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//! Error handling.
use std::{io, result, str, string};
use crate::protocol::{frame::coding::Data, Message};
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
use http::{header::HeaderName, Response};
use thiserror::Error;
/// Result type of all Tungstenite library calls.
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = result::Result<T, E>;
/// Possible WebSocket errors.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
/// WebSocket connection closed normally. This informs you of the close.
/// It's not an error as such and nothing wrong happened.
/// This is returned as soon as the close handshake is finished (we have both sent and
/// received a close frame) on the server end and as soon as the server has closed the
/// underlying connection if this endpoint is a client.
/// Thus when you receive this, it is safe to drop the underlying connection.
/// Receiving this error means that the WebSocket object is not usable anymore and the
/// only meaningful action with it is dropping it.
#[error("Connection closed normally")]
/// Trying to work with already closed connection.
/// Trying to read or write after receiving `ConnectionClosed` causes this.
/// As opposed to `ConnectionClosed`, this indicates your code tries to operate on the
/// connection when it really shouldn't anymore, so this really indicates a programmer
/// error on your part.
#[error("Trying to work with closed connection")]
/// Input-output error. Apart from WouldBlock, these are generally errors with the
/// underlying connection and you should probably consider them fatal.
#[error("IO error: {0}")]
Io(#[from] io::Error),
/// TLS error.
/// Note that this error variant is enabled unconditionally even if no TLS feature is enabled,
/// to provide a feature-agnostic API surface.
#[error("TLS error: {0}")]
Tls(#[from] TlsError),
/// - When reading: buffer capacity exhausted.
/// - When writing: your message is bigger than the configured max message size
/// (64MB by default).
#[error("Space limit exceeded: {0}")]
Capacity(#[from] CapacityError),
/// Protocol violation.
#[error("WebSocket protocol error: {0}")]
Protocol(#[from] ProtocolError),
/// Message send queue full.
#[error("Send queue is full")]
/// UTF coding error.
#[error("UTF-8 encoding error")]
/// Invalid URL.
#[error("URL error: {0}")]
Url(#[from] UrlError),
/// HTTP error.
#[error("HTTP error: {}", .0.status())]
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
/// HTTP format error.
#[error("HTTP format error: {0}")]
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
HttpFormat(#[from] http::Error),
impl From<str::Utf8Error> for Error {
fn from(_: str::Utf8Error) -> Self {
impl From<string::FromUtf8Error> for Error {
fn from(_: string::FromUtf8Error) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
impl From<http::header::InvalidHeaderValue> for Error {
fn from(err: http::header::InvalidHeaderValue) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
impl From<http::header::InvalidHeaderName> for Error {
fn from(err: http::header::InvalidHeaderName) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
impl From<http::header::ToStrError> for Error {
fn from(_: http::header::ToStrError) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
impl From<http::uri::InvalidUri> for Error {
fn from(err: http::uri::InvalidUri) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
impl From<http::status::InvalidStatusCode> for Error {
fn from(err: http::status::InvalidStatusCode) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
impl From<httparse::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: httparse::Error) -> Self {
match err {
httparse::Error::TooManyHeaders => Error::Capacity(CapacityError::TooManyHeaders),
e => Error::Protocol(ProtocolError::HttparseError(e)),
/// Indicates the specific type/cause of a capacity error.
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CapacityError {
/// Too many headers provided (see [`httparse::Error::TooManyHeaders`]).
#[error("Too many headers")]
/// Received header is too long.
/// Message is bigger than the maximum allowed size.
#[error("Message too long: {size} > {max_size}")]
MessageTooLong {
/// The size of the message.
size: usize,
/// The maximum allowed message size.
max_size: usize,
/// Indicates the specific type/cause of a protocol error.
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum ProtocolError {
/// Use of the wrong HTTP method (the WebSocket protocol requires the GET method be used).
