You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
5.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "monitoring/instrumented_mutex.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction.h"
#include "util/autovector.h"
#include "util/hash_map.h"
#include "util/thread_local.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/lock/lock_manager.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/lock/point/point_lock_tracker.h"
class ColumnFamilyHandle;
struct LockInfo;
struct LockMap;
struct LockMapStripe;
struct DeadlockInfoBuffer {
std::vector<DeadlockPath> paths_buffer_;
uint32_t buffer_idx_;
std::mutex paths_buffer_mutex_;
std::vector<DeadlockPath> Normalize();
explicit DeadlockInfoBuffer(uint32_t n_latest_dlocks)
: paths_buffer_(n_latest_dlocks), buffer_idx_(0) {}
void AddNewPath(DeadlockPath path);
void Resize(uint32_t target_size);
std::vector<DeadlockPath> PrepareBuffer();
struct TrackedTrxInfo {
autovector<TransactionID> m_neighbors;
uint32_t m_cf_id;
bool m_exclusive;
std::string m_waiting_key;
class PointLockManager : public LockManager {
PointLockManager(PessimisticTransactionDB* db,
const TransactionDBOptions& opt);
// No copying allowed
PointLockManager(const PointLockManager&) = delete;
PointLockManager& operator=(const PointLockManager&) = delete;
~PointLockManager() override;
bool IsPointLockSupported() const override { return true; }
bool IsRangeLockSupported() const override { return false; }
const LockTrackerFactory& GetLockTrackerFactory() const override {
return PointLockTrackerFactory::Get();
void AddColumnFamily(const ColumnFamilyHandle* cf) override;
void RemoveColumnFamily(const ColumnFamilyHandle* cf) override;
Status TryLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, ColumnFamilyId column_family_id,
const std::string& key, Env* env, bool exclusive) override;
Status TryLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, ColumnFamilyId column_family_id,
const Endpoint& start, const Endpoint& end, Env* env,
bool exclusive) override;
void UnLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, const LockTracker& tracker,
Env* env) override;
void UnLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, ColumnFamilyId column_family_id,
const std::string& key, Env* env) override;
void UnLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, ColumnFamilyId column_family_id,
const Endpoint& start, const Endpoint& end, Env* env) override;
PointLockStatus GetPointLockStatus() override;
RangeLockStatus GetRangeLockStatus() override;
std::vector<DeadlockPath> GetDeadlockInfoBuffer() override;
void Resize(uint32_t new_size) override;
PessimisticTransactionDB* txn_db_impl_;
// Default number of lock map stripes per column family
const size_t default_num_stripes_;
// Limit on number of keys locked per column family
const int64_t max_num_locks_;
// The following lock order must be satisfied in order to avoid deadlocking
// ourselves.
// - lock_map_mutex_
// - stripe mutexes in ascending cf id, ascending stripe order
// - wait_txn_map_mutex_
// Must be held when accessing/modifying lock_maps_.
InstrumentedMutex lock_map_mutex_;
// Map of ColumnFamilyId to locked key info
using LockMaps = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<LockMap>>;
LockMaps lock_maps_;
// Thread-local cache of entries in lock_maps_. This is an optimization
// to avoid acquiring a mutex in order to look up a LockMap
std::unique_ptr<ThreadLocalPtr> lock_maps_cache_;
// Must be held when modifying wait_txn_map_ and rev_wait_txn_map_.
std::mutex wait_txn_map_mutex_;
// Maps from waitee -> number of waiters.
HashMap<TransactionID, int> rev_wait_txn_map_;
// Maps from waiter -> waitee.
HashMap<TransactionID, TrackedTrxInfo> wait_txn_map_;
DeadlockInfoBuffer dlock_buffer_;
// Used to allocate mutexes/condvars to use when locking keys
std::shared_ptr<TransactionDBMutexFactory> mutex_factory_;
bool IsLockExpired(TransactionID txn_id, const LockInfo& lock_info, Env* env,
uint64_t* wait_time);
std::shared_ptr<LockMap> GetLockMap(uint32_t column_family_id);
Status AcquireWithTimeout(PessimisticTransaction* txn, LockMap* lock_map,
LockMapStripe* stripe, uint32_t column_family_id,
const std::string& key, Env* env, int64_t timeout,
LockInfo&& lock_info);
Status AcquireLocked(LockMap* lock_map, LockMapStripe* stripe,
const std::string& key, Env* env,
LockInfo&& lock_info, uint64_t* wait_time,
autovector<TransactionID>* txn_ids);
void UnLockKey(PessimisticTransaction* txn, const std::string& key,
LockMapStripe* stripe, LockMap* lock_map, Env* env);
bool IncrementWaiters(const PessimisticTransaction* txn,
const autovector<TransactionID>& wait_ids,
const std::string& key, const uint32_t& cf_id,
const bool& exclusive, Env* const env);
void DecrementWaiters(const PessimisticTransaction* txn,
const autovector<TransactionID>& wait_ids);
void DecrementWaitersImpl(const PessimisticTransaction* txn,
const autovector<TransactionID>& wait_ids);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE