// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers
// All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE2 or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use core ::fmt ;
use std ::collections ::{ BTreeMap , HashMap } ;
use std ::fs ::{ read , remove_file , write } ;
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use async_once_cell ::OnceCell ;
use async_std ::sync ::{ Arc , Mutex , RwLock } ;
use futures ::channel ::mpsc ;
use futures ::SinkExt ;
use lazy_static ::lazy_static ;
use once_cell ::sync ::Lazy ;
use pdf_writer ::{ Content , Finish , Name , Pdf , Rect , Ref , Str } ;
use qrcode ::{ render ::svg , QrCode } ;
use serde_bare ::to_vec ;
use serde_json ::json ;
use svg2pdf ::ConversionOptions ;
use zeroize ::Zeroize ;
use ng_repo ::block_storage ::BlockStorage ;
use ng_repo ::block_storage ::HashMapBlockStorage ;
use ng_repo ::errors ::{ NgError , ProtocolError } ;
use ng_repo ::log ::* ;
use ng_repo ::os_info ::get_os_info ;
use ng_repo ::types ::* ;
use ng_repo ::utils ::{ derive_key , encrypt_in_place , generate_keypair } ;
use ng_net ::app_protocol ::* ;
use ng_net ::broker ::* ;
use ng_net ::connection ::{ AppConfig , ClientConfig , IConnect , NoiseFSM , StartConfig } ;
use ng_net ::types ::* ;
use ng_net ::utils ::{ Receiver , Sender } ;
use ng_net ::{ actor ::* , actors ::admin ::* } ;
use ng_verifier ::types ::* ;
use ng_verifier ::verifier ::Verifier ;
use ng_wallet ::bip39 ::encode_mnemonic ;
use ng_wallet ::emojis ::{ display_pazzle , display_pazzle_one , encode_pazzle } ;
use ng_wallet ::{
create_wallet_first_step_v0 , create_wallet_second_step_v0 , display_mnemonic , types ::* ,
} ;
#[ cfg(not(target_family = " wasm " )) ]
use ng_client_ws ::remote_ws ::ConnectionWebSocket ;
#[ cfg(target_family = " wasm " ) ]
use ng_client_ws ::remote_ws_wasm ::ConnectionWebSocket ;
#[ cfg(not(any(target_family = " wasm " , docsrs))) ]
use ng_storage_rocksdb ::block_storage ::RocksDbBlockStorage ;
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub struct HeadlessConfig {
// parse_ip_and_port_for(string, "verifier_server")
pub server_addr : BindAddress ,
// decode_key(string)
pub server_peer_id : PubKey ,
// decode_priv_key(string)
pub client_peer_key : Option < PrivKey > ,
pub admin_user_key : Option < PrivKey > ,
type JsStorageReadFn = dyn Fn ( String ) -> Result < String , NgError > + ' static + Sync + Send ;
type JsStorageWriteFn = dyn Fn ( String , String ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > + ' static + Sync + Send ;
type JsStorageDelFn = dyn Fn ( String ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > + ' static + Sync + Send ;
type JsCallback = dyn Fn ( ) + ' static + Sync + Send ;
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub struct JsStorageConfig {
pub local_read : Box < JsStorageReadFn > ,
pub local_write : Box < JsStorageWriteFn > ,
pub session_read : Arc < Box < JsStorageReadFn > > ,
pub session_write : Arc < Box < JsStorageWriteFn > > ,
pub session_del : Arc < Box < JsStorageDelFn > > ,
pub clear : Arc < Box < JsCallback > > ,
pub is_browser : bool ,
impl JsStorageConfig {
fn get_js_storage_config ( & self ) -> JsSaveSessionConfig {
let session_read2 = Arc ::clone ( & self . session_read ) ;
let session_write2 = Arc ::clone ( & self . session_write ) ;
let session_read3 = Arc ::clone ( & self . session_read ) ;
let session_write3 = Arc ::clone ( & self . session_write ) ;
let session_read4 = Arc ::clone ( & self . session_read ) ;
let session_del = Arc ::clone ( & self . session_del ) ;
JsSaveSessionConfig {
last_seq_function : Box ::new ( move | peer_id : PubKey , qty : u16 | -> Result < u64 , NgError > {
let res = ( session_read2 ) ( format! ( "ng_peer_last_seq@{}" , peer_id ) ) ;
let val = match res {
Ok ( old_str ) = > {
let decoded = base64_url ::decode ( & old_str )
. map_err ( | _ | NgError ::SerializationError ) ? ;
match serde_bare ::from_slice ( & decoded ) ? {
SessionPeerLastSeq ::V0 ( old_val ) = > old_val ,
_ = > unimplemented! ( ) ,
Err ( _ ) = > 0 ,
} ;
if qty > 0 {
let new_val = val + qty as u64 ;
let spls = SessionPeerLastSeq ::V0 ( new_val ) ;
let ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & spls ) ? ;
//saving the new val
let encoded = base64_url ::encode ( & ser ) ;
( session_write2 ) ( format! ( "ng_peer_last_seq@{}" , peer_id ) , encoded ) ? ;
Ok ( val )
} ) ,
outbox_write_function : Box ::new (
move | peer_id : PubKey , seq : u64 , event : Vec < u8 > | -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let seq_str = format! ( "{}" , seq ) ;
let res = ( session_read3 ) ( format! ( "ng_outboxes@{}@start" , peer_id ) ) ;
let start = match res {
Err ( _ ) = > {
( session_write3 ) ( format! ( "ng_outboxes@{}@start" , peer_id ) , seq_str ) ? ;
Ok ( start_str ) = > start_str
. parse ::< u64 > ( )
. map_err ( | _ | NgError ::InvalidFileFormat ) ? ,
} ;
let idx = seq - start ;
let idx_str = format! ( "{:05}" , idx ) ;
let encoded = base64_url ::encode ( & event ) ;
( session_write3 ) ( format! ( "ng_outboxes@{}@{idx_str}" , peer_id ) , encoded )
} ,
) ,
outbox_read_function : Box ::new (
move | peer_id : PubKey | -> Result < Vec < Vec < u8 > > , NgError > {
let start_key = format! ( "ng_outboxes@{}@start" , peer_id ) ;
//log_info!("search start key {}", start_key);
let res = ( session_read4 ) ( start_key . clone ( ) ) ;
let _start = match res {
Err ( _ ) = > return Err ( NgError ::JsStorageKeyNotFound ) ,
Ok ( start_str ) = > start_str
. parse ::< u64 > ( )
. map_err ( | _ | NgError ::InvalidFileFormat ) ? ,
} ;
let mut idx : u64 = 0 ;
let mut result = vec! [ ] ;
loop {
let idx_str = format! ( "{:05}" , idx ) ;
let str = format! ( "ng_outboxes@{}@{idx_str}" , peer_id ) ;
//log_info!("search key {}", str);
let res = ( session_read4 ) ( str . clone ( ) ) ;
let res = match res {
Err ( _ ) = > break ,
Ok ( res ) = > res ,
} ;
( session_del ) ( str ) ? ;
let decoded =
base64_url ::decode ( & res ) . map_err ( | _ | NgError ::SerializationError ) ? ;
result . push ( decoded ) ;
idx + = 1 ;
( session_del ) ( start_key ) ? ;
Ok ( result )
} ,
) ,
impl fmt ::Debug for JsStorageConfig {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
write! ( f , "JsStorageConfig. is_browser {}" , self . is_browser )
/// Configuration for the LocalBroker. must be returned by a function or closure passed to [init_local_broker]
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub enum LocalBrokerConfig {
/// Local broker will not save any wallet, session or user's data
InMemory ,
/// Local broker will save all wallets, sessions and user's data on disk, in the provided `Path`
BasePath ( PathBuf ) ,
#[ doc(hidden) ]
/// used internally for the JS SDK
JsStorage ( JsStorageConfig ) ,
/// Does not handle wallet and will only create remote sessions from credentials.
