extern crate libc; use self::libc::{c_char, c_int, c_void, size_t}; use std::io::{IoError}; use std::c_vec::CVec; use std::c_str::CString; use std::str::from_utf8; use std::string::raw::from_buf_len; use std::ptr; use std::mem; use std::slice; use rocksdb_ffi; pub struct RocksDBOptions { inner: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBOptions, block_options: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBBlockBasedTableOptions, } impl RocksDBOptions { pub fn new() -> RocksDBOptions { unsafe { let opts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_create(); let rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBOptions(opt_ptr) = opts; if opt_ptr.is_null() { panic!("Could not create rocksdb options".to_string()); } let block_opts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_block_based_options_create(); RocksDBOptions{ inner: opts, block_options: block_opts, } } } pub fn increase_parallelism(&self, parallelism: i32) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_increase_parallelism( self.inner, parallelism); } } pub fn optimize_level_style_compaction(&self, memtable_memory_budget: i32) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_optimize_level_style_compaction( self.inner, memtable_memory_budget); } } pub fn create_if_missing(&self, create_if_missing: bool) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing( self.inner, create_if_missing); } } pub fn add_merge_operator<'a>( &self, name: &str, merge_fn: fn (&[u8], Option<&[u8]>, &mut MergeOperands) -> Vec) { let cb = box MergeOperatorCallback { name: name.to_c_str(), merge_fn: merge_fn, }; unsafe { let mo = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_mergeoperator_create( mem::transmute(cb), destructor_callback, full_merge_callback, partial_merge_callback, None, name_callback); rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_merge_operator(self.inner, mo); } } pub fn set_block_size(&self, size: u64) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_block_based_options_set_block_size( self.block_options, size); rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory( self.inner, self.block_options); } } pub fn set_block_cache_size_mb(&self, cache_size: u64) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_optimize_for_point_lookup( self.inner, cache_size); } } pub fn set_filter(&self, filter: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBFilterPolicy) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_block_based_options_set_filter_policy( self.block_options, filter); rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory( self.inner, self.block_options); } } pub fn set_cache(&self, cache: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBCache) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_block_based_options_set_block_cache( self.block_options, cache); rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory( self.inner, self.block_options); } } pub fn set_cache_compressed(&self, cache: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBCache) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_block_based_options_set_block_cache_compressed( self.block_options, cache); rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory( self.inner, self.block_options); } } pub fn set_max_open_files(&self, nfiles: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_max_open_files(self.inner, nfiles); } } pub fn set_use_fsync(&self, useit: bool) { unsafe { match useit { true => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_use_fsync(self.inner, 1), false => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_use_fsync(self.inner, 0), } } } pub fn set_bytes_per_sync(&self, nbytes: u64) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_bytes_per_sync( self.inner, nbytes); } } pub fn set_disable_data_sync(&self, disable: bool) { unsafe { match disable { true => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_disable_data_sync( self.inner, 1), false => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_disable_data_sync( self.inner, 0), } } } pub fn set_table_cache_num_shard_bits(&self, nbits: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_table_cache_numshardbits( self.inner, nbits); } } pub fn set_min_write_buffer_number(&self, nbuf: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge( self.inner, nbuf); } } pub fn set_max_write_buffer_number(&self, nbuf: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_max_write_buffer_number( self.inner, nbuf); } } pub fn set_write_buffer_size(&self, size: size_t) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size( self.inner, size); } } pub fn set_target_file_size_base(&self, size: u64) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_target_file_size_base( self.inner, size); } } pub fn