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// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
namespace rocksdb {
class WriteBatch;
// WALFilter allows an application to inspect write-ahead-log (WAL)
// records or modify their processing on recovery.
// Please see the details below.
class WalFilter {
enum class WalProcessingOption {
// Continue processing as usual
kContinueProcessing = 0,
// Ignore the current record but continue processing of log(s)
kIgnoreCurrentRecord = 1,
// Stop replay of logs and discard logs
// Logs won't be replayed on subsequent recovery
kStopReplay = 2,
// Corrupted record detected by filter
kCorruptedRecord = 3,
// Marker for enum count
kWalProcessingOptionMax = 4
virtual ~WalFilter() {}
// LogRecord is invoked for each log record encountered for all the logs
// during replay on logs on recovery. This method can be used to:
// * inspect the record (using the batch parameter)
// * ignoring current record
// (by returning WalProcessingOption::kIgnoreCurrentRecord)
// * reporting corrupted record
// (by returning WalProcessingOption::kCorruptedRecord)
// * stop log replay
// (by returning kStop replay) - please note that this implies
// discarding the logs from current record onwards.
// @params batch batch encountered in the log during recovery
// @params new_batch new_batch to populate if filter wants to change
// the batch (for example to filter some records out,
// or alter some records).
// Please note that the new batch MUST NOT contain
// more records than original, else recovery would
// be failed.
// @params batch_changed Whether batch was changed by the filter.
// It must be set to true if new_batch was populated,
// else new_batch has no effect.
// @returns Processing option for the current record.
// Please see WalProcessingOption enum above for
// details.
virtual WalProcessingOption LogRecord(const WriteBatch& batch,
WriteBatch* new_batch,
bool* batch_changed) const = 0;
// Returns a name that identifies this WAL filter.
// The name will be printed to LOG file on start up for diagnosis.
virtual const char* Name() const = 0;
} // namespace rocksdb