You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

391 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// This source code is also licensed under the GPLv2 license found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "db/db_test_util.h"
#include "db/forward_iterator.h"
#include "port/stack_trace.h"
#include "utilities/merge_operators.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// Test merge operator functionality.
class DBMergeOperatorTest : public DBTestBase {
DBMergeOperatorTest() : DBTestBase("/db_merge_operator_test") {}
// A test merge operator mimics put but also fails if one of merge operands is
// "corrupted".
class TestPutOperator : public MergeOperator {
virtual bool FullMergeV2(const MergeOperationInput& merge_in,
MergeOperationOutput* merge_out) const override {
if (merge_in.existing_value != nullptr &&
*(merge_in.existing_value) == "corrupted") {
return false;
for (auto value : merge_in.operand_list) {
if (value == "corrupted") {
return false;
merge_out->existing_operand = merge_in.operand_list.back();
return true;
virtual const char* Name() const override { return "TestPutOperator"; }
TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, MergeErrorOnRead) {
Options options;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.merge_operator.reset(new TestPutOperator());
options.env = env_;
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "corrupted"));
std::string value;
ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "k1", &value).IsCorruption());
VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "corrupted"}, {"k1", "v1"}});
TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, MergeErrorOnWrite) {
Options options;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.merge_operator.reset(new TestPutOperator());
options.max_successive_merges = 3;
options.env = env_;
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v2"));
// Will trigger a merge when hitting max_successive_merges and the merge
// will fail. The delta will be inserted nevertheless.
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "corrupted"));
// Data should stay unmerged after the error.
VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "corrupted"}, {"k1", "v2"}, {"k1", "v1"}});
TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, MergeErrorOnIteration) {
Options options;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.merge_operator.reset(new TestPutOperator());
options.env = env_;
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "corrupted"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("k2", "v2"));
VerifyDBFromMap({{"k1", ""}, {"k2", "v2"}}, nullptr, false,
{{"k1", Status::Corruption()}});
VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "corrupted"}, {"k1", "v1"}, {"k2", "v2"}});
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("k2", "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("k2", "corrupted"));
VerifyDBFromMap({{"k1", "v1"}, {"k2", ""}}, nullptr, false,
{{"k2", Status::Corruption()}});
VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "v1"}, {"k2", "corrupted"}, {"k2", "v2"}});
class MergeOperatorPinningTest : public DBMergeOperatorTest,
public testing::WithParamInterface<bool> {
MergeOperatorPinningTest() { disable_block_cache_ = GetParam(); }
bool disable_block_cache_;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, MergeOperatorPinningTest,
TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, OperandsMultiBlocks) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
table_options.block_size = 1; // every block will contain one entry
table_options.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_;
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendTESTOperator();
options.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger = (1 << 30);
options.level0_stop_writes_trigger = (1 << 30);
options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
const int kKeysPerFile = 10;
const int kOperandsPerKeyPerFile = 7;
const int kOperandSize = 100;
// Filse to write in L0 before compacting to lower level
const int kFilesPerLevel = 3;
Random rnd(301);
std::map<std::string, std::string> true_data;
int batch_num = 1;
int lvl_to_fill = 4;
int key_id = 0;
while (true) {
for (int j = 0; j < kKeysPerFile; j++) {
std::string key = Key(key_id % 35);
for (int k = 0; k < kOperandsPerKeyPerFile; k++) {
std::string val = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), key, val));
if (true_data[key].size() == 0) {
true_data[key] = val;
} else {
true_data[key] += "," + val;
if (lvl_to_fill == -1) {
// Keep last batch in memtable and stop
if (batch_num % kFilesPerLevel == 0) {
if (lvl_to_fill != 0) {
// 3 L0 files
// 1 L1 file
// 3 L2 files
// 1 L3 file
// 3 L4 Files
ASSERT_EQ(FilesPerLevel(), "3,1,3,1,3");
TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, Randomized) {
do {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateMaxOperator();
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
table_options.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_;
Random rnd(301);