/// Only one websocket connection will be established to a predefined verifier (given in config)
#[ doc(hidden) ]
Headless ( HeadlessConfig ) ,
impl LocalBrokerConfig {
pub fn is_in_memory ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::InMemory = > true ,
_ = > false ,
pub fn is_persistent ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::BasePath ( _ ) = > true ,
_ = > false ,
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub fn is_js ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::JsStorage ( _ ) = > true ,
_ = > false ,
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub fn headless_config ( & self ) -> & HeadlessConfig {
match self {
Self ::Headless ( c ) = > & c ,
_ = > panic! ( "dont call headless_config if not in HeadlessConfig" ) ,
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub fn js_config ( & self ) -> Option < & JsStorageConfig > {
match self {
Self ::JsStorage ( c ) = > Some ( c ) ,
_ = > None ,
#[ cfg(not(target_family = " wasm " )) ]
fn compute_path ( & self , dir : & String ) -> Result < PathBuf , NgError > {
match self {
Self ::BasePath ( path ) = > {
let mut new_path = path . clone ( ) ;
new_path . push ( dir ) ;
Ok ( new_path )
_ = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument ) ,
#[ derive(Debug) ]
/// used to initiate a session at a local broker V0
pub struct SessionConfigV0 {
pub user_id : UserId ,
pub wallet_name : String ,
pub verifier_type : VerifierType ,
#[ derive(Debug) ]
/// used to initiate a session at a local broker
pub enum SessionConfig {
V0 ( SessionConfigV0 ) ,
WithCredentialsV0 ( WithCredentialsV0 ) ,
HeadlessV0 ( UserId ) ,
#[ derive(Debug) ]
/// used to initiate a session at a local broker with credentials
pub struct WithCredentialsV0 {
pub credentials : Credentials ,
pub verifier_type : VerifierType ,
pub detach : bool , // only used if remote verifier
//trait ISession {}
#[ derive(Debug) ]
struct RemoteSession {
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
config : SessionConfig ,
remote_peer_id : DirectPeerId ,
user_id : UserId ,
impl RemoteSession {
pub ( crate ) async fn send_request ( & self , req : AppRequest ) -> Result < AppResponse , NgError > {
match BROKER
. read ( )
. await
. request ::< AppRequest , AppResponse > (
& Some ( self . user_id ) ,
& Some ( self . remote_peer_id ) ,
req ,
. await
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Stream ( _ ) ) = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Single ( res ) ) = > Ok ( res ) ,
pub ( crate ) async fn send_request_stream (
& self ,
req : AppRequest ,
) -> Result < ( Receiver < AppResponse > , CancelFn ) , NgError > {
match BROKER
. read ( )
. await
. request ::< AppRequest , AppResponse > (
& Some ( self . user_id ) ,
& Some ( self . remote_peer_id ) ,
req ,
. await
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Single ( _ ) ) = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Stream ( stream ) ) = > {
let fnonce = Box ::new ( move | | {
// stream.close();
//TODO: implement CancelStream in AppRequest
} ) ;
Ok ( ( stream , fnonce ) )
#[ derive(Debug) ]
struct HeadlessSession {
user_id : UserId ,
impl HeadlessSession { }
#[ derive(Debug) ]
struct Session {
config : SessionConfig ,
peer_key : PrivKey ,
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
last_wallet_nonce : u64 ,
verifier : Verifier ,
impl SessionConfig {
pub fn user_id ( & self ) -> UserId {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . user_id ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( creds ) = > creds . credentials . user_key . to_pub ( ) ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( hl ) = > hl . clone ( ) ,
pub fn wallet_name ( & self ) -> String {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . wallet_name . clone ( ) ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( _ ) = > panic! ( "dont call wallet_name on a WithCredentialsV0" ) ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > panic! ( "dont call wallet_name on a HeadlessV0" ) ,
pub fn verifier_type ( & self ) -> & VerifierType {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > & v0 . verifier_type ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( creds ) = > & creds . verifier_type ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > panic! ( "dont call verifier_type on a HeadlessV0" ) ,
pub fn is_remote ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . verifier_type . is_remote ( ) ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( creds ) = > creds . verifier_type . is_remote ( ) ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > true ,
pub fn set_verifier_type ( & mut self , vt : VerifierType ) {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . verifier_type = vt ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( creds ) = > creds . verifier_type = vt ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > panic! ( "dont call verifier_type on a HeadlessV0" ) ,
pub fn is_with_credentials ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( _ ) = > true ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) | Self ::V0 ( _ ) = > false ,
pub fn is_memory ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . verifier_type . is_memory ( ) ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( creds ) = > creds . verifier_type . is_memory ( ) ,
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > true ,
/// Creates a new in_memory SessionConfig with a UserId and a wallet name
/// that should be passed to [session_start]
pub fn new_in_memory ( user_id : & UserId , wallet_name : & String ) -> Self {
SessionConfig ::V0 ( SessionConfigV0 {
user_id : user_id . clone ( ) ,
wallet_name : wallet_name . clone ( ) ,
verifier_type : VerifierType ::Memory ,
} )
/// Creates a new SessionConfig that tentatively saves data and/or session, with a UserId and a wallet name
/// the session might be downgraded to in_memory if the wallet was added with the in_memory option
/// that should be passed to [session_start]
pub fn new_save ( user_id : & UserId , wallet_name : & String ) -> Self {
SessionConfig ::V0 ( SessionConfigV0 {
user_id : user_id . clone ( ) ,
wallet_name : wallet_name . clone ( ) ,
verifier_type : VerifierType ::Save ,
} )
/// Creates a new remote SessionConfig, with a UserId, a wallet name and optional remote peer_id
/// that should be passed to [session_start]
pub fn new_remote (
user_id : & UserId ,
wallet_name : & String ,
remote_verifier_peer_id : Option < PubKey > ,
) -> Self {
SessionConfig ::V0 ( SessionConfigV0 {
user_id : user_id . clone ( ) ,
wallet_name : wallet_name . clone ( ) ,
verifier_type : VerifierType ::Remote ( remote_verifier_peer_id ) ,
} )
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub fn new_headless ( user_id : UserId ) -> Self {
SessionConfig ::HeadlessV0 ( user_id )
fn force_in_memory ( & mut self ) {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . verifier_type = VerifierType ::Memory ,
Self ::WithCredentialsV0 ( _ ) | Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "dont call force_in_memory on a WithCredentialsV0 or HeadlessV0" )
pub fn new_for_local_broker_config (
user_id : & UserId ,
wallet_name : & String ,
local_broker_config : & LocalBrokerConfig ,
in_memory : bool ,
) -> Result < SessionConfig , NgError > {
Ok ( SessionConfig ::V0 ( SessionConfigV0 {
user_id : user_id . clone ( ) ,
wallet_name : wallet_name . clone ( ) ,
verifier_type : match local_broker_config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory = > {
if ! in_memory {
return Err ( NgError ::CannotSaveWhenInMemoryConfig ) ;
VerifierType ::Memory
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( _ ) | LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( _ ) = > match in_memory
true = > VerifierType ::Memory ,
false = > VerifierType ::Save ,
} ,
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call wallet_create on a Headless LocalBroker" )
} ,
} ) )
fn valid_verifier_config_for_local_broker_config (
& mut self ,
local_broker_config : & LocalBrokerConfig ,
) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
if match self {
Self ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call session_start on a Headless LocalBroker" )
_ = > match local_broker_config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory = > {
self . set_verifier_type ( VerifierType ::Memory ) ;
LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js_config ) = > match self . verifier_type ( ) {
VerifierType ::Memory | VerifierType ::Remote ( _ ) = > true ,
VerifierType ::Save = > true ,
VerifierType ::WebRocksDb = > js_config . is_browser ,
} ,
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( _ ) = > match self . verifier_type ( ) {
VerifierType ::Save | VerifierType ::Remote ( _ ) = > true ,
VerifierType ::Memory = > true ,
_ = > false ,
} ,
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call session_start on a Headless LocalBroker" )
} ,
} {
Ok ( ( ) )
} else {
Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument )
// impl fmt::Debug for SessionConfigV0 {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// write!(
// f,
// "SessionConfigV0 user={} wallet={}",
// self.user_id, self.wallet_name
// )
// }
// }
// impl fmt::Debug for SessionConfig {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// match self {
// SessionConfig::V0(v0) => v0.fmt(f),
// }
// }
// }
struct OpenedWallet {
wallet : SensitiveWallet ,
block_storage : Arc < std ::sync ::RwLock < dyn BlockStorage + Send + Sync > > ,
impl fmt ::Debug for OpenedWallet {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
write! ( f , "OpenedWallet.\nwallet {:?}" , self . wallet )
struct LocalBroker {
pub config : LocalBrokerConfig ,
pub wallets : HashMap < String , LocalWalletStorageV0 > ,
pub opened_wallets : HashMap < String , OpenedWallet > ,
pub sessions : HashMap < UserId , SessionPeerStorageV0 > ,
// use even session_ids for remote_session, odd session_ids for opened_sessions
pub opened_sessions : HashMap < UserId , u64 > ,
pub opened_sessions_list : Vec < Option < Session > > ,
pub remote_sessions_list : Vec < Option < RemoteSession > > ,
pub headless_sessions : BTreeMap < u64 , HeadlessSession > ,
pub headless_connected_to_remote_broker : bool ,
tauri_streams : HashMap < String , CancelFn > ,
disconnections_sender : Sender < String > ,
disconnections_receiver : Option < Receiver < String > > ,
impl fmt ::Debug for LocalBroker {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
writeln! ( f , "LocalBroker.\nconfig {:?}" , self . config ) ? ;
writeln! ( f , "wallets {:?}" , self . wallets ) ? ;
writeln! ( f , "opened_wallets {:?}" , self . opened_wallets ) ? ;
writeln! ( f , "sessions {:?}" , self . sessions ) ? ;
writeln! ( f , "opened_sessions {:?}" , self . opened_sessions ) ? ;
writeln! ( f , "opened_sessions_list {:?}" , self . opened_sessions_list )
// used to deliver events to the verifier on Clients, or Core that have Verifiers attached.
