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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
namespace folly {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed_mutex {
* DistributedMutex is a small, exclusive-only mutex that distributes the
* bookkeeping required for mutual exclusion in the stacks of threads that are
* contending for it. It has a mode that can combine critical sections when
* the mutex experiences contention; this allows the implementation to elide
* several expensive coherence and synchronization operations to boost
* throughput, surpassing even atomic instructions in some cases. It has a
* smaller memory footprint than std::mutex, a similar level of fairness
* (better in some cases) and no dependencies on heap allocation. It is the
* same width as a single pointer (8 bytes on most platforms), where on the
* other hand, std::mutex and pthread_mutex_t are both 40 bytes. It is larger
* than some of the other smaller locks, but the wide majority of cases using
* the small locks are wasting the difference in alignment padding anyway
* Benchmark results are good - at the time of writing, in the contended case,
* for lock/unlock based critical sections, it is about 4-5x faster than the
* smaller locks and about ~2x faster than std::mutex. When used in
* combinable mode, it is much faster than the alternatives, going more than
* 10x faster than the small locks, about 6x faster than std::mutex, 2-3x
* faster than flat combining and even faster than std::atomic<> in some
* cases, allowing more work with higher throughput. In the uncontended case,
* it is a few cycles faster than folly::MicroLock but a bit slower than
* std::mutex. DistributedMutex is also resistent to tail latency pathalogies
* unlike many of the other mutexes in use, which sleep for large time
* quantums to reduce spin churn, this causes elevated latencies for threads
* that enter the sleep cycle. The tail latency of lock acquisition can go up
* to 10x lower because of a more deterministic scheduling algorithm that is
* managed almost entirely in userspace. Detailed results comparing the
* throughput and latencies of different mutex implementations and atomics are
* at the bottom of folly/synchronization/test/SmallLocksBenchmark.cpp
* Theoretically, write locks promote concurrency when the critical sections
* are small as most of the work is done outside the lock. And indeed,
* performant concurrent applications go through several pains to limit the
* amount of work they do while holding a lock. However, most times, the
* synchronization and scheduling overhead of a write lock in the critical
* path is so high, that after a certain point, making critical sections
* smaller does not actually increase the concurrency of the application and
* throughput plateaus. DistributedMutex moves this breaking point to the
* level of hardware atomic instructions, so applications keep getting
* concurrency even under very high contention. It does this by reducing
* cache misses and contention in userspace and in the kernel by making each
* thread wait on a thread local node and futex. When combined critical
* sections are used DistributedMutex leverages template metaprogramming to
* allow the mutex to make better synchronization decisions based on the
* layout of the input and output data. This allows threads to keep working
* only on their own cache lines without requiring cache coherence operations
* when a mutex experiences heavy contention
* Non-timed mutex acquisitions are scheduled through intrusive LIFO
* contention chains. Each thread starts by spinning for a short quantum and
* falls back to two phased sleeping. Enqueue operations are lock free and
* are piggybacked off mutex acquisition attempts. The LIFO behavior of a
* contention chain is good in the case where the mutex is held for a short
* amount of time, as the head of the chain is likely to not have slept on
* futex() after exhausting its spin quantum. This allow us to avoid
* unnecessary traversal and syscalls in the fast path with a higher
* probability. Even though the contention chains are LIFO, the mutex itself
* does not adhere to that scheduling policy globally. During contention,
* threads that fail to lock the mutex form a LIFO chain on the central mutex
* state, this chain is broken when a wakeup is scheduled, and future enqueue
* operations form a new chain. This makes the chains themselves LIFO, but
* preserves global fairness through a constant factor which is limited to the
* number of concurrent failed mutex acquisition attempts. This binds the
* last in first out behavior to the number of contending threads and helps
* prevent starvation and latency outliers
* This strategy of waking up wakers one by one in a queue does not scale well
* when the number of threads goes past the number of cores. At which point
* preemption causes elevated lock acquisition latencies. DistributedMutex
* implements a hardware timestamp publishing heuristic to detect and adapt to
* preemption.
