use std::{net::TcpListener, thread::spawn}; use tungstenite::{ handshake::server::{Request, Response}, protocol::WebSocketConfig, server::accept_hdr_with_config, }; fn main() { env_logger::init(); let server = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap(); for stream in server.incoming() { spawn(move || { let callback = |req: &Request, mut response: Response| { println!("Received a new ws handshake"); println!("The request's path is: {}", req.uri().path()); println!("The request's headers are:"); for (ref header, _value) in req.headers() { println!("* {}", header); } // Let's add an additional header to our response to the client. let headers = response.headers_mut(); headers.append("MyCustomHeader", ":)".parse().unwrap()); headers.append("SOME_TUNGSTENITE_HEADER", "header_value".parse().unwrap()); Ok(response) }; let config = Some(WebSocketConfig { max_send_queue: None, max_message_size: None, max_frame_size: None, // This setting allows to accept client frames which are not masked // This is not in compliance with RFC 6455 but might be handy in some // rare cases where it is necessary to integrate with existing/legacy // clients which are sending unmasked frames accept_unmasked_frames: true, }); let mut websocket = accept_hdr_with_config(stream.unwrap(), callback, config).unwrap(); loop { let msg = websocket.read_message().unwrap(); if msg.is_binary() || msg.is_text() { println!("received message {}", msg); } } }); } }