You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

869 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include "port/port.h" // for PREFETCH
#include "util/ribbon_alg.h"
namespace ribbon {
// RIBBON PHSF & RIBBON Filter (Rapid Incremental Boolean Banding ON-the-fly)
// ribbon_impl.h: templated (parameterized) standard implementations
// Ribbon is a Perfect Hash Static Function construction useful as a compact
// static Bloom filter alternative. See ribbon_alg.h for core algorithms
// and core design details.
// TODO: more details on trade-offs and practical issues.
// Ribbon implementations in this file take these parameters, which must be
// provided in a class/struct type with members expressed in this concept:
// concept TypesAndSettings {
// // See RibbonTypes and *Hasher in ribbon_alg.h, except here we have
// // the added constraint that Hash be equivalent to either uint32_t or
// // uint64_t.
// typename Hash;
// typename CoeffRow;
// typename ResultRow;
// typename Index;
// typename Key;
// static constexpr bool kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne;
// // An unsigned integer type for identifying a hash seed, typically
// // uint32_t or uint64_t. Importantly, this is the amount of data
// // stored in memory for identifying a raw seed. See StandardHasher.
// typename Seed;
// // When true, the PHSF implements a static filter, expecting just
// // keys as inputs for construction. When false, implements a general
// // PHSF and expects std::pair<Key, ResultRow> as inputs for
// // construction.
// static constexpr bool kIsFilter;
// // When true, adds a tiny bit more hashing logic on queries and
// // construction to improve utilization at the beginning and end of
// // the structure. Recommended when CoeffRow is only 64 bits (or
// // less), so typical num_starts < 10k.
// static constexpr bool kUseSmash;
// // When true, allows number of "starts" to be zero, for best support
// // of the "no keys to add" case by always returning false for filter
// // queries. (This is distinct from the "keys added but no space for
// // any data" case, in which a filter always returns true.) The cost
// // supporting this is a conditional branch (probably predictable) in
// // queries.
// static constexpr bool kAllowZeroStarts;
// // A seedable stock hash function on Keys. All bits of Hash must
// // be reasonably high quality. XXH functions recommended, but
// // Murmur, City, Farm, etc. also work.
// static Hash HashFn(const Key &, Seed raw_seed);
// };
// A bit of a hack to automatically construct the type for
// AddInput based on a constexpr bool.
template <typename Key, typename ResultRow, bool IsFilter>
struct AddInputSelector {
// For general PHSF, not filter
using T = std::pair<Key, ResultRow>;
template <typename Key, typename ResultRow>
struct AddInputSelector<Key, ResultRow, true /*IsFilter*/> {
// For Filter
using T = Key;
// To avoid writing 'typename' everywhere that we use types like 'Index'
using CoeffRow = typename TypesAndSettings::CoeffRow; \
using ResultRow = typename TypesAndSettings::ResultRow; \
using Index = typename TypesAndSettings::Index; \
using Hash = typename TypesAndSettings::Hash; \
using Key = typename TypesAndSettings::Key; \
using Seed = typename TypesAndSettings::Seed; \
/* Some more additions */ \
using QueryInput = Key; \
using AddInput = typename ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ribbon::AddInputSelector< \
Key, ResultRow, TypesAndSettings::kIsFilter>::T; \
static constexpr auto kCoeffBits = \
static_cast<Index>(sizeof(CoeffRow) * 8U); \
/* Export to algorithm */ \
static constexpr bool kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne = \
TypesAndSettings::kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne; \
static_assert(sizeof(CoeffRow) + sizeof(ResultRow) + sizeof(Index) + \
sizeof(Hash) + sizeof(Key) + sizeof(Seed) + \
sizeof(QueryInput) + sizeof(AddInput) + kCoeffBits + \
kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne > \
0, \
"avoid unused warnings, semicolon expected after macro call")
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4309) // cast truncating constant
#pragma warning(disable : 4307) // arithmetic constant overflow
// StandardHasher: A standard implementation of concepts RibbonTypes,
// PhsfQueryHasher, FilterQueryHasher, and BandingHasher from ribbon_alg.h.