#[ async_trait::async_trait ]
impl ILocalBroker for LocalBroker {
async fn deliver ( & mut self , event : Event , overlay : OverlayId , user_id : UserId ) {
if let Some ( session ) = self . get_mut_session_for_user ( & user_id ) {
session . verifier . deliver ( event , overlay ) . await ;
async fn user_disconnected ( & mut self , user_id : UserId ) {
if let Some ( session ) = self . get_mut_session_for_user ( & user_id ) {
session . verifier . connection_lost ( ) ;
let _ = self . disconnections_sender . send ( user_id . to_string ( ) ) . await ;
// this is used if an Actor does a BROKER.local_broker.respond
// it happens when a remote peer is doing a request on the verifier
#[ async_trait::async_trait ]
impl EActor for LocalBroker {
async fn respond (
& mut self ,
msg : ProtocolMessage ,
fsm : Arc < Mutex < NoiseFSM > > ,
) -> Result < ( ) , ProtocolError > {
// search opened_sessions by user_id of fsm
let user = fsm . lock ( ) . await . user_id ( ) ? ;
let session = self
. get_mut_session_for_user ( & user )
. ok_or ( ProtocolError ::ActorError ) ? ;
session . verifier . respond ( msg , fsm ) . await
impl LocalBroker {
// fn storage_path_for_user(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> Option<PathBuf> {
// match &self.config {
// LocalBrokerConfig::InMemory | LocalBrokerConfig::JsStorage(_) => None,
// LocalBrokerConfig::BasePath(base) => {
// let mut path = base.clone();
// path.push(format!("user{}", user_id.to_hash_string()));
// Some(path)
// }
// }
// }
/// helper function to store the sender of a tauri stream in order to be able to cancel it later on
/// only used in Tauri, not used in the JS SDK
fn tauri_stream_add ( & mut self , stream_id : String , cancel : CancelFn ) {
self . tauri_streams . insert ( stream_id , cancel ) ;
/// helper function to cancel a tauri stream
/// only used in Tauri, not used in the JS SDK
fn tauri_stream_cancel ( & mut self , stream_id : String ) {
let s = self . tauri_streams . remove ( & stream_id ) ;
if let Some ( cancel ) = s {
cancel ( ) ;
async fn connect_remote_broker ( & mut self ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
self . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
if self . headless_connected_to_remote_broker {
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
let info = get_client_info ( ClientType ::NodeService ) ;
let config = self . config . headless_config ( ) ;
. write ( )
. await
. connect (
Arc ::new ( Box ::new ( ConnectionWebSocket { } ) ) ,
config . client_peer_key . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . clone ( ) ,
config . client_peer_key . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . to_pub ( ) ,
config . server_peer_id ,
StartConfig ::App ( AppConfig {
user_priv : None ,
info ,
addr : config . server_addr ,
} ) ,
. await ? ;
self . headless_connected_to_remote_broker = true ;
Ok ( ( ) )
pub ( crate ) async fn send_request_headless <
A : Into < ProtocolMessage > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
B : TryFrom < ProtocolMessage , Error = ProtocolError > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
> (
& self ,
req : A ,
) -> Result < B , NgError > {
self . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
match BROKER
. read ( )
. await
. request ::< A , B > (
& None ,
& Some ( self . config . headless_config ( ) . server_peer_id ) ,
req ,
. await
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Stream ( _ ) ) = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Single ( res ) ) = > Ok ( res ) ,
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
pub ( crate ) async fn send_request_stream_headless <
A : Into < ProtocolMessage > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
B : TryFrom < ProtocolMessage , Error = ProtocolError > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
> (
& self ,
req : A ,
) -> Result < ( Receiver < B > , CancelFn ) , NgError > {
self . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
match BROKER
. read ( )
. await
. request ::< A , B > (
& None ,
& Some ( self . config . headless_config ( ) . server_peer_id ) ,
req ,
. await
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Single ( _ ) ) = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Stream ( stream ) ) = > {
let fnonce = Box ::new ( move | | {
// stream.close();
//TODO: implement CancelStream in AppRequest
} ) ;
Ok ( ( stream , fnonce ) )
fn err_if_headless ( & self ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
match self . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerIsHeadless ) ,
_ = > Ok ( ( ) ) ,
fn err_if_not_headless ( & self ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
match self . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > Ok ( ( ) ) ,
_ = > Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerIsHeadless ) ,
fn get_mut_session_for_user ( & mut self , user : & UserId ) -> Option < & mut Session > {
match self . opened_sessions . get ( user ) {
Some ( idx ) = > {
let idx = Self ::to_real_session_id ( * idx ) ;
if self . opened_sessions_list . len ( ) > idx as usize {
self . opened_sessions_list [ idx as usize ] . as_mut ( )
} else {
None = > None ,
fn is_remote_session ( session_id : u64 ) -> bool {
( session_id & 1 ) = = 0
fn is_local_session ( session_id : u64 ) -> bool {
! Self ::is_remote_session ( session_id )
fn to_real_session_id ( session_id : u64 ) -> u64 {
( session_id ) > > 1
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
fn to_external_session_id ( session_id : u64 , is_remote : bool ) -> u64 {
let mut ext = ( session_id ) < < 1 ;
if ! is_remote {
ext + = 1 ;
fn user_to_local_session_id_for_mut ( & self , user_id : & UserId ) -> Result < usize , NgError > {
let session_id = self
. opened_sessions
. get ( user_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
self . get_local_session_id_for_mut ( * session_id )
fn get_local_session_id_for_mut ( & self , session_id : u64 ) -> Result < usize , NgError > {
let _ = Self ::is_local_session ( session_id )
. then_some ( true )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let session_id = Self ::to_real_session_id ( session_id ) as usize ;
if session_id > = self . opened_sessions_list . len ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument ) ;
Ok ( session_id )
fn get_real_session_id_for_mut ( & self , session_id : u64 ) -> Result < ( usize , bool ) , NgError > {
let is_remote = Self ::is_remote_session ( session_id ) ;
let session_id = Self ::to_real_session_id ( session_id ) as usize ;
if is_remote {
if session_id > = self . remote_sessions_list . len ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument ) ;
} else {
if session_id > = self . opened_sessions_list . len ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument ) ;
Ok ( ( session_id , is_remote ) )
fn get_session ( & self , session_id : u64 ) -> Result < & Session , NgError > {
let _ = Self ::is_local_session ( session_id )
. then_some ( true )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let session_id = Self ::to_real_session_id ( session_id ) ;
if session_id as usize > = self . opened_sessions_list . len ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument ) ;
self . opened_sessions_list [ session_id as usize ]
. as_ref ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound )
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
fn get_headless_session ( & self , session_id : u64 ) -> Result < & HeadlessSession , NgError > {
self . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
self . headless_sessions
. get ( & session_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound )
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
fn get_headless_session_by_user ( & self , user_id : & UserId ) -> Result < & HeadlessSession , NgError > {
self . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
let session_id = self
. opened_sessions
. get ( user_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
self . get_headless_session ( * session_id )
fn remove_headless_session (
& mut self ,
user_id : & UserId ,
) -> Result < ( u64 , HeadlessSession ) , NgError > {
self . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
let session_id = self
. opened_sessions
. remove ( user_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let session = self
. headless_sessions
. remove ( & session_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
Ok ( ( session_id , session ) )
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
fn get_remote_session ( & self , session_id : u64 ) -> Result < & RemoteSession , NgError > {
let _ = Self ::is_remote_session ( session_id )
. then_some ( true )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let session_id = Self ::to_real_session_id ( session_id ) ;
if session_id as usize > = self . remote_sessions_list . len ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::InvalidArgument ) ;
self . remote_sessions_list [ session_id as usize ]
. as_ref ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound )
pub fn get_site_store_of_session (
& self ,
session : & Session ,
store_type : SiteStoreType ,
) -> Result < PubKey , NgError > {
self . err_if_headless ( ) ? ;
match self . opened_wallets . get ( & session . config . wallet_name ( ) ) {
Some ( opened_wallet ) = > {
let user_id = session . config . user_id ( ) ;
let site = opened_wallet . wallet . site ( & user_id ) ? ;
Ok ( site . get_site_store_id ( store_type ) )
None = > Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
async fn verifier_config_type_from_session_config (
& self ,
config : & SessionConfig ,
) -> Result < VerifierConfigType , NgError > {
Ok ( match config {
SessionConfig ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call verifier_config_type_from_session_config with a SessionConfig::HeadlessV0" ) ;
_ = > match ( config . verifier_type ( ) , & self . config ) {
( VerifierType ::Memory , LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory ) = > VerifierConfigType ::Memory ,
( VerifierType ::Memory , LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( _ ) ) = > {
VerifierConfigType ::Memory
#[ cfg(all(not(target_family = " wasm " ))) ]
( VerifierType ::Save , LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( base ) ) = > {
let mut path = base . clone ( ) ;
path . push ( format! ( "user{}" , config . user_id ( ) . to_hash_string ( ) ) ) ;
VerifierConfigType ::RocksDb ( path )
( VerifierType ::Remote ( to ) , _ ) = > VerifierConfigType ::Remote ( * to ) ,
( VerifierType ::WebRocksDb , _ ) = > VerifierConfigType ::WebRocksDb ,
( VerifierType ::Memory , LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( _ ) ) = > {
VerifierConfigType ::Memory
( VerifierType ::Save , LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js ) ) = > {
VerifierConfigType ::JsSaveSession ( js . get_js_storage_config ( ) )
( _ , _ ) = > panic! ( "invalid combination in verifier_config_type_from_session_config" ) ,
} ,
} )
fn get_wallet_and_session (
& mut self ,
user_id : & UserId ,
) -> Result < ( & SensitiveWallet , & mut Session ) , NgError > {
let session_idx = self . user_to_local_session_id_for_mut ( user_id ) ? ;
let session = self . opened_sessions_list [ session_idx ]
. as_mut ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let wallet = & match & session . config {
SessionConfig ::WithCredentialsV0 ( _ ) | SessionConfig ::HeadlessV0 ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call get_wallet_and_session on a Headless or WithCredentials config" )
SessionConfig ::V0 ( v0 ) = > self
. opened_wallets
. get ( & v0 . wallet_name )
. ok_or ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
} ?
