You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

912 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "utilities/backupable_db.h"
#include "db/filename.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "rocksdb/transaction_log.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <atomic>
namespace rocksdb {
// -------- BackupEngine class ---------
class BackupEngine {
BackupEngine(Env* db_env, const BackupableDBOptions& options);
Status CreateNewBackup(DB* db, bool flush_before_backup = false);
Status PurgeOldBackups(uint32_t num_backups_to_keep);
Status DeleteBackup(BackupID backup_id);
void StopBackup() {, std::memory_order_release);
void GetBackupInfo(std::vector<BackupInfo>* backup_info);
Status RestoreDBFromBackup(BackupID backup_id, const std::string &db_dir,
const std::string &wal_dir);
Status RestoreDBFromLatestBackup(const std::string &db_dir,
const std::string &wal_dir) {
return RestoreDBFromBackup(latest_backup_id_, db_dir, wal_dir);
void DeleteBackupsNewerThan(uint64_t sequence_number);
class BackupMeta {
BackupMeta(const std::string& meta_filename,
std::unordered_map<std::string, int>* file_refs, Env* env)
: timestamp_(0), size_(0), meta_filename_(meta_filename),
file_refs_(file_refs), env_(env) {}
~BackupMeta() {}
void RecordTimestamp() {
int64_t GetTimestamp() const {
return timestamp_;
uint64_t GetSize() const {
return size_;
void SetSequenceNumber(uint64_t sequence_number) {
sequence_number_ = sequence_number;
uint64_t GetSequenceNumber() {
return sequence_number_;
void AddFile(const std::string& filename, uint64_t size);
void Delete();
bool Empty() {
return files_.empty();
const std::vector<std::string>& GetFiles() {
return files_;
Status LoadFromFile(const std::string& backup_dir);
Status StoreToFile(bool sync);
int64_t timestamp_;
// sequence number is only approximate, should not be used
// by clients
uint64_t sequence_number_;
uint64_t size_;
std::string const meta_filename_;
// files with relative paths (without "/" prefix!!)
std::vector<std::string> files_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int>* file_refs_;
Env* env_;
static const size_t max_backup_meta_file_size_ = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB
}; // BackupMeta
inline std::string GetAbsolutePath(
const std::string &relative_path = "") const {
assert(relative_path.size() == 0 || relative_path[0] != '/');
return options_.backup_dir + "/" + relative_path;
inline std::string GetPrivateDirRel() const {
return "private";
inline std::string GetPrivateFileRel(BackupID backup_id,
bool tmp = false,
const std::string& file = "") const {
assert(file.size() == 0 || file[0] != '/');
return GetPrivateDirRel() + "/" + std::to_string(backup_id) +
(tmp ? ".tmp" : "") + "/" + file;
inline std::string GetSharedFileRel(const std::string& file = "",
bool tmp = false) const {
assert(file.size() == 0 || file[0] != '/');
return "shared/" + file + (tmp ? ".tmp" : "");
inline std::string GetLatestBackupFile(bool tmp = false) const {
return GetAbsolutePath(std::string("LATEST_BACKUP") + (tmp ? ".tmp" : ""));
inline std::string GetBackupMetaDir() const {
return GetAbsolutePath("meta");
inline std::string GetBackupMetaFile(BackupID backup_id) const {
return GetBackupMetaDir() + "/" + std::to_string(backup_id);
Status GetLatestBackupFileContents(uint32_t* latest_backup);
Status PutLatestBackupFileContents(uint32_t latest_backup);
// if size_limit == 0, there is no size limit, copy everything
Status CopyFile(const std::string& src,
const std::string& dst,
Env* src_env,
Env* dst_env,
bool sync,
uint64_t* size = nullptr,
uint64_t size_limit = 0);
// if size_limit == 0, there is no size limit, copy everything
Status BackupFile(BackupID backup_id,
BackupMeta* backup,
bool shared,