// This implementation should be suitable for most all practical purposes
// as it "behaves" across a wide range of settings, with little room left
// for improvement. The key functionality in this hasher is generating
// CoeffRows, starts, and (for filters) ResultRows, which could be ~150
// bits of data or more, from a modest hash of 64 or even just 32 bits, with
// enough uniformity and bitwise independence to be close to "the best you
// can do" with available hash information in terms of FP rate and
// compactness. (64 bits recommended and sufficient for PHSF practical
// purposes.)
// Another feature of this hasher is a minimal "premixing" of seeds before
// they are provided to TypesAndSettings::HashFn in case that function does
// not provide sufficiently independent hashes when iterating merely
// sequentially on seeds. (This for example works around a problem with the
// preview version 0.7.2 of XXH3 used in RocksDB, a.k.a. XXH3p or Hash64, and
// MurmurHash1 used in RocksDB, a.k.a. Hash.) We say this pre-mixing step
// translates "ordinal seeds," which we iterate sequentially to find a
// solution, into "raw seeds," with many more bits changing for each
// iteration. The translation is an easily reversible lightweight mixing,
// not suitable for hashing on its own. An advantage of this approach is that
// StandardHasher can store just the raw seed (e.g. 64 bits) for fast query
// times, while from the application perspective, we can limit to a small
// number of ordinal keys (e.g. 64 in 6 bits) for saving in metadata.
// The default constructor initializes the seed to ordinal seed zero, which
// is equal to raw seed zero.
template <class TypesAndSettings>
class StandardHasher {
inline Hash GetHash(const Key& key) const {
return TypesAndSettings::HashFn(key, raw_seed_);
// For when AddInput == pair<Key, ResultRow> (kIsFilter == false)
inline Hash GetHash(const std::pair<Key, ResultRow>& bi) const {
return GetHash(bi.first);
inline Index GetStart(Hash h, Index num_starts) const {
// This is "critical path" code because it's required before memory
// lookup.
// FastRange gives us a fast and effective mapping from h to the
// appropriate range. This depends most, sometimes exclusively, on
// upper bits of h.
if (TypesAndSettings::kUseSmash) {
// Extra logic to "smash" entries at beginning and end, for
// better utilization. For example, without smash and with
// kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne, there's about a 30% chance that the
// first slot in the banding will be unused, and worse without
// kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne. The ending slots are even less utilized
// without smash.
// But since this only affects roughly kCoeffBits of the slots,
// it's usually small enough to be ignorable (less computation in
// this function) when number of slots is roughly 10k or larger.
// The best values for these smash weights might depend on how
// densely you're packing entries, but this seems to work well for
// 2% overhead and roughly 50% success probability.
constexpr auto kFrontSmash = kCoeffBits / 3;
constexpr auto kBackSmash = kCoeffBits / 3;
Index start = FastRangeGeneric(h, num_starts + kFrontSmash + kBackSmash);
start = std::max(start, kFrontSmash);
start -= kFrontSmash;
start = std::min(start, num_starts - 1);
return start;
} else {
// For query speed, we allow small number of initial and final
// entries to be under-utilized.
// NOTE: This call statically enforces that Hash is equivalent to
// either uint32_t or uint64_t.
return FastRangeGeneric(h, num_starts);
inline CoeffRow GetCoeffRow(Hash h) const {
// This is not so much "critical path" code because it can be done in
// parallel (instruction level) with memory lookup.
// We do not need exhaustive remixing for CoeffRow, but just enough that
// (a) every bit is reasonably independent from Start.
// (b) every Hash-length bit subsequence of the CoeffRow has full or
// nearly full entropy from h.
// (c) if nontrivial bit subsequences within are correlated, it needs to
// be more complicated than exact copy or bitwise not (at least without
// kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne), or else there seems to be a kind of
// correlated clustering effect.
// (d) the CoeffRow is not zero, so that no one input on its own can
// doom construction success. (Preferably a mix of 1's and 0's if
// satisfying above.)
// First, establish sufficient bitwise independence from Start, with
// multiplication by a large random prime.
// Note that we cast to Hash because if we use product bits beyond
// original input size, that's going to correlate with Start (FastRange)
// even with a (likely) different multiplier here.
