// partial Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers
// All rights reserved.
// partial Copyright (c) 2018 Oxigraph developers
// All work licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE2 or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
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//! [SPARQL 1.1 Query Algebra](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlQuery)
//! The root type for SPARQL queries is [`Query`] and the root type for updates is [`Update`].
use crate ::oxigraph ::model ::* ;
use crate ::oxigraph ::sparql ::eval ::Timer ;
use crate ::oxsdatatypes ::DayTimeDuration ;
use crate ::spargebra ;
use crate ::spargebra ::GraphUpdateOperation ;
use std ::fmt ;
use std ::str ::FromStr ;
/// A parsed [SPARQL query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/).
/// ```
/// use oxigraph::model::NamedNode;
/// use oxigraph::sparql::Query;
/// let query_str = "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
/// let mut query = Query::parse(query_str, None)?;
/// assert_eq!(query.to_string(), query_str);
/// // We edit the query dataset specification
/// let default = vec![NamedNode::new("http://example.com")?.into()];
/// query.dataset_mut().set_default_graph(default.clone());
/// assert_eq!(
/// query.dataset().default_graph_graphs(),
/// Some(default.as_slice())
/// );
/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
pub struct Query {
pub ( super ) inner : spargebra ::Query ,
pub ( super ) dataset : QueryDataset ,
pub ( super ) parsing_duration : Option < DayTimeDuration > ,
impl Query {
/// Parses a SPARQL query with an optional base IRI to resolve relative IRIs in the query.
pub fn parse (
query : & str ,
base_iri : Option < & str > ,
) -> Result < Self , spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError > {
let start = Timer ::now ( ) ;
let query = Self ::from ( spargebra ::Query ::parse ( query , base_iri ) ? ) ;
Ok ( Self {
dataset : query . dataset ,
inner : query . inner ,
parsing_duration : start . elapsed ( ) ,
} )
/// Returns [the query dataset specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#specifyingDataset)
pub fn dataset ( & self ) -> & QueryDataset {
& self . dataset
/// Returns [the query dataset specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#specifyingDataset)
pub fn dataset_mut ( & mut self ) -> & mut QueryDataset {
& mut self . dataset
impl fmt ::Display for Query {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
self . inner . fmt ( f ) // TODO: override
impl FromStr for Query {
type Err = spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError ;
fn from_str ( query : & str ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Err > {
Self ::parse ( query , None )
impl TryFrom < & str > for Query {
type Error = spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError ;
fn try_from ( query : & str ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Error > {
Self ::from_str ( query )
impl TryFrom < & String > for Query {
type Error = spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError ;
fn try_from ( query : & String ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Error > {
Self ::from_str ( query )
impl From < spargebra ::Query > for Query {
fn from ( query : spargebra ::Query ) -> Self {
Self {
dataset : QueryDataset ::from_algebra ( match & query {
spargebra ::Query ::Select { dataset , .. }
| spargebra ::Query ::Construct { dataset , .. }
| spargebra ::Query ::Describe { dataset , .. }
| spargebra ::Query ::Ask { dataset , .. } = > dataset ,
} ) ,
inner : query ,
parsing_duration : None ,
/// A parsed [SPARQL update](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/).
/// ```
/// use oxigraph::sparql::Update;
/// let update_str = "CLEAR ALL ;";
/// let update = Update::parse(update_str, None)?;
/// assert_eq!(update.to_string().trim(), update_str);
/// # Ok::<_, oxigraph::sparql::SparqlSyntaxError>(())
/// ```
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
pub struct Update {
pub ( super ) inner : spargebra ::Update ,
pub ( super ) using_datasets : Vec < Option < QueryDataset > > ,
impl Update {
/// Parses a SPARQL update with an optional base IRI to resolve relative IRIs in the query.
pub fn parse (
update : & str ,
base_iri : Option < & str > ,
) -> Result < Self , spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError > {
Ok ( spargebra ::Update ::parse ( update , base_iri ) ? . into ( ) )
/// Returns [the query dataset specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#specifyingDataset) in [DELETE/INSERT operations](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteInsert).
pub fn using_datasets ( & self ) -> impl Iterator < Item = & QueryDataset > {
self . using_datasets . iter ( ) . filter_map ( Option ::as_ref )
/// Returns [the query dataset specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#specifyingDataset) in [DELETE/INSERT operations](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteInsert).
pub fn using_datasets_mut ( & mut self ) -> impl Iterator < Item = & mut QueryDataset > {
self . using_datasets . iter_mut ( ) . filter_map ( Option ::as_mut )
impl fmt ::Display for Update {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
self . inner . fmt ( f )
impl FromStr for Update {
type Err = spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError ;
fn from_str ( update : & str ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Err > {
Self ::parse ( update , None )
impl TryFrom < & str > for Update {
type Error = spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError ;
fn try_from ( update : & str ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Error > {
Self ::from_str ( update )
impl TryFrom < & String > for Update {
type Error = spargebra ::SparqlSyntaxError ;
fn try_from ( update : & String ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Error > {
Self ::from_str ( update )
impl From < spargebra ::Update > for Update {
fn from ( update : spargebra ::Update ) -> Self {
Self {
using_datasets : update
. operations
. iter ( )
. map ( | operation | {
if let GraphUpdateOperation ::DeleteInsert { using , .. } = operation {
Some ( QueryDataset ::from_algebra ( using ) )
} else {
} )
. collect ( ) ,
inner : update ,
/// A SPARQL query [dataset specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#specifyingDataset)
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
pub struct QueryDataset {
default : Option < Vec < GraphName > > ,
named : Option < Vec < NamedOrBlankNode > > ,
impl QueryDataset {
pub ( crate ) fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
default : None ,
named : None ,
fn from_algebra ( inner : & Option < spargebra ::algebra ::QueryDataset > ) -> Self {
if let Some ( inner ) = inner {
Self {
default : Some ( inner . default . iter ( ) . map ( | g | g . clone ( ) . into ( ) ) . collect ( ) ) ,
named : inner
. named
. as_ref ( )
. map ( | named | named . iter ( ) . map ( | g | g . clone ( ) . into ( ) ) . collect ( ) ) ,
} else {
Self {
default : Some ( vec! [ GraphName ::DefaultGraph ] ) ,
named : None ,
/// Checks if this dataset specification is the default one
/// (i.e. the default graph is the store default graph and all the store named graphs are available)
/// ```
/// use oxigraph::sparql::Query;
/// assert!(Query::parse("SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }", None)?
/// .dataset()
/// .is_default_dataset());
/// assert!(!Query::parse(
/// "SELECT ?s ?p ?o FROM <http://example.com> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }",
/// None
/// )?
/// .dataset()
/// .is_default_dataset());
/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
pub fn is_default_dataset ( & self ) -> bool {
self . default
. as_ref ( )
. map_or ( false , | t | t = = & [ GraphName ::DefaultGraph ] )
& & self . named . is_none ( )
pub fn has_no_default_dataset ( & self ) -> bool {
self . default
. as_ref ( )
. map_or ( true , | t | t = = & [ GraphName ::DefaultGraph ] | | t . is_empty ( ) )
/// Returns the list of the store graphs that are available to the query as the default graph or `None` if the union of all graphs is used as the default graph
/// This list is by default only the store default graph
pub fn default_graph_graphs ( & self ) -> Option < & [ GraphName ] > {
self . default . as_deref ( )
/// Sets if the default graph for the query should be the union of all the graphs in the queried store
pub fn set_default_graph_as_union ( & mut self ) {
self . default = None ;
/// Sets the list of graphs the query should consider as being part of the default graph.
/// By default only the store default graph is considered.
/// ```
/// use oxigraph::model::NamedNode;
/// use oxigraph::sparql::Query;
/// let mut query = Query::parse("SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }", None)?;
/// let default = vec![NamedNode::new("http://example.com")?.into()];
/// query.dataset_mut().set_default_graph(default.clone());
/// assert_eq!(
/// query.dataset().default_graph_graphs(),
/// Some(default.as_slice())
/// );
/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_default_graph ( & mut self , graphs : Vec < GraphName > ) {
self . default = Some ( graphs )
/// Returns the list of the available named graphs for the query or `None` if all graphs are available
pub fn available_named_graphs ( & self ) -> Option < & [ NamedOrBlankNode ] > {
self . named . as_deref ( )
/// Sets the list of allowed named graphs in the query.
/// ```
/// use oxigraph::model::NamedNode;
/// use oxigraph::sparql::Query;
/// let mut query = Query::parse("SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }", None)?;
/// let named = vec![NamedNode::new("http://example.com")?.into()];
/// query
/// .dataset_mut()
/// .set_available_named_graphs(named.clone());
/// assert_eq!(
/// query.dataset().available_named_graphs(),
/// Some(named.as_slice())
/// );
/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
pub fn set_available_named_graphs ( & mut self , named_graphs : Vec < NamedOrBlankNode > ) {
self . named = Some ( named_graphs ) ;