
436 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/pre_release_callback.h"
#include "db/write_callback.h"
#include "monitoring/instrumented_mutex.h"
#include "rocksdb/options.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "rocksdb/types.h"
#include "rocksdb/write_batch.h"
#include "util/autovector.h"
class WriteThread {
enum State : uint8_t {
// The initial state of a writer. This is a Writer that is
// waiting in JoinBatchGroup. This state can be left when another
// thread informs the waiter that it has become a group leader
// (-> STATE_GROUP_LEADER), when a leader that has chosen to be
// non-parallel informs a follower that its writes have been committed
// (-> STATE_COMPLETED), or when a leader that has chosen to perform
// updates in parallel and needs this Writer to apply its batch (->
// The state used to inform a waiting Writer that it has become the
// leader, and it should now build a write batch group. Tricky:
// this state is not used if newest_writer_ is empty when a writer
// enqueues itself, because there is no need to wait (or even to
// create the mutex and condvar used to wait) in that case. This is
// a terminal state unless the leader chooses to make this a parallel
// batch, in which case the last parallel worker to finish will move
// the leader to STATE_COMPLETED.
// The state used to inform a waiting writer that it has become the
// leader of memtable writer group. The leader will either write
// memtable for the whole group, or launch a parallel group write
// to memtable by calling LaunchParallelMemTableWrite.
// The state used to inform a waiting writer that it has become a
// parallel memtable writer. It can be the group leader who launch the
// parallel writer group, or one of the followers. The writer should then
// apply its batch to the memtable concurrently and call
// CompleteParallelMemTableWriter.
// A follower whose writes have been applied, or a parallel leader
// whose followers have all finished their work. This is a terminal
// state.
// A state indicating that the thread may be waiting using StateMutex()
// and StateCondVar()
struct Writer;
struct WriteGroup {
Writer* leader = nullptr;
Writer* last_writer = nullptr;
SequenceNumber last_sequence;
// before running goes to zero, status needs leader->StateMutex()
Status status;
std::atomic<size_t> running;
size_t size = 0;
struct Iterator {
Writer* writer;
Writer* last_writer;
explicit Iterator(Writer* w, Writer* last)
: writer(w), last_writer(last) {}
Writer* operator*() const { return writer; }
Iterator& operator++() {
assert(writer != nullptr);
if (writer == last_writer) {
writer = nullptr;
} else {
writer = writer->link_newer;
return *this;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return writer != other.writer;
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(leader, last_writer); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(nullptr, nullptr); }
// Information kept for every waiting writer.
struct Writer {
WriteBatch* batch;
bool sync;
bool no_slowdown;
bool disable_wal;
bool disable_memtable;
size_t batch_cnt; // if non-zero, number of sub-batches in the write batch
size_t protection_bytes_per_key;
PreReleaseCallback* pre_release_callback;
uint64_t log_used; // log number that this batch was inserted into
uint64_t log_ref; // log number that memtable insert should reference
WriteCallback* callback;
bool made_waitable; // records lazy construction of mutex and cv
std::atomic<uint8_t> state; // write under StateMutex() or pre-link
WriteGroup* write_group;
SequenceNumber sequence; // the sequence number to use for the first key
Status status;
Status callback_status; // status returned by callback->Callback()
std::aligned_storage<sizeof(std::mutex)>::type state_mutex_bytes;
std::aligned_storage<sizeof(std::condition_variable)>::type state_cv_bytes;
Writer* link_older; // read/write only before linking, or as leader
Writer* link_newer; // lazy, read/write only before linking, or as leader
: batch(nullptr),
link_newer(nullptr) {}
Writer(const WriteOptions& write_options, WriteBatch* _batch,
WriteCallback* _callback, uint64_t _log_ref, bool _disable_memtable,
size_t _batch_cnt = 0,
PreReleaseCallback* _pre_release_callback = nullptr)
: batch(_batch),
link_newer(nullptr) {}
~Writer() {
if (made_waitable) {
bool CheckCallback(DB* db) {
if (callback != nullptr) {
callback_status = callback->Callback(db);
return callback_status.ok();
void CreateMutex() {
if (!made_waitable) {
// Note that made_waitable is tracked separately from state
// transitions, because we can't atomically create the mutex and
// link into the list.