Hash a = h * kCoeffAndResultFactor;
// If that's big enough, we're done. If not, we have to expand it,
// maybe up to 4x size.
uint64_t b = a;
sizeof(Hash) == sizeof(uint64_t) || sizeof(Hash) == sizeof(uint32_t),
"Supported sizes");
if (sizeof(Hash) < sizeof(uint64_t)) {
// Almost-trivial hash expansion (OK - see above), favoring roughly
// equal number of 1's and 0's in result
b = (b << 32) ^ b ^ kCoeffXor32;
Unsigned128 c = b;
static_assert(sizeof(CoeffRow) == sizeof(uint64_t) ||
sizeof(CoeffRow) == sizeof(Unsigned128),
"Supported sizes");
if (sizeof(uint64_t) < sizeof(CoeffRow)) {
// Almost-trivial hash expansion (OK - see above), favoring roughly
// equal number of 1's and 0's in result
c = (c << 64) ^ c ^ kCoeffXor64;
auto cr = static_cast<CoeffRow>(c);
// Now ensure the value is non-zero
if (kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne) {
cr |= 1;
} else if (sizeof(CoeffRow) == sizeof(Hash)) {
// Still have to ensure some bit is non-zero
cr |= (cr == 0) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
// (We did trivial expansion with constant xor, which ensures some
// bits are non-zero.)
return cr;
inline ResultRow GetResultRowMask() const {
// TODO: will be used with InterleavedSolutionStorage?
// For now, all bits set (note: might be a small type so might need to
// narrow after promotion)
return static_cast<ResultRow>(~ResultRow{0});
inline ResultRow GetResultRowFromHash(Hash h) const {
if (TypesAndSettings::kIsFilter) {
// This is not so much "critical path" code because it can be done in
// parallel (instruction level) with memory lookup.
// There is no evidence that ResultRow needs to be independent from
// CoeffRow, so we draw from the same bits computed for CoeffRow,
// which are reasonably independent from Start. (Inlining and common
// subexpression elimination with GetCoeffRow should make this
// a single shared multiplication in generated code.)
Hash a = h * kCoeffAndResultFactor;
// The bits here that are *most* independent of Start are the highest
// order bits (as in Knuth multiplicative hash). To make those the
// most preferred for use in the result row, we do a bswap here.
auto rr = static_cast<ResultRow>(EndianSwapValue(a));
return rr & GetResultRowMask();
} else {
// Must be zero
return 0;
// For when AddInput == Key (kIsFilter == true)
inline ResultRow GetResultRowFromInput(const Key&) const {
// Must be zero
return 0;
// For when AddInput == pair<Key, ResultRow> (kIsFilter == false)
inline ResultRow GetResultRowFromInput(
const std::pair<Key, ResultRow>& bi) const {
// Simple extraction
return bi.second;
// Seed tracking APIs - see class comment
void SetRawSeed(Seed seed) { raw_seed_ = seed; }
Seed GetRawSeed() { return raw_seed_; }
void SetOrdinalSeed(Seed count) {
// A simple, reversible mixing of any size (whole bytes) up to 64 bits.
// This allows casting the raw seed to any smaller size we use for
// ordinal seeds without risk of duplicate raw seeds for unique ordinal
// seeds.
// Seed type might be smaller than numerical promotion size, but Hash
// should be at least that size, so we use Hash as intermediate type.
static_assert(sizeof(Seed) <= sizeof(Hash),
"Hash must be at least size of Seed");
// Multiply by a large random prime (one-to-one for any prefix of bits)
Hash tmp = count * kToRawSeedFactor;
// Within-byte one-to-one mixing
static_assert((kSeedMixMask & (kSeedMixMask >> kSeedMixShift)) == 0,
"Illegal mask+shift");
tmp ^= (tmp & kSeedMixMask) >> kSeedMixShift;
raw_seed_ = static_cast<Seed>(tmp);
// dynamic verification
assert(GetOrdinalSeed() == count);
Seed GetOrdinalSeed() {
Hash tmp = raw_seed_;
// Within-byte one-to-one mixing (its own inverse)
tmp ^= (tmp & kSeedMixMask) >> kSeedMixShift;
// Multiply by 64-bit multiplicative inverse
static_assert(kToRawSeedFactor * kFromRawSeedFactor == Hash{1},
"Must be inverses");
return static_cast<Seed>(tmp * kFromRawSeedFactor);
// For expanding hash:
// large random prime
static constexpr Hash kCoeffAndResultFactor =
// random-ish data
static constexpr uint32_t kCoeffXor32 = 0xa6293635U;
static constexpr uint64_t kCoeffXor64 = 0xc367844a6e52731dU;
// For pre-mixing seeds
static constexpr Hash kSeedMixMask = static_cast<Hash>(0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ULL);
static constexpr unsigned kSeedMixShift = 4U;
static constexpr Hash kToRawSeedFactor =
static constexpr Hash kFromRawSeedFactor =
// See class description
Seed raw_seed_ = 0;
// StandardRehasher (and StandardRehasherAdapter): A variant of
// StandardHasher that uses the same type for keys as for hashes.
