fork of and for nextgraph and oxigraph
399 lines
18 KiB
399 lines
18 KiB
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import unittest
import tempfile
def my_check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
If we had python 2.7, we should simply use subprocess.check_output.
This is a stop-gap solution for python 2.6
if 'stdout' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
process = subprocess.Popen(stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
*popenargs, **kwargs)
output, unused_err = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None:
cmd = popenargs[0]
raise Exception("Exit code is not 0. It is %d. Command: %s" %
(retcode, cmd))
return output
def run_err_null(cmd):
return os.system(cmd + " 2>/dev/null ")
class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.TMP_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="ldb_test_")
self.DB_NAME = "testdb"
def tearDown(self):
assert(self.TMP_DIR.strip() != "/"
and self.TMP_DIR.strip() != "/tmp"
and self.TMP_DIR.strip() != "/tmp/") #Just some paranoia
def dbParam(self, dbName):
return "--db=%s" % os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, dbName)
def assertRunOKFull(self, params, expectedOutput, unexpected=False):
All command-line params must be specified.
Allows full flexibility in testing; for example: missing db param.
output = my_check_output("./ldb %s |grep -v \"Created bg thread\"" %
params, shell=True)
if not unexpected:
self.assertEqual(output.strip(), expectedOutput.strip())
self.assertNotEqual(output.strip(), expectedOutput.strip())
def assertRunFAILFull(self, params):
All command-line params must be specified.
Allows full flexibility in testing; for example: missing db param.
my_check_output("./ldb %s >/dev/null 2>&1 |grep -v \"Created bg \
thread\"" % params, shell=True)
except Exception, e:
"Exception should have been raised for command with params: %s" %
def assertRunOK(self, params, expectedOutput, unexpected=False):
Uses the default test db.
self.assertRunOKFull("%s %s" % (self.dbParam(self.DB_NAME), params),
expectedOutput, unexpected)
def assertRunFAIL(self, params):
Uses the default test db.
self.assertRunFAILFull("%s %s" % (self.dbParam(self.DB_NAME), params))
def testSimpleStringPutGet(self):
print "Running testSimpleStringPutGet..."
self.assertRunFAIL("put x1 y1")
self.assertRunOK("put --create_if_missing x1 y1", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("get x1", "y1")
self.assertRunFAIL("get x2")
self.assertRunOK("put x2 y2", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("get x1", "y1")
self.assertRunOK("get x2", "y2")
self.assertRunFAIL("get x3")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=z", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2")
self.assertRunOK("put x3 y3", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=z", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("scan --to=x2", "x1 : y1")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=z --max_keys=1", "x1 : y1")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=z --max_keys=2",
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=z --max_keys=3",
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=z --max_keys=4",
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x1 --to=x2", "x1 : y1")
self.assertRunOK("scan --from=x2 --to=x4", "x2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunFAIL("scan --from=x4 --to=z") # No results => FAIL
self.assertRunFAIL("scan --from=x1 --to=z --max_keys=foo")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("delete x1", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
self.assertRunOK("delete NonExistentKey", "OK")
# It is weird that GET and SCAN raise exception for
# non-existent key, while delete does not
self.assertRunOK("checkconsistency", "OK")
def dumpDb(self, params, dumpFile):
return 0 == run_err_null("./ldb dump %s > %s" % (params, dumpFile))
def loadDb(self, params, dumpFile):
return 0 == run_err_null("cat %s | ./ldb load %s" % (dumpFile, params))
def testStringBatchPut(self):
print "Running testStringBatchPut..."
self.assertRunOK("batchput x1 y1 --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1")
self.assertRunOK("batchput x2 y2 x3 y3 \"x4 abc\" \"y4 xyz\"", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 abc : y4 xyz")
self.assertRunFAIL("batchput k1")
self.assertRunFAIL("batchput k1 v1 k2")
def testCountDelimDump(self):
print "Running testCountDelimDump..."
self.assertRunOK("batchput x.1 x1 --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("batchput abc y.2 2 z.13c pqr", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("dump --count_delim", "x => count:1\tsize:5\ny => count:2\tsize:12\nz => count:1\tsize:8")
self.assertRunOK("dump --count_delim=\".\"", "x => count:1\tsize:5\ny => count:2\tsize:12\nz => count:1\tsize:8")
self.assertRunOK("batchput x,2 x2 x,abc xabc", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("dump --count_delim=\",\"", "x => count:2\tsize:14\nx.1 => count:1\tsize:5\ny.2 => count:1\tsize:4\ => count:1\tsize:8\nz.13c => count:1\tsize:8")
def testCountDelimIDump(self):
print "Running testCountDelimIDump..."