* DistributedMutex does not have the typical mutex API - it does not satisfy
* the Lockable concept. It requires the user to maintain ephemeral bookkeeping
* and pass that bookkeeping around to unlock() calls. The API overhead,
* however, comes for free when you wrap this mutex for usage with
* std::unique_lock, which is the recommended usage (std::lock_guard, in
* optimized mode, has no performance benefit over std::unique_lock, so has been
* omitted). A benefit of this API is that it disallows incorrect usage where a
* thread unlocks a mutex that it does not own, thinking a mutex is functionally
* identical to a binary semaphore, which, unlike a mutex, is a suitable
* primitive for that usage
* Combined critical sections allow the implementation to elide several
* expensive operations during the lifetime of a critical section that cause
* slowdowns with regular lock/unlock based usage. DistributedMutex resolves
* contention through combining up to a constant factor of 2 contention chains
* to prevent issues with fairness and latency outliers, so we retain the
* fairness benefits of the lock/unlock implementation with no noticeable
* regression when switching between the lock methods. Despite the efficiency
* benefits, combined critical sections can only be used when the critical
* section does not depend on thread local state and does not introduce new
* dependencies between threads when the critical section gets combined. For
* example, locking or unlocking an unrelated mutex in a combined critical
* section might lead to unexpected results or even undefined behavior. This
* can happen if, for example, a different thread unlocks a mutex locked by
* the calling thread, leading to undefined behavior as the mutex might not
* allow locking and unlocking from unrelated threads (the posix and C++
* standard disallow this usage for their mutexes)
* Timed locking through DistributedMutex is implemented through a centralized
* algorithm. The underlying contention-chains framework used in
* DistributedMutex is not abortable so we build abortability on the side.
* All waiters wait on the central mutex state, by setting and resetting bits
* within the pointer-length word. Since pointer length atomic integers are
* incompatible with futex(FUTEX_WAIT) on most systems, a non-standard
* implementation of futex() is used, where wait queues are managed in
* user-space (see p1135r0 and folly::ParkingLot for more)
template <
template <typename> class Atomic = std::atomic,
bool TimePublishing = true>
class DistributedMutex {
class DistributedMutexStateProxy;
* DistributedMutex is only default constructible, it can neither be moved
* nor copied
DistributedMutex(DistributedMutex&&) = delete;
DistributedMutex(const DistributedMutex&) = delete;
DistributedMutex& operator=(DistributedMutex&&) = delete;
DistributedMutex& operator=(const DistributedMutex&) = delete;
* Acquires the mutex in exclusive mode
* This returns an ephemeral proxy that contains internal mutex state. This
* must be kept around for the duration of the critical section and passed
* subsequently to unlock() as an rvalue
* The proxy has no public API and is intended to be for internal usage only
* There are three notable cases where this method causes undefined
* behavior:
* - This is not a recursive mutex. Trying to acquire the mutex twice from
* the same thread without unlocking it results in undefined behavior
* - Thread, coroutine or fiber migrations from within a critical section
* are disallowed. This is because the implementation requires owning the
* stack frame through the execution of the critical section for both
* lock/unlock or combined critical sections. This also means that you
* cannot allow another thread, fiber or coroutine to unlock the mutex
* - This mutex cannot be used in a program compiled with segmented stacks,
* there is currently no way to detect the presence of segmented stacks
* at compile time or runtime, so we have no checks against this
DistributedMutexStateProxy lock();
* Unlocks the mutex
* The proxy returned by lock must be passed to unlock as an rvalue. No
* other option is possible here, since the proxy is only movable and not
* copyable
* It is undefined behavior to unlock from a thread that did not lock the
* mutex
void unlock(DistributedMutexStateProxy);
* Try to acquire the mutex
* A non blocking version of the lock() function. The returned object is
* contextually convertible to bool. And has the value true when the mutex
* was successfully acquired, false otherwise