// This is primarily intended for building a Ribbon filter
// from existing hashes without going back to original inputs in
// order to apply a different seed. This hasher seeds a 1-to-1 mixing
// transformation to apply a seed to an existing hash. (Untested for
// hash-sized keys that are not already uniformly distributed.) This
// transformation builds on the seed pre-mixing done in StandardHasher.
// Testing suggests essentially no degradation of solution success rate
// vs. going back to original inputs when changing hash seeds. For example:
// Average re-seeds for solution with r=128, 1.02x overhead, and ~100k keys
// is about 1.10 for both StandardHasher and StandardRehasher.
// StandardRehasher is not really recommended for general PHSFs (not
// filters) because a collision in the original hash could prevent
// construction despite re-seeding the Rehasher. (Such collisions
// do not interfere with filter construction.)
// concept RehasherTypesAndSettings: like TypesAndSettings but
// does not require Key or HashFn.
template <class RehasherTypesAndSettings>
class StandardRehasherAdapter : public RehasherTypesAndSettings {
using Hash = typename RehasherTypesAndSettings::Hash;
using Key = Hash;
using Seed = typename RehasherTypesAndSettings::Seed;
static Hash HashFn(const Hash& input, Seed raw_seed) {
// Note: raw_seed is already lightly pre-mixed, and this multiplication
// by a large prime is sufficient mixing (low-to-high bits) on top of
// that for good FastRange results, which depends primarily on highest
// bits. (The hashed CoeffRow and ResultRow are less sensitive to
// mixing than Start.)
// Also note: did consider adding ^ (input >> some) before the
// multiplication, but doesn't appear to be necessary.
return (input ^ raw_seed) * kRehashFactor;
static constexpr Hash kRehashFactor =
// See comment on StandardRehasherAdapter
template <class RehasherTypesAndSettings>
using StandardRehasher =
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
// Especially with smaller hashes (e.g. 32 bit), there can be noticeable
// false positives due to collisions in the Hash returned by GetHash.
// This function returns the expected FP rate due to those collisions,
// which can be added to the expected FP rate from the underlying data
// structure. (Note: technically, a + b is only a good approximation of
// 1-(1-a)(1-b) == a + b - a*b, if a and b are much closer to 0 than to 1.)
// The number of entries added can be a double here in case it's an
// average.
template <class Hasher, typename Numerical>
double ExpectedCollisionFpRate(const Hasher& hasher, Numerical added) {
// Standardize on the 'double' specialization
return ExpectedCollisionFpRate(hasher, 1.0 * added);
template <class Hasher>
double ExpectedCollisionFpRate(const Hasher& /*hasher*/, double added) {
// Technically, there could be overlap among the added, but ignoring that
// is typically close enough.
return added / std::pow(256.0, sizeof(typename Hasher::Hash));
// StandardBanding: a canonical implementation of BandingStorage and
// BacktrackStorage, with convenience API for banding (solving with on-the-fly
// Gaussian elimination) with and without backtracking.
template <class TypesAndSettings>
class StandardBanding : public StandardHasher<TypesAndSettings> {
StandardBanding(Index num_slots = 0, Index backtrack_size = 0) {
Reset(num_slots, backtrack_size);
void Reset(Index num_slots, Index backtrack_size = 0) {
if (num_slots == 0) {
// Unusual (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts) or "uninitialized"
num_starts_ = 0;
} else {
// Normal
assert(num_slots >= kCoeffBits);
if (num_slots > num_slots_allocated_) {
coeff_rows_.reset(new CoeffRow[num_slots]());
// Note: don't strictly have to zero-init result_rows,
// except possible information leakage ;)
result_rows_.reset(new ResultRow[num_slots]());
num_slots_allocated_ = num_slots;
} else {
for (Index i = 0; i < num_slots; ++i) {
coeff_rows_[i] = 0;
// Note: don't strictly have to zero-init result_rows
result_rows_[i] = 0;
num_starts_ = num_slots - kCoeffBits + 1;
void EnsureBacktrackSize(Index backtrack_size) {
if (backtrack_size > backtrack_size_) {
backtrack_.reset(new Index[backtrack_size]);
backtrack_size_ = backtrack_size;
// ********************************************************************
// From concept BandingStorage
inline bool UsePrefetch() const {
// A rough guesstimate of when prefetching during construction pays off.