. wallet ;
Ok ( ( wallet , session ) )
async fn disconnect_session ( & mut self , user_id : & PubKey ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
match self . opened_sessions . get ( user_id ) {
Some ( session ) = > {
let session = self . get_local_session_id_for_mut ( * session ) ? ;
// TODO: change the logic here once it will be possible to have several users connected at the same time
Broker ::close_all_connections ( ) . await ;
let session = self . opened_sessions_list [ session ]
. as_mut ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
session . verifier . connection_lost ( ) ;
None = > { }
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn wallet_was_opened (
& mut self ,
mut wallet : SensitiveWallet ,
) -> Result < ClientV0 , NgError > {
let broker = self ;
//log_info!("wallet_was_opened {}", wallet.id());
match broker . opened_wallets . get ( & wallet . id ( ) ) {
Some ( opened_wallet ) = > {
return Ok ( opened_wallet . wallet . client ( ) . to_owned ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
None = > { } //Err(NgError::WalletAlreadyOpened);
let wallet_id = wallet . id ( ) ;
let lws = match broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_id ) {
Some ( lws ) = > {
if wallet . client ( ) . is_none ( ) {
// this case happens when the wallet is opened and not when it is imported (as the client is already there)
wallet . set_client ( lws . to_client_v0 ( wallet . privkey ( ) ) ? ) ;
None = > {
return Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ;
} ;
let block_storage = if lws . in_memory {
Arc ::new ( std ::sync ::RwLock ::new ( HashMapBlockStorage ::new ( ) ) )
as Arc < std ::sync ::RwLock < dyn BlockStorage + Send + Sync + ' static > >
} else {
#[ cfg(all(not(target_family = " wasm " ), not(docsrs))) ]
let key_material = wallet
. client ( )
. as_ref ( )
. unwrap ( )
. sensitive_client_storage
. priv_key
. slice ( ) ;
let path = broker . config . compute_path ( & format! (
"block{}" ,
wallet . client ( ) . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . id . to_hash_string ( )
) ) ? ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] =
derive_key ( "NextGraph Client BlockStorage BLAKE3 key" , key_material ) ;
Arc ::new ( std ::sync ::RwLock ::new ( RocksDbBlockStorage ::open (
& path , key ,
) ? ) )
as Arc < std ::sync ::RwLock < dyn BlockStorage + Send + Sync + ' static > >
#[ cfg(any(target_family = " wasm " , docsrs)) ]
Arc ::new ( std ::sync ::RwLock ::new ( HashMapBlockStorage ::new ( ) ) )
as Arc < std ::sync ::RwLock < dyn BlockStorage + Send + Sync + ' static > >
} ;
let client = wallet . client ( ) . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . clone ( ) ;
let opened_wallet = OpenedWallet {
wallet ,
block_storage ,
} ;
//log_info!("inserted wallet_was_opened {}", wallet_id);
broker . opened_wallets . insert ( wallet_id , opened_wallet ) ;
Ok ( client )
fn add_session ( & mut self , session : Session ) -> Result < SessionInfo , NgError > {
let private_store_id = self
. get_site_store_of_session ( & session , SiteStoreType ::Private ) ?
. to_string ( ) ;
let user_id = session . config . user_id ( ) ;
self . opened_sessions_list . push ( Some ( session ) ) ;
let mut idx = self . opened_sessions_list . len ( ) - 1 ;
idx = idx < < 1 ;
idx + = 1 ;
self . opened_sessions . insert ( user_id , idx as u64 ) ;
Ok ( SessionInfo {
session_id : idx as u64 ,
user : user_id ,
private_store_id ,
} )
fn add_headless_session ( & mut self , session : HeadlessSession ) -> Result < SessionInfo , NgError > {
let user_id = session . user_id ;
let mut first_available : u64 = 0 ;
for sess in self . headless_sessions . keys ( ) {
if * sess ! = first_available + 1 {
break ;
} else {
first_available + = 1 ;
first_available + = 1 ;
let ret = self . headless_sessions . insert ( first_available , session ) ;
assert! ( ret . is_none ( ) ) ;
self . opened_sessions . insert ( user_id , first_available ) ;
Ok ( SessionInfo {
session_id : first_available ,
user : user_id ,
private_store_id : String ::new ( ) , // will be updated when the AppSessionStart replies arrive from broker
} )
async fn session_start (
& mut self ,
mut config : SessionConfig ,
user_priv_key : Option < PrivKey > ,
) -> Result < Session , NgError > {
let broker = self ;
let wallet_name : String = config . wallet_name ( ) ;
match broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) {
Some ( closed_wallet ) = > {
if closed_wallet . in_memory {
config . force_in_memory ( ) ;
None = > return Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
config . valid_verifier_config_for_local_broker_config ( & broker . config ) ? ;
let wallet_id : PubKey = ( * wallet_name ) . try_into ( ) ? ;
let user_id = config . user_id ( ) ;
// log_info!("wallet_name {} {:?}", wallet_name, broker.opened_wallets);
match broker . opened_wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) {
None = > return Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
Some ( opened_wallet ) = > {
let block_storage = Arc ::clone ( & opened_wallet . block_storage ) ;
let credentials = match opened_wallet . wallet . individual_site ( & user_id ) {
Some ( creds ) = > creds ,
None = > match user_priv_key {
Some ( user_pk ) = > ( user_pk , None , None , None , None ) ,
None = > return Err ( NgError ::NotFound ) ,
} ,
} ;
let client_storage_master_key = serde_bare ::to_vec (
& opened_wallet
. wallet
. client ( )
. as_ref ( )
. unwrap ( )
. sensitive_client_storage
. storage_master_key ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
let session = match broker . sessions . get ( & user_id ) {
Some ( session ) = > session ,
None = > {
// creating the session now
if config . is_memory ( ) {
let session = SessionPeerStorageV0 ::new ( user_id ) ;
broker . sessions . insert ( user_id , session ) ;
broker . sessions . get ( & user_id ) . unwrap ( )
} else {
// first check if there is a saved SessionWalletStorage
let mut sws = match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory = > {
panic! ( "cannot open saved session" )
LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js_config ) = > {
// read session wallet storage from JsStorage
let res = ( js_config . session_read ) ( format! (
"ng_wallet@{}" ,
) ) ;
match res {
Ok ( string ) = > {
let decoded = base64_url ::decode ( & string )
. map_err ( | _ | NgError ::SerializationError ) ? ;
Some ( SessionWalletStorageV0 ::dec_session (
opened_wallet . wallet . privkey ( ) ,
& decoded ,
) ? )
Err ( _ ) = > None ,
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( base_path ) = > {
// read session wallet storage from disk
let mut path = base_path . clone ( ) ;
path . push ( "sessions" ) ;
path . push ( format! ( "session{}" , wallet_name . clone ( ) ) ) ;
let res = read ( path ) ;
if res . is_ok ( ) {
Some ( SessionWalletStorageV0 ::dec_session (
opened_wallet . wallet . privkey ( ) ,
& res . unwrap ( ) ,
) ? )
} else {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call session_start on a Headless LocalBroker" )
} ;
let ( session , new_sws ) = match & mut sws {
None = > {
let ( s , sws_ser ) = SessionWalletStorageV0 ::create_new_session (
& wallet_id , user_id ,
) ? ;
broker . sessions . insert ( user_id , s ) ;
( broker . sessions . get ( & user_id ) . unwrap ( ) , sws_ser )
Some ( sws ) = > {
match sws . users . get ( & user_id . to_string ( ) ) {
Some ( sps ) = > {
broker . sessions . insert ( user_id , sps . clone ( ) ) ;
( broker . sessions . get ( & user_id ) . unwrap ( ) , vec! [ ] )
None = > {
// the user was not found in the SWS. we need to create a SPS, add it, encrypt and serialize the new SWS,
// add the SPS to broker.sessions, and return the newly created SPS and the new SWS encrypted serialization
let sps = SessionPeerStorageV0 ::new ( user_id ) ;
sws . users . insert ( user_id . to_string ( ) , sps . clone ( ) ) ;
let encrypted = sws . enc_session ( & wallet_id ) ? ;
broker . sessions . insert ( user_id , sps ) ;
( broker . sessions . get ( & user_id ) . unwrap ( ) , encrypted )
} ;
// save the new sws
if new_sws . len ( ) > 0 {
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory = > {
panic! ( "cannot save session when InMemory mode" )
LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js_config ) = > {
// save session wallet storage to JsStorage
let encoded = base64_url ::encode ( & new_sws ) ;
( js_config . session_write ) (
format! ( "ng_wallet@{}" , wallet_name ) ,
encoded ,
) ? ;
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( base_path ) = > {
// save session wallet storage to disk
let mut path = base_path . clone ( ) ;
path . push ( "sessions" ) ;
std ::fs ::create_dir_all ( path . clone ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
path . push ( format! ( "session{}" , wallet_name ) ) ;
//log_debug!("{}", path.clone().display());
write ( path . clone ( ) , & new_sws )
. map_err ( | _ | NgError ::IoError ) ? ;
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
panic! ( "don't call session_start on a Headless LocalBroker" )
} ;
let session = session . clone ( ) ;
// derive user_master_key from client's storage_master_key
let user_id_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & user_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut key_material = [ user_id_ser , client_storage_master_key ] . concat ( ) ; //
let mut key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = derive_key (
