You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

872 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "util/file_reader_writer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include "monitoring/histogram.h"
#include "monitoring/iostats_context_imp.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "test_util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/rate_limiter.h"
namespace rocksdb {
#ifndef NDEBUG
namespace {
bool IsFileSectorAligned(const size_t off, size_t sector_size) {
return off % sector_size == 0;
Status SequentialFileReader::Read(size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) {
Status s;
if (use_direct_io()) {
size_t offset = offset_.fetch_add(n);
size_t alignment = file_->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
size_t aligned_offset = TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment, offset);
size_t offset_advance = offset - aligned_offset;
size_t size = Roundup(offset + n, alignment) - aligned_offset;
size_t r = 0;
AlignedBuffer buf;
Slice tmp;
s = file_->PositionedRead(aligned_offset, size, &tmp, buf.BufferStart());
if (s.ok() && offset_advance < tmp.size()) {
r = buf.Read(scratch, offset_advance,
std::min(tmp.size() - offset_advance, n));
*result = Slice(scratch, r);
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
} else {
s = file_->Read(n, result, scratch);
IOSTATS_ADD(bytes_read, result->size());
return s;
Status SequentialFileReader::Skip(uint64_t n) {
if (use_direct_io()) {
offset_ += static_cast<size_t>(n);
return Status::OK();
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
return file_->Skip(n);
Status RandomAccessFileReader::Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice* result,
char* scratch, bool for_compaction) const {
Status s;
uint64_t elapsed = 0;
StopWatch sw(env_, stats_, hist_type_,
(stats_ != nullptr) ? &elapsed : nullptr, true /*overwrite*/,
true /*delay_enabled*/);
auto prev_perf_level = GetPerfLevel();
if (use_direct_io()) {
size_t alignment = file_->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
size_t aligned_offset = TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
size_t offset_advance = static_cast<size_t>(offset) - aligned_offset;
size_t read_size = Roundup(static_cast<size_t>(offset + n), alignment) - aligned_offset;
AlignedBuffer buf;
while (buf.CurrentSize() < read_size) {
size_t allowed;
if (for_compaction && rate_limiter_ != nullptr) {
allowed = rate_limiter_->RequestToken(
buf.Capacity() - buf.CurrentSize(), buf.Alignment(),
Env::IOPriority::IO_LOW, stats_, RateLimiter::OpType::kRead);
} else {
assert(buf.CurrentSize() == 0);
allowed = read_size;
Slice tmp;
FileOperationInfo::TimePoint start_ts;
uint64_t orig_offset = 0;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
orig_offset = aligned_offset + buf.CurrentSize();
IOSTATS_CPU_TIMER_GUARD(cpu_read_nanos, env_);
s = file_->Read(aligned_offset + buf.CurrentSize(), allowed, &tmp,
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileReadFinish(orig_offset, tmp.size(), start_ts, finish_ts,
buf.Size(buf.CurrentSize() + tmp.size());
if (!s.ok() || tmp.size() < allowed) {
size_t res_len = 0;
if (s.ok() && offset_advance < buf.CurrentSize()) {
res_len = buf.Read(scratch, offset_advance,
std::min(buf.CurrentSize() - offset_advance, n));
*result = Slice(scratch, res_len);
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
} else {
size_t pos = 0;
const char* res_scratch = nullptr;
while (pos < n) {
size_t allowed;
if (for_compaction && rate_limiter_ != nullptr) {
if (rate_limiter_->IsRateLimited(RateLimiter::OpType::kRead)) {
allowed = rate_limiter_->RequestToken(n - pos, 0 /* alignment */,
Env::IOPriority::IO_LOW, stats_,
if (rate_limiter_->IsRateLimited(RateLimiter::OpType::kRead)) {
} else {
allowed = n;
Slice tmp_result;
FileOperationInfo::TimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
IOSTATS_CPU_TIMER_GUARD(cpu_read_nanos, env_);
s = file_->Read(offset + pos, allowed, &tmp_result, scratch + pos);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileReadFinish(offset + pos, tmp_result.size(), start_ts,
finish_ts, s);
if (res_scratch == nullptr) {
// we can't simply use `scratch` because reads of mmap'd files return
// data in a different buffer.
res_scratch =;
} else {
// make sure chunks are inserted contiguously into `res_scratch`.
assert( == res_scratch + pos);
pos += tmp_result.size();
if (!s.ok() || tmp_result.size() < allowed) {
*result = Slice(res_scratch, s.ok() ? pos : 0);
IOSTATS_ADD_IF_POSITIVE(bytes_read, result->size());
if (stats_ != nullptr && file_read_hist_ != nullptr) {
return s;
Status WritableFileWriter::Append(const Slice& data) {
const char* src =;
size_t left = data.size();
Status s;
pending_sync_ = true;
rocksdb_kill_odds * REDUCE_ODDS2);
writable_file_->PrepareWrite(static_cast<size_t>(GetFileSize()), left);
// See whether we need to enlarge the buffer to avoid the flush
if (buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize() < left) {
for (size_t cap = buf_.Capacity();
cap < max_buffer_size_; // There is still room to increase
cap *= 2) {
// See whether the next available size is large enough.
// Buffer will never be increased to more than max_buffer_size_.
size_t desired_capacity = std::min(cap * 2, max_buffer_size_);
if (desired_capacity - buf_.CurrentSize() >= left ||
(use_direct_io() && desired_capacity == max_buffer_size_)) {
buf_.AllocateNewBuffer(desired_capacity, true);
// Flush only when buffered I/O
if (!use_direct_io() && (buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize()) < left) {
if (buf_.CurrentSize() > 0) {
s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
assert(buf_.CurrentSize() == 0);
// We never write directly to disk with direct I/O on.
// or we simply use it for its original purpose to accumulate many small
// chunks
if (use_direct_io() || (buf_.Capacity() >= left)) {
while (left > 0) {
size_t appended = buf_.Append(src, left);
left -= appended;
src += appended;
if (left > 0) {
s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
} else {
// Writing directly to file bypassing the buffer
assert(buf_.CurrentSize() == 0);
s = WriteBuffered(src, left);
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Append:1", rocksdb_kill_odds);
if (s.ok()) {
filesize_ += data.size();
return s;
Status WritableFileWriter::Pad(const size_t pad_bytes) {
assert(pad_bytes < kDefaultPageSize);
size_t left = pad_bytes;
size_t cap = buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize();
// Assume pad_bytes is small compared to buf_ capacity. So we always
// use buf_ rather than write directly to file in certain cases like
// Append() does.
while (left) {
size_t append_bytes = std::min(cap, left);
buf_.PadWith(append_bytes, 0);
left -= append_bytes;
if (left > 0) {
Status s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
cap = buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize();
pending_sync_ = true;
filesize_ += pad_bytes;
return Status::OK();
Status WritableFileWriter::Close() {
// Do not quit immediately on failure the file MUST be closed
Status s;
// Possible to close it twice now as we MUST close
// in __dtor, simply flushing is not enough
// Windows when pre-allocating does not fill with zeros
// also with unbuffered access we also set the end of data.
if (!writable_file_) {
return s;
s = Flush(); // flush cache to OS
Status interim;
// In direct I/O mode we write whole pages so
// we need to let the file know where data ends.