set_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge(&self, to_merge: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge( self.inner, to_merge); } } pub fn set_level_zero_slowdown_writes_trigger(&self, n: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_level0_slowdown_writes_trigger( self.inner, n); } } pub fn set_level_zero_stop_writes_trigger(&self, n: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_level0_stop_writes_trigger( self.inner, n); } } pub fn set_compaction_style(&self, style: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBCompactionStyle) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_compaction_style( self.inner, style); } } pub fn set_max_background_compactions(&self, n: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_max_background_compactions( self.inner, n); } } pub fn set_max_background_flushes(&self, n: c_int) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_max_background_flushes( self.inner, n); } } pub fn set_filter_deletes(&self, filter: bool) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_filter_deletes( self.inner, filter); } } pub fn set_disable_auto_compactions(&self, disable: bool) { unsafe { match disable { true => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_disable_auto_compactions( self.inner, 1), false => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_disable_auto_compactions( self.inner, 0), } } } } pub struct RocksDB { inner: rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBInstance, } impl RocksDB { pub fn open_default(path: &str) -> Result { let opts = RocksDBOptions::new(); opts.create_if_missing(true); RocksDB::open(opts, path) } pub fn open(opts: RocksDBOptions, path: &str) -> Result { unsafe { let cpath = path.to_c_str(); let cpath_ptr = cpath.as_ptr(); //TODO test path here, as if rocksdb fails it will just crash the // process currently let err = 0 as *mut i8; let db = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_open(opts.inner, cpath_ptr, err); let rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBInstance(db_ptr) = db; if err.is_not_null() { let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true); match cs.as_str() { Some(error_string) => return Err(error_string.to_string()), None => return Err( "Could not initialize database.".to_string()), } } if db_ptr.is_null() { return Err("Could not initialize database.".to_string()); } Ok(RocksDB{inner: db}) } } pub fn destroy(opts: RocksDBOptions, path: &str) -> Result<(), String> { unsafe { let cpath = path.to_c_str(); let cpath_ptr = cpath.as_ptr(); //TODO test path here, as if rocksdb fails it will just crash the // process currently let err = 0 as *mut i8; let result = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_destroy_db( opts.inner, cpath_ptr, err); if err.is_not_null() { let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true); match cs.as_str() { Some(error_string) => return Err(error_string.to_string()), None => return Err( "Could not initialize database.".to_string()), } } Ok(()) } } pub fn put(&self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> { unsafe { let writeopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_writeoptions_create(); let err = 0 as *mut i8; rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_put(self.inner, writeopts, key.as_ptr(), key.len() as size_t, value.as_ptr(), value.len() as size_t, err); if err.is_not_null() { let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true); match cs.as_str() { Some(error_string) => return Err(error_string.to_string()), None => { let ie = IoError::last_error(); return Err(format!( "ERROR: desc:{}, details:{}", ie.desc, ie.detail.unwrap_or_else( || {"none provided by OS".to_string()}))) } } } return Ok(()) } } pub fn merge(&self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> { unsafe { let writeopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_writeoptions_create(); let err = 0 as *mut i8; rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_merge(self.inner, writeopts, key.as_ptr(), key.len() as size_t, value.as_ptr(), value.len() as size_t, err); if err.is_not_null() { let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true); match cs.as_str() { Some(error_string) => return Err(error_string.to_string()), None => { let ie = IoError::last_error(); return Err(format!