--- title: Documentation description: NextGraph Documentation homepage layout: ../../layouts/MainLayout.astro --- Welcome to NextGraph documentation. NextGraph is an Open Source **App and Platform** that anybody can use for free. Individuals and Organizations, SMEs and corporations will enjoy a rich set of features ranging from Document sharing, collaborative and productivity tools, to a Social Network, Smart contracts and more. > NextGraph is secure, privacy-preserving, decentralized, and local-first > which means it can work online and offline too, and will synchronize without conflicts. In addition, NextGraph is also a [Framework](/en/framework) for App developers who want to adapt their existing app to NextGraph, or create new apps that will be based on the new principles that we want to foster and that will bring the advent of a New Internet, Next Generation Internet, call it Web 3.0 or Web 4.0, small web, Dweb, or whatever you want, as long as it is secure, privacy preserving, decentralized, interoperable, and easy to use! We aim at becoming a serious alternative to the Big-Tech products and services, and to gather forces among the Free and Open Source communities (FOSS) in order to offer the best experience to end-users and programmers alike, with easy-to-use applications where the user regain **total control over their data, privacy and software**. You can read more about NextGraph on [our website](https://nextgraph.org). #### App & Platform [Get started](/en/getting-started) with our official App by [installing it](https://nextgraph.org/download/), or using the web app at [nextgraph.eu](https://nextgraph.eu). You should read the [Getting started](/en/getting-started) guide as it explains how to use the app for the first time. Try it and discover all the features we are offering you. More documentation about the App and the Platform can be found in the [following sections](/en/local-first) and you can see a list of [features here](/en/features) and a [roadmap](/en/roadmap) of the forthcoming ones. You can find help in the [FAQ section](/en/help) where frequently asked questions have been answered. If you have any more questions or want to get in touch with us, the simplest way is to join the [forum](https://forum.nextgraph.org). For bug reports, please create an account and submit a new issue in our [Gitea instance](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph). Stay tuned by subscribing to our [newsletter](https://list.nextgraph.org/subscription/form). #### Framework As a programmer, you can develop apps with our Framework and benefit from all the features of our platform. Build applications that are **secure and privacy-preserving**, **local-first**, that sync their data automatically without any conflicts, that work offline and online, that do not depend on any third-party and paying infrastructure, and that are **data-centric, interoperable, and portable**. Our framework is available for web and native apps, developed in Javascript/Typescript with Front-end frameworks like React or Svelte, and also in Rust, and optionally with Tauri framework. Your app can integrate the NextGraph [ecosystem](/en/ecosystem) with our built-in App Store, or can stay "standalone" and remain independent from our official apps. You can also develop **services**, based on NodeJs/Deno or Rust, and access the data in order to process it (subject to previous authorization from the user). Discover more about the features of our framework and [get started](/en/framework/getting-started) with your first app in the following sections. #### Design, Reference & Specifications If you are curious about how NextGraph works internally, you can find more information about that in the [Design](/en/design) section. The reference on all our APIs and SDKs, including the specifications of our protocols and formats can be found in the [Reference](/en/specs) section.