const std::string& src_dir,
const std::string& src_fname, // starts with "/"
uint64_t size_limit = 0);
// Will delete all the files we don't need anymore
// If full_scan == true, it will do the full scan of files/ directory
// and delete all the files that are not referenced from backuped_file_refs_
void GarbageCollection(bool full_scan);
// backup state data
BackupID latest_backup_id_;
std::map<BackupID, BackupMeta> backups_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> backuped_file_refs_;
std::vector<BackupID> obsolete_backups_;
std::atomic<bool> stop_backup_;
// options data
BackupableDBOptions options_;
Env* db_env_;
Env* backup_env_;
static const size_t copy_file_buffer_size_ = 5 * 1024 * 1024LL; // 5MB
BackupEngine::BackupEngine(Env* db_env, const BackupableDBOptions& options)
: stop_backup_(false),
backup_env_(options.backup_env != nullptr ? options.backup_env
: db_env_) {
// create all the dirs we need
if (!options_.share_table_files) {
std::vector<std::string> backup_meta_files;
backup_env_->GetChildren(GetBackupMetaDir(), &backup_meta_files);
// create backups_ structure
for (auto& file : backup_meta_files) {
BackupID backup_id = 0;
sscanf(file.c_str(), "%u", &backup_id);
if (backup_id == 0 || file != std::to_string(backup_id)) {
// invalid file name, delete that
backup_env_->DeleteFile(GetBackupMetaDir() + "/" + file);
assert(backups_.find(backup_id) == backups_.end());
backup_id, BackupMeta(GetBackupMetaFile(backup_id),
&backuped_file_refs_, backup_env_)));
if (options_.destroy_old_data) { // Destory old data
for (auto& backup : backups_) {
// start from beginning
latest_backup_id_ = 0;
// GarbageCollection() will do the actual deletion
} else { // Load data from storage
// load the backups if any
for (auto& backup : backups_) {
Status s = backup.second.LoadFromFile(options_.backup_dir);
if (!s.ok()) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Backup %u corrupted - deleting -- %s",
backup.first, s.ToString().c_str());
// delete obsolete backups from the structure
for (auto ob : obsolete_backups_) {
Status s = GetLatestBackupFileContents(&latest_backup_id_);
// If latest backup file is corrupted or non-existent
// set latest backup as the biggest backup we have
// or 0 if we have no backups
if (!s.ok() ||
backups_.find(latest_backup_id_) == backups_.end()) {
auto itr = backups_.end();
latest_backup_id_ = (itr == backups_.begin()) ? 0 : (--itr)->first;
// delete any backups that claim to be later than latest
for (auto itr = backups_.upper_bound(latest_backup_id_);
itr != backups_.end();) {
itr = backups_.erase(itr);
PutLatestBackupFileContents(latest_backup_id_); // Ignore errors
"Initialized BackupEngine, the latest backup is %u.",
BackupEngine::~BackupEngine() {
void BackupEngine::DeleteBackupsNewerThan(uint64_t sequence_number) {
for (auto backup : backups_) {
if (backup.second.GetSequenceNumber() > sequence_number) {
"Deleting backup %u because sequence number (%" PRIu64
") is newer than %" PRIu64 "",
backup.first, backup.second.GetSequenceNumber(), sequence_number);
for (auto ob : obsolete_backups_) {
auto itr = backups_.end();
latest_backup_id_ = (itr == backups_.begin()) ? 0 : (--itr)->first;
PutLatestBackupFileContents(latest_backup_id_); // Ignore errors
Status BackupEngine::CreateNewBackup(DB* db, bool flush_before_backup) {
Status s;
std::vector<std::string> live_files;
VectorLogPtr live_wal_files;
uint64_t manifest_file_size = 0;
uint64_t sequence_number = db->GetLatestSequenceNumber();
s = db->DisableFileDeletions();
if (s.ok()) {
// this will return live_files prefixed with "/"
s = db->GetLiveFiles(live_files, &manifest_file_size, flush_before_backup);
// if we didn't flush before backup, we need to also get WAL files
if (s.ok() && !flush_before_backup) {