made_waitable = true;
new (&state_mutex_bytes) std::mutex;
new (&state_cv_bytes) std::condition_variable;
// returns the aggregate status of this Writer
Status FinalStatus() {
if (!status.ok()) {
// a non-ok memtable write status takes presidence
assert(callback == nullptr || callback_status.ok());
return status;
} else if (!callback_status.ok()) {
// if the callback failed then that is the status we want
// because a memtable insert should not have been attempted
assert(callback != nullptr);
return callback_status;
} else {
// if there is no callback then we only care about
// the memtable insert status
assert(callback == nullptr || callback_status.ok());
return status;
bool CallbackFailed() {
return (callback != nullptr) && !callback_status.ok();
bool ShouldWriteToMemtable() {
return status.ok() && !CallbackFailed() && !disable_memtable;
bool ShouldWriteToWAL() {
return status.ok() && !CallbackFailed() && !disable_wal;
// No other mutexes may be acquired while holding StateMutex(), it is
// always last in the order
std::mutex& StateMutex() {
return *static_cast<std::mutex*>(static_cast<void*>(&state_mutex_bytes));
std::condition_variable& StateCV() {
return *static_cast<std::condition_variable*>(
struct AdaptationContext {
const char* name;
std::atomic<int32_t> value;
explicit AdaptationContext(const char* name0) : name(name0), value(0) {}
explicit WriteThread(const ImmutableDBOptions& db_options);
virtual ~WriteThread() = default;
// IMPORTANT: None of the methods in this class rely on the db mutex
// for correctness. All of the methods except JoinBatchGroup and
// EnterUnbatched may be called either with or without the db mutex held.
// Correctness is maintained by ensuring that only a single thread is
// a leader at a time.
// Registers w as ready to become part of a batch group, waits until the
// caller should perform some work, and returns the current state of the
// writer. If w has become the leader of a write batch group, returns
// STATE_GROUP_LEADER. If w has been made part of a sequential batch
// group and the leader has performed the write, returns STATE_DONE.
// If w has been made part of a parallel batch group and is responsible
// for updating the memtable, returns STATE_PARALLEL_FOLLOWER.
// The db mutex SHOULD NOT be held when calling this function, because
// it will block.
// Writer* w: Writer to be executed as part of a batch group
void JoinBatchGroup(Writer* w);
// Constructs a write batch group led by leader, which should be a
// Writer passed to JoinBatchGroup on the current thread.
// Writer* leader: Writer that is STATE_GROUP_LEADER
// WriteGroup* write_group: Out-param of group members
// returns: Total batch group byte size
size_t EnterAsBatchGroupLeader(Writer* leader, WriteGroup* write_group);
// Unlinks the Writer-s in a batch group, wakes up the non-leaders,
// and wakes up the next leader (if any).
// WriteGroup* write_group: the write group
// Status status: Status of write operation
void ExitAsBatchGroupLeader(WriteGroup& write_group, Status& status);
// Exit batch group on behalf of batch group leader.
void ExitAsBatchGroupFollower(Writer* w);
// Constructs a write batch group led by leader from newest_memtable_writers_
// list. The leader should either write memtable for the whole group and
// call ExitAsMemTableWriter, or launch parallel memtable write through
// LaunchParallelMemTableWriters.
void EnterAsMemTableWriter(Writer* leader, WriteGroup* write_grup);
// Memtable writer group leader, or the last finished writer in a parallel
// write group, exit from the newest_memtable_writers_ list, and wake up
// the next leader if needed.
void ExitAsMemTableWriter(Writer* self, WriteGroup& write_group);
// Causes JoinBatchGroup to return STATE_PARALLEL_FOLLOWER for all of the
// non-leader members of this write batch group. Sets Writer::sequence
// before waking them up.