( "ERROR: desc:{}, details:{}", ie.desc, ie.detail.unwrap_or_else( || {"none provided by OS".to_string()}))) } } } return Ok(()) } } pub fn get<'a>(&self, key: &[u8]) -> RocksDBResult<'a, RocksDBVector, String> { unsafe { let readopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_readoptions_create(); let rocksdb_ffi::RocksDBReadOptions(read_opts_ptr) = readopts; if read_opts_ptr.is_null() { return RocksDBResult::Error("Unable to create rocksdb read \ options. This is a fairly trivial call, and its failure \ may be indicative of a mis-compiled or mis-loaded rocksdb \ library.".to_string()); } let val_len: size_t = 0; let val_len_ptr = &val_len as *const size_t; let err = 0 as *mut i8; let val = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_get(self.inner, readopts, key.as_ptr(), key.len() as size_t, val_len_ptr, err) as *mut u8; if err.is_not_null() { let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true); match cs.as_str() { Some(error_string) => return RocksDBResult::Error(error_string.to_string()), None => return RocksDBResult::Error("Unable to get value from \ rocksdb. (non-utf8 error received from underlying \ library)".to_string()), } } match val.is_null() { true => RocksDBResult::None, false => { RocksDBResult::Some(RocksDBVector::from_c(val, val_len)) } } } } pub fn delete(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<(),String> { unsafe { let writeopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_writeoptions_create(); let err = 0 as *mut i8; rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_delete(self.inner, writeopts, key.as_ptr(), key.len() as size_t, err); if err.is_not_null() { let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true); match cs.as_str() { Some(error_string) => return Err(error_string.to_string()), None => { let ie = IoError::last_error(); return Err(format!( "ERROR: desc:{}, details:{}", ie.desc, ie.detail.unwrap_or_else( || {"none provided by OS".to_string()}))) } } } return Ok(()) } } pub fn close(&self) { unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_close(self.inner); } } } pub struct RocksDBVector { inner: CVec, } impl RocksDBVector { pub fn from_c(val: *mut u8, val_len: size_t) -> RocksDBVector { unsafe { RocksDBVector { inner: CVec::new_with_dtor(val, val_len as uint, proc(){ libc::free(val as *mut c_void); }) } } } pub fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] { self.inner.as_slice() } pub fn to_utf8<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str> { from_utf8(self.inner.as_slice()) } } // RocksDBResult exists because of the inherent difference between // an operational failure and the absence of a possible result. #[deriving(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Show)] pub enum RocksDBResult<'a,T,E> { Some(T), None, Error(E), } impl <'a,T,E> RocksDBResult<'a,T,E> { #[unstable = "waiting for unboxed closures"] pub fn map(self, f: |T| -> U) -> RocksDBResult { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(x) => RocksDBResult::Some(f(x)), RocksDBResult::None => RocksDBResult::None, RocksDBResult::Error(e) => RocksDBResult::Error(e), } } pub fn unwrap(self) -> T { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(x) => x, RocksDBResult::None => panic!("Attempted unwrap on RocksDBResult::None"), RocksDBResult::Error(_) => panic!("Attempted unwrap on RocksDBResult::Error"), } } #[unstable = "waiting for unboxed closures"] pub fn on_error(self, f: |E| -> U) -> RocksDBResult { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(x) => RocksDBResult::Some(x), RocksDBResult::None => RocksDBResult::None, RocksDBResult::Error(e) => RocksDBResult::Error(f(e)), } } #[unstable = "waiting for unboxed closures"] pub fn on_absent(self, f: || -> ()) -> RocksDBResult { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(x) => RocksDBResult::Some(x), RocksDBResult::None => { f(); RocksDBResult::None }, RocksDBResult::Error(e) => RocksDBResult::Error(e), } } pub fn is_some(self) -> bool { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(_) => true, RocksDBResult::None => false, RocksDBResult::Error(_) => false, } } pub fn is_none(self) -> bool { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(_) => false, RocksDBResult::None => true, RocksDBResult::Error(_) => false, } } pub fn is_error(self) -> bool { match self { RocksDBResult::Some(_) => false, RocksDBResult::None => false, RocksDBResult::Error(_) => true, } } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[test] fn external() { let path = "_rust_rocksdb_externaltest"; let db = RocksDB::open_default(path).unwrap(); let p = db.put(b"k1", b"v1111"); assert!(p.is_ok()); let r: RocksDBResult = db.get(b"k1"); assert!(r.unwrap().to_utf8().unwrap() == "v1111"); assert!(db.delete(b"k1").is_ok()); assert!(db.get(b"k1").is_none()); db.close(); let opts = RocksDBOptions::new(); assert!(RocksDB::destroy(opts, path).is_ok()); } pub struct MergeOperands<'a> { operands_list: *const *const c_char, operands_list_len: *const size_t, num_operands: uint, cursor: uint, } impl <'a> MergeOperands<'a> { fn new<'a>(operands_list: *const *const c_char, operands_list_len: *const size_t, num_operands: c_int) -> MergeOperands<'a> { assert!