You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

560 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include <cstring>
#include "options/options_helper.h"
#include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
#include "test_util/testharness.h"
#ifndef GFLAGS
bool FLAGS_enable_print = false;
#include "util/gflags_compat.h"
using GFLAGS_NAMESPACE::ParseCommandLineFlags;
DEFINE_bool(enable_print, false, "Print options generated to console.");
#endif // GFLAGS
// Verify options are settable from options strings.
// We take the approach that depends on compiler behavior that copy constructor
// won't touch implicit padding bytes, so that the test is fragile.
// As a result, we only run the tests to verify new fields in options are
// settable through string on limited platforms as it depends on behavior of
// compilers.
#if defined OS_LINUX || defined OS_WIN
#ifndef __clang__
class OptionsSettableTest : public testing::Test {
OptionsSettableTest() {}
const char kSpecialChar = 'z';
typedef std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> OffsetGap;
void FillWithSpecialChar(char* start_ptr, size_t total_size,
const OffsetGap& excluded,
char special_char = kSpecialChar) {
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto& pair : excluded) {
std::memset(start_ptr + offset, special_char, pair.first - offset);
offset = pair.first + pair.second;
std::memset(start_ptr + offset, special_char, total_size - offset);
int NumUnsetBytes(char* start_ptr, size_t total_size,
const OffsetGap& excluded) {
int total_unset_bytes_base = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto& pair : excluded) {
for (char* ptr = start_ptr + offset; ptr < start_ptr + pair.first; ptr++) {
if (*ptr == kSpecialChar) {
offset = pair.first + pair.second;
for (char* ptr = start_ptr + offset; ptr < start_ptr + total_size; ptr++) {
if (*ptr == kSpecialChar) {
return total_unset_bytes_base;
// Return true iff two structs are the same except excluded fields.
bool CompareBytes(char* start_ptr1, char* start_ptr2, size_t total_size,
const OffsetGap& excluded) {
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto& pair : excluded) {
for (; offset < pair.first; offset++) {
if (*(start_ptr1 + offset) != *(start_ptr2 + offset)) {
return false;
offset = pair.first + pair.second;
for (; offset < total_size; offset++) {
if (*(start_ptr1 + offset) != *(start_ptr2 + offset)) {
return false;
return true;
// If the test fails, likely a new option is added to BlockBasedTableOptions
// but it cannot be set through GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString(), or the
// test is not updated accordingly.
// After adding an option, we need to make sure it is settable by
// GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString() and add the option to the input string
// passed to the GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString() in this test.
// If it is a complicated type, you also need to add the field to
// kBbtoExcluded, and maybe add customized verification for it.
TEST_F(OptionsSettableTest, BlockBasedTableOptionsAllFieldsSettable) {
// Items in the form of <offset, size>. Need to be in ascending order
// and not overlapping. Need to updated if new pointer-option is added.
const OffsetGap kBbtoExcluded = {
{offsetof(struct BlockBasedTableOptions, flush_block_policy_factory),
{offsetof(struct BlockBasedTableOptions, block_cache),
{offsetof(struct BlockBasedTableOptions, persistent_cache),
{offsetof(struct BlockBasedTableOptions, block_cache_compressed),
{offsetof(struct BlockBasedTableOptions, filter_policy),
sizeof(std::shared_ptr<const FilterPolicy>)},
// In this test, we catch a new option of BlockBasedTableOptions that is not
// settable through GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString().
// We count padding bytes of the option struct, and assert it to be the same
// as unset bytes of an option struct initialized by
// GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString().
char* bbto_ptr = new char[sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions)];
// Count padding bytes by setting all bytes in the memory to a special char,
// copy a well constructed struct to this memory and see how many special
// bytes left.
BlockBasedTableOptions* bbto = new (bbto_ptr) BlockBasedTableOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(bbto_ptr, sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions), kBbtoExcluded);
// It based on the behavior of compiler that padding bytes are not changed
// when copying the struct. It's prone to failure when compiler behavior
// changes. We verify there is unset bytes to detect the case.