#[error("Unsupported HTTP method used - only GET is allowed")]
/// Wrong HTTP version used (the WebSocket protocol requires version 1.1 or higher).
#[error("HTTP version must be 1.1 or higher")]
/// Missing `Connection: upgrade` HTTP header.
#[error("No \"Connection: upgrade\" header")]
/// Missing `Upgrade: websocket` HTTP header.
#[error("No \"Upgrade: websocket\" header")]
/// Missing `Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13` HTTP header.
#[error("No \"Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\" header")]
/// Missing `Sec-WebSocket-Key` HTTP header.
#[error("No \"Sec-WebSocket-Key\" header")]
/// The `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` header is either not present or does not specify the correct key value.
#[error("Key mismatch in \"Sec-WebSocket-Accept\" header")]
/// Garbage data encountered after client request.
#[error("Junk after client request")]
/// Custom responses must be unsuccessful.
#[error("Custom response must not be successful")]
/// Invalid header is passed. Or the header is missing in the request. Or not present at all. Check the request that you pass.
#[error("Missing, duplicated or incorrect header {0}")]
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
/// No more data while still performing handshake.
#[error("Handshake not finished")]
/// Wrapper around a [`httparse::Error`] value.
#[error("httparse error: {0}")]
#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
HttparseError(#[from] httparse::Error),
/// Not allowed to send after having sent a closing frame.
#[error("Sending after closing is not allowed")]
/// Remote sent data after sending a closing frame.
#[error("Remote sent after having closed")]
/// Reserved bits in frame header are non-zero.
#[error("Reserved bits are non-zero")]
/// The server must close the connection when an unmasked frame is received.
#[error("Received an unmasked frame from client")]
/// The client must close the connection when a masked frame is received.
#[error("Received a masked frame from server")]
/// Control frames must not be fragmented.
#[error("Fragmented control frame")]
/// Control frames must have a payload of 125 bytes or less.
#[error("Control frame too big (payload must be 125 bytes or less)")]
/// Type of control frame not recognised.
#[error("Unknown control frame type: {0}")]
/// Type of data frame not recognised.
#[error("Unknown data frame type: {0}")]
/// Received a continue frame despite there being nothing to continue.
#[error("Continue frame but nothing to continue")]
/// Received data while waiting for more fragments.
#[error("While waiting for more fragments received: {0}")]
/// Connection closed without performing the closing handshake.
#[error("Connection reset without closing handshake")]
/// Encountered an invalid opcode.
#[error("Encountered invalid opcode: {0}")]
/// The payload for the closing frame is invalid.
#[error("Invalid close sequence")]
/// Indicates the specific type/cause of URL error.
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UrlError {
/// TLS is used despite not being compiled with the TLS feature enabled.
#[error("TLS support not compiled in")]
/// The URL does not include a host name.
#[error("No host name in the URL")]
/// Failed to connect with this URL.
#[error("Unable to connect to {0}")]
/// Unsupported URL scheme used (only `ws://` or `wss://` may be used).
#[error("URL scheme not supported")]
/// The URL host name, though included, is empty.
#[error("URL contains empty host name")]
/// The URL does not include a path/query.
#[error("No path/query in URL")]
/// TLS errors.
/// Note that even if you enable only the rustls-based TLS support, the error at runtime could still
/// be `Native`, as another crate in the dependency graph may enable native TLS support.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum TlsError {
/// Native TLS error.
#[cfg(feature = "native-tls")]
#[error("native-tls error: {0}")]
Native(#[from] native_tls_crate::Error),
/// Rustls error.
#[cfg(feature = "__rustls-tls")]
#[error("rustls error: {0}")]
Rustls(#[from] rustls::Error),
/// Webpki error.
#[cfg(feature = "__rustls-tls")]
#[error("webpki error: {0}")]
Webpki(#[from] webpki::Error),
/// DNS name resolution error.
#[cfg(feature = "__rustls-tls")]
#[error("Invalid DNS name")]