if (use_direct_io()) {
interim = writable_file_->Truncate(filesize_);
if (interim.ok()) {
interim = writable_file_->Fsync();
if (!interim.ok() && s.ok()) {
s = interim;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Close:0", rocksdb_kill_odds);
interim = writable_file_->Close();
if (!interim.ok() && s.ok()) {
s = interim;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Close:1", rocksdb_kill_odds);
return s;
// write out the cached data to the OS cache or storage if direct I/O
// enabled
Status WritableFileWriter::Flush() {
Status s;
rocksdb_kill_odds * REDUCE_ODDS2);
if (buf_.CurrentSize() > 0) {
if (use_direct_io()) {
if (pending_sync_) {
s = WriteDirect();
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
} else {
s = WriteBuffered(buf_.BufferStart(), buf_.CurrentSize());
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
s = writable_file_->Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
// sync OS cache to disk for every bytes_per_sync_
// TODO: give log file and sst file different options (log
// files could be potentially cached in OS for their whole
// life time, thus we might not want to flush at all).
// We try to avoid sync to the last 1MB of data. For two reasons:
// (1) avoid rewrite the same page that is modified later.
// (2) for older version of OS, write can block while writing out
// the page.
// Xfs does neighbor page flushing outside of the specified ranges. We
// need to make sure sync range is far from the write offset.
if (!use_direct_io() && bytes_per_sync_) {
const uint64_t kBytesNotSyncRange = 1024 * 1024; // recent 1MB is not synced.
const uint64_t kBytesAlignWhenSync = 4 * 1024; // Align 4KB.
if (filesize_ > kBytesNotSyncRange) {
uint64_t offset_sync_to = filesize_ - kBytesNotSyncRange;
offset_sync_to -= offset_sync_to % kBytesAlignWhenSync;
assert(offset_sync_to >= last_sync_size_);
if (offset_sync_to > 0 &&
offset_sync_to - last_sync_size_ >= bytes_per_sync_) {
s = RangeSync(last_sync_size_, offset_sync_to - last_sync_size_);
last_sync_size_ = offset_sync_to;
return s;
Status WritableFileWriter::Sync(bool use_fsync) {
Status s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Sync:0", rocksdb_kill_odds);
if (!use_direct_io() && pending_sync_) {
s = SyncInternal(use_fsync);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Sync:1", rocksdb_kill_odds);
pending_sync_ = false;
return Status::OK();
Status WritableFileWriter::SyncWithoutFlush(bool use_fsync) {
if (!writable_file_->IsSyncThreadSafe()) {
return Status::NotSupported(
"Can't WritableFileWriter::SyncWithoutFlush() because "
"WritableFile::IsSyncThreadSafe() is false");
Status s = SyncInternal(use_fsync);
return s;
Status WritableFileWriter::SyncInternal(bool use_fsync) {
Status s;
auto prev_perf_level = GetPerfLevel();
IOSTATS_CPU_TIMER_GUARD(cpu_write_nanos, env_);
if (use_fsync) {
s = writable_file_->Fsync();
} else {
s = writable_file_->Sync();
return s;
Status WritableFileWriter::RangeSync(uint64_t offset, uint64_t nbytes) {
return writable_file_->RangeSync(offset, nbytes);
// This method writes to disk the specified data and makes use of the rate
// limiter if available
Status WritableFileWriter::WriteBuffered(const char* data, size_t size) {
Status s;
const char* src = data;
size_t left = size;
while (left > 0) {
size_t allowed;
if (rate_limiter_ != nullptr) {
allowed = rate_limiter_->RequestToken(
left, 0 /* alignment */, writable_file_->GetIOPriority(), stats_,
} else {
allowed = left;
FileOperationInfo::TimePoint start_ts;
uint64_t old_size = writable_file_->GetFileSize();
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
old_size = next_write_offset_;
auto prev_perf_level = GetPerfLevel();
IOSTATS_CPU_TIMER_GUARD(cpu_write_nanos, env_);
s = writable_file_->Append(Slice(src, allowed));
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileWriteFinish(old_size, allowed, start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
IOSTATS_ADD(bytes_written, allowed);
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::WriteBuffered:0", rocksdb_kill_odds);
left -= allowed;
src += allowed;
return s;
// This flushes the accumulated data in the buffer. We pad data with zeros if
// necessary to the whole page.