self.assertRunOK("batchput x.1 x1 --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("batchput abc y.2 2 z.13c pqr", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("dump --count_delim", "x => count:1\tsize:5\ny => count:2\tsize:12\nz => count:1\tsize:8")
self.assertRunOK("dump --count_delim=\".\"", "x => count:1\tsize:5\ny => count:2\tsize:12\nz => count:1\tsize:8")
self.assertRunOK("batchput x,2 x2 x,abc xabc", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("dump --count_delim=\",\"", "x => count:2\tsize:14\nx.1 => count:1\tsize:5\ny.2 => count:1\tsize:4\ => count:1\tsize:8\nz.13c => count:1\tsize:8")
def testInvalidCmdLines(self):
print "Running testInvalidCmdLines..."
# db not specified
self.assertRunFAILFull("put 0x6133 0x6233 --hex --create_if_missing")
# No param called he
self.assertRunFAIL("put 0x6133 0x6233 --he --create_if_missing")
# max_keys is not applicable for put
self.assertRunFAIL("put 0x6133 0x6233 --max_keys=1 --create_if_missing")
# hex has invalid boolean value
def testHexPutGet(self):
print "Running testHexPutGet..."
self.assertRunOK("put a1 b1 --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "a1 : b1")
self.assertRunOK("scan --hex", "0x6131 : 0x6231")
self.assertRunFAIL("put --hex 6132 6232")
self.assertRunOK("put --hex 0x6132 0x6232", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan --hex", "0x6131 : 0x6231\n0x6132 : 0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "a1 : b1\na2 : b2")
self.assertRunOK("get a1", "b1")
self.assertRunOK("get --hex 0x6131", "0x6231")
self.assertRunOK("get a2", "b2")
self.assertRunOK("get --hex 0x6132", "0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("get --key_hex 0x6132", "b2")
self.assertRunOK("get --key_hex --value_hex 0x6132", "0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("get --value_hex a2", "0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("scan --key_hex --value_hex",
"0x6131 : 0x6231\n0x6132 : 0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("scan --hex --from=0x6131 --to=0x6133",
"0x6131 : 0x6231\n0x6132 : 0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("scan --hex --from=0x6131 --to=0x6132",
"0x6131 : 0x6231")
self.assertRunOK("scan --key_hex", "0x6131 : b1\n0x6132 : b2")
self.assertRunOK("scan --value_hex", "a1 : 0x6231\na2 : 0x6232")
self.assertRunOK("batchput --hex 0x6133 0x6233 0x6134 0x6234", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "a1 : b1\na2 : b2\na3 : b3\na4 : b4")
self.assertRunOK("delete --hex 0x6133", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan", "a1 : b1\na2 : b2\na4 : b4")
self.assertRunOK("checkconsistency", "OK")
def testTtlPutGet(self):
print "Running testTtlPutGet..."
self.assertRunOK("put a1 b1 --ttl --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("scan --hex", "0x6131 : 0x6231", True)
self.assertRunOK("dump --ttl ", "a1 ==> b1", True)
self.assertRunOK("dump --hex --ttl ",
"0x6131 ==> 0x6231\nKeys in range: 1")
self.assertRunOK("scan --hex --ttl", "0x6131 : 0x6231")
self.assertRunOK("get --value_hex a1", "0x6231", True)
self.assertRunOK("get --ttl a1", "b1")
self.assertRunOK("put a3 b3 --create_if_missing", "OK")
# fails because timstamp's length is greater than value's
self.assertRunFAIL("get --ttl a3")
self.assertRunOK("checkconsistency", "OK")
def testInvalidCmdLines(self):
print "Running testInvalidCmdLines..."
# db not specified
self.assertRunFAILFull("put 0x6133 0x6233 --hex --create_if_missing")
# No param called he
self.assertRunFAIL("put 0x6133 0x6233 --he --create_if_missing")
# max_keys is not applicable for put
self.assertRunFAIL("put 0x6133 0x6233 --max_keys=1 --create_if_missing")
# hex has invalid boolean value
self.assertRunFAIL("put 0x6133 0x6233 --hex=Boo --create_if_missing")
def testDumpLoad(self):
print "Running testDumpLoad..."
self.assertRunOK("batchput --create_if_missing x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4",
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
origDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, self.DB_NAME)
# Dump and load without any additional params specified
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump1")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump1")
self.assertTrue(self.dumpDb("--db=%s" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s --create_if_missing" % loadedDbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath,
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
# Dump and load in hex
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump2")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump2")
self.assertTrue(self.dumpDb("--db=%s --hex" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s --hex --create_if_missing" % loadedDbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath,
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
# Dump only a portion of the key range
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump3")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump3")
"--db=%s --from=x1 --to=x3" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s --create_if_missing" % loadedDbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath, "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2")
# Dump upto max_keys rows
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump4")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump4")
"--db=%s --max_keys=3" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s --create_if_missing" % loadedDbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath,
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3")
# Load into an existing db, create_if_missing is not specified
self.assertTrue(self.dumpDb("--db=%s" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertTrue(self.loadDb("--db=%s" % loadedDbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath,
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
# Dump and load with WAL disabled
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump5")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump5")
self.assertTrue(self.dumpDb("--db=%s" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s --disable_wal --create_if_missing" % loadedDbPath,
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath,
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
# Dump and load with lots of extra params specified
extraParams = " ".join(["--bloom_bits=14", "--block_size=1024",
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump6")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump6")
"--db=%s %s" % (origDbPath, extraParams), dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s %s --create_if_missing" % (loadedDbPath, extraParams),
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath,
"x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
# Dump with count_only
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump7")
loadedDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "loaded_from_dump7")
"--db=%s --count_only" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
"--db=%s --create_if_missing" % loadedDbPath, dumpFilePath))
# DB should have atleast one value for scan to work
self.assertRunOKFull("put --db=%s k1 v1" % loadedDbPath, "OK")
self.assertRunOKFull("scan --db=%s" % loadedDbPath, "k1 : v1")
# Dump command fails because of typo in params
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump8")
"--db=%s --create_if_missing" % origDbPath, dumpFilePath))
def testMiscAdminTask(self):
print "Running testMiscAdminTask..."
# These tests need to be improved; for example with asserts about
# whether compaction or level reduction actually took place.
self.assertRunOK("batchput --create_if_missing x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4",
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
origDbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, self.DB_NAME)
self.assertTrue(0 == run_err_null(
"./ldb compact --db=%s" % origDbPath))
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
self.assertTrue(0 == run_err_null(
"./ldb reduce_levels --db=%s --new_levels=2" % origDbPath))
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
self.assertTrue(0 == run_err_null(
"./ldb reduce_levels --db=%s --new_levels=3" % origDbPath))
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
self.assertTrue(0 == run_err_null(
"./ldb compact --db=%s --from=x1 --to=x3" % origDbPath))
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
self.assertTrue(0 == run_err_null(
"./ldb compact --db=%s --hex --from=0x6131 --to=0x6134"
% origDbPath))
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
#TODO(dilip): Not sure what should be passed to WAL.Currently corrupted.
self.assertTrue(0 == run_err_null(
"./ldb dump_wal --db=%s --walfile=%s --header" % (
origDbPath, os.path.join(origDbPath, "LOG"))))
self.assertRunOK("scan", "x1 : y1\nx2 : y2\nx3 : y3\nx4 : y4")
def testCheckConsistency(self):
print "Running testCheckConsistency..."
dbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, self.DB_NAME)
self.assertRunOK("put x1 y1 --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("put x2 y2", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("get x1", "y1")
self.assertRunOK("checkconsistency", "OK")
sstFilePath = my_check_output("ls %s" % os.path.join(dbPath, "*.sst"),
# Modify the file
my_check_output("echo 'evil' > %s" % sstFilePath, shell=True)
# Delete the file
my_check_output("rm -f %s" % sstFilePath, shell=True)
def dumpLiveFiles(self, params, dumpFile):
return 0 == run_err_null("./ldb dump_live_files %s > %s" % (
params, dumpFile))
def testDumpLiveFiles(self):
print "Running testDumpLiveFiles..."
dbPath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, self.DB_NAME)
self.assertRunOK("put x1 y1 --create_if_missing", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("put x2 y2", "OK")
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump1")
self.assertTrue(self.dumpLiveFiles("--db=%s" % dbPath, dumpFilePath))
self.assertRunOK("delete x1", "OK")
self.assertRunOK("put x3 y3", "OK")
dumpFilePath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, "dump2")
self.assertTrue(self.dumpLiveFiles("--db=%s" % dbPath, dumpFilePath))
if __name__ == "__main__":