(num_operands >= 0); MergeOperands { operands_list: operands_list, operands_list_len: operands_list_len, num_operands: num_operands as uint, cursor: 0, } } } impl <'a> Iterator<&'a [u8]> for &'a mut MergeOperands<'a> { fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> { use std::raw::Slice; match self.cursor == self.num_operands { true => None, false => { unsafe { let base = self.operands_list as uint; let base_len = self.operands_list_len as uint; let spacing = mem::size_of::<*const *const u8>(); let spacing_len = mem::size_of::<*const size_t>(); let len_ptr = (base_len + (spacing_len * self.cursor)) as *const size_t; let len = *len_ptr as uint; let ptr = base + (spacing * self.cursor); let op = from_buf_len(*(ptr as *const *const u8), len); let des: Option = from_str(op.as_slice()); self.cursor += 1; Some(mem::transmute(Slice{data:*(ptr as *const *const u8) as *const u8, len: len})) } } } } fn size_hint(&self) -> (uint, Option) { let remaining = self.num_operands - self.cursor; (remaining, Some(remaining)) } } struct MergeOperatorCallback { name: CString, merge_fn: fn (&[u8], Option<&[u8]>, &mut MergeOperands) -> Vec, } extern "C" fn destructor_callback(raw_cb: *mut c_void) { // turn this back into a local variable so rust will reclaim it let _: Box = unsafe {mem::transmute(raw_cb)}; } extern "C" fn name_callback(raw_cb: *mut c_void) -> *const c_char { unsafe { let cb: &mut MergeOperatorCallback = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback); let ptr = cb.name.as_ptr(); ptr as *const c_char } } extern "C" fn full_merge_callback( raw_cb: *mut c_void, key: *const c_char, key_len: size_t, existing_value: *const c_char, existing_value_len: size_t, operands_list: *const *const c_char, operands_list_len: *const size_t, num_operands: c_int, success: *mut u8, new_value_length: *mut size_t) -> *const c_char { unsafe { let cb: &mut MergeOperatorCallback = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback); let operands = &mut MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands); let key = from_buf_len(key as *const u8, key_len as uint); let oldval = from_buf_len(existing_value as *const u8, existing_value_len as uint); let mut result = (cb.merge_fn)(key.as_bytes(), Some(oldval.as_bytes()), operands); result.shrink_to_fit(); /* let ptr = result.as_ptr(); mem::forget(result); ptr as *const c_char */ //TODO(tan) investigate zero-copy techniques to improve performance let buf = libc::malloc(result.len() as size_t); assert!(buf.is_not_null()); *new_value_length = result.len() as size_t; *success = 1 as u8; ptr::copy_memory(&mut *buf, result.as_ptr() as *const c_void, result.len()); buf as *const c_char } } extern "C" fn partial_merge_callback( raw_cb: *mut c_void, key: *const c_char, key_len: size_t, operands_list: *const *const c_char, operands_list_len: *const size_t, num_operands: c_int, success: *mut u8, new_value_length: *mut size_t) -> *const c_char { unsafe { let cb: &mut MergeOperatorCallback = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback); let operands = &mut MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands); let key = from_buf_len(key as *const u8, key_len as uint); let mut result = (cb.merge_fn)(key.as_bytes(), None, operands); result.shrink_to_fit(); //TODO(tan) investigate zero-copy techniques to improve performance let buf = libc::malloc(result.len() as size_t); assert!(buf.is_not_null()); *new_value_length = 1 as size_t; *success = 1 as u8; ptr::copy_memory(&mut *buf, result.as_ptr() as *const c_void, result.len()); buf as *const c_char } } fn test_provided_merge(new_key: &[u8], existing_val: Option<&[u8]>, mut operands: &mut MergeOperands) -> Vec { let mut result: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(operands.size_hint().val0()); match existing_val { Some(v) => result.push_all(v), None => (), } for op in operands { result.push_all(op); } result } #[allow(dead_code)] #[test] fn mergetest() { let path = "_rust_rocksdb_mergetest"; unsafe { let opts = RocksDBOptions::new(); opts.create_if_missing(true); opts.add_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge); let db = RocksDB::open(opts, path).unwrap(); let p = db.put(b"k1", b"a"); assert!(p.is_ok()); db.merge(b"k1", b"b"); db.merge(b"k1", b"c"); db.merge(b"k1", b"d"); db.merge(b"k1", b"efg"); let m = db.merge(b"k1", b"h"); assert!(m.is_ok()); db.get(b"k1").map( |value| { match value.to_utf8() { Some(v) => println!("retrieved utf8 value: {}", v), None => println!("did not read valid utf-8 out of the db"), } }).on_absent( || { println!("value not present!") }) .on_error( |e| { println!("error reading value")}); //: {", e) }); assert!(m.is_ok()); let r: RocksDBResult = db.get(b"k1"); assert!(r.unwrap().to_utf8().unwrap() == "abcdefgh"); assert!(db.delete(b"k1").is_ok()); assert!(db.get(b"k1").is_none()); db.close(); assert!(RocksDB::destroy(opts, path).is_ok()); } }