// However, during automatic flushes padding would not be necessary.
// We always use RateLimiter if available. We move (Refit) any buffer bytes
// that are left over the
// whole number of pages to be written again on the next flush because we can
// only write on aligned
// offsets.
Status WritableFileWriter::WriteDirect() {
Status s;
const size_t alignment = buf_.Alignment();
assert((next_write_offset_ % alignment) == 0);
// Calculate whole page final file advance if all writes succeed
size_t file_advance =
TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment, buf_.CurrentSize());
// Calculate the leftover tail, we write it here padded with zeros BUT we
// will write
// it again in the future either on Close() OR when the current whole page
// fills out
size_t leftover_tail = buf_.CurrentSize() - file_advance;
// Round up and pad
const char* src = buf_.BufferStart();
uint64_t write_offset = next_write_offset_;
size_t left = buf_.CurrentSize();
while (left > 0) {
// Check how much is allowed
size_t size;
if (rate_limiter_ != nullptr) {
size = rate_limiter_->RequestToken(left, buf_.Alignment(),
stats_, RateLimiter::OpType::kWrite);
} else {
size = left;
FileOperationInfo::TimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// direct writes must be positional
s = writable_file_->PositionedAppend(Slice(src, size), write_offset);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileWriteFinish(write_offset, size, start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (!s.ok()) {
buf_.Size(file_advance + leftover_tail);
return s;
IOSTATS_ADD(bytes_written, size);
left -= size;
src += size;
write_offset += size;
assert((next_write_offset_ % alignment) == 0);
if (s.ok()) {
// Move the tail to the beginning of the buffer
// This never happens during normal Append but rather during
// explicit call to Flush()/Sync() or Close()
buf_.RefitTail(file_advance, leftover_tail);
// This is where we start writing next time which may or not be
// the actual file size on disk. They match if the buffer size
// is a multiple of whole pages otherwise filesize_ is leftover_tail
// behind
next_write_offset_ += file_advance;
return s;
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
namespace {
class ReadaheadRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
ReadaheadRandomAccessFile(std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>&& file,
size_t readahead_size)
: file_(std::move(file)),
readahead_size_(Roundup(readahead_size, alignment_)),
buffer_offset_(0) {
ReadaheadRandomAccessFile(const ReadaheadRandomAccessFile&) = delete;
ReadaheadRandomAccessFile& operator=(const ReadaheadRandomAccessFile&) = delete;
Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice* result,
char* scratch) const override {
if (n + alignment_ >= readahead_size_) {
return file_->Read(offset, n, result, scratch);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(lock_);
size_t cached_len = 0;
// Check if there is a cache hit, means that [offset, offset + n) is either
// completely or partially in the buffer
// If it's completely cached, including end of file case when offset + n is
// greater than EOF, return
if (TryReadFromCache(offset, n, &cached_len, scratch) &&
(cached_len == n ||
// End of file
buffer_.CurrentSize() < readahead_size_)) {
*result = Slice(scratch, cached_len);
return Status::OK();
size_t advanced_offset = static_cast<size_t>(offset + cached_len);
// In the case of cache hit advanced_offset is already aligned, means that
// chunk_offset equals to advanced_offset
size_t chunk_offset = TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment_, advanced_offset);
Slice readahead_result;
Status s = ReadIntoBuffer(chunk_offset, readahead_size_);
if (s.ok()) {
// In the case of cache miss, i.e. when cached_len equals 0, an offset can
// exceed the file end position, so the following check is required
if (advanced_offset < chunk_offset + buffer_.CurrentSize()) {
// In the case of cache miss, the first chunk_padding bytes in buffer_
// are
// stored for alignment only and must be skipped
size_t chunk_padding = advanced_offset - chunk_offset;
auto remaining_len =
std::min(buffer_.CurrentSize() - chunk_padding, n - cached_len);
memcpy(scratch + cached_len, buffer_.BufferStart() + chunk_padding,
*result = Slice(scratch, cached_len + remaining_len);
} else {
*result = Slice(scratch, cached_len);
return s;
Status Prefetch(uint64_t offset, size_t n) override {
if (n < readahead_size_) {
// Don't allow smaller prefetches than the configured `readahead_size_`.