// TODO: verify/validate
return num_starts_ > 1500;
inline void Prefetch(Index i) const {
PREFETCH(&coeff_rows_[i], 1 /* rw */, 1 /* locality */);
PREFETCH(&result_rows_[i], 1 /* rw */, 1 /* locality */);
inline CoeffRow* CoeffRowPtr(Index i) { return &coeff_rows_[i]; }
inline ResultRow* ResultRowPtr(Index i) { return &result_rows_[i]; }
inline Index GetNumStarts() const { return num_starts_; }
// from concept BacktrackStorage, for when backtracking is used
inline bool UseBacktrack() const { return true; }
inline void BacktrackPut(Index i, Index to_save) { backtrack_[i] = to_save; }
inline Index BacktrackGet(Index i) const { return backtrack_[i]; }
// ********************************************************************
// Some useful API, still somewhat low level. Here an input is
// a Key for filters, or std::pair<Key, ResultRow> for general PHSF.
// Adds a range of inputs to the banding, returning true if successful.
// False means none or some may have been successfully added, so it's
// best to Reset this banding before any further use.
// Adding can fail even before all the "slots" are completely "full".
template <typename InputIterator>
bool AddRange(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) {
assert(num_starts_ > 0 || TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts);
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual. Can't add any in this case.
return begin == end;
// Normal
return BandingAddRange(this, *this, begin, end);
// Adds a range of inputs to the banding, returning true if successful,
// or if unsuccessful, rolls back to state before this call and returns
// false. Caller guarantees that the number of inputs in this batch
// does not exceed `backtrack_size` provided to Reset.
// Adding can fail even before all the "slots" are completely "full".
template <typename InputIterator>
bool AddRangeOrRollBack(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) {
assert(num_starts_ > 0 || TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts);
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual. Can't add any in this case.
return begin == end;
// else Normal
return BandingAddRange(this, this, *this, begin, end);
// Adds a single input to the banding, returning true if successful.
// If unsuccessful, returns false and banding state is unchanged.
// Adding can fail even before all the "slots" are completely "full".
bool Add(const AddInput& input) {
// Pointer can act as iterator
return AddRange(&input, &input + 1);
// Return the number of "occupied" rows (with non-zero coefficients stored).
Index GetOccupiedCount() const {
Index count = 0;
if (num_starts_ > 0) {
const Index num_slots = num_starts_ + kCoeffBits - 1;
for (Index i = 0; i < num_slots; ++i) {
if (coeff_rows_[i] != 0) {
return count;
// ********************************************************************
// High-level API
// Iteratively (a) resets the structure for `num_slots`, (b) attempts
// to add the range of inputs, and (c) if unsuccessful, chooses next
// hash seed, until either successful or unsuccessful with all the
// allowed seeds. Returns true if successful. In that case, use
// GetOrdinalSeed() or GetRawSeed() to get the successful seed.
// The allowed sequence of hash seeds is determined by
// `starting_ordinal_seed,` the first ordinal seed to be attempted
// (see StandardHasher), and `ordinal_seed_mask,` a bit mask (power of
// two minus one) for the range of ordinal seeds to consider. The
// max number of seeds considered will be ordinal_seed_mask + 1.
// For filters we suggest `starting_ordinal_seed` be chosen randomly
// or round-robin, to minimize false positive correlations between keys.
// If unsuccessful, how best to continue is going to be application
// specific. It should be possible to choose parameters such that
// failure is extremely unlikely, using max_seed around 32 to 64.
// (TODO: APIs to help choose parameters) One option for fallback in
// constructing a filter is to construct a Bloom filter instead.
