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// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// Name of the environment variables which need to be set by the entity which
// triggers continuous runs so that code at the end of the file gets executed
// and Sandcastle run starts.
define("PRIMARY_TOKEN_FILE", '/home/krad/.sandcastle');
define("SECONDARY_TOKEN_FILE", '$HOME/.sandcastle');
define("CONT_RUN_ALIAS", "leveldb");
/* Run tests in sandcastle */
function postURL($diffID, $url) {
assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
assert(strlen($url) > 0);
$cmd = 'echo \'{"diff_id": "' . $diffID . '", '
. '"name":"click here for sandcastle tests for D' . $diffID . '", '
. '"link":"' . $url . '"}\' | '
. ' '
. ' arc call-conduit '
. 'differential.updateunitresults';
function buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, $status) {
assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
assert(strlen($test) > 0);
assert(strlen($status) > 0);
$cmd = 'echo \'{"diff_id": "' . $diffID . '", '
. '"name":"' . $test . '", '
. '"result":"' . $status . '"}\' | '
. ' '
. ' arc call-conduit '
. 'differential.updateunitresults';
return $cmd;
function updateTestStatus($diffID, $test) {
assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
assert(strlen($test) > 0);
shell_exec(buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "waiting"));
function getSteps($applyDiff, $diffID, $username, $test) {
assert(strlen($username) > 0);
assert(strlen($test) > 0);
if ($applyDiff) {
assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
$arcrc_content = exec("cat ~/.arcrc | gzip -f | base64 -w0");
assert(strlen($arcrc_content) > 0);
// Sandcastle machines don't have arc setup. We copy the user certificate
// and authenticate using that in Sandcastle.
$setup = array(
"name" => "Setup arcrc",
"shell" => "echo " . $arcrc_content . " | base64 --decode"
. " | gzip -d > ~/.arcrc",
"user" => "root"
// arc demands certain permission on its config.
$fix_permission = array(
"name" => "Fix environment",
"shell" => "chmod 600 ~/.arcrc",
"user" => "root"
// Construct the steps in the order of execution.
$steps[] = $setup;
$steps[] = $fix_permission;
// fbcode is a sub-repo. We cannot patch until we add it to ignore otherwise
// Git thinks it is an uncommited change.
$fix_git_ignore = array(
"name" => "Fix git ignore",
"shell" => "echo fbcode >> .git/info/exclude",
"user" => "root"
$steps[] = $fix_git_ignore;
// This will be the command used to execute particular type of tests.
$cmd = "";
if ($applyDiff) {
// Patch the code (keep your fingures crossed).
$patch = array(
"name" => "Patch " . $diffID,
"shell" => "HTTPS_PROXY=fwdproxy:8080 arc --arcrc-file ~/.arcrc "
. "patch --nocommit --diff " . $diffID,
"user" => "root"
$steps[] = $patch;
updateTestStatus($diffID, $test);
$cmd = buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "running") . "; ";
// Run the actual command.
$cmd = $cmd . "./build_tools/ " . $test
. "; exit_code=$?; ";
if ($applyDiff) {
$cmd = $cmd . "([[ \$exit_code -eq 0 ]] &&"
. buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "pass") . ")"
. "||" . buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "fail")
. "; ";
$cmd = $cmd . " cat /tmp/precommit-check.log"
. "; for f in `ls t/log-*`; do echo \$f; cat \$f; done;"
. "[[ \$exit_code -eq 0 ]]";
assert(strlen($cmd) > 0);
$run_test = array(
"name" => "Run " . $test,
"shell" => $cmd,
"user" => "root",
$steps[] = $run_test;
if ($applyDiff) {
// Clean up the user arc config we are using.
$cleanup = array(
"name" => "Arc cleanup",
"shell" => "rm -f ~/.arcrc",
"user" => "root"
$steps[] = $cleanup;
assert(count($steps) > 0);
return $steps;
function getSandcastleConfig() {
$sandcastle_config = array();
// This is a case when we're executed from a continuous run. Fetch the values
// from the environment.
if (getenv(ENV_POST_RECEIVE_HOOK)) {
$sandcastle_config[0] = getenv(ENV_HTTPS_APP_VALUE);
$sandcastle_config[1] = getenv(ENV_HTTPS_TOKEN_VALUE);
} else {
// This is a typical `[p]arc diff` case. Fetch the values from the specific
// configuration files.
assert(file_exists(PRIMARY_TOKEN_FILE) ||
// Try the primary location first, followed by a secondary.
if (file_exists(PRIMARY_TOKEN_FILE)) {
$cmd = 'cat ' . PRIMARY_TOKEN_FILE;
} else {
$cmd = 'cat ' . SECONDARY_TOKEN_FILE;
assert(strlen($cmd) > 0);
$sandcastle_config = explode(':', rtrim(shell_exec($cmd)));
// In this case be very explicit about the implications.
if (count($sandcastle_config) != 2) {
echo "Sandcastle configuration files don't contain valid information " .
