You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

368 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "db/db_impl.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "utilities/merge_operators.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace rocksdb {
using namespace std;
class ColumnFamilyTest {
ColumnFamilyTest() {
env_ = Env::Default();
dbname_ = test::TmpDir() + "/column_family_test";
db_options_.create_if_missing = true;
DestroyDB(dbname_, Options(db_options_, column_family_options_));
void Close() {
delete db_;
db_ = nullptr;
Status Open(vector<string> cf) {
vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> column_families;
for (auto x : cf) {
ColumnFamilyDescriptor(x, column_family_options_));
return DB::OpenWithColumnFamilies(db_options_, dbname_, column_families,
&handles_, &db_);
void Destroy() {
delete db_;
db_ = nullptr;
ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, Options(db_options_, column_family_options_)));
void CreateColumnFamilies(const vector<string>& cfs) {
int cfi = handles_.size();
handles_.resize(cfi + cfs.size());
for (auto cf : cfs) {
ASSERT_OK(db_->CreateColumnFamily(column_family_options_, cf,
Status Put(int cf, const string& key, const string& value) {
return db_->Put(WriteOptions(), handles_[cf], Slice(key), Slice(value));
Status Merge(int cf, const string& key, const string& value) {
return db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), handles_[cf], Slice(key), Slice(value));
Status Flush(int cf) {
return db_->Flush(FlushOptions(), handles_[cf]);
string Get(int cf, const string& key) {
ReadOptions options;
options.verify_checksums = true;
string result;
Status s = db_->Get(options, handles_[cf], Slice(key), &result);
if (s.IsNotFound()) {
result = "NOT_FOUND";
} else if (!s.ok()) {
result = s.ToString();
return result;
void Compact(int cf, const Slice& start, const Slice& limit) {
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(handles_[cf], &start, &limit));
int NumTableFilesAtLevel(int cf, int level) {
string property;
handles_[cf], "rocksdb.num-files-at-level" + NumberToString(level),
return atoi(property.c_str());
// Return spread of files per level
string FilesPerLevel(int cf) {
string result;
int last_non_zero_offset = 0;
for (int level = 0; level < column_family_options_.num_levels; level++) {
int f = NumTableFilesAtLevel(cf, level);
char buf[100];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", (level ? "," : ""), f);
result += buf;
if (f > 0) {
last_non_zero_offset = result.size();
return result;
// Do n memtable flushes, each of which produces an sstable
// covering the range [small,large].
void MakeTables(int cf, int n, const string& small,
const string& large) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ASSERT_OK(Put(cf, small, "begin"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(cf, large, "end"));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Flush(FlushOptions(), handles_[cf]));
void CopyFile(const string& source, const string& destination,
uint64_t size = 0) {
const EnvOptions soptions;
unique_ptr<SequentialFile> srcfile;
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewSequentialFile(source, &srcfile, soptions));
unique_ptr<WritableFile> destfile;
ASSERT_OK(env_->NewWritableFile(destination, &destfile, soptions));
if (size == 0) {
// default argument means copy everything
ASSERT_OK(env_->GetFileSize(source, &size));
char buffer[4096];
Slice slice;
while (size > 0) {
uint64_t one = min(uint64_t(sizeof(buffer)), size);
ASSERT_OK(srcfile->Read(one, &slice, buffer));
size -= slice.size();
vector<ColumnFamilyHandle> handles_;
ColumnFamilyOptions column_family_options_;
DBOptions db_options_;
string dbname_;
DB* db_ = nullptr;
Env* env_;
TEST(ColumnFamilyTest, AddDrop) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handles[4];
db_->CreateColumnFamily(column_family_options_, "one", &handles[0]));
db_->CreateColumnFamily(column_family_options_, "two", &handles[1]));
db_->CreateColumnFamily(column_family_options_, "three", &handles[2]));
db_->CreateColumnFamily(column_family_options_, "four", &handles[3]));
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one", "three", "four"}));
vector<string> families;
ASSERT_OK(DB::ListColumnFamilies(db_options_, dbname_, &families));
sort(families.begin(), families.end());
ASSERT_TRUE(families == vector<string>({"default", "four", "one", "three"}));
TEST(ColumnFamilyTest, ReadWrite) {
CreateColumnFamilies({"one", "two"});
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one", "two"}));
ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "foo", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "bar", "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "mirko", "v3"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "foo", "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(2, "fodor", "v5"));