// Increasing num_slots is an option, but should not be used often
// unless construction maximum latency is a concern (rather than
// average running time of construction). Instead, choose parameters
// appropriately and trust that seeds are independent. (Also,
// increasing num_slots without changing hash seed would have a
// significant correlation in success, rather than independence.)
template <typename InputIterator>
bool ResetAndFindSeedToSolve(Index num_slots, InputIterator begin,
InputIterator end,
Seed starting_ordinal_seed = 0U,
Seed ordinal_seed_mask = 63U) {
// power of 2 minus 1
assert((ordinal_seed_mask & (ordinal_seed_mask + 1)) == 0);
// starting seed is within mask
assert((starting_ordinal_seed & ordinal_seed_mask) ==
starting_ordinal_seed &= ordinal_seed_mask; // if not debug
Seed cur_ordinal_seed = starting_ordinal_seed;
do {
bool success = AddRange(begin, end);
if (success) {
return true;
cur_ordinal_seed = (cur_ordinal_seed + 1) & ordinal_seed_mask;
} while (cur_ordinal_seed != starting_ordinal_seed);
// Reached limit by circling around
return false;
// TODO: explore combining in a struct
std::unique_ptr<CoeffRow[]> coeff_rows_;
std::unique_ptr<ResultRow[]> result_rows_;
// We generally store "starts" instead of slots for speed of GetStart(),
// as in StandardHasher.
Index num_starts_ = 0;
Index num_slots_allocated_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Index[]> backtrack_;
Index backtrack_size_ = 0;
// Implements concept SimpleSolutionStorage, mostly for demonstration
// purposes. This is "in memory" only because it does not handle byte
// ordering issues for serialization.
template <class TypesAndSettings>
class InMemSimpleSolution {
void PrepareForNumStarts(Index num_starts) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts == 0) {
// Unusual
num_starts_ = 0;
} else {
// Normal
const Index num_slots = num_starts + kCoeffBits - 1;
assert(num_slots >= kCoeffBits);
if (num_slots > num_slots_allocated_) {
// Do not need to init the memory
solution_rows_.reset(new ResultRow[num_slots]);
num_slots_allocated_ = num_slots;
num_starts_ = num_starts;
Index GetNumStarts() const { return num_starts_; }
ResultRow Load(Index slot_num) const { return solution_rows_[slot_num]; }
void Store(Index slot_num, ResultRow solution_row) {
solution_rows_[slot_num] = solution_row;
// ********************************************************************
// High-level API
template <typename BandingStorage>
void BackSubstFrom(const BandingStorage& bs) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && bs.GetNumStarts() == 0) {
// Unusual
} else {
// Normal
SimpleBackSubst(this, bs);
template <typename PhsfQueryHasher>
ResultRow PhsfQuery(const Key& input, const PhsfQueryHasher& hasher) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual
return 0;
} else {
// Normal
return SimplePhsfQuery(input, hasher, *this);
template <typename FilterQueryHasher>
bool FilterQuery(const Key& input, const FilterQueryHasher& hasher) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual. Zero starts presumes no keys added -> always false
return false;
} else {
// Normal, or upper_num_columns_ == 0 means "no space for data" and
// thus will always return true.
return SimpleFilterQuery(input, hasher, *this);
double ExpectedFpRate() {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual, but we don't have FPs if we always return false.
return 0.0;
// else Normal
// Each result (solution) bit (column) cuts FP rate in half
return std::pow(0.5, 8U * sizeof(ResultRow));
// We generally store "starts" instead of slots for speed of GetStart(),
// as in StandardHasher.
Index num_starts_ = 0;
Index num_slots_allocated_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<ResultRow[]> solution_rows_;
// Implements concept InterleavedSolutionStorage always using little-endian
// byte order, so easy for serialization/deserialization. This implementation
// fully supports fractional bits per key, where any number of segments
// (number of bytes multiple of sizeof(CoeffRow)) can be used with any number
// of slots that is a multiple of kCoeffBits.