"or the necessary environment variables aren't defined. Unable " .
"to validate the code changes.";
assert(strlen($sandcastle_config[0]) > 0);
assert(strlen($sandcastle_config[1]) > 0);
assert(count($sandcastle_config) > 0);
return $sandcastle_config;
// This function can be called either from `[p]arc diff` command or during
// the Git post-receive hook.
function startTestsInSandcastle($applyDiff, $workflow, $diffID) {
// Default options don't terminate on failure, but that's what we want. In
// the current case we use assertions intentionally as "terminate on failure
// invariants".
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, true);
// In case of a diff we'll send notificatios to the author. Else it'll go to
// the entire team because failures indicate that build quality has regressed.
$username = $applyDiff ? exec("whoami") : CONT_RUN_ALIAS;
assert(strlen($username) > 0);
if ($applyDiff) {
assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
if (strcmp(getenv("ROCKSDB_CHECK_ALL"), 1) == 0) {
// Extract all tests from the CI definition.
$output = file_get_contents("build_tools/rocksdb-lego-determinator");
assert(strlen($output) > 0);
preg_match_all('/[ ]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\)]{1}/', $output, $matches);
$tests = $matches[1];
assert(count($tests) > 0);
} else {
// Manually list of tests we want to run in Sandcastle.
$tests = array(
"unit", "unit_481", "clang_unit", "tsan", "asan", "lite_test",
$send_email_template = array(
'type' => 'email',
'triggers' => array('fail'),
'emails' => array($username . ''),
// Construct a job definition for each test and add it to the master plan.
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$stepName = "RocksDB diff " . $diffID . " test " . $test;
if (!$applyDiff) {
$stepName = "RocksDB continuous integration test " . $test;
$arg[] = array(
"name" => $stepName,
"report" => array($send_email_template),
"steps" => getSteps($applyDiff, $diffID, $username, $test)
// We cannot submit the parallel execution master plan to Sandcastle and
// need supply the job plan as a determinator. So we construct a small job
// that will spit out the master job plan which Sandcastle will parse and
// execute. Why compress the job definitions? Otherwise we run over the max
// string size.
$cmd = "echo " . base64_encode(json_encode($arg))
. " | gzip -f | base64 -w0";
assert(strlen($cmd) > 0);
$arg_encoded = shell_exec($cmd);
assert(strlen($arg_encoded) > 0);
$runName = "Run diff " . $diffID . "for user " . $username;
if (!$applyDiff) {
$runName = "RocksDB continuous integration build and test run";
$command = array(
"name" => $runName,
"steps" => array()
$command["steps"][] = array(
"name" => "Generate determinator",
"shell" => "echo " . $arg_encoded . " | base64 --decode | gzip -d"
. " | base64 --decode",
"determinator" => true,
"user" => "root"
// Submit to Sandcastle.
$url = ''
.'&user=' . $username . '&alias=rocksdb-precommit'
.'&command-args=' . urlencode(json_encode($command));
// Fetch the configuration necessary to submit a successful HTTPS request.
$sandcastle_config = getSandcastleConfig();
$app = $sandcastle_config[0];
$token = $sandcastle_config[1];
$cmd = 'https_proxy= HTTPS_PROXY= curl -s -k -F app=' . $app . ' '
. '-F token=' . $token . ' "' . $url . '"';
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
assert(strlen($output) > 0);
// Extract Sandcastle URL from the response.
preg_match('/url": "(.+)"/', $output, $sandcastle_url);
assert(count($sandcastle_url) > 0, "Unable to submit Sandcastle request.");
assert(strlen($sandcastle_url[1]) > 0, "Unable to extract Sandcastle URL.");
if ($applyDiff) {
echo "\nSandcastle URL: " . $sandcastle_url[1] . "\n";
// Ask Phabricator to display it on the diff UI.
postURL($diffID, $sandcastle_url[1]);
} else {
echo "Continuous integration started Sandcastle tests. You can look at ";
echo "the progress at:\n" . $sandcastle_url[1] . "\n";
// Continuous run cript will set the environment variable and based on that
// we'll trigger the execution of tests in Sandcastle. In that case we don't
// need to apply any diffs and there's no associated workflow either.
if (getenv(ENV_POST_RECEIVE_HOOK)) {
false /* $applyDiff */,
NULL /* $workflow */,
NULL /* $diffID */);