"NextGraph user_master_key BLAKE3 key" ,
key_material . as_slice ( ) ,
) ;
// log_info!(
// "USER MASTER KEY {user_id} {} {:?}",
// user_id.to_hash_string(),
// key
// );
key_material . zeroize ( ) ;
let mut verifier = Verifier ::new (
VerifierConfig {
config_type : broker
. verifier_config_type_from_session_config ( & config )
. await ? ,
user_master_key : key ,
peer_priv_key : session . peer_key . clone ( ) ,
user_priv_key : credentials . 0 ,
private_store_read_cap : credentials . 1 ,
private_store_id : credentials . 2 ,
protected_store_id : credentials . 3 ,
public_store_id : credentials . 4 ,
} ,
block_storage ,
) ? ;
key . zeroize ( ) ;
//load verifier from local_storage (if rocks_db)
let _ = verifier . load ( ) ;
let session = Session {
config ,
peer_key : session . peer_key . clone ( ) ,
last_wallet_nonce : session . last_wallet_nonce ,
verifier ,
} ;
Ok ( session )
pub ( crate ) fn wallet_save ( broker : & mut Self ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let wallets_to_be_saved = broker
. wallets
. iter ( )
. filter ( | ( _ , w ) | ! w . in_memory )
. map ( | ( a , b ) | ( a . clone ( ) , b . clone ( ) ) )
. collect ( ) ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js_config ) = > {
// JS save
let lws_ser = LocalWalletStorage ::v0_to_vec ( & wallets_to_be_saved ) ;
let encoded = base64_url ::encode ( & lws_ser ) ;
( js_config . local_write ) ( "ng_wallets" . to_string ( ) , encoded ) ? ;
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( base_path ) = > {
// save on disk
// TODO: use https://lib.rs/crates/keyring instead of AppLocalData on Tauri apps
let mut path = base_path . clone ( ) ;
std ::fs ::create_dir_all ( path . clone ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
path . push ( "wallets" ) ;
let lws_ser = LocalWalletStorage ::v0_to_vec ( & wallets_to_be_saved ) ;
let r = write ( path . clone ( ) , & lws_ser ) ;
if r . is_err ( ) {
log_err ! ( "write error {:?} {}" , path , r . unwrap_err ( ) ) ;
return Err ( NgError ::IoError ) ;
_ = > return Err ( NgError ::CannotSaveWhenInMemoryConfig ) ,
Ok ( ( ) )
static LOCAL_BROKER : OnceCell < Result < Arc < RwLock < LocalBroker > > , NgError > > = OnceCell ::new ( ) ;
pub type ConfigInitFn = dyn Fn ( ) -> LocalBrokerConfig + ' static + Sync + Send ;
async fn init_ ( config : LocalBrokerConfig ) -> Result < Arc < RwLock < LocalBroker > > , NgError > {
let wallets = match & config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory | LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > HashMap ::new ( ) ,
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( base_path ) = > {
// load the wallets and sessions from disk
let mut path = base_path . clone ( ) ;
path . push ( "wallets" ) ;
let map_ser = read ( path . clone ( ) ) ;
if map_ser . is_ok ( ) {
let wallets = LocalWalletStorage ::v0_from_vec ( & map_ser . unwrap ( ) ) ;
if wallets . is_err ( ) {
log_err ! (
"Load BasePath LocalWalletStorage error: {:?}" ,
wallets . unwrap_err ( )
) ;
let _ = remove_file ( path ) ;
HashMap ::new ( )
} else {
let LocalWalletStorage ::V0 ( wallets ) = wallets . unwrap ( ) ;
} else {
HashMap ::new ( )
LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js_storage_config ) = > {
// load the wallets from JsStorage
match ( js_storage_config . local_read ) ( "ng_wallets" . to_string ( ) ) {
Err ( _ ) = > HashMap ::new ( ) ,
Ok ( wallets_string ) = > {
match base64_url ::decode ( & wallets_string )
. map_err ( | _ | NgError ::SerializationError )
Err ( e ) = > {
log_err ! ( "Load wallets error: {:?}" , e ) ;
( js_storage_config . clear ) ( ) ;
HashMap ::new ( )
Ok ( map_ser ) = > match serde_bare ::from_slice ( & map_ser ) {
Err ( e ) = > {
log_err ! ( "Load JS LocalWalletStorage error: {:?}" , e ) ;
( js_storage_config . clear ) ( ) ;
HashMap ::new ( )
Ok ( wallets ) = > {
let LocalWalletStorage ::V0 ( v0 ) = wallets ;
} ,
} ;
let ( disconnections_sender , disconnections_receiver ) = mpsc ::unbounded ::< String > ( ) ;
let local_broker = LocalBroker {
config ,
wallets ,
opened_wallets : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
sessions : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
opened_sessions : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
opened_sessions_list : vec ! [ ] ,
remote_sessions_list : vec ! [ ] ,
headless_sessions : BTreeMap ::new ( ) ,
tauri_streams : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
disconnections_sender ,
disconnections_receiver : Some ( disconnections_receiver ) ,
headless_connected_to_remote_broker : false ,
} ;
//log_debug!("{:?}", &local_broker);
let broker = Arc ::new ( RwLock ::new ( local_broker ) ) ;
. write ( )
. await
. set_local_broker ( Arc ::clone ( & broker ) as Arc < RwLock < dyn ILocalBroker > > ) ;
Ok ( broker )
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn init_local_broker_with_lazy ( config_fn : & Lazy < Box < ConfigInitFn > > ) {
. get_or_init ( async {
let config = ( & * config_fn ) ( ) ;
init_ ( config ) . await
} )
. await ;
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn tauri_stream_add ( stream_id : String , cancel : CancelFn ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
broker . tauri_stream_add ( stream_id , cancel ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn tauri_stream_cancel ( stream_id : String ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
broker . tauri_stream_cancel ( stream_id ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Initialize the configuration of your local broker
/// , by passing in a function (or closure) that returns a `LocalBrokerConfig`.
/// You must call `init_local_broker` at least once before you can start to use the broker.
/// After the first call, all subsequent calls will have no effect.
pub async fn init_local_broker ( config_fn : Box < ConfigInitFn > ) {
. get_or_init ( async {
let config = ( config_fn ) ( ) ;
init_ ( config ) . await
} )
. await ;
/// Retrieves a HashMap of wallets known to the LocalBroker. The name of the Wallet is used as key
pub async fn wallets_get_all ( ) -> Result < HashMap < String , LocalWalletStorageV0 > , NgError > {
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
Some ( Err ( e ) ) = > {
log_err ! ( "LocalBrokerNotInitialized: {}" , e ) ;
return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ;
None = > {
log_err ! ( "Not initialized" ) ;
return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ;
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
Ok ( broker . wallets . clone ( ) )
/// Creates a new Wallet for the user. Each user should create only one Wallet.
/// See [CreateWalletV0] for a list of parameters.
/// Wallets are transferable to other devices (see [wallet_get_file] and [wallet_import])
pub async fn wallet_create_v0 ( params : CreateWalletV0 ) -> Result < CreateWalletResultV0 , NgError > {
// TODO: entering sub-block to release the lock asap
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
if params . local_save & & broker . config . is_in_memory ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::CannotSaveWhenInMemoryConfig ) ;
let in_memory = ! params . local_save ;
let intermediate = create_wallet_first_step_v0 ( params ) ? ;
let lws : LocalWalletStorageV0 = ( & intermediate ) . into ( ) ;
let wallet_name = intermediate . wallet_name . clone ( ) ;
broker . wallets . insert ( wallet_name , lws ) ;
let sensitive_wallet : SensitiveWallet = ( & intermediate ) . into ( ) ;
let _client = broker . wallet_was_opened ( sensitive_wallet ) . await ? ;
let session_config = SessionConfig ::new_for_local_broker_config (
& intermediate . user_privkey . to_pub ( ) ,
& intermediate . wallet_name ,
& broker . config ,
intermediate . in_memory ,
) ? ;
let mut session = broker
. session_start ( session_config , Some ( intermediate . user_privkey . clone ( ) ) )
. await ? ;
// let session = broker.opened_sessions_list[session_info.session_id as usize]
// .as_mut()
// .unwrap();
let ( mut res , site , brokers ) =
create_wallet_second_step_v0 ( intermediate , & mut session . verifier ) . await ? ;
//log_info!("VERIFIER DUMP {:?}", session.verifier);
broker . wallets . get_mut ( & res . wallet_name ) . unwrap ( ) . wallet = res . wallet . clone ( ) ;
if ! in_memory {
LocalBroker ::wallet_save ( & mut broker ) ? ;
. opened_wallets
. get_mut ( & res . wallet_name )
. unwrap ( )
. wallet
. complete_with_site_and_brokers ( site , brokers ) ;
let session_info = broker . add_session ( session ) ? ;
res . session_id = session_info . session_id ;
Ok ( res )
#[ doc(hidden) ]
/// Only used by JS SDK when the localStorage changes and brings out of sync for the Rust side copy of the wallets
pub async fn wallets_reload ( ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::JsStorage ( js_config ) = > {
// load the wallets from JsStorage
let wallets_string = ( js_config . local_read ) ( "ng_wallets" . to_string ( ) ) ? ;
let map_ser =
base64_url ::decode ( & wallets_string ) . map_err ( | _ | NgError ::SerializationError ) ? ;
let wallets : LocalWalletStorage = serde_bare ::from_slice ( & map_ser ) ? ;
let LocalWalletStorage ::V0 ( v0 ) = wallets ;
//log_info!("adding wallet {:?}", v0);
broker . wallets . extend ( v0 ) ;
_ = > { }
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ doc(hidden) ]
/// This should not be used by programmers. Only here because the JS SDK needs it.