// returns file names prefixed with "/"
s = db->GetSortedWalFiles(live_wal_files);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
BackupID new_backup_id = latest_backup_id_ + 1;
assert(backups_.find(new_backup_id) == backups_.end());
auto ret = backups_.insert(std::make_pair(
new_backup_id, BackupMeta(GetBackupMetaFile(new_backup_id),
&backuped_file_refs_, backup_env_)));
assert(ret.second == true);
auto& new_backup = ret.first->second;
Log(options_.info_log, "Started the backup process -- creating backup %u",
// create temporary private dir
s = backup_env_->CreateDir(
GetAbsolutePath(GetPrivateFileRel(new_backup_id, true)));
// copy live_files
for (size_t i = 0; s.ok() && i < live_files.size(); ++i) {
uint64_t number;
FileType type;
bool ok = ParseFileName(live_files[i], &number, &type);
if (!ok) {
return Status::Corruption("Can't parse file name. This is very bad");
// we should only get sst, manifest and current files here
assert(type == kTableFile ||
type == kDescriptorFile ||
type == kCurrentFile);
// rules:
// * if it's kTableFile, than it's shared
// * if it's kDescriptorFile, limit the size to manifest_file_size
s = BackupFile(new_backup_id,
options_.share_table_files && type == kTableFile,
db->GetName(), /* src_dir */
live_files[i], /* src_fname */
(type == kDescriptorFile) ? manifest_file_size : 0);
// copy WAL files
for (size_t i = 0; s.ok() && i < live_wal_files.size(); ++i) {
if (live_wal_files[i]->Type() == kAliveLogFile) {
// we only care about live log files
// copy the file into backup_dir/files/<new backup>/
s = BackupFile(new_backup_id,
false, /* not shared */
// we copied all the files, enable file deletions
if (s.ok()) {
// move tmp private backup to real backup folder
s = backup_env_->RenameFile(
GetAbsolutePath(GetPrivateFileRel(new_backup_id, true)), // tmp
GetAbsolutePath(GetPrivateFileRel(new_backup_id, false)));
if (s.ok()) {
// persist the backup metadata on the disk
s = new_backup.StoreToFile(options_.sync);
if (s.ok()) {
// install the newly created backup meta! (atomic)
s = PutLatestBackupFileContents(new_backup_id);
if (!s.ok()) {
// clean all the files we might have created
Log(options_.info_log, "Backup failed -- %s", s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
// here we know that we succeeded and installed the new backup
// in the LATEST_BACKUP file
latest_backup_id_ = new_backup_id;
Log(options_.info_log, "Backup DONE. All is good");
return s;
Status BackupEngine::PurgeOldBackups(uint32_t num_backups_to_keep) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Purging old backups, keeping %u",
while (num_backups_to_keep < backups_.size()) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleting backup %u", backups_.begin()->first);
return Status::OK();
Status BackupEngine::DeleteBackup(BackupID backup_id) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleting backup %u", backup_id);
auto backup = backups_.find(backup_id);
if (backup == backups_.end()) {
return Status::NotFound("Backup not found");
return Status::OK();
void BackupEngine::GetBackupInfo(std::vector<BackupInfo>* backup_info) {
for (auto& backup : backups_) {
if (!backup.second.Empty()) {
backup.first, backup.second.GetTimestamp(), backup.second.GetSize()));
Status BackupEngine::RestoreDBFromBackup(BackupID backup_id,
const std::string &db_dir,
const std::string &wal_dir) {
auto backup_itr = backups_.find(backup_id);
if (backup_itr == backups_.end()) {
return Status::NotFound("Backup not found");
auto& backup = backup_itr->second;
if (backup.Empty()) {
return Status::NotFound("Backup not found");
Log(options_.info_log, "Restoring backup id %u\n", backup_id);
// just in case. Ignore errors
// delete log files that might have been already in wal_dir.