// WriteGroup* write_group: Extra state used to coordinate the parallel add
void LaunchParallelMemTableWriters(WriteGroup* write_group);
// Reports the completion of w's batch to the parallel group leader, and
// waits for the rest of the parallel batch to complete. Returns true
// if this thread is the last to complete, and hence should advance
// the sequence number and then call EarlyExitParallelGroup, false if
// someone else has already taken responsibility for that.
bool CompleteParallelMemTableWriter(Writer* w);
// Waits for all preceding writers (unlocking mu while waiting), then
// registers w as the currently proceeding writer.
// Writer* w: A Writer not eligible for batching
// InstrumentedMutex* mu: The db mutex, to unlock while waiting
// REQUIRES: db mutex held
void EnterUnbatched(Writer* w, InstrumentedMutex* mu);
// Completes a Writer begun with EnterUnbatched, unblocking subsequent
// writers.
void ExitUnbatched(Writer* w);
// Wait for all parallel memtable writers to finish, in case pipelined
// write is enabled.
void WaitForMemTableWriters();
SequenceNumber UpdateLastSequence(SequenceNumber sequence) {
if (sequence > last_sequence_) {
last_sequence_ = sequence;
return last_sequence_;
// Insert a dummy writer at the tail of the write queue to indicate a write
// stall, and fail any writers in the queue with no_slowdown set to true
void BeginWriteStall();
// Remove the dummy writer and wake up waiting writers
void EndWriteStall();
// See AwaitState.
const uint64_t max_yield_usec_;
const uint64_t slow_yield_usec_;
// Allow multiple writers write to memtable concurrently.
const bool allow_concurrent_memtable_write_;
// Enable pipelined write to WAL and memtable.
const bool enable_pipelined_write_;
// The maximum limit of number of bytes that are written in a single batch
// of WAL or memtable write. It is followed when the leader write size
// is larger than 1/8 of this limit.
const uint64_t max_write_batch_group_size_bytes;
// Points to the newest pending writer. Only leader can remove
// elements, adding can be done lock-free by anybody.
std::atomic<Writer*> newest_writer_;
// Points to the newest pending memtable writer. Used only when pipelined
// write is enabled.
std::atomic<Writer*> newest_memtable_writer_;
// The last sequence that have been consumed by a writer. The sequence
// is not necessary visible to reads because the writer can be ongoing.
SequenceNumber last_sequence_;
// A dummy writer to indicate a write stall condition. This will be inserted
// at the tail of the writer queue by the leader, so newer writers can just
// check for this and bail
Writer write_stall_dummy_;
// Mutex and condvar for writers to block on a write stall. During a write
// stall, writers with no_slowdown set to false will wait on this rather
// on the writer queue
port::Mutex stall_mu_;
port::CondVar stall_cv_;
// Waits for w->state & goal_mask using w->StateMutex(). Returns
// the state that satisfies goal_mask.
uint8_t BlockingAwaitState(Writer* w, uint8_t goal_mask);
// Blocks until w->state & goal_mask, returning the state value
// that satisfied the predicate. Uses ctx to adaptively use
// std::this_thread::yield() to avoid mutex overheads. ctx should be
// a context-dependent static.
uint8_t AwaitState(Writer* w, uint8_t goal_mask, AdaptationContext* ctx);
// Set writer state and wake the writer up if it is waiting.
void SetState(Writer* w, uint8_t new_state);
// Links w into the newest_writer list. Return true if w was linked directly
// into the leader position. Safe to call from multiple threads without
// external locking.
bool LinkOne(Writer* w, std::atomic<Writer*>* newest_writer);
// Link write group into the newest_writer list as a whole, while keeping the
// order of the writers unchanged. Return true if the group was linked
// directly into the leader position.
bool LinkGroup(WriteGroup& write_group, std::atomic<Writer*>* newest_writer);
// Computes any missing link_newer links. Should not be called
// concurrently with itself.
void CreateMissingNewerLinks(Writer* head);
// Starting from a pending writer, follow link_older to search for next
// leader, until we hit boundary.
Writer* FindNextLeader(Writer* pending_writer, Writer* boundary);
// Set the leader in write_group to completed state and remove it from the
// write group.
void CompleteLeader(WriteGroup& write_group);
// Set a follower in write_group to completed state and remove it from the
// write group.
void CompleteFollower(Writer* w, WriteGroup& write_group);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE