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//! Methods to connect to an WebSocket as a client.
use std::net::{TcpStream, SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs};
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use url::Url;
use handshake::client::Response;
mod encryption {
use std::net::TcpStream;
use native_tls::{TlsConnector, HandshakeError as TlsHandshakeError};
pub use native_tls::TlsStream;
pub use stream::Stream as StreamSwitcher;
/// TCP stream switcher (plain/TLS).
pub type AutoStream = StreamSwitcher<TcpStream, TlsStream<TcpStream>>;
use stream::Mode;
use error::Result;
pub fn wrap_stream(stream: TcpStream, domain: &str, mode: Mode) -> Result<AutoStream> {
match mode {
Mode::Plain => Ok(StreamSwitcher::Plain(stream)),
Mode::Tls => {
let connector = TlsConnector::builder()?.build()?;
connector.connect(domain, stream)
.map_err(|e| match e {
TlsHandshakeError::Failure(f) => f.into(),
TlsHandshakeError::Interrupted(_) => panic!("Bug: TLS handshake not blocked"),
mod encryption {
use std::net::TcpStream;
use stream::Mode;
use error::{Error, Result};
/// TLS support is nod compiled in, this is just standard `TcpStream`.
pub type AutoStream = TcpStream;
pub fn wrap_stream(stream: TcpStream, _domain: &str, mode: Mode) -> Result<AutoStream> {
match mode {
Mode::Plain => Ok(stream),
Mode::Tls => Err(Error::Url("TLS support not compiled in.".into())),
pub use self::encryption::AutoStream;
use self::encryption::wrap_stream;
use protocol::WebSocket;
use handshake::HandshakeError;
use handshake::client::{ClientHandshake, Request};
use stream::{NoDelay, Mode};
use error::{Error, Result};
/// Connect to the given WebSocket in blocking mode.
/// The URL may be either ws:// or wss://.
/// To support wss:// URLs, feature "tls" must be turned on.
/// This function "just works" for those who wants a simple blocking solution
/// similar to `std::net::TcpStream`. If you want a non-blocking or other
/// custom stream, call `client` instead.
/// This function uses `native_tls` to do TLS. If you want to use other TLS libraries,
/// use `client` instead. There is no need to enable the "tls" feature if you don't call
/// `connect` since it's the only function that uses native_tls.
pub fn connect<'t, Req: Into<Request<'t>>>(request: Req)
-> Result<(WebSocket<AutoStream>, Response)>
let request: Request = request.into();
let mode = url_mode(&request.url)?;
let addrs = request.url.to_socket_addrs()?;
let mut stream = connect_to_some(addrs, &request.url, mode)?;
NoDelay::set_nodelay(&mut stream, true)?;
client(request, stream)
.map_err(|e| match e {
HandshakeError::Failure(f) => f,
HandshakeError::Interrupted(_) => panic!("Bug: blocking handshake not blocked"),
fn connect_to_some<A>(addrs: A, url: &Url, mode: Mode) -> Result<AutoStream>
where A: Iterator<Item=SocketAddr>
let domain = url.host_str().ok_or_else(|| Error::Url("No host name in the URL".into()))?;
for addr in addrs {
debug!("Trying to contact {} at {}...", url, addr);
if let Ok(raw_stream) = TcpStream::connect(addr) {
if let Ok(stream) = wrap_stream(raw_stream, domain, mode) {
return Ok(stream)
Err(Error::Url(format!("Unable to connect to {}", url).into()))
/// Get the mode of the given URL.
/// This function may be used to ease the creation of custom TLS streams
/// in non-blocking algorithmss or for use with TLS libraries other than `native_tls`.
pub fn url_mode(url: &Url) -> Result<Mode> {
match url.scheme() {
"ws" => Ok(Mode::Plain),
"wss" => Ok(Mode::Tls),
_ => Err(Error::Url("URL scheme not supported".into()))
/// Do the client handshake over the given stream.
/// Use this function if you need a nonblocking handshake support or if you
/// want to use a custom stream like `mio::tcp::TcpStream` or `openssl::ssl::SslStream`.
/// Any stream supporting `Read + Write` will do.
pub fn client<'t, Stream, Req>(
request: Req,
stream: Stream
) -> StdResult<(WebSocket<Stream>, Response), HandshakeError<ClientHandshake<Stream>>>
Stream: Read + Write,
Req: Into<Request<'t>>,
ClientHandshake::start(stream, request.into()).handshake()