// The structure is passed an externally allocated/de-allocated byte buffer
// that is optionally pre-populated (from storage) for answering queries,
// or can be populated by BackSubstFrom.
template <class TypesAndSettings>
class SerializableInterleavedSolution {
// Does not take ownership of `data` but uses it (up to `data_len` bytes)
// throughout lifetime
SerializableInterleavedSolution(char* data, size_t data_len)
: data_(data), data_len_(data_len) {}
void PrepareForNumStarts(Index num_starts) {
assert(num_starts == 0 || (num_starts % kCoeffBits == 1));
num_starts_ = num_starts;
Index GetNumStarts() const { return num_starts_; }
Index GetNumBlocks() const {
const Index num_slots = num_starts_ + kCoeffBits - 1;
return num_slots / kCoeffBits;
Index GetUpperNumColumns() const { return upper_num_columns_; }
Index GetUpperStartBlock() const { return upper_start_block_; }
Index GetNumSegments() const {
return static_cast<Index>(data_len_ / sizeof(CoeffRow));
CoeffRow LoadSegment(Index segment_num) const {
assert(data_ != nullptr); // suppress clang analyzer report
return DecodeFixedGeneric<CoeffRow>(data_ + segment_num * sizeof(CoeffRow));
void StoreSegment(Index segment_num, CoeffRow val) {
assert(data_ != nullptr); // suppress clang analyzer report
EncodeFixedGeneric(data_ + segment_num * sizeof(CoeffRow), val);
// ********************************************************************
// High-level API
template <typename BandingStorage>
void BackSubstFrom(const BandingStorage& bs) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && bs.GetNumStarts() == 0) {
// Unusual
} else {
// Normal
InterleavedBackSubst(this, bs);
template <typename PhsfQueryHasher>
ResultRow PhsfQuery(const Key& input, const PhsfQueryHasher& hasher) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual
return 0;
} else {
// Normal
return InterleavedPhsfQuery(input, hasher, *this);
template <typename FilterQueryHasher>
bool FilterQuery(const Key& input, const FilterQueryHasher& hasher) {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual. Zero starts presumes no keys added -> always false
return false;
} else {
// Normal, or upper_num_columns_ == 0 means "no space for data" and
// thus will always return true.
return InterleavedFilterQuery(input, hasher, *this);
double ExpectedFpRate() {
if (TypesAndSettings::kAllowZeroStarts && num_starts_ == 0) {
// Unusual. Zero starts presumes no keys added -> always false
return 0.0;
// else Normal
// Note: Ignoring smash setting; still close enough in that case
double lower_portion =
(upper_start_block_ * kCoeffBits * 1.0) / num_starts_;
// Each result (solution) bit (column) cuts FP rate in half. Weight that
// for upper and lower number of bits (columns).
return lower_portion * std::pow(0.5, upper_num_columns_ - 1) +
(1.0 - lower_portion) * std::pow(0.5, upper_num_columns_);
void InternalConfigure() {
const Index num_blocks = GetNumBlocks();
Index num_segments = GetNumSegments();
if (num_blocks == 0) {
// Exceptional
upper_num_columns_ = 0;
upper_start_block_ = 0;
} else {
// Normal
upper_num_columns_ =
(num_segments + /*round up*/ num_blocks - 1) / num_blocks;
upper_start_block_ = upper_num_columns_ * num_blocks - num_segments;
// Unless that's more columns than supported by ResultRow data type
if (upper_num_columns_ > 8U * sizeof(ResultRow)) {
// Use maximum columns (there will be space unused)
upper_num_columns_ = static_cast<Index>(8U * sizeof(ResultRow));
upper_start_block_ = 0;
num_segments = num_blocks * upper_num_columns_;
// Update data_len_ for correct rounding and/or unused space
// NOTE: unused space stays gone if we PrepareForNumStarts again.
// We are prioritizing minimizing the number of fields over making
// the "unusued space" feature work well.
data_len_ = num_segments * sizeof(CoeffRow);
Index num_starts_ = 0;
Index upper_num_columns_ = 0;
Index upper_start_block_ = 0;
char* const data_;
size_t data_len_;
} // namespace ribbon
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
// For convenience working with templates
#define IMPORT_RIBBON_IMPL_TYPES(TypesAndSettings) \
using Hasher = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ribbon::StandardHasher<TypesAndSettings>; \
using Banding = \
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ribbon::StandardBanding<TypesAndSettings>; \
using SimpleSoln = \
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ribbon::InMemSimpleSolution<TypesAndSettings>; \
using InterleavedSoln = \
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ribbon::SerializableInterleavedSolution< \
TypesAndSettings>; \
static_assert(sizeof(Hasher) + sizeof(Banding) + sizeof(SimpleSoln) + \
sizeof(InterleavedSoln) > \
0, \
"avoid unused warnings, semicolon expected after macro call")