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* Tests for Thrift server for leveldb
* @author Dhruba Borthakur (
* Copyright 2012 Facebook
#include <protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <transport/TSocket.h>
#include <transport/TBufferTransports.h>
#include <util/testharness.h>
#include <DB.h>
#include <AssocService.h>
#include <leveldb_types.h>
#include "server_options.h"
using namespace apache::thrift;
using namespace apache::thrift::protocol;
using namespace apache::thrift::transport;
using boost::shared_ptr;
using namespace Tleveldb;
extern "C" void startServer(int argc, char**argv);
extern "C" void stopServer(int port);
extern ServerOptions server_options;
static DBHandle dbhandle;
static DBClient* dbclient;
static AssocServiceClient* aclient;
static const Text dbname = "test-dhruba";
static int ARGC;
static char** ARGV;
static void cleanupDir(std::string dir) {
// remove old data, if any
char* cleanup = new char[100];
snprintf(cleanup, 100, "rm -rf %s", dir.c_str());
static void createDatabase() {
DBOptions options;
options.create_if_missing = true; // create
options.error_if_exists = false; // overwrite
options.write_buffer_size = (4<<20); // 4 MB
options.max_open_files = 1000;
options.block_size = 4096;
options.block_restart_interval = 16;
options.compression = kSnappyCompression;
// create the database
dbclient->Open(dbhandle, dbname, options);
static void initialize(int port) {
boost::shared_ptr<TSocket> socket1(new TSocket("localhost", port));
boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport1(new TBufferedTransport(socket1));
boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> protocol1(new TBinaryProtocol(transport1));
// open database
dbclient = new DBClient(protocol1);
boost::shared_ptr<TSocket> socket2(new TSocket("localhost", port+1));
boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport2(new TBufferedTransport(socket2));
boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> protocol2(new TBinaryProtocol(transport2));
aclient = new AssocServiceClient(protocol2);
printf("Database created.\n");
// Run base leveldb thrift server get/put/iter/scan tests
static void testClient() {
WriteOptions writeOptions;
printf("Running base leveldb operations .................\n");
// insert record into leveldb
Slice key; = "Key1";
key.size = 4;
Slice value; = "value1";
value.size = 6;
kv keyvalue;
keyvalue.key = key;
keyvalue.value = value;
int ret = dbclient->Put(dbhandle, keyvalue, writeOptions);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Put Key1 suceeded.\n");
//read it back
ReadOptions readOptions;
ResultItem rValue;
dbclient->Get(rValue, dbhandle, key, readOptions);
ASSERT_TRUE(rValue.status == Code::kOk);
ASSERT_TRUE(value.size == rValue.value.size);
printf("Get suceeded.\n");
// get a snapshot
ResultSnapshot rsnap;
dbclient->GetSnapshot(rsnap, dbhandle);
ASSERT_TRUE(rsnap.status == Code::kOk);
ASSERT_TRUE(rsnap.snapshot.snapshotid > 0);
printf("Snapshot suceeded.\n");
// insert a new record into leveldb
Slice key2; = "Key2";
key2.size = 4;
Slice value2; = "value2";
value2.size = 6;
keyvalue.key = key2;
keyvalue.value = value2;
ret = dbclient->Put(dbhandle, keyvalue, writeOptions);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Put Key2 suceeded.\n");
// verify that a get done with a previous snapshot does not find Key2
readOptions.snapshot = rsnap.snapshot;
dbclient->Get(rValue, dbhandle, key2, readOptions);
ASSERT_TRUE(rValue.status == Code::kNotFound);
printf("Get with snapshot succeeded.\n");
// release snapshot
ret = dbclient->ReleaseSnapshot(dbhandle, rsnap.snapshot);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Snapshot released.\n");
// if we try to re-release the same snapshot, it should fail
ret = dbclient->ReleaseSnapshot(dbhandle, rsnap.snapshot);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kNotFound);