/// It will throw an error if you use it.
pub async fn wallet_add ( lws : LocalWalletStorageV0 ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
if ! lws . in_memory & & broker . config . is_in_memory ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::CannotSaveWhenInMemoryConfig ) ;
if broker . wallets . get ( & lws . wallet . name ( ) ) . is_some ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::WalletAlreadyAdded ) ;
let in_memory = lws . in_memory ;
broker . wallets . insert ( lws . wallet . name ( ) , lws ) ;
if in_memory {
// if broker.config.is_js() {
// (broker.config.js_config().unwrap().wallets_in_mem_changed)();
// }
} else {
LocalBroker ::wallet_save ( & mut broker ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
pub fn wallet_to_wallet_recovery (
wallet : & Wallet ,
pazzle : Vec < u8 > ,
mnemonic : [ u16 ; 12 ] ,
pin : [ u8 ; 4 ] ,
) -> NgQRCodeWalletRecoveryV0 {
match wallet {
Wallet ::V0 ( v0 ) = > {
let mut content = v0 . content . clone ( ) ;
content . security_img = vec! [ ] ;
NgQRCodeWalletRecoveryV0 {
wallet : content ,
pazzle ,
mnemonic ,
pin ,
_ = > unimplemented! ( ) ,
/// Generates the Recovery PDF containing the Wallet, PIN, Pazzle and Mnemonic.
pub async fn wallet_recovery_pdf (
recovery : NgQRCodeWalletRecoveryV0 ,
size : u32 ,
) -> Result < Vec < u8 > , NgError > {
let ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & recovery ) ? ;
if ser . len ( ) > 2_953 {
return Err ( NgError ::InvalidPayload ) ;
let recovery_str = base64_url ::encode ( & ser ) ;
let wallet_svg = match QrCode ::with_error_correction_level ( & ser , qrcode ::EcLevel ::M ) {
Ok ( qr ) = > {
let svg = qr
. render ( )
. max_dimensions ( size , size )
. dark_color ( svg ::Color ( "#000000" ) )
. light_color ( svg ::Color ( "#ffffff" ) )
. build ( ) ;
Err ( _e ) = > return Err ( NgError ::BrokerError ) ,
} ;
let options = svg2pdf ::usvg ::Options ::default ( ) ;
let tree = svg2pdf ::usvg ::Tree ::from_str ( & wallet_svg , & options )
. map_err ( | e | NgError ::WalletError ( e . to_string ( ) ) ) ? ;
let ( chunk , qrcode_ref ) = svg2pdf ::to_chunk ( & tree , ConversionOptions ::default ( ) ) ;
//let pdf_buf = svg2pdf::to_pdf(&tree, ConversionOptions::default(), PageOptions::default());
// Define some indirect reference ids we'll use.
let catalog_id = Ref ::new ( 1000 ) ;
let page_tree_id = Ref ::new ( 1001 ) ;
let page_id = Ref ::new ( 1002 ) ;
let font_id = Ref ::new ( 1003 ) ;
let content_id = Ref ::new ( 1004 ) ;
let font_name = Name ( b" F1 " ) ;
let qrcode_name = Name ( b" Im1 " ) ;
let chunks = recovery_str
. as_bytes ( )
. chunks ( 92 )
. map ( | buf | buf )
. collect ::< Vec < & [ u8 ] > > ( ) ;
let mut content = Content ::new ( ) ;
for ( line , string ) in chunks . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
content . begin_text ( ) ;
content . set_font ( font_name , 10.0 ) ;
content . next_line ( 20.0 , 810.0 - line as f32 * 15.0 ) ;
content . show ( Str ( * string ) ) ;
content . end_text ( ) ;
let pazzle : Vec < String > = display_pazzle ( & recovery . pazzle )
. iter ( )
. map ( | p | p . 1. to_string ( ) )
. collect ( ) ;
let mnemonic = display_mnemonic ( & recovery . mnemonic ) ;
let credentials = format! (
"PIN:{}{}{}{} PAZZLE:{} MNEMONIC:{}" ,
recovery . pin [ 0 ] ,
recovery . pin [ 1 ] ,
recovery . pin [ 2 ] ,
recovery . pin [ 3 ] ,
pazzle . join ( " " ) ,
mnemonic . join ( " " )
) ;
let chunks = credentials
. as_bytes ( )
. chunks ( 92 )
. map ( | buf | buf )
. collect ::< Vec < & [ u8 ] > > ( ) ;
for ( line , string ) in chunks . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
content . begin_text ( ) ;
content . set_font ( font_name , 10.0 ) ;
content . next_line ( 20.0 , 630.0 - line as f32 * 15.0 ) ;
content . show ( Str ( * string ) ) ;
content . end_text ( ) ;
content . save_state ( ) ;
content . transform ( [ 595.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 595.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ] ) ;
content . x_object ( qrcode_name ) ;
content . restore_state ( ) ;
// Write a document catalog and a page tree with one A4 page .
let mut pdf = Pdf ::new ( ) ;
pdf . stream ( content_id , & content . finish ( ) ) ;
pdf . catalog ( catalog_id ) . pages ( page_tree_id ) ;
pdf . pages ( page_tree_id ) . kids ( [ page_id ] ) . count ( 1 ) ;
let mut page = pdf . page ( page_id ) ;
let mut page_resources = page
. parent ( page_tree_id )
. media_box ( Rect ::new ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 595.0 , 842.0 ) )
. resources ( ) ;
page_resources . fonts ( ) . pair ( font_name , font_id ) ;
page_resources . x_objects ( ) . pair ( qrcode_name , qrcode_ref ) ;
page_resources . finish ( ) ;
page . contents ( content_id ) ;
page . finish ( ) ;
pdf . type1_font ( font_id ) . base_font ( Name ( b" Courier " ) ) ;
pdf . extend ( & chunk ) ;
let pdf_buf = pdf . finish ( ) ;
Ok ( pdf_buf )
#[ cfg(debug_assertions) ]
lazy_static ! {
static ref NEXTGRAPH_EU : BrokerServerV0 = BrokerServerV0 {
server_type : BrokerServerTypeV0 ::Localhost ( 14400 ) ,
can_verify : false ,
can_forward : false ,
peer_id : ng_repo ::utils ::decode_key ( {
use crate ::local_broker_dev_env ::PEER_ID ;
} )
. unwrap ( ) ,
} ;
#[ cfg(not(debug_assertions)) ]
lazy_static ! {
static ref NEXTGRAPH_EU : BrokerServerV0 = BrokerServerV0 {
server_type : BrokerServerTypeV0 ::Domain ( "nextgraph.eu" . to_string ( ) ) ,
can_verify : false ,
can_forward : false ,
peer_id : ng_repo ::utils ::decode_key ( "FtdzuDYGewfXWdoPuXIPb0wnd0SAg1WoA2B14S7jW3MA" )
. unwrap ( ) ,
} ;
/// Obtains a Wallet object from a QRCode or a TextCode.
/// The returned object can be used to import the wallet into a new Device
/// with the help of the function [wallet_open_with_pazzle_words]
/// followed by [wallet_import]
pub async fn wallet_import_from_code ( code : String ) -> Result < Wallet , NgError > {
let qr = NgQRCode ::from_code ( code ) ? ;
match qr {
NgQRCode ::WalletTransferV0 ( NgQRCodeWalletTransferV0 {
broker ,
rendezvous ,
secret_key ,
is_rendezvous ,
} ) = > {
let wallet : ExportedWallet = do_ext_call (
& broker ,
ExtWalletGetExportV0 {
id : rendezvous ,
is_rendezvous ,
} ,
. await ? ;
let mut buf = wallet . 0. into_vec ( ) ;
encrypt_in_place ( & mut buf , * secret_key . slice ( ) , [ 0 ; 12 ] ) ;
let wallet : Wallet = serde_bare ::from_slice ( & buf ) ? ;
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
// check that the wallet is not already present in local_broker
let wallet_name = wallet . name ( ) ;
if broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) . is_none ( ) {
Ok ( wallet )
} else {
Err ( NgError ::WalletAlreadyAdded )
_ = > Err ( NgError ::IncompatibleQrCode ) ,
/// Starts a rendez-vous to obtain a wallet from other device.
/// A rendezvous is used when the device that is importing, doesn't have a camera.
/// The QRCode is displayed on that device, and another device (with camera, and with the wallet) will scan it.
/// Returns the QRcode in SVG format, and the code (a string) to be used with [wallet_import_from_code]
pub async fn wallet_import_rendezvous ( size : u32 ) -> Result < ( String , String ) , NgError > {
let code = NgQRCode ::WalletTransferV0 ( NgQRCodeWalletTransferV0 {
broker : NEXTGRAPH_EU . clone ( ) ,
rendezvous : SymKey ::random ( ) ,
secret_key : SymKey ::random ( ) ,
is_rendezvous : true ,
} ) ;
let code_string = code . to_code ( ) ;
let code_svg = match QrCode ::with_error_correction_level ( & code_string , qrcode ::EcLevel ::M ) {
Ok ( qr ) = > {
let svg = qr
. render ( )
. max_dimensions ( size , size )
. dark_color ( svg ::Color ( "#000000" ) )
. light_color ( svg ::Color ( "#ffffff" ) )
. build ( ) ;
Err ( _e ) = > return Err ( NgError ::BrokerError ) ,
} ;
Ok ( ( code_svg , code_string ) )
/// Gets the TextCode to display in order to export the wallet of the current session ID
/// The ExportedWallet is valid for 5 min.
/// Returns the TextCode
pub async fn wallet_export_get_textcode ( session_id : u64 ) -> Result < String , NgError > {
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerIsHeadless ) ,
_ = > {
let ( real_session_id , is_remote ) = broker . get_real_session_id_for_mut ( session_id ) ? ;
if is_remote {
return Err ( NgError ::NotImplemented ) ;
} else {
let session = broker . opened_sessions_list [ real_session_id ]
. as_ref ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let wallet_name = session . config . wallet_name ( ) ;
match broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) {
None = > Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
Some ( lws ) = > {
//let broker = lws.bootstrap.servers().first().unwrap();
let wallet = & lws . wallet ;
let secret_key = SymKey ::random ( ) ;
let rendezvous = SymKey ::random ( ) ;
let code = NgQRCode ::WalletTransferV0 ( NgQRCodeWalletTransferV0 {
broker : NEXTGRAPH_EU . clone ( ) ,
rendezvous : rendezvous . clone ( ) ,
secret_key : secret_key . clone ( ) ,
is_rendezvous : false ,
} ) ;
let code_string = code . to_code ( ) ;
let mut wallet_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( wallet ) ? ;
encrypt_in_place ( & mut wallet_ser , * secret_key . slice ( ) , [ 0 ; 12 ] ) ;
let exported_wallet =
ExportedWallet ( serde_bytes ::ByteBuf ::from ( wallet_ser ) ) ;
match session
. verifier
. client_request ::< WalletPutExport , ( ) > ( WalletPutExport ::V0 (
WalletPutExportV0 {
wallet : exported_wallet ,
rendezvous_id : rendezvous ,
is_rendezvous : false ,
} ,
) )
. await
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Stream ( _ ) ) = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Single ( _ ) ) = > Ok ( code_string ) ,
/// Gets the QRcode to display in order to export a wallet of the current session ID
/// The ExportedWallet is valid for 5 min.
/// Returns the QRcode in SVG format
pub async fn wallet_export_get_qrcode ( session_id : u64 , size : u32 ) -> Result < String , NgError > {
let code_string = wallet_export_get_textcode ( session_id ) . await ? ;
let code_svg = match QrCode ::with_error_correction_level ( & code_string , qrcode ::EcLevel ::M ) {
Ok ( qr ) = > {
let svg = qr
. render ( )
. max_dimensions ( size , size )
. dark_color ( svg ::Color ( "#000000" ) )
. light_color ( svg ::Color ( "#ffffff" ) )
. build ( ) ;
Err ( _e ) = > return Err ( NgError ::BrokerError ) ,
} ;
Ok ( code_svg )
/// Puts the Wallet to the rendezvous ID that was scanned
/// The rendezvous ID is valid for 5 min.
pub async fn wallet_export_rendezvous ( session_id : u64 , code : String ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let qr = NgQRCode ::from_code ( code ) ? ;
match qr {
NgQRCode ::WalletTransferV0 ( NgQRCodeWalletTransferV0 {
broker : _ ,
rendezvous ,
secret_key ,
is_rendezvous ,
} ) = > {
if ! is_rendezvous {
return Err ( NgError ::NotARendezVous ) ;
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerIsHeadless ) ,
_ = > {
let ( real_session_id , is_remote ) =
broker . get_real_session_id_for_mut ( session_id ) ? ;
if is_remote {
return Err ( NgError ::NotImplemented ) ;
} else {
let session = broker . opened_sessions_list [ real_session_id ]
. as_ref ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let wallet_name = session . config . wallet_name ( ) ;
match broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) {
None = > Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
Some ( lws ) = > {
//let broker = lws.bootstrap.servers().first().unwrap();
let wallet = & lws . wallet ;
let mut wallet_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( wallet ) ? ;
encrypt_in_place ( & mut wallet_ser , * secret_key . slice ( ) , [ 0 ; 12 ] ) ;
let exported_wallet =
ExportedWallet ( serde_bytes ::ByteBuf ::from ( wallet_ser ) ) ;
// TODO: send the WalletPutExport client request to the broker received from QRcode. for now it is cheer luck that all clients are connected to nextgraph.eu.
// if the user doesn't have an account with nextgraph.eu, their broker should relay the request (core protocol ?)
match session
. verifier
. client_request ::< WalletPutExport , ( ) > ( WalletPutExport ::V0 (
WalletPutExportV0 {
wallet : exported_wallet ,
rendezvous_id : rendezvous ,
is_rendezvous : true ,
} ,
) )
. await
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Stream ( _ ) ) = > Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse ) ,
Ok ( SoS ::Single ( _ ) ) = > Ok ( ( ) ) ,
_ = > Err ( NgError ::IncompatibleQrCode ) ,
/// Reads a binary Wallet File and decodes it to a Wallet object.
/// This object can be used to import the wallet into a new Device
/// with the help of the function [wallet_open_with_pazzle_words]
/// followed by [wallet_import]
pub async fn wallet_read_file ( file : Vec < u8 > ) -> Result < Wallet , NgError > {
let ngf : NgFile = file . try_into ( ) ? ;
if let NgFile ::V0 ( NgFileV0 ::Wallet ( wallet ) ) = ngf {
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
// check that the wallet is not already present in local_broker
let wallet_name = wallet . name ( ) ;
if broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) . is_none ( ) {
Ok ( wallet )
} else {
Err ( NgError ::WalletAlreadyAdded )
} else {
Err ( NgError ::InvalidFileFormat )
/// Retrieves the the Wallet by its name, to be used for opening it
pub async fn wallet_get ( wallet_name : & String ) -> Result < Wallet , NgError > {
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
// check that the wallet exists
match broker . wallets . get ( wallet_name ) {
None = > Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
Some ( lws ) = > Ok ( lws . wallet . clone ( ) ) ,
/// Retrieves the binary content of a Wallet File for the Wallet identified by its name
pub async fn wallet_get_file ( wallet_name : & String ) -> Result < Vec < u8 > , NgError > {
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
// check that the wallet exists
match broker . wallets . get ( wallet_name ) {
None = > Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
Some ( lws ) = > Ok ( to_vec ( & NgFile ::V0 ( NgFileV0 ::Wallet ( lws . wallet . clone ( ) ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ) ,
#[ doc(hidden) ]
/// This is a bit hard to use as the pazzle words are encoded in unsigned bytes.
/// prefer the function wallet_open_with_pazzle_words
pub fn wallet_open_with_pazzle (
wallet : & Wallet ,
pazzle : Vec < u8 > ,
pin : [ u8 ; 4 ] ,
) -> Result < SensitiveWallet , NgError > {
let opened_wallet = ng_wallet ::open_wallet_with_pazzle ( wallet , pazzle , pin ) ? ;
Ok ( opened_wallet )
/// Opens a wallet by providing an ordered list of words, and the pin.
/// If you are opening a wallet that is already known to the LocalBroker, you must then call [wallet_was_opened].
/// Otherwise, if you are importing, then you must call [wallet_import].
/// For a list of words, see [list_all_words](crate::wallet::emojis::list_all_words)
pub fn wallet_open_with_pazzle_words (
wallet : & Wallet ,
pazzle_words : & Vec < String > ,
pin : [ u8 ; 4 ] ,
) -> Result < SensitiveWallet , NgError > {
wallet_open_with_pazzle ( wallet , encode_pazzle ( pazzle_words ) ? , pin )
/// Opens a wallet by providing an ordered list of mnemonic words, and the pin.
/// If you are opening a wallet that is already known to the LocalBroker, you must then call [wallet_was_opened].
/// Otherwise, if you are importing, then you must call [wallet_import].
pub fn wallet_open_with_mnemonic_words (
wallet : & Wallet ,
mnemonic : & Vec < String > ,
pin : [ u8 ; 4 ] ,
) -> Result < SensitiveWallet , NgError > {
Ok ( ng_wallet ::open_wallet_with_mnemonic (
wallet ,
encode_mnemonic ( mnemonic ) ? ,
pin ,
) ? )
/// Imports a wallet into the LocalBroker so the user can then access its content.
/// the wallet should have been previous opened with [wallet_open_with_pazzle_words].
/// Once import is done, the wallet is already marked as opened, and the user can start a new session right away.