std::map<std::string, std::string> true_data;
const int kTotalMerges = 10000;
// Every key gets ~10 operands
const int kKeyRange = kTotalMerges / 10;
const int kOperandSize = 20;
const int kNumPutBefore = kKeyRange / 10; // 10% value
const int kNumPutAfter = kKeyRange / 10; // 10% overwrite
const int kNumDelete = kKeyRange / 10; // 10% delete
// kNumPutBefore keys will have base values
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPutBefore; i++) {
std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange);
std::string value = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), key, value));
true_data[key] = value;
// Do kTotalMerges merges
for (int i = 0; i < kTotalMerges; i++) {
std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange);
std::string value = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), key, value));
if (true_data[key] < value) {
true_data[key] = value;
// Overwrite random kNumPutAfter keys
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPutAfter; i++) {
std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange);
std::string value = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), key, value));
true_data[key] = value;
// Delete random kNumDelete keys
for (int i = 0; i < kNumDelete; i++) {
std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Delete(WriteOptions(), key));
// Skip HashCuckoo since it does not support merge operators
} while (ChangeOptions(kSkipMergePut | kSkipHashCuckoo));
class MergeOperatorHook : public MergeOperator {
explicit MergeOperatorHook(std::shared_ptr<MergeOperator> _merge_op)
: merge_op_(_merge_op) {}
virtual bool FullMergeV2(const MergeOperationInput& merge_in,
MergeOperationOutput* merge_out) const override {
bool res = merge_op_->FullMergeV2(merge_in, merge_out);
return res;
virtual const char* Name() const override { return merge_op_->Name(); }
std::shared_ptr<MergeOperator> merge_op_;
std::function<void()> before_merge_ = []() {};
std::function<void()> after_merge_ = []() {};
TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, EvictCacheBeforeMerge) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
auto merge_hook =
options.merge_operator = merge_hook;
options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
options.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger = (1 << 30);
options.level0_stop_writes_trigger = (1 << 30);
options.max_open_files = 20;
BlockBasedTableOptions bbto;
bbto.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_;
if (bbto.no_block_cache == false) {
bbto.block_cache = NewLRUCache(64 * 1024 * 1024);
} else {
bbto.block_cache = nullptr;
const int kNumOperands = 30;
const int kNumKeys = 1000;
const int kOperandSize = 100;
Random rnd(301);
// 1000 keys every key have 30 operands, every operand is in a different file
std::map<std::string, std::string> true_data;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumOperands; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kNumKeys; j++) {
std::string k = Key(j);
std::string v = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), k, v));
true_data[k] = std::max(true_data[k], v);
std::vector<uint64_t> file_numbers = ListTableFiles(env_, dbname_);
ASSERT_EQ(file_numbers.size(), kNumOperands);
int merge_cnt = 0;
// Code executed before merge operation
merge_hook->before_merge_ = [&]() {
// Evict all tables from cache before every merge operation
for (uint64_t num : file_numbers) {
TableCache::Evict(dbfull()->TEST_table_cache(), num);
// Decrease cache capacity to force all unrefed blocks to be evicted
if (bbto.block_cache) {
// Code executed after merge operation
merge_hook->after_merge_ = [&]() {
// Increase capacity again after doing the merge
if (bbto.block_cache) {
bbto.block_cache->SetCapacity(64 * 1024 * 1024);
size_t total_reads;
VerifyDBFromMap(true_data, &total_reads);
ASSERT_EQ(merge_cnt, total_reads);
db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr);
VerifyDBFromMap(true_data, &total_reads);
TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, TailingIterator) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateMaxOperator();
BlockBasedTableOptions bbto;
bbto.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_;
const int kNumOperands = 100;
const int kNumWrites = 100000;
std::function<void()> writer_func = [&]() {
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumWrites; i++) {
db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), Key(k), Key(k));
if (i && i % kNumOperands == 0) {
if (i && i % 127 == 0) {
if (i && i % 317 == 0) {
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
std::function<void()> reader_func = [&]() {
ReadOptions ro;
ro.tailing = true;
Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(ro);
for (int i = 0; i < (kNumWrites / kNumOperands); i++) {
while (!iter->Valid()) {
// wait for the key to be written
ASSERT_EQ(iter->key(), Key(i));
ASSERT_EQ(iter->value(), Key(i));
delete iter;
rocksdb::port::Thread writer_thread(writer_func);
rocksdb::port::Thread reader_thread(reader_func);
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();