// compact whole database
Slice range;
range.size = 0;
ret = dbclient->CompactRange(dbhandle, range, range);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Compaction trigger suceeded.\n");
// create a new iterator to scan all keys from the start
Slice target;
ResultIterator ri;
readOptions.snapshot.snapshotid = 0;
dbclient->NewIterator(ri, dbhandle, readOptions,
IteratorType::seekToFirst, target);
ASSERT_TRUE(ri.status == Code::kOk);
int foundPairs = 0;
while (true) {
ResultPair pair;
dbclient->GetNext(pair, dbhandle, ri.iterator);
if (pair.status == Code::kOk) {
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(foundPairs == 2);
ret = dbclient->DeleteIterator(dbhandle, ri.iterator);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Iterator scan-all forward passes.\n");
// create a new iterator, position at end and scan backwards
readOptions.snapshot.snapshotid = 0;
dbclient->NewIterator(ri, dbhandle, readOptions,
IteratorType::seekToLast, target);
ASSERT_TRUE(ri.status == Code::kOk);
foundPairs = 0;
while (true) {
ResultPair pair;
dbclient->GetPrev(pair, dbhandle, ri.iterator);
if (pair.status == Code::kOk) {
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(foundPairs == 2);
ret = dbclient->DeleteIterator(dbhandle, ri.iterator);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Iterator scan-all backward passes.\n");
// create a new iterator, position at middle
readOptions.snapshot.snapshotid = 0;
target = key;
dbclient->NewIterator(ri, dbhandle, readOptions,
IteratorType::seekToKey, target);
ASSERT_TRUE(ri.status == Code::kOk);
foundPairs = 0;
while (true) {
ResultPair pair;
dbclient->GetPrev(pair, dbhandle, ri.iterator);
if (pair.status == Code::kOk) {
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(foundPairs == 1);
ret = dbclient->DeleteIterator(dbhandle, ri.iterator);
ASSERT_TRUE(ret == Code::kOk);
printf("Iterator scan-selective backward passes.\n");
// Run assoc tests
static void testAssocs() {
WriteOptions writeOptions;
printf("Running assoc leveldb operations ................\n");
// insert record into leveldb
int64_t assocType = 100;
int64_t id1 = 1;
int64_t id2 = 2;
int64_t id1Type = 101;
int64_t id2Type = 102;
int64_t ts =3333;
AssocVisibility vis = AssocVisibility::VISIBLE;
bool update_count = true;
int64_t dataVersion = 5;
const Text data = "data......";
const Text wormhole_comments = "wormhole...";
int64_t count = aclient->taoAssocPut(dbname, assocType,
id1, id2, id1Type, id2Type,
ts, vis, update_count,
dataVersion, data, wormhole_comments);
ASSERT_GE(count, 0);
printf("Put AssocPut suceeded.\n");
// verify assoc counts.
int64_t cnt = aclient->taoAssocCount(dbname, assocType, id1);
ASSERT_EQ(cnt, 1);
printf("AssocCount suceeded.\n");
// verify that we can read back what we inserted earlier
std::vector<int64_t> id2list(1);
id2list[0] = id2;
std::vector<TaoAssocGetResult> readback(1);
aclient->taoAssocGet(readback, dbname,
assocType, id1, id2list);
printf("AssocGet suceeded.\n");
printf("size = %lu\n", readback.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1, readback.size());
ASSERT_EQ(id1Type, readback[0].id1Type);
printf("XXX %ld %ld\n", id1Type, readback[0].id1Type);
ASSERT_EQ(id2Type, readback[0].id2Type);
ASSERT_EQ(ts, readback[0].time);
ASSERT_EQ(dataVersion, readback[0].dataVersion);
ASSERT_EQ(readback[0], 0);
// close all resources
static void close() {
// close database
dbclient->Close(dbhandle, dbname);
// transport->close();
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ARGC = argc;
ARGV = argv;
// create a server
startServer(argc, argv);
printf("Server thread created.\n");
// give some time to the server to initialize itself
while (server_options.getPort() == 0) {
// test client
// run all tests
// done all tests
return 0;