use httparse; use httparse::Status; //use input_buffer::{InputBuffer, MIN_READ}; use error::{Error, Result}; use protocol::{WebSocket, Role}; use super::headers::{Headers, FromHttparse, MAX_HEADERS}; use super::machine::{HandshakeMachine, StageResult, TryParse}; use super::{MidHandshake, HandshakeRole, ProcessingResult, convert_key}; /// Request from the client. pub struct Request { pub path: String, pub headers: Headers, } impl Request { /// Reply to the response. pub fn reply(&self) -> Result> { let key = self.headers.find_first("Sec-WebSocket-Key") .ok_or(Error::Protocol("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key".into()))?; let reply = format!("\ HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n\ Connection: Upgrade\r\n\ Upgrade: websocket\r\n\ Sec-WebSocket-Accept: {}\r\n\ \r\n", convert_key(key)?); Ok(reply.into()) } } impl TryParse for Request { fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result> { let mut hbuffer = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; MAX_HEADERS]; let mut req = httparse::Request::new(&mut hbuffer); Ok(match req.parse(buf)? { Status::Partial => None, Status::Complete(size) => Some((size, Request::from_httparse(req)?)), }) } } impl<'h, 'b: 'h> FromHttparse> for Request { fn from_httparse(raw: httparse::Request<'h, 'b>) -> Result { if raw.method.expect("Bug: no method in header") != "GET" { return Err(Error::Protocol("Method is not GET".into())); } if raw.version.expect("Bug: no HTTP version") < /*1.*/1 { return Err(Error::Protocol("HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into())); } Ok(Request { path: raw.path.expect("Bug: no path in header").into(), headers: Headers::from_httparse(raw.headers)? }) } } /// Server handshake role. #[allow(missing_copy_implementations)] pub struct ServerHandshake; impl ServerHandshake { /// Start server handshake. pub fn start(stream: Stream) -> MidHandshake { MidHandshake { machine: HandshakeMachine::start_read(stream), role: ServerHandshake, } } } impl HandshakeRole for ServerHandshake { type IncomingData = Request; fn stage_finished(&self, finish: StageResult) -> Result> { Ok(match finish { StageResult::DoneReading { stream, result, tail } => { if ! tail.is_empty() { return Err(Error::Protocol("Junk after client request".into())) } let response = result.reply()?; ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, response)) } StageResult::DoneWriting(stream) => { ProcessingResult::Done(WebSocket::from_raw_socket(stream, Role::Server)) } }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::Request; use super::super::machine::TryParse; #[test] fn request_parsing() { const data: &'static [u8] = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"; let (_, req) = Request::try_parse(data).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(req.path, "/"); assert_eq!(req.headers.find_first("Host"), Some(&b""[..])); } #[test] fn request_replying() { const data: &'static [u8] = b"\ GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\ Host:\r\n\ Connection: upgrade\r\n\ Upgrade: websocket\r\n\ Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\ Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\n\ \r\n"; let (_, req) = Request::try_parse(data).unwrap().unwrap(); let _ = req.reply().unwrap(); } }