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//! Server handshake machine.
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use http::{HeaderMap, Request as HttpRequest, Response as HttpResponse, StatusCode};
use httparse::Status;
use log::*;
use super::headers::{FromHttparse, MAX_HEADERS};
use super::machine::{HandshakeMachine, StageResult, TryParse};
use super::{convert_key, HandshakeRole, MidHandshake, ProcessingResult};
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::protocol::{Role, WebSocket, WebSocketConfig};
/// Server request type.
pub type Request = HttpRequest<()>;
/// Server response type.
pub type Response = HttpResponse<()>;
/// Server error response type.
pub type ErrorResponse = HttpResponse<Option<String>>;
/// Create a response for the request.
pub fn create_response(request: &Request) -> Result<Response> {
if request.method() != http::Method::GET {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Method is not GET".into()));
if request.version() < http::Version::HTTP_11 {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into(),
if !request
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Upgrade"))
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Connection: upgrade\" in client request".into(),
if !request
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("websocket"))
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Upgrade: websocket\" in client request".into(),
if !request
.map(|h| h == "13")
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\" in client request".into(),
let key = request
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Protocol("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key".into()))?;
let builder = Response::builder()
.header("Connection", "Upgrade")
.header("Upgrade", "websocket")
.header("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", convert_key(key.as_bytes())?);
// Assumes that this is a valid response
fn write_response<T>(w: &mut dyn io::Write, response: &HttpResponse<T>) -> Result<()> {
"{version:?} {status} {reason}\r",
version = response.version(),
status = response.status(),
reason = response.status().canonical_reason().unwrap_or(""),
for (k, v) in response.headers() {
writeln!(w, "{}: {}\r", k, v.to_str()?).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\r")?;
impl TryParse for Request {
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Option<(usize, Self)>> {
let mut hbuffer = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; MAX_HEADERS];
let mut req = httparse::Request::new(&mut hbuffer);
Ok(match req.parse(buf)? {
Status::Partial => None,
Status::Complete(size) => Some((size, Request::from_httparse(req)?)),
impl<'h, 'b: 'h> FromHttparse<httparse::Request<'h, 'b>> for Request {
fn from_httparse(raw: httparse::Request<'h, 'b>) -> Result<Self> {
if raw.method.expect("Bug: no method in header") != "GET" {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Method is not GET".into()));
if raw.version.expect("Bug: no HTTP version") < /*1.*/1 {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into(),
let headers = HeaderMap::from_httparse(raw.headers)?;
let mut request = Request::new(());
*request.method_mut() = http::Method::GET;
*request.headers_mut() = headers;
*request.uri_mut() = raw.path.expect("Bug: no path in header").parse()?;
// TODO: httparse only supports HTTP 0.9/1.0/1.1 but not HTTP 2.0
// so the only valid value we could get in the response would be 1.1.
*request.version_mut() = http::Version::HTTP_11;
/// The callback trait.
/// The callback is called when the server receives an incoming WebSocket
/// handshake request from the client. Specifying a callback allows you to analyze incoming headers
/// and add additional headers to the response that server sends to the client and/or reject the
/// connection based on the incoming headers.
pub trait Callback: Sized {
/// Called whenever the server read the request from the client and is ready to reply to it.
/// May return additional reply headers.
/// Returning an error resulting in rejecting the incoming connection.
fn on_request(
request: &Request,
response: Response,
) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse>;
impl<F> Callback for F
F: FnOnce(&Request, Response) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse>,
fn on_request(
request: &Request,
response: Response,
) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse> {
self(request, response)
/// Stub for callback that does nothing.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct NoCallback;
impl Callback for NoCallback {
fn on_request(
_request: &Request,
response: Response,
) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse> {
/// Server handshake role.
pub struct ServerHandshake<S, C> {
/// Callback which is called whenever the server read the request from the client and is ready
/// to reply to it. The callback returns an optional headers which will be added to the reply
/// which the server sends to the user.
callback: Option<C>,
/// WebSocket configuration.
config: Option<WebSocketConfig>,
/// Error code/flag. If set, an error will be returned after sending response to the client.
error_code: Option<u16>,
/// Internal stream type.
_marker: PhantomData<S>,
impl<S: Read + Write, C: Callback> ServerHandshake<S, C> {
/// Start server handshake. `callback` specifies a custom callback which the user can pass to
/// the handshake, this callback will be called when the a websocket client connnects to the
/// server, you can specify the callback if you want to add additional header to the client
/// upon join based on the incoming headers.
pub fn start(stream: S, callback: C, config: Option<WebSocketConfig>) -> MidHandshake<Self> {
trace!("Server handshake initiated.");
MidHandshake {
machine: HandshakeMachine::start_read(stream),
role: ServerHandshake {
callback: Some(callback),
error_code: None,
_marker: PhantomData,
impl<S: Read + Write, C: Callback> HandshakeRole for ServerHandshake<S, C> {
type IncomingData = Request;
type InternalStream = S;
type FinalResult = WebSocket<S>;
fn stage_finished(
&mut self,
finish: StageResult<Self::IncomingData, Self::InternalStream>,
) -> Result<ProcessingResult<Self::InternalStream, Self::FinalResult>> {
Ok(match finish {
StageResult::DoneReading {
} => {
if !tail.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Junk after client request".into()));
let response = create_response(&result)?;
let callback_result = if let Some(callback) = self.callback.take() {
callback.on_request(&result, response)
} else {
match callback_result {
Ok(response) => {
let mut output = vec![];
write_response(&mut output, &response)?;
ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, output))
Err(resp) => {
if resp.status().is_success() {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"Custom response must not be successful".into(),
self.error_code = Some(resp.status().as_u16());
let mut output = vec![];
write_response(&mut output, &resp)?;
if let Some(body) = resp.body() {
ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, output))
StageResult::DoneWriting(stream) => {
if let Some(err) = self.error_code.take() {
debug!("Server handshake failed.");
return Err(Error::Http(StatusCode::from_u16(err)?));
} else {
debug!("Server handshake done.");
let websocket = WebSocket::from_raw_socket(stream, Role::Server, self.config);
mod tests {
use super::super::machine::TryParse;
use super::create_response;
use super::Request;
fn request_parsing() {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";
let (_, req) = Request::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(req.uri().path(), "/");
assert_eq!(req.headers().get("Host").unwrap(), &b""[..]);
fn request_replying() {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"\
GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
Connection: upgrade\r\n\
Upgrade: websocket\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\n\
let (_, req) = Request::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
let response = create_response(&req).unwrap();