fork of and for nextgraph and oxigraph
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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include <functional>
#include "port/port.h"
#include "port/stack_trace.h"
#include "rocksdb/iostats_context.h"
#include "rocksdb/perf_context.h"
#include "test_util/testharness.h"
#include "test_util/testutil.h"
class CleanableTest : public testing::Test {};
// Use this to keep track of the cleanups that were actually performed
void Multiplier(void* arg1, void* arg2) {
int* res = reinterpret_cast<int*>(arg1);
int* num = reinterpret_cast<int*>(arg2);
*res *= *num;
// the first Cleanup is on stack and the rest on heap, so test with both cases
TEST_F(CleanableTest, Register) {
int n2 = 2, n3 = 3;
int res = 1;
{ Cleanable c1; }
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(2, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n3); // res = 2 * 3;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(6, res);
// Test the Reset does cleanup
res = 1;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n3); // res = 2 * 3;
ASSERT_EQ(6, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(6, res);
// Test Clenable is usable after Reset
res = 1;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
ASSERT_EQ(2, res);
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n3); // res = 2 * 3;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(6, res);
// the first Cleanup is on stack and the rest on heap,
// so test all the combinations of them
TEST_F(CleanableTest, Delegation) {
int n2 = 2, n3 = 3, n5 = 5, n7 = 7;
int res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(2, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
Cleanable c1;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n3); // res = 2 * 3;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(6, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n5); // res = 5;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n3); // res = 2 * 3;
c1.DelegateCleanupsTo(&c2); // res = 2 * 3 * 5;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(30, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n5); // res = 5;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n7); // res = 5 * 7;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n3); // res = 2 * 3;
c1.DelegateCleanupsTo(&c2); // res = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(210, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n5); // res = 5;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n7); // res = 5 * 7;
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
c1.DelegateCleanupsTo(&c2); // res = 2 * 5 * 7;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(70, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n5); // res = 5;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n7); // res = 5 * 7;
Cleanable c1;
c1.DelegateCleanupsTo(&c2); // res = 5 * 7;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(35, res);
res = 1;
Cleanable c2;
c2.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n5); // res = 5;
Cleanable c1;
c1.DelegateCleanupsTo(&c2); // res = 5;
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(5, res);
static void ReleaseStringHeap(void* s, void*) {
delete reinterpret_cast<const std::string*>(s);
class PinnableSlice4Test : public PinnableSlice {
void TestStringIsRegistered(std::string* s) {
ASSERT_TRUE(cleanup_.function == ReleaseStringHeap);
ASSERT_EQ(cleanup_.arg1, s);
ASSERT_EQ(cleanup_.arg2, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(, nullptr);
// Putting the PinnableSlice tests here due to similarity to Cleanable tests
TEST_F(CleanableTest, PinnableSlice) {
int n2 = 2;
int res = 1;
const std::string const_str = "123";
res = 1;
PinnableSlice4Test value;
Slice slice(const_str);
value.PinSlice(slice, Multiplier, &res, &n2);
std::string str;
str.assign(, value.size());
ASSERT_EQ(const_str, str);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(2, res);
res = 1;
PinnableSlice4Test value;
Slice slice(const_str);
Cleanable c1;
c1.RegisterCleanup(Multiplier, &res, &n2); // res = 2;
value.PinSlice(slice, &c1);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(1, res); // cleanups must have be delegated to value
std::string str;
str.assign(, value.size());
ASSERT_EQ(const_str, str);
// ~Cleanable
ASSERT_EQ(2, res);
PinnableSlice4Test value;
Slice slice(const_str);
std::string str;
str.assign(, value.size());
ASSERT_EQ(const_str, str);
PinnableSlice4Test value;
std::string* self_str_ptr = value.GetSelf();
std::string str;
str.assign(, value.size());
ASSERT_EQ(const_str, str);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();