You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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7.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2012 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
// A database can be configured with a custom FilterPolicy object.
// This object is responsible for creating a small filter from a set
// of keys. These filters are stored in rocksdb and are consulted
// automatically by rocksdb to decide whether or not to read some
// information from disk. In many cases, a filter can cut down the
// number of disk seeks form a handful to a single disk seek per
// DB::Get() call.
// Most people will want to use the builtin bloom filter support (see
// NewBloomFilterPolicy() below).
#pragma once
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "rocksdb/advanced_options.h"
namespace rocksdb {
class Slice;
struct BlockBasedTableOptions;
// A class that takes a bunch of keys, then generates filter
class FilterBitsBuilder {
virtual ~FilterBitsBuilder() {}
// Add Key to filter, you could use any way to store the key.
// Such as: storing hashes or original keys
// Keys are in sorted order and duplicated keys are possible.
virtual void AddKey(const Slice& key) = 0;
// Generate the filter using the keys that are added
// The return value of this function would be the filter bits,
// The ownership of actual data is set to buf
virtual Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) = 0;
// Calculate num of keys that can be added and generate a filter
// <= the specified number of bytes.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4702) // unreachable code
virtual int CalculateNumEntry(const uint32_t /*bytes*/) {
throw std::runtime_error("CalculateNumEntry not Implemented");
return 0;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
// A class that checks if a key can be in filter
// It should be initialized by Slice generated by BitsBuilder
class FilterBitsReader {
virtual ~FilterBitsReader() {}
// Check if the entry match the bits in filter
virtual bool MayMatch(const Slice& entry) = 0;
// Check if an array of entries match the bits in filter
virtual void MayMatch(int num_keys, Slice** keys, bool* may_match) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
may_match[i] = MayMatch(*keys[i]);
// Contextual information passed to BloomFilterPolicy at filter building time.
// Used in overriding FilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext().
struct FilterBuildingContext {
// This constructor is for internal use only and subject to change.
FilterBuildingContext(const BlockBasedTableOptions& table_options);
// Options for the table being built
const BlockBasedTableOptions& table_options;
// Name of the column family for the table (or empty string if unknown)
std::string column_family_name;
// The compactions style in effect for the table
CompactionStyle compaction_style = kCompactionStyleLevel;
// The table level at time of constructing the SST file, or -1 if unknown.
// (The table file could later be used at a different level.)
int level_at_creation = -1;
// We add a new format of filter block called full filter block
// This new interface gives you more space of customization
// For the full filter block, you can plug in your version by implement
// the FilterBitsBuilder and FilterBitsReader
// There are two sets of interface in FilterPolicy
// Set 1: CreateFilter, KeyMayMatch: used for blockbased filter
// Set 2: GetFilterBitsBuilder, GetFilterBitsReader, they are used for
// full filter.
// Set 1 MUST be implemented correctly, Set 2 is optional
// RocksDB would first try using functions in Set 2. if they return nullptr,
// it would use Set 1 instead.
// You can choose filter type in NewBloomFilterPolicy
class FilterPolicy {
virtual ~FilterPolicy();
// Return the name of this policy. Note that if the filter encoding
// changes in an incompatible way, the name returned by this method
// must be changed. Otherwise, old incompatible filters may be
// passed to methods of this type.
virtual const char* Name() const = 0;
// keys[0,n-1] contains a list of keys (potentially with duplicates)
// that are ordered according to the user supplied comparator.
// Append a filter that summarizes keys[0,n-1] to *dst.
// Warning: do not change the initial contents of *dst. Instead,
// append the newly constructed filter to *dst.
virtual void CreateFilter(const Slice* keys, int n,
std::string* dst) const = 0;
// "filter" contains the data appended by a preceding call to
// CreateFilter() on this class. This method must return true if
// the key was in the list of keys passed to CreateFilter().
// This method may return true or false if the key was not on the
// list, but it should aim to return false with a high probability.
virtual bool KeyMayMatch(const Slice& key, const Slice& filter) const = 0;
// Return a new FilterBitsBuilder for full or partitioned filter blocks, or
// nullptr if using block-based filter.
// NOTE: This function is only called by GetBuilderWithContext() below for
// custom FilterPolicy implementations. Thus, it is not necessary to
// override this function if overriding GetBuilderWithContext().
virtual FilterBitsBuilder* GetFilterBitsBuilder() const { return nullptr; }
// A newer variant of GetFilterBitsBuilder that allows a FilterPolicy
// to customize the builder for contextual constraints and hints.
// (Name changed to avoid triggering -Werror=overloaded-virtual.)
// If overriding GetFilterBitsBuilder() suffices, it is not necessary to
// override this function.
virtual FilterBitsBuilder* GetBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext&) const {
return GetFilterBitsBuilder();
// Return a new FilterBitsReader for full or partitioned filter blocks, or
// nullptr if using block-based filter.
// As here, the input slice should NOT be deleted by FilterPolicy.
virtual FilterBitsReader* GetFilterBitsReader(
const Slice& /*contents*/) const {
return nullptr;
// Return a new filter policy that uses a bloom filter with approximately
// the specified number of bits per key.
// bits_per_key: average bits allocated per key in bloom filter. A good
// choice is 9.9, which yields a filter with ~ 1% false positive rate.
// When format_version < 5, the value will be rounded to the nearest
// integer. Recommend using no more than three decimal digits after the
// decimal point, as in 6.667.
// use_block_based_builder: use deprecated block based filter (true) rather
// than full or partitioned filter (false).
// Callers must delete the result after any database that is using the
// result has been closed.
// Note: if you are using a custom comparator that ignores some parts
// of the keys being compared, you must not use NewBloomFilterPolicy()
// and must provide your own FilterPolicy that also ignores the
// corresponding parts of the keys. For example, if the comparator
// ignores trailing spaces, it would be incorrect to use a
// FilterPolicy (like NewBloomFilterPolicy) that does not ignore
// trailing spaces in keys.
extern const FilterPolicy* NewBloomFilterPolicy(
double bits_per_key, bool use_block_based_builder = false);
} // namespace rocksdb