* This is allowed to return false spuriously, i.e. this is not guaranteed
* to return true even when the mutex is currently unlocked. In the event
* of a failed acquisition, this does not impose any memory ordering
* constraints for other threads
DistributedMutexStateProxy try_lock();
* Try to acquire the mutex, blocking for the given time
* Like try_lock(), this is allowed to fail spuriously and is not guaranteed
* to return false even when the mutex is currently unlocked. But only
* after the given time has elapsed
* try_lock_for() accepts a duration to block for, and try_lock_until()
* accepts an absolute wall clock time point
template <typename Rep, typename Period>
DistributedMutexStateProxy try_lock_for(
const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& duration);
* Try to acquire the lock, blocking until the given deadline
* Other than the difference in the meaning of the second argument, the
* semantics of this function are identical to try_lock_for()
template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
DistributedMutexStateProxy try_lock_until(
const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& deadline);
* Execute a task as a combined critical section
* Unlike traditional lock and unlock methods, lock_combine() enqueues the
* passed task for execution on any arbitrary thread. This allows the
* implementation to prevent cache line invalidations originating from
* expensive synchronization operations. The thread holding the lock is
* allowed to execute the task before unlocking, thereby forming a "combined
* critical section".
* This idea is inspired by Flat Combining. Flat Combining was introduced
* in the SPAA 2010 paper titled "Flat Combining and the
* Synchronization-Parallelism Tradeoff", by Danny Hendler, Itai Incze, Nir
* Shavit, and Moran Tzafrir -
* The
* implementation used here is significantly different from that described
* in the paper. The high-level goal of reducing the overhead of
* synchronization, however, is the same.
* Combined critical sections work best when kept simple. Since the
* critical section might be executed on any arbitrary thread, relying on
* things like thread local state or mutex locking and unlocking might cause
* incorrectness. Associativity is important. For example
* auto one = std::unique_lock{one_};
* two_.lock_combine([&]() {
* if (bar()) {
* one.unlock();
* }
* });
* This has the potential to cause undefined behavior because mutexes are
* only meant to be acquired and released from the owning thread. Similar
* errors can arise from a combined critical section introducing implicit
* dependencies based on the state of the combining thread. For example
* // thread 1
* auto one = std::unique_lock{one_};
* auto two = std::unique_lock{two_};
* // thread 2
* two_.lock_combine([&]() {
* auto three = std::unique_lock{three_};
* });
* Here, because we used a combined critical section, we have introduced a
* dependency from one -> three that might not obvious to the reader
* This function is exception-safe. If the passed task throws an exception,
* it will be propagated to the caller, even if the task is running on
* another thread
* There are three notable cases where this method causes undefined
* behavior:
* - This is not a recursive mutex. Trying to acquire the mutex twice from
* the same thread without unlocking it results in undefined behavior
* - Thread, coroutine or fiber migrations from within a critical section
* are disallowed. This is because the implementation requires owning the
* stack frame through the execution of the critical section for both
* lock/unlock or combined critical sections. This also means that you
* cannot allow another thread, fiber or coroutine to unlock the mutex
* - This mutex cannot be used in a program compiled with segmented stacks,
* there is currently no way to detect the presence of segmented stacks
* at compile time or runtime, so we have no checks against this
template <typename Task>
auto lock_combine(Task task) -> decltype(std::declval<const Task&>()());
Atomic<std::uintptr_t> state_{0};
} // namespace distributed_mutex
} // namespace detail
* Bring the default instantiation of DistributedMutex into the folly
* namespace without requiring any template arguments for public usage
extern template class detail::distributed_mutex::DistributedMutex<>;
using DistributedMutex = detail::distributed_mutex::DistributedMutex<>;
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/synchronization/DistributedMutex-inl.h>
#include <folly/synchronization/DistributedMutexSpecializations.h>