fork of and for nextgraph and oxigraph
558 lines
23 KiB
558 lines
23 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "table/meta_blocks.h"
#include "table/cuckoo_table_builder.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "util/testutil.h"
namespace rocksdb {
extern const uint64_t kCuckooTableMagicNumber;
namespace {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hash_map;
uint64_t GetSliceHash(const Slice& s, uint32_t index,
uint64_t max_num_buckets) {
return hash_map[s.ToString()][index];
} // namespace
class CuckooBuilderTest : public testing::Test {
CuckooBuilderTest() {
env_ = Env::Default();
Options options;
options.allow_mmap_reads = true;
env_options_ = EnvOptions(options);
void CheckFileContents(const std::vector<std::string>& keys,
const std::vector<std::string>& values,
const std::vector<uint64_t>& expected_locations,
std::string expected_unused_bucket, uint64_t expected_table_size,
uint32_t expected_num_hash_func, bool expected_is_last_level,
uint32_t expected_cuckoo_block_size = 1) {
// Read file
unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> read_file;
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewRandomAccessFile(fname, &read_file, env_options_));
uint64_t read_file_size;
ASSERT_OK(env_->GetFileSize(fname, &read_file_size));
// Assert Table Properties.
TableProperties* props = nullptr;
ASSERT_OK(ReadTableProperties(read_file.get(), read_file_size,
kCuckooTableMagicNumber, env_, nullptr, &props));
// Check unused bucket.
std::string unused_key = props->user_collected_properties[
props->fixed_key_len), unused_key);
uint32_t value_len_found =
*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(props->user_collected_properties[
ASSERT_EQ(values.empty() ? 0 : values[0].size(), value_len_found);
ASSERT_EQ(props->raw_value_size, values.size()*value_len_found);
const uint64_t table_size =
*reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(props->user_collected_properties[
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size, table_size);
const uint32_t num_hash_func_found =
*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(props->user_collected_properties[
ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_hash_func, num_hash_func_found);
const uint32_t cuckoo_block_size =
*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(props->user_collected_properties[
ASSERT_EQ(expected_cuckoo_block_size, cuckoo_block_size);
const bool is_last_level_found =
*reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(props->user_collected_properties[
ASSERT_EQ(expected_is_last_level, is_last_level_found);
ASSERT_EQ(props->num_entries, keys.size());
ASSERT_EQ(props->fixed_key_len, keys.empty() ? 0 : keys[0].size());
ASSERT_EQ(props->data_size, expected_unused_bucket.size() *
(expected_table_size + expected_cuckoo_block_size - 1));
ASSERT_EQ(props->raw_key_size, keys.size()*props->fixed_key_len);
delete props;
// Check contents of the bucket.
std::vector<bool> keys_found(keys.size(), false);
size_t bucket_size = expected_unused_bucket.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < table_size + cuckoo_block_size - 1; ++i) {
Slice read_slice;
ASSERT_OK(read_file->Read(i*bucket_size, bucket_size,
&read_slice, nullptr));
size_t key_idx =
std::find(expected_locations.begin(), expected_locations.end(), i) -
if (key_idx == keys.size()) {
// i is not one of the expected locaitons. Empty bucket.
} else {
keys_found[key_idx] = true;
ASSERT_EQ([key_idx] + values[key_idx]), 0);
for (auto key_found : keys_found) {
// Check that all keys were found.
std::string GetInternalKey(Slice user_key, bool zero_seqno) {
IterKey ikey;
ikey.SetInternalKey(user_key, zero_seqno ? 0 : 1000, kTypeValue);
return ikey.GetKey().ToString();
uint64_t NextPowOf2(uint64_t num) {
uint64_t n = 2;
while (n <= num) {
n *= 2;
return n;
Env* env_;
EnvOptions env_options_;
std::string fname;
const double kHashTableRatio = 0.9;
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, SuccessWithEmptyFile) {
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/EmptyFile";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
4, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, builder.FileSize());
CheckFileContents({}, {}, {}, "", 2, 2, false);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WriteSuccessNoCollisionFullKey) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 4;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03", "key04"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[1], {1, 2, 3, 4}},
{user_keys[2], {2, 3, 4, 5}},
{user_keys[3], {3, 4, 5, 6}}};
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 2, 3};
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (auto& user_key : user_keys) {
keys.push_back(GetInternalKey(user_key, false));
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/NoCollisionFullKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(keys[i]), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = GetInternalKey("key00", true);
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 2, false);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WriteSuccessWithCollisionFullKey) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 4;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03", "key04"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[1], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[2], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[3], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 2, 3};
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (auto& user_key : user_keys) {
keys.push_back(GetInternalKey(user_key, false));
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionFullKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(keys[i]), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = GetInternalKey("key00", true);
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 4, false);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WriteSuccessWithCollisionAndCuckooBlock) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 4;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03", "key04"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[1], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[2], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[3], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 2, 3};
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (auto& user_key : user_keys) {
keys.push_back(GetInternalKey(user_key, false));
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
uint32_t cuckoo_block_size = 2;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionFullKey2";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), cuckoo_block_size,
false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(keys[i]), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = GetInternalKey("key00", true);
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 3, false, cuckoo_block_size);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WithCollisionPathFullKey) {
// Have two hash functions. Insert elements with overlapping hashes.
// Finally insert an element with hash value somewhere in the middle
// so that it displaces all the elements after that.
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 2;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03",
"key04", "key05"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04", "v05"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1}},
{user_keys[1], {1, 2}},
{user_keys[2], {2, 3}},
{user_keys[3], {3, 4}},
{user_keys[4], {0, 2}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 3, 4, 2};
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (auto& user_key : user_keys) {
keys.push_back(GetInternalKey(user_key, false));
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionPathFullKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(keys[i]), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = GetInternalKey("key00", true);
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 2, false);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WithCollisionPathFullKeyAndCuckooBlock) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 2;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03",
"key04", "key05"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04", "v05"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1}},
{user_keys[1], {1, 2}},
{user_keys[2], {3, 4}},
{user_keys[3], {4, 5}},
{user_keys[4], {0, 3}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {2, 1, 3, 4, 0};
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (auto& user_key : user_keys) {
keys.push_back(GetInternalKey(user_key, false));
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionPathFullKeyAndCuckooBlock";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 2, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(keys[i]), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = GetInternalKey("key00", true);
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 2, false, 2);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WriteSuccessNoCollisionUserKey) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 4;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03", "key04"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[1], {1, 2, 3, 4}},
{user_keys[2], {2, 3, 4, 5}},
{user_keys[3], {3, 4, 5, 6}}};
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 2, 3};
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(user_keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/NoCollisionUserKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(GetInternalKey(user_keys[i], true)), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = user_keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = "key00";
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(user_keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 2, true);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WriteSuccessWithCollisionUserKey) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 4;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03", "key04"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[1], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[2], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
{user_keys[3], {0, 1, 2, 3}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 2, 3};
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(user_keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionUserKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(GetInternalKey(user_keys[i], true)), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = user_keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = "key00";
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(user_keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 4, true);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, WithCollisionPathUserKey) {
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 2;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03",
"key04", "key05"};
std::vector<std::string> values = {"v01", "v02", "v03", "v04", "v05"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1}},
{user_keys[1], {1, 2}},
{user_keys[2], {2, 3}},
{user_keys[3], {3, 4}},
{user_keys[4], {0, 2}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_locations = {0, 1, 3, 4, 2};
uint64_t expected_table_size = NextPowOf2(user_keys.size() / kHashTableRatio);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionPathUserKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 2, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(GetInternalKey(user_keys[i], true)), Slice(values[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
size_t bucket_size = user_keys[0].size() + values[0].size();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_table_size * bucket_size - 1, builder.FileSize());
ASSERT_LE(expected_table_size * bucket_size, builder.FileSize());
std::string expected_unused_bucket = "key00";
expected_unused_bucket += std::string(values[0].size(), 'a');
CheckFileContents(user_keys, values, expected_locations,
expected_unused_bucket, expected_table_size, 2, true);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, FailWhenCollisionPathTooLong) {
// Have two hash functions. Insert elements with overlapping hashes.
// Finally try inserting an element with hash value somewhere in the middle
// and it should fail because the no. of elements to displace is too high.
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 2;
std::vector<std::string> user_keys = {"key01", "key02", "key03",
"key04", "key05"};
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{user_keys[0], {0, 1}},
{user_keys[1], {1, 2}},
{user_keys[2], {2, 3}},
{user_keys[3], {3, 4}},
{user_keys[4], {0, 1}},
hash_map = std::move(hm);
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/WithCollisionPathUserKey";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 2, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_keys.size(); i++) {
builder.Add(Slice(GetInternalKey(user_keys[i], false)), Slice("value"));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), i + 1);
TEST_F(CuckooBuilderTest, FailWhenSameKeyInserted) {
// Need to have a temporary variable here as VS compiler does not currently
// support operator= with initializer_list as a parameter
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint64_t>> hm = {
{"repeatedkey", {0, 1, 2, 3}}};
hash_map = std::move(hm);
uint32_t num_hash_fun = 4;
std::string user_key = "repeatedkey";
unique_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file;
fname = test::TmpDir() + "/FailWhenSameKeyInserted";
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &writable_file, env_options_));
CuckooTableBuilder builder(writable_file.get(), kHashTableRatio,
num_hash_fun, 100, BytewiseComparator(), 1, false, false, GetSliceHash);
builder.Add(Slice(GetInternalKey(user_key, false)), Slice("value1"));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), 1u);
builder.Add(Slice(GetInternalKey(user_key, true)), Slice("value2"));
ASSERT_EQ(builder.NumEntries(), 2u);
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();