rust-rocksdb ============ ### running - Cargo.toml ```rust [dependencies.rocksdb] git = "" ``` - Code ```rust extern crate rocksdb; fn main() { match rocksdb::create_or_open("/path/for/rocksdb/storage".to_string()) { Ok(db) => { db.put(b"my key", b"my value"); db.get(b"my key").map( |value| { match value.to_utf8() { Some(v) => println!("retrieved utf8 value {}", v), None => println!("did not read valid utf-8 out of the db"), }}); db.get(b"NOT my key").on_absent(|| { println!("value not found") }); db.close(); }, Err(e) => panic!(e), } } ``` ### status - [x] basic open/put/get/close - [x] linux support - [x] rocksdb compiled via cargo - [x] OSX support - [ ] column family operations - [ ] LRU cache - [ ] destroy/repair - [ ] batch - [ ] iterator - [ ] create/release snapshot - [ ] range - [ ] rustic merge operator - [ ] compaction filter, style - [ ] comparator - [ ] slicetransform - [ ] logger - [ ] windows support - Feedback and pull requests welcome!