// This is important since they might get replayed to the restored DB,
// which will then differ from the backuped DB
std::vector<std::string> delete_children;
db_env_->GetChildren(wal_dir, &delete_children); // ignore errors
for (auto f : delete_children) {
db_env_->DeleteFile(wal_dir + "/" + f); // ignore errors
// Also delete all the db_dir children. This is not so important
// because obsolete files will be deleted by DBImpl::PurgeObsoleteFiles()
db_env_->GetChildren(db_dir, &delete_children); // ignore errors
for (auto f : delete_children) {
db_env_->DeleteFile(db_dir + "/" + f); // ignore errors
Status s;
for (auto& file : backup.GetFiles()) {
std::string dst;
// 1. extract the filename
size_t slash = file.find_last_of('/');
// file will either be shared/<file> or private/<number>/<file>
assert(slash != std::string::npos);
dst = file.substr(slash + 1);
// 2. find the filetype
uint64_t number;
FileType type;
bool ok = ParseFileName(dst, &number, &type);
if (!ok) {
return Status::Corruption("Backup corrupted");
// 3. Construct the final path
// kLogFile lives in wal_dir and all the rest live in db_dir
dst = ((type == kLogFile) ? wal_dir : db_dir) +
"/" + dst;
Log(options_.info_log, "Restoring %s to %s\n", file.c_str(), dst.c_str());
s = CopyFile(GetAbsolutePath(file), dst, backup_env_, db_env_, false);
if (!s.ok()) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Restoring done -- %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
// latest backup id is an ASCII representation of latest backup id
Status BackupEngine::GetLatestBackupFileContents(uint32_t* latest_backup) {
Status s;
unique_ptr<SequentialFile> file;
s = backup_env_->NewSequentialFile(GetLatestBackupFile(),
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
char buf[11];
Slice data;
s = file->Read(10, &data, buf);
if (!s.ok() || data.size() == 0) {
return s.ok() ? Status::Corruption("Latest backup file corrupted") : s;
buf[data.size()] = 0;
*latest_backup = 0;
sscanf(, "%u", latest_backup);
if (backup_env_->FileExists(GetBackupMetaFile(*latest_backup)) == false) {
s = Status::Corruption("Latest backup file corrupted");
return Status::OK();
// this operation HAS to be atomic
// writing 4 bytes to the file is atomic alright, but we should *never*
// do something like 1. delete file, 2. write new file
// We write to a tmp file and then atomically rename
Status BackupEngine::PutLatestBackupFileContents(uint32_t latest_backup) {
Status s;
unique_ptr<WritableFile> file;
EnvOptions env_options;
env_options.use_mmap_writes = false;
s = backup_env_->NewWritableFile(GetLatestBackupFile(true),
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
char file_contents[10];
int len = sprintf(file_contents, "%u\n", latest_backup);
s = file->Append(Slice(file_contents, len));
if (s.ok() && options_.sync) {
if (s.ok()) {
s = file->Close();
if (s.ok()) {
// atomically replace real file with new tmp
s = backup_env_->RenameFile(GetLatestBackupFile(true),
return s;
Status BackupEngine::CopyFile(const std::string& src,
const std::string& dst,
Env* src_env,
Env* dst_env,
bool sync,
uint64_t* size,
uint64_t size_limit) {
Status s;
unique_ptr<WritableFile> dst_file;
unique_ptr<SequentialFile> src_file;
EnvOptions env_options;
env_options.use_mmap_writes = false;
if (size != nullptr) {
*size = 0;
// Check if size limit is set. if not, set it to very big number
if (size_limit == 0) {
size_limit = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
s = src_env->NewSequentialFile(src, &src_file, env_options);
if (s.ok()) {
s = dst_env->NewWritableFile(dst, &dst_file, env_options);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[copy_file_buffer_size_]);
Slice data;
do {
if (stop_backup_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
return Status::Incomplete("Backup stopped");
size_t buffer_to_read = (copy_file_buffer_size_ < size_limit) ?
copy_file_buffer_size_ : size_limit;
s = src_file->Read(buffer_to_read, &data, buf.get());
size_limit -= data.size();
if (size != nullptr) {
*size += data.size();
if (s.ok()) {
s = dst_file->Append(data);
} while (s.ok() && data.size() > 0 && size_limit > 0);
if (s.ok() && sync) {
s = dst_file->Sync();
return s;
// src_fname will always start with "/"
Status BackupEngine::BackupFile(BackupID backup_id,
BackupMeta* backup,
bool shared,
const std::string& src_dir,
const std::string& src_fname,
uint64_t size_limit) {
assert(src_fname.size() > 0 && src_fname[0] == '/');
std::string dst_relative = src_fname.substr(1);
std::string dst_relative_tmp;
if (shared) {
dst_relative_tmp = GetSharedFileRel(dst_relative, true);
dst_relative = GetSharedFileRel(dst_relative, false);
} else {
dst_relative_tmp = GetPrivateFileRel(backup_id, true, dst_relative);
dst_relative = GetPrivateFileRel(backup_id, false, dst_relative);
std::string dst_path = GetAbsolutePath(dst_relative);
std::string dst_path_tmp = GetAbsolutePath(dst_relative_tmp);
Status s;
uint64_t size;
// if it's shared, we also need to check if it exists -- if it does,
// no need to copy it again
if (shared && backup_env_->FileExists(dst_path)) {
backup_env_->GetFileSize(dst_path, &size); // Ignore error
Log(options_.info_log, "%s already present", src_fname.c_str());
} else {
Log(options_.info_log, "Copying %s", src_fname.c_str());
s = CopyFile(src_dir + src_fname,
if (s.ok() && shared) {
s = backup_env_->RenameFile(dst_path_tmp, dst_path);
if (s.ok()) {
backup->AddFile(dst_relative, size);
return s;
void BackupEngine::GarbageCollection(bool full_scan) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Starting garbage collection");
std::vector<std::string> to_delete;
for (auto& itr : backuped_file_refs_) {
if (itr.second == 0) {
Status s = backup_env_->DeleteFile(GetAbsolutePath(itr.first));
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleting %s -- %s", itr.first.c_str(),
for (auto& td : to_delete) {
if (!full_scan) {
// take care of private dirs -- if full_scan == true, then full_scan will
// take care of them
for (auto backup_id : obsolete_backups_) {
std::string private_dir = GetPrivateFileRel(backup_id);
Status s = backup_env_->DeleteDir(GetAbsolutePath(private_dir));
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleting private dir %s -- %s",
private_dir.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
if (full_scan) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Starting full scan garbage collection");
// delete obsolete shared files
std::vector<std::string> shared_children;
for (auto& child : shared_children) {
std::string rel_fname = GetSharedFileRel(child);
// if it's not refcounted, delete it
if (backuped_file_refs_.find(rel_fname) == backuped_file_refs_.end()) {
// this might be a directory, but DeleteFile will just fail in that
// case, so we're good
Status s = backup_env_->DeleteFile(GetAbsolutePath(rel_fname));
if (s.ok()) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleted %s", rel_fname.c_str());
// delete obsolete private files
std::vector<std::string> private_children;
for (auto& child : private_children) {
BackupID backup_id = 0;
bool tmp_dir = child.find(".tmp") != std::string::npos;
sscanf(child.c_str(), "%u", &backup_id);
if (!tmp_dir && // if it's tmp_dir, delete it
(backup_id == 0 || backups_.find(backup_id) != backups_.end())) {
// it's either not a number or it's still alive. continue
// here we have to delete the dir and all its children
std::string full_private_path =
GetAbsolutePath(GetPrivateFileRel(backup_id, tmp_dir));
std::vector<std::string> subchildren;
backup_env_->GetChildren(full_private_path, &subchildren);
for (auto& subchild : subchildren) {
Status s = backup_env_->DeleteFile(full_private_path + subchild);
if (s.ok()) {
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleted %s",
(full_private_path + subchild).c_str());
// finally delete the private dir
Status s = backup_env_->DeleteDir(full_private_path);
Log(options_.info_log, "Deleted dir %s -- %s", full_private_path.c_str(),
// ------- BackupMeta class --------
void BackupEngine::BackupMeta::AddFile(const std::string& filename,
uint64_t size) {
size_ += size;
auto itr = file_refs_->find(filename);
if (itr == file_refs_->end()) {
file_refs_->insert(std::make_pair(filename, 1));
} else {
++itr->second; // increase refcount if already present
void BackupEngine::BackupMeta::Delete() {
for (auto& file : files_) {
auto itr = file_refs_->find(file);
assert(itr != file_refs_->end());
--(itr->second); // decrease refcount
// delete meta file
timestamp_ = 0;
// each backup meta file is of the format:
// <timestamp>
// <seq number>
// <number of files>
// <file1>
// <file2>
// ...
// TODO: maybe add checksum?
Status BackupEngine::BackupMeta::LoadFromFile(const std::string& backup_dir) {
Status s;
unique_ptr<SequentialFile> backup_meta_file;
s = env_->NewSequentialFile(meta_filename_, &backup_meta_file, EnvOptions());
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[max_backup_meta_file_size_ + 1]);
Slice data;
s = backup_meta_file->Read(max_backup_meta_file_size_, &data, buf.get());
if (!s.ok() || data.size() == max_backup_meta_file_size_) {
return s.ok() ? Status::IOError("File size too big") : s;
buf[data.size()] = 0;
uint32_t num_files = 0;
int bytes_read = 0;
sscanf(, "%" PRId64 "%n", &timestamp_, &bytes_read);
data.remove_prefix(bytes_read + 1); // +1 for '\n'
sscanf(, "%" PRIu64 "%n", &sequence_number_, &bytes_read);
data.remove_prefix(bytes_read + 1); // +1 for '\n'
sscanf(, "%u%n", &num_files, &bytes_read);
data.remove_prefix(bytes_read + 1); // +1 for '\n'
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>> files;
for (uint32_t i = 0; s.ok() && i < num_files; ++i) {
std::string filename = GetSliceUntil(&data, '\n').ToString();
uint64_t size;
s = env_->GetFileSize(backup_dir + "/" + filename, &size);
files.push_back(std::make_pair(filename, size));
if (s.ok()) {
for (auto file : files) {
AddFile(file.first, file.second);
return s;
Status BackupEngine::BackupMeta::StoreToFile(bool sync) {
Status s;
unique_ptr<WritableFile> backup_meta_file;
EnvOptions env_options;
env_options.use_mmap_writes = false;
s = env_->NewWritableFile(meta_filename_ + ".tmp", &backup_meta_file,
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[max_backup_meta_file_size_]);
int len = 0, buf_size = max_backup_meta_file_size_;
len += snprintf(buf.get(), buf_size, "%" PRId64 "\n", timestamp_);
len += snprintf(buf.get() + len, buf_size - len, "%" PRIu64 "\n",
len += snprintf(buf.get() + len, buf_size - len, "%zu\n", files_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < files_.size(); ++i) {
len += snprintf(buf.get() + len, buf_size - len, "%s\n", files_[i].c_str());
s = backup_meta_file->Append(Slice(buf.get(), (size_t)len));
if (s.ok() && sync) {
s = backup_meta_file->Sync();
if (s.ok()) {
s = backup_meta_file->Close();
if (s.ok()) {
s = env_->RenameFile(meta_filename_ + ".tmp", meta_filename_);
return s;
// --- BackupableDB methods --------
BackupableDB::BackupableDB(DB* db, const BackupableDBOptions& options)
: StackableDB(db), backup_engine_(new BackupEngine(db->GetEnv(), options)) {
if (options.share_table_files) {
BackupableDB::~BackupableDB() {
delete backup_engine_;
Status BackupableDB::CreateNewBackup(bool flush_before_backup) {
return backup_engine_->CreateNewBackup(this, flush_before_backup);
void BackupableDB::GetBackupInfo(std::vector<BackupInfo>* backup_info) {
Status BackupableDB::PurgeOldBackups(uint32_t num_backups_to_keep) {
return backup_engine_->PurgeOldBackups(num_backups_to_keep);
Status BackupableDB::DeleteBackup(BackupID backup_id) {
return backup_engine_->DeleteBackup(backup_id);
void BackupableDB::StopBackup() {
// --- RestoreBackupableDB methods ------
RestoreBackupableDB::RestoreBackupableDB(Env* db_env,
const BackupableDBOptions& options)
: backup_engine_(new BackupEngine(db_env, options)) {}
RestoreBackupableDB::~RestoreBackupableDB() {
delete backup_engine_;
RestoreBackupableDB::GetBackupInfo(std::vector<BackupInfo>* backup_info) {
Status RestoreBackupableDB::RestoreDBFromBackup(BackupID backup_id,
const std::string& db_dir,
const std::string& wal_dir) {
return backup_engine_->RestoreDBFromBackup(backup_id, db_dir, wal_dir);
RestoreBackupableDB::RestoreDBFromLatestBackup(const std::string& db_dir,
const std::string& wal_dir) {
return backup_engine_->RestoreDBFromLatestBackup(db_dir, wal_dir);
Status RestoreBackupableDB::PurgeOldBackups(uint32_t num_backups_to_keep) {
return backup_engine_->PurgeOldBackups(num_backups_to_keep);
Status RestoreBackupableDB::DeleteBackup(BackupID backup_id) {
return backup_engine_->DeleteBackup(backup_id);
} // namespace rocksdb