&rnd, t->data_size_to));
uint64_t total_size = 0;
uint64_t start_micros = env->NowMicros();
while (env->NowMicros() - start_micros < timeout_sec * 1000 * 1000) {
if (blobs.size() && rand() < RAND_MAX * t->read_ratio) {
// read
int bi = rand() % blobs.size();
Status s = bs->Get(blobs[bi].first, &buf);
t->result.data_read += buf.size();
} else {
// write
uint64_t size = rand() % (t->data_size_to - t->data_size_from) +
total_size += size;
string put_str = random_strings[rand() % random_strings.size()];
blobs.push_back(make_pair(Blob(), size));
Status s = bs->Put(Slice(, size), &blobs.back().first);
t->result.data_written += size;
while (total_size >= t->working_set_size) {
// delete random
int bi = rand() % blobs.size();
total_size -= blobs[bi].second;
blobs.erase(blobs.begin() + bi);
namespace {
Result StartBenchmark(vector<WorkerThread*>& config) {
for (auto w : config) {
env->StartThread(WorkerThreadBody, w);
Result result;
for (auto w : config) {
while (!w->stopped.load());
result = result + w->result;
for (auto w : config) {
delete w;
delete bs;
return result;
vector<WorkerThread*> SetupBenchmarkBalanced() {
string test_path;
// config start
uint32_t block_size = 16*KB;
uint32_t file_size = 1*MB;
double read_write_ratio = 0.5;
uint64_t data_read_from = 16*KB;
uint64_t data_read_to = 32*KB;
int number_of_threads = 10;
uint64_t working_set_size = 5*MB;
timeout_sec = 5;
// config end
bs = new BlobStore(test_path, block_size, file_size / block_size, 10000, env);
vector <WorkerThread*> config;
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_threads; ++i) {
config.push_back(new WorkerThread(data_read_from,
return config;
vector<WorkerThread*> SetupBenchmarkWriteHeavy() {
string test_path;
// config start
uint32_t block_size = 16*KB;
uint32_t file_size = 1*MB;
double read_write_ratio = 0.1;
uint64_t data_read_from = 16*KB;
uint64_t data_read_to = 32*KB;
int number_of_threads = 10;
uint64_t working_set_size = 5*MB;
timeout_sec = 5;
// config end
bs = new BlobStore(test_path, block_size, file_size / block_size, 10000, env);
vector <WorkerThread*> config;
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_threads; ++i) {
config.push_back(new WorkerThread(data_read_from,
return config;
vector<WorkerThread*> SetupBenchmarkReadHeavy() {
string test_path;
// config start
uint32_t block_size = 16*KB;
uint32_t file_size = 1*MB;
double read_write_ratio = 0.9;
uint64_t data_read_from = 16*KB;
uint64_t data_read_to = 32*KB;
int number_of_threads = 10;
uint64_t working_set_size = 5*MB;
timeout_sec = 5;
// config end
bs = new BlobStore(test_path, block_size, file_size / block_size, 10000, env);
vector <WorkerThread*> config;
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_threads; ++i) {
config.push_back(new WorkerThread(data_read_from,
return config;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
env = Env::Default();
printf("--- Balanced read/write benchmark ---\n");
vector <WorkerThread*> config = SetupBenchmarkBalanced();
Result r = StartBenchmark(config);
printf("--- Write heavy benchmark ---\n");
vector <WorkerThread*> config = SetupBenchmarkWriteHeavy();
Result r = StartBenchmark(config);
printf("--- Read heavy benchmark ---\n");
vector <WorkerThread*> config = SetupBenchmarkReadHeavy();
Result r = StartBenchmark(config);
return 0;