*bbto = BlockBasedTableOptions();
int unset_bytes_base =
NumUnsetBytes(bbto_ptr, sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions), kBbtoExcluded);
ASSERT_GT(unset_bytes_base, 0);
// Construct the base option passed into
// GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString().
bbto = new (bbto_ptr) BlockBasedTableOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(bbto_ptr, sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions), kBbtoExcluded);
// This option is not setable:
bbto->use_delta_encoding = true;
char* new_bbto_ptr = new char[sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions)];
BlockBasedTableOptions* new_bbto =
new (new_bbto_ptr) BlockBasedTableOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(new_bbto_ptr, sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions),
// Need to update the option string if a new option is added.
"block_size_deviation=8;block_restart_interval=4; "
NumUnsetBytes(new_bbto_ptr, sizeof(BlockBasedTableOptions),
ASSERT_TRUE(new_bbto->block_cache.get() != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(new_bbto->block_cache_compressed.get() != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(new_bbto->filter_policy.get() != nullptr);
delete[] bbto_ptr;
delete[] new_bbto_ptr;
// If the test fails, likely a new option is added to DBOptions
// but it cannot be set through GetDBOptionsFromString(), or the test is not
// updated accordingly.
// After adding an option, we need to make sure it is settable by
// GetDBOptionsFromString() and add the option to the input string passed to
// DBOptionsFromString()in this test.
// If it is a complicated type, you also need to add the field to
// kDBOptionsExcluded, and maybe add customized verification for it.
TEST_F(OptionsSettableTest, DBOptionsAllFieldsSettable) {
const OffsetGap kDBOptionsExcluded = {
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, env), sizeof(Env*)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, rate_limiter),
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, sst_file_manager),
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, info_log), sizeof(std::shared_ptr<Logger>)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, statistics),
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, db_paths), sizeof(std::vector<DbPath>)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, db_log_dir), sizeof(std::string)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, wal_dir), sizeof(std::string)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, write_buffer_manager),
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, listeners),
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, row_cache), sizeof(std::shared_ptr<Cache>)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, wal_filter), sizeof(const WalFilter*)},
{offsetof(struct DBOptions, file_checksum_gen_factory),
char* options_ptr = new char[sizeof(DBOptions)];
// Count padding bytes by setting all bytes in the memory to a special char,
// copy a well constructed struct to this memory and see how many special
// bytes left.
DBOptions* options = new (options_ptr) DBOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(options_ptr, sizeof(DBOptions), kDBOptionsExcluded);
// It based on the behavior of compiler that padding bytes are not changed
// when copying the struct. It's prone to failure when compiler behavior
// changes. We verify there is unset bytes to detect the case.
*options = DBOptions();
int unset_bytes_base =
NumUnsetBytes(options_ptr, sizeof(DBOptions), kDBOptionsExcluded);
ASSERT_GT(unset_bytes_base, 0);
options = new (options_ptr) DBOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(options_ptr, sizeof(DBOptions), kDBOptionsExcluded);
char* new_options_ptr = new char[sizeof(DBOptions)];
DBOptions* new_options = new (new_options_ptr) DBOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(new_options_ptr, sizeof(DBOptions), kDBOptionsExcluded);
// Need to update the option string if a new option is added.
ASSERT_EQ(unset_bytes_base, NumUnsetBytes(new_options_ptr, sizeof(DBOptions),
delete[] options_ptr;
delete[] new_options_ptr;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline int offset_of(T1 T2::*member) {
static T2 obj;
return int(size_t(&(obj.*member)) - size_t(&obj));
// If the test fails, likely a new option is added to ColumnFamilyOptions
// but it cannot be set through GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString(), or the
// test is not updated accordingly.
// After adding an option, we need to make sure it is settable by
// GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString() and add the option to the input
// string passed to GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString()in this test.
// If it is a complicated type, you also need to add the field to
// kColumnFamilyOptionsExcluded, and maybe add customized verification
// for it.
TEST_F(OptionsSettableTest, ColumnFamilyOptionsAllFieldsSettable) {
// options in the excluded set need to appear in the same order as in
// ColumnFamilyOptions.
const OffsetGap kColumnFamilyOptionsExcluded = {
sizeof(UpdateStatus(*)(char*, uint32_t*, Slice, std::string*))},
sizeof(std::shared_ptr<const SliceTransform>)},
{offset_of(&ColumnFamilyOptions::comparator), sizeof(Comparator*)},
sizeof(const CompactionFilter*)},
sizeof(std::shared_ptr<const SliceTransform>)},
{offset_of(&ColumnFamilyOptions::snap_refresh_nanos), sizeof(uint64_t)},
{offset_of(&ColumnFamilyOptions::cf_paths), sizeof(std::vector<DbPath>)},
char* options_ptr = new char[sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions)];
// Count padding bytes by setting all bytes in the memory to a special char,
// copy a well constructed struct to this memory and see how many special
// bytes left.
ColumnFamilyOptions* options = new (options_ptr) ColumnFamilyOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(options_ptr, sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions),
// It based on the behavior of compiler that padding bytes are not changed
// when copying the struct. It's prone to failure when compiler behavior
// changes. We verify there is unset bytes to detect the case.
*options = ColumnFamilyOptions();
// Deprecatd option which is not initialized. Need to set it to avoid
// Valgrind error
options->max_mem_compaction_level = 0;
int unset_bytes_base = NumUnsetBytes(options_ptr, sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions),
ASSERT_GT(unset_bytes_base, 0);
options = new (options_ptr) ColumnFamilyOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(options_ptr, sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions),
// Following options are not settable through
// GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString():
options->rate_limit_delay_max_milliseconds = 33;
options->compaction_options_universal = CompactionOptionsUniversal();
options->hard_rate_limit = 0;
options->soft_rate_limit = 0;
options->purge_redundant_kvs_while_flush = false;
options->max_mem_compaction_level = 0;
options->compaction_filter = nullptr;
char* new_options_ptr = new char[sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions)];
ColumnFamilyOptions* new_options =
new (new_options_ptr) ColumnFamilyOptions();
FillWithSpecialChar(new_options_ptr, sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions),
// Need to update the option string if a new option is added.
NumUnsetBytes(new_options_ptr, sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions),
ColumnFamilyOptions rnd_filled_options = *new_options;
delete[] options_ptr;
delete[] new_options_ptr;
// Test copying to mutabable and immutable options and copy back the mutable
// part.
const OffsetGap kMutableCFOptionsExcluded = {
sizeof(std::shared_ptr<const SliceTransform>)},
// For all memory used for options, pre-fill every char. Otherwise, the
// padding bytes might be different so that byte-wise comparison doesn't
// general equal results even if objects are equal.
const char kMySpecialChar = 'x';
char* mcfo1_ptr = new char[sizeof(MutableCFOptions)];
FillWithSpecialChar(mcfo1_ptr, sizeof(MutableCFOptions),
kMutableCFOptionsExcluded, kMySpecialChar);
char* mcfo2_ptr = new char[sizeof(MutableCFOptions)];
FillWithSpecialChar(mcfo2_ptr, sizeof(MutableCFOptions),
kMutableCFOptionsExcluded, kMySpecialChar);
// A clean column family options is constructed after filling the same special
// char as the initial one. So that the padding bytes are the same.
char* cfo_clean_ptr = new char[sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions)];
FillWithSpecialChar(cfo_clean_ptr, sizeof(ColumnFamilyOptions),
rnd_filled_options.num_levels = 66;
ColumnFamilyOptions* cfo_clean = new (cfo_clean_ptr) ColumnFamilyOptions();
MutableCFOptions* mcfo1 =
new (mcfo1_ptr) MutableCFOptions(rnd_filled_options);
ColumnFamilyOptions cfo_back = BuildColumnFamilyOptions(*cfo_clean, *mcfo1);
MutableCFOptions* mcfo2 = new (mcfo2_ptr) MutableCFOptions(cfo_back);
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareBytes(mcfo1_ptr, mcfo2_ptr, sizeof(MutableCFOptions),
delete[] mcfo1_ptr;
delete[] mcfo2_ptr;
delete[] cfo_clean_ptr;
#endif // !__clang__
#endif // OS_LINUX || OS_WIN
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
#ifdef GFLAGS
ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
#endif // GFLAGS
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();