for (int iter = 0; iter <= 3; ++iter) {
ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get(0, "foo"));
ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get(0, "bar"));
ASSERT_EQ("v3", Get(1, "mirko"));
ASSERT_EQ("v5", Get(2, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", Get(0, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", Get(1, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", Get(2, "foo"));
if (iter <= 1) {
// reopen
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one", "two"}));
TEST(ColumnFamilyTest, IgnoreRecoveredLog) {
string backup_logs = dbname_ + "/backup_logs";
// delete old files in backup_logs directory
vector<string> old_files;
env_->GetChildren(backup_logs, &old_files);
for (auto& file : old_files) {
if (file != "." && file != "..") {
env_->DeleteFile(backup_logs + "/" + file);
column_family_options_.merge_operator =
db_options_.wal_dir = dbname_ + "/logs";
CreateColumnFamilies({"cf1", "cf2"});
// fill up the DB
string one, two, three;
PutFixed64(&one, 1);
PutFixed64(&two, 2);
PutFixed64(&three, 3);
ASSERT_OK(Merge(0, "foo", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(1, "mirko", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(0, "foo", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(2, "bla", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(2, "fodor", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(0, "bar", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(2, "bla", one));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(1, "mirko", two));
ASSERT_OK(Merge(1, "franjo", one));
// copy the logs to backup
vector<string> logs;
env_->GetChildren(db_options_.wal_dir, &logs);
for (auto& log : logs) {
if (log != ".." && log != ".") {
CopyFile(db_options_.wal_dir + "/" + log, backup_logs + "/" + log);
// recover the DB
// 1. check consistency
// 2. copy the logs from backup back to WAL dir. if the recovery happens
// again on the same log files, this should lead to incorrect results
// due to applying merge operator twice
// 3. check consistency
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter) {
// assert consistency
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "cf1", "cf2"}));
ASSERT_EQ(two, Get(0, "foo"));
ASSERT_EQ(one, Get(0, "bar"));
ASSERT_EQ(three, Get(1, "mirko"));
ASSERT_EQ(one, Get(1, "franjo"));
ASSERT_EQ(one, Get(2, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ(two, Get(2, "bla"));
if (iter == 0) {
// copy the logs from backup back to wal dir
for (auto& log : logs) {
if (log != ".." && log != ".") {
CopyFile(backup_logs + "/" + log, db_options_.wal_dir + "/" + log);
TEST(ColumnFamilyTest, FlushTest) {
CreateColumnFamilies({"one", "two"});
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one", "two"}));
ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "foo", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "bar", "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "mirko", "v3"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "foo", "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(2, "fodor", "v5"));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one", "two"}));
for (int iter = 0; iter <= 2; ++iter) {
ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get(0, "foo"));
ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get(0, "bar"));
ASSERT_EQ("v3", Get(1, "mirko"));
ASSERT_EQ("v5", Get(2, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", Get(0, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", Get(1, "fodor"));
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", Get(2, "foo"));
if (iter <= 1) {
// reopen
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one", "two"}));
// This is the same as DBTest::ManualCompaction, but it does all
// operations on non-default column family
TEST(ColumnFamilyTest, ManualCompaction) {
// iter - 0 with 7 levels
// iter - 1 with 3 levels
int cf = 1;
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter) {
column_family_options_.num_levels = (iter == 0) ? 3 : 7;
ASSERT_OK(Open({"default", "one"}));
MakeTables(cf, 3, "p", "q");
ASSERT_EQ("1,1,1", FilesPerLevel(cf));
// Compaction range falls before files
Compact(cf, "", "c");
ASSERT_EQ("1,1,1", FilesPerLevel(cf));
// Compaction range falls after files
Compact(cf, "r", "z");
ASSERT_EQ("1,1,1", FilesPerLevel(cf));
// Compaction range overlaps files
Compact(cf, "p1", "p9");
ASSERT_EQ("0,0,1", FilesPerLevel(cf));
// Populate a different range
MakeTables(cf, 3, "c", "e");
ASSERT_EQ("1,1,2", FilesPerLevel(cf));
// Compact just the new range
Compact(cf, "b", "f");
ASSERT_EQ("0,0,2", FilesPerLevel(cf));
// Compact all
MakeTables(cf, 1, "a", "z");
ASSERT_EQ("0,1,2", FilesPerLevel(cf));
Compact(cf, "", "zzz");
ASSERT_EQ("0,0,1", FilesPerLevel(cf));
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return rocksdb::test::RunAllTests();