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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "cache/cache_reservation_manager.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include "cache/cache_entry_roles.h"
#include "rocksdb/cache.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "test_util/testharness.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
class CacheReservationManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
static constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
static constexpr std::size_t kCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
static constexpr int kNumShardBits = 0; // 2^0 shard
static constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(kCacheCapacity, kNumShardBits);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng;
CacheReservationManagerTest() {
test_cache_rev_mng =
TEST_F(CacheReservationManagerTest, GenerateCacheKey) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// Next unique Cache key
CacheKey ckey = CacheKey::CreateUniqueForCacheLifetime(cache.get());
// Get to the underlying values
using PairU64 = std::array<uint64_t, 2>;
auto& ckey_pair = *reinterpret_cast<PairU64*>(&ckey);
// Back it up to the one used by CRM (using CacheKey implementation details)
// Specific key (subject to implementation details)
EXPECT_EQ(ckey_pair, PairU64({0, 2}));
Cache::Handle* handle = cache->Lookup(ckey.AsSlice());
EXPECT_NE(handle, nullptr)
<< "Failed to generate the cache key for the dummy entry correctly";
// Clean up the returned handle from Lookup() to prevent memory leak
TEST_F(CacheReservationManagerTest, KeepCacheReservationTheSame) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
std::size_t initial_pinned_usage = cache->GetPinnedUsage();
ASSERT_GE(initial_pinned_usage, 1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to keep cache reservation the same when new_mem_used equals "
"to current cache reservation";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when new_mem_used equals to current "
"cache reservation";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly when new_mem_used "
"equals to current cache reservation";
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), initial_pinned_usage)
<< "Failed to keep underlying dummy entries the same when new_mem_used "
"equals to current cache reservation";
IncreaseCacheReservationByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to increase cache reservation correctly";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation increase correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
IncreaseCacheReservationNotByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kSizeDummyEntry / 2;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to increase cache reservation correctly";
3 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation increase correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 3 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
3 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
IncreaseCacheReservationOnFullCache) {
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
constexpr std::size_t kSmallCacheCapacity = 4 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kBigCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kSmallCacheCapacity;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0; // 2^0 shard
lo.strict_capacity_limit = true;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng =
std::size_t new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity + 1;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::Incomplete())
<< "Failed to return status to indicate failure of dummy entry insertion "
"during cache reservation on full cache";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly before cache resevation failure happens "
"due to full cache";
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly (i.e, bookkeep only successful dummy "
"entry insertions) when encountering cache resevation failure due to "
"full cache";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
EXPECT_LE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), kSmallCacheCapacity)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity / 2; // 2 dummy entries
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation after encountering cache "
"reservation failure due to full cache";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation decrease correctly after "
"encountering cache reservation due to full cache";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to release underlying dummy entries correctly on cache "
"reservation decrease after encountering cache resevation failure due "
"to full cache";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to release underlying dummy entries correctly on cache "
"reservation decrease after encountering cache resevation failure due "
"to full cache";
// Create cache full again for subsequent tests
new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity + 1;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::Incomplete())
<< "Failed to return status to indicate failure of dummy entry insertion "
"during cache reservation on full cache";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly before cache resevation failure happens "
"due to full cache";
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly (i.e, bookkeep only successful dummy "
"entry insertions) when encountering cache resevation failure due to "
"full cache";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
EXPECT_LE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), kSmallCacheCapacity)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
// Increase cache capacity so the previously failed insertion can fully
// succeed
new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity + 1;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to increase cache reservation after increasing cache capacity "
"and mitigating cache full error";
5 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation increase correctly after "
"increasing cache capacity and mitigating cache full error";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 5 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly after increasing "
"cache capacity and mitigating cache full error";
5 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly after increasing "
"cache capacity and mitigating cache full error";
DecreaseCacheReservationByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation decrease correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
DecreaseCacheReservationNotByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
new_mem_used = kSizeDummyEntry / 2;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation decrease correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
DecreaseCacheReservationWithDelayedDecrease) {
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
constexpr std::size_t kCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kCacheCapacity;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng =
cache, true /* delayed_decrease */);
std::size_t new_mem_used = 8 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
8 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
std::size_t initial_pinned_usage = cache->GetPinnedUsage();
ASSERT_GE(initial_pinned_usage, 8 * kSizeDummyEntry);
8 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
new_mem_used = 6 * kSizeDummyEntry;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK()) << "Failed to delay decreasing cache reservation";
8 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when delaying cache reservation "
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), initial_pinned_usage)
<< "Failed to delay decreasing underlying dummy entries in cache";
new_mem_used = 7 * kSizeDummyEntry;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK()) << "Failed to delay decreasing cache reservation";
8 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when delaying cache reservation "
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), initial_pinned_usage)
<< "Failed to delay decreasing underlying dummy entries in cache";
new_mem_used = 6 * kSizeDummyEntry - 1;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation correctly when new_mem_used < "
"GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed decrease mode";
6 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when new_mem_used < "
"GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed decrease mode";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 6 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache when "
"new_mem_used < GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed "
"decrease mode";
6 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache when "
"new_mem_used < GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed "
"decrease mode";
ReleaseRemainingDummyEntriesOnDestruction) {
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
constexpr std::size_t kCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kCacheCapacity;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng =
std::size_t new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 0 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to release remaining underlying dummy entries in cache in "
"CacheReservationManager's destructor";
TEST(CacheReservationHandleTest, HandleTest) {
constexpr std::size_t kOneGigabyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry = 256 * 1024;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kOneGigabyte;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng(
std::size_t mem_used = 0;
const std::size_t incremental_mem_used_handle_1 = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
const std::size_t incremental_mem_used_handle_2 = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
std::unique_ptr<CacheReservationManager::CacheReservationHandle> handle_1,
// To test consecutive CacheReservationManager::MakeCacheReservation works
// correctly in terms of returning the handle as well as updating cache
// reservation and the latest total memory used
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->MakeCacheReservation(
incremental_mem_used_handle_1, &handle_1);
mem_used = mem_used + incremental_mem_used_handle_1;
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
EXPECT_TRUE(handle_1 != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalReservedCacheSize(), mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), mem_used);
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
s = test_cache_rev_mng->MakeCacheReservation(incremental_mem_used_handle_2,
mem_used = mem_used + incremental_mem_used_handle_2;
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
EXPECT_TRUE(handle_2 != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalReservedCacheSize(), mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), mem_used);
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// To test
// CacheReservationManager::CacheReservationHandle::~CacheReservationHandle()
// works correctly in releasing the cache reserved for the handle
EXPECT_TRUE(handle_1 == nullptr);
mem_used = mem_used - incremental_mem_used_handle_1;
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalReservedCacheSize(), mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), mem_used);
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// To test the actual CacheReservationManager object won't be deallocated
// as long as there remain handles pointing to it.
// We strongly recommend deallocating CacheReservationManager object only
// after all its handles are deallocated to keep things easy to reasonate
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// The CacheReservationManager object is now deallocated since all the handles
// and its original pointer is gone
mem_used = mem_used - incremental_mem_used_handle_2;
EXPECT_EQ(mem_used, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();