// `Read()` assumes a smaller prefetch buffer indicates EOF was reached.
return Status::OK();
size_t offset_ = static_cast<size_t>(offset);
size_t prefetch_offset = TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment_, offset_);
if (prefetch_offset == buffer_offset_) {
return Status::OK();
return ReadIntoBuffer(prefetch_offset,
Roundup(offset_ + n, alignment_) - prefetch_offset);
size_t GetUniqueId(char* id, size_t max_size) const override {
return file_->GetUniqueId(id, max_size);
void Hint(AccessPattern pattern) override { file_->Hint(pattern); }
Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) override {
return file_->InvalidateCache(offset, length);
bool use_direct_io() const override { return file_->use_direct_io(); }
bool TryReadFromCache(uint64_t offset, size_t n, size_t* cached_len,
char* scratch) const {
if (offset < buffer_offset_ ||
offset >= buffer_offset_ + buffer_.CurrentSize()) {
*cached_len = 0;
return false;
uint64_t offset_in_buffer = offset - buffer_offset_;
*cached_len = std::min(
buffer_.CurrentSize() - static_cast<size_t>(offset_in_buffer), n);
memcpy(scratch, buffer_.BufferStart() + offset_in_buffer, *cached_len);
return true;
Status ReadIntoBuffer(uint64_t offset, size_t n) const {
if (n > buffer_.Capacity()) {
n = buffer_.Capacity();
assert(IsFileSectorAligned(offset, alignment_));
assert(IsFileSectorAligned(n, alignment_));
Slice result;
Status s = file_->Read(offset, n, &result, buffer_.BufferStart());
if (s.ok()) {
buffer_offset_ = offset;
assert(buffer_.BufferStart() ==;
return s;
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file_;
const size_t alignment_;
size_t readahead_size_;
mutable std::mutex lock_;
mutable AlignedBuffer buffer_;
mutable uint64_t buffer_offset_;
} // namespace
Status FilePrefetchBuffer::Prefetch(RandomAccessFileReader* reader,
uint64_t offset, size_t n,
bool for_compaction) {
size_t alignment = reader->file()->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
size_t offset_ = static_cast<size_t>(offset);
uint64_t rounddown_offset = Rounddown(offset_, alignment);
uint64_t roundup_end = Roundup(offset_ + n, alignment);
uint64_t roundup_len = roundup_end - rounddown_offset;
assert(roundup_len >= alignment);
assert(roundup_len % alignment == 0);
// Check if requested bytes are in the existing buffer_.
// If all bytes exist -- return.
// If only a few bytes exist -- reuse them & read only what is really needed.
// This is typically the case of incremental reading of data.
// If no bytes exist in buffer -- full pread.
Status s;
uint64_t chunk_offset_in_buffer = 0;
uint64_t chunk_len = 0;
bool copy_data_to_new_buffer = false;
if (buffer_.CurrentSize() > 0 && offset >= buffer_offset_ &&
offset <= buffer_offset_ + buffer_.CurrentSize()) {
if (offset + n <= buffer_offset_ + buffer_.CurrentSize()) {
// All requested bytes are already in the buffer. So no need to Read
// again.
return s;
} else {
// Only a few requested bytes are in the buffer. memmove those chunk of
// bytes to the beginning, and memcpy them back into the new buffer if a
// new buffer is created.
chunk_offset_in_buffer = Rounddown(static_cast<size_t>(offset - buffer_offset_), alignment);
chunk_len = buffer_.CurrentSize() - chunk_offset_in_buffer;
assert(chunk_offset_in_buffer % alignment == 0);
assert(chunk_len % alignment == 0);
assert(chunk_offset_in_buffer + chunk_len <=
buffer_offset_ + buffer_.CurrentSize());
if (chunk_len > 0) {
copy_data_to_new_buffer = true;
} else {
// this reset is not necessary, but just to be safe.
chunk_offset_in_buffer = 0;
// Create a new buffer only if current capacity is not sufficient, and memcopy
// bytes from old buffer if needed (i.e., if chunk_len is greater than 0).
if (buffer_.Capacity() < roundup_len) {
copy_data_to_new_buffer, chunk_offset_in_buffer,
} else if (chunk_len > 0) {
// New buffer not needed. But memmove bytes from tail to the beginning since
// chunk_len is greater than 0.
buffer_.RefitTail(static_cast<size_t>(chunk_offset_in_buffer), static_cast<size_t>(chunk_len));
Slice result;
s = reader->Read(rounddown_offset + chunk_len,
static_cast<size_t>(roundup_len - chunk_len), &result,
buffer_.BufferStart() + chunk_len, for_compaction);
if (s.ok()) {
buffer_offset_ = rounddown_offset;
buffer_.Size(static_cast<size_t>(chunk_len) + result.size());
return s;
bool FilePrefetchBuffer::TryReadFromCache(uint64_t offset, size_t n,
Slice* result, bool for_compaction) {
if (track_min_offset_ && offset < min_offset_read_) {
min_offset_read_ = static_cast<size_t>(offset);
if (!enable_ || offset < buffer_offset_) {
return false;
// If the buffer contains only a few of the requested bytes:
// If readahead is enabled: prefetch the remaining bytes + readadhead bytes
// and satisfy the request.
// If readahead is not enabled: return false.
if (offset + n > buffer_offset_ + buffer_.CurrentSize()) {
if (readahead_size_ > 0) {
assert(file_reader_ != nullptr);
assert(max_readahead_size_ >= readahead_size_);
Status s;
if (for_compaction) {
s = Prefetch(file_reader_, offset, readahead_size_, for_compaction);
} else {
s = Prefetch(file_reader_, offset, n + readahead_size_, for_compaction);
if (!s.ok()) {
return false;
readahead_size_ = std::min(max_readahead_size_, readahead_size_ * 2);
} else {
return false;
uint64_t offset_in_buffer = offset - buffer_offset_;
*result = Slice(buffer_.BufferStart() + offset_in_buffer, n);
return true;
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> NewReadaheadRandomAccessFile(
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>&& file, size_t readahead_size) {
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> result(
new ReadaheadRandomAccessFile(std::move(file), readahead_size));
return result;
Status NewWritableFile(Env* env, const std::string& fname,
std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) {
Status s = env->NewWritableFile(fname, result, options);
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("NewWritableFile:0", rocksdb_kill_odds * REDUCE_ODDS2);
return s;
bool ReadOneLine(std::istringstream* iss, SequentialFile* seq_file,
std::string* output, bool* has_data, Status* result) {
const int kBufferSize = 8192;
char buffer[kBufferSize + 1];
Slice input_slice;
std::string line;
bool has_complete_line = false;
while (!has_complete_line) {
if (std::getline(*iss, line)) {
has_complete_line = !iss->eof();
} else {
has_complete_line = false;
if (!has_complete_line) {
// if we're not sure whether we have a complete line,
// further read from the file.
if (*has_data) {
*result = seq_file->Read(kBufferSize, &input_slice, buffer);
if (input_slice.size() == 0) {
// meaning we have read all the data
*has_data = false;
} else {
iss->str(line + input_slice.ToString());
// reset the internal state of iss so that we can keep reading it.
*has_data = (input_slice.size() == kBufferSize);
*output = line;
return *has_data || has_complete_line;
} // namespace rocksdb