/// There is no need to call wallet_was_opened.
pub async fn wallet_import (
encrypted_wallet : Wallet ,
mut opened_wallet : SensitiveWallet ,
in_memory : bool ,
) -> Result < ClientV0 , NgError > {
// in a block to release lock before calling wallet_add
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
let wallet_name = encrypted_wallet . name ( ) ;
if broker . wallets . get ( & wallet_name ) . is_some ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::WalletAlreadyAdded ) ;
let lws = opened_wallet . import_v0 ( encrypted_wallet , in_memory ) ? ;
wallet_add ( lws ) . await ? ;
wallet_was_opened ( opened_wallet ) . await
/// Must be called after [wallet_open_with_pazzle_words] if you are not importing.
/// this is a separate step because in JS webapp, the opening of a wallet takes time and freezes the GUI.
/// We need to run it in the background in a WebWorker. but there, the LocalBroker cannot access localStorage...
/// So a separate function must be called, once the WebWorker is done.
pub async fn wallet_was_opened ( wallet : SensitiveWallet ) -> Result < ClientV0 , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
broker . wallet_was_opened ( wallet ) . await
/// Starts a session with the LocalBroker. The type of verifier is selected at this moment.
/// The session is valid even if there is no internet. The local data will be used in this case.
/// wallet_creation_events should be the list of events that was returned by wallet_create_v0
/// Return value is the index of the session, will be used in all the doc_* API calls.
pub async fn session_start ( config : SessionConfig ) -> Result < SessionInfo , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
match config {
SessionConfig ::HeadlessV0 ( user_id ) = > {
broker . err_if_not_headless ( ) ? ;
// establish the connection if not already there?
broker . connect_remote_broker ( ) . await ? ;
let session = HeadlessSession { user_id : user_id . clone ( ) } ;
let mut session_info = broker . add_headless_session ( session ) ? ;
let request = AppSessionStart ::V0 ( AppSessionStartV0 {
session_id : session_info . session_id ,
credentials : None ,
user_id ,
detach : true
} ) ;
let res = broker . send_request_headless ( request ) . await ;
if res . is_err ( ) {
let _ = broker . remove_headless_session ( & session_info . user ) ;
return Err ( res . unwrap_err ( ) )
if let Ok ( AppResponse ::V0 ( AppResponseV0 ::SessionStart ( AppSessionStartResponse ::V0 ( response ) ) ) ) = res {
session_info . private_store_id = response . private_store . to_string ( ) ;
Ok ( session_info )
} ,
_ = > panic! ( "don't call session_start with a SessionConfig different from HeadlessV0 and a LocalBroker configured for Headless" )
// TODO: implement SessionConfig::WithCredentials . VerifierType::Remote => it needs to establish a connection to remote here, then send the AppSessionStart in it.
// also, it is using broker.remote_sessions.get
_ = > {
if config . is_remote ( ) | | config . is_with_credentials ( ) {
unimplemented! ( ) ;
let user_id = config . user_id ( ) ;
match broker . opened_sessions . get ( & user_id ) {
Some ( idx ) = > {
let ses = broker . get_session ( * idx ) ;
match ses {
Ok ( sess ) = > {
if ! sess . config . is_memory ( ) & & config . is_memory ( ) {
return Err ( NgError ::SessionAlreadyStarted ) ; // already started with a different config.
} else {
return Ok ( SessionInfo {
session_id : * idx ,
user : user_id ,
private_store_id : broker
. get_site_store_of_session ( sess , SiteStoreType ::Private ) ?
. to_string ( ) ,
} ) ;
Err ( _ ) = > { }
None = > { }
} ;
let session = broker . session_start ( config , None ) . await ? ;
broker . add_session ( session )
use web_time ::SystemTime ;
fn get_unix_time ( ) -> f64 {
SystemTime ::now ( )
. duration_since ( SystemTime ::UNIX_EPOCH )
. unwrap ( )
. as_millis ( ) as f64
/// Attempts a TCP connection to the Server Broker of the User.
/// The configuration about which Server to contact is stored in the Wallet.
/// The LocalBroker will be in charge of maintaining this connection alive,
/// cycling through optional alternative servers to contact in case of failure,
/// and will notify the user if connection is lost permanently.
/// Result is a list of (user_id, server_id, server_ip, error, since_date)
/// If error is None, it means the connection is successful
/// Once the connection is established, the user can sync data, open documents, etc.. with the Verifier API
/// In a future version, it will be possible to be connected to several brokers at the same time
/// (for different users/identities opened concurrently on the same Client)
// TODO: improve this return value
// TODO: give public access to the API for subscribing to disconnections
pub async fn user_connect (
user_id : & UserId ,
) -> Result < Vec < ( String , String , String , Option < String > , f64 ) > , NgError > {
let client_info = get_client_info ( ClientType ::NativeService ) ;
user_connect_with_device_info ( client_info , & user_id , None ) . await
fn get_client_info ( client_type : ClientType ) -> ClientInfo {
let os_info = get_os_info ( ) ;
let info = json ! ( {
"platform" : {
"type" : "program" ,
"arch" : os_info . get ( "rust" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "arch" ) ,
"debug" : os_info . get ( "rust" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "debug" ) ,
"target" : os_info . get ( "rust" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "target" ) ,
"arch_uname" : os_info . get ( "uname" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "arch" ) ,
"bitness" : os_info . get ( "uname" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "bitness" ) ,
"codename" : os_info . get ( "uname" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "codename" ) ,
"edition" : os_info . get ( "uname" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "edition" ) ,
} ,
"os" : {
"name" : os_info . get ( "uname" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "os_name" ) ,
"family" : os_info . get ( "rust" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "family" ) ,
"version" : os_info . get ( "uname" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "version" ) ,
"name_rust" : os_info . get ( "rust" ) . unwrap ( ) . get ( "os_name" ) ,
} ) ;
ClientInfo ::new (
client_type ,
info . to_string ( ) ,
env! ( "CARGO_PKG_VERSION" ) . to_string ( ) ,
/// Used internally by JS SDK and Tauri Apps. Do not use "as is". See [user_connect] instead.
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn user_connect_with_device_info (
info : ClientInfo ,
user_id : & UserId ,
location : Option < String > ,
) -> Result < Vec < ( String , String , String , Option < String > , f64 ) > , NgError > {
//FIXME: release this write lock much sooner than at the end of the loop of all tries to connect to some servers ?
// or maybe it is good to block as we dont want concurrent connection attempts potentially to the same server
let mut local_broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
local_broker . err_if_headless ( ) ? ;
let ( wallet , session ) = local_broker . get_wallet_and_session ( user_id ) ? ;
let mut result : Vec < ( String , String , String , Option < String > , f64 ) > = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let arc_cnx : Arc < Box < dyn IConnect > > = Arc ::new ( Box ::new ( ConnectionWebSocket { } ) ) ;
match wallet {
SensitiveWallet ::V0 ( wallet ) = > {
let client = wallet . client . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let client_priv = & client . sensitive_client_storage . priv_key ;
let client_name = & client . name ;
let auto_open = & client . auto_open ;
// log_info!(
// "XXXX {} name={:?} auto_open={:?} {:?}",
// client_id.to_string(),
// client_name,
// auto_open,
// wallet
// );
for user in auto_open {
let user_id = user . to_string ( ) ;
let peer_key = & session . peer_key ;
let peer_id = peer_key . to_pub ( ) ;
log_info ! (
"connecting with local peer_id {} for user {}" ,
peer_id ,
) ;
let site = wallet . sites . get ( & user_id ) ;
if site . is_none ( ) {
result . push ( (
user_id ,
"" . into ( ) ,
"" . into ( ) ,
Some ( "Site is missing" . into ( ) ) ,
get_unix_time ( ) ,
) ) ;
continue ;
let site = site . unwrap ( ) ;
let user_priv = site . get_individual_user_priv_key ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let core = site . cores [ 0 ] ; //TODO: cycle the other cores if failure to connect (failover)
let server_key = core . 0 ;
let broker = wallet . brokers . get ( & core . 0. to_string ( ) ) ;
if broker . is_none ( ) {
result . push ( (
user_id ,
core . 0. to_string ( ) ,
"" . into ( ) ,
Some ( "Broker is missing" . into ( ) ) ,
get_unix_time ( ) ,
) ) ;
continue ;
let brokers = broker . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut tried : Option < ( String , String , String , Option < String > , f64 ) > = None ;
//TODO: on tauri (or forward in local broker, or CLI), prefer a Public to a Domain. Domain always comes first though, so we need to reorder the list
//TODO: use site.bootstraps to order the list of brokerInfo.
for broker_info in brokers {
match broker_info {
BrokerInfoV0 ::ServerV0 ( server ) = > {
let url = server . get_ws_url ( & location ) . await ;
log_debug ! ( "URL {:?}" , url ) ;
//Option<(String, Vec<BindAddress>)>
if url . is_some ( ) {
let url = url . unwrap ( ) ;
if url . 1. is_empty ( ) {
// TODO deal with Box(Dyn)Public -> tunnel, and on tauri/forward/CLIs, deal with all Box -> direct connections (when url.1.len is > 0)
let res = BROKER
. write ( )
. await
. connect (
arc_cnx . clone ( ) ,
peer_key . clone ( ) ,
peer_id ,
server_key ,
StartConfig ::Client ( ClientConfig {
url : url . 0. clone ( ) ,
name : client_name . clone ( ) ,
user_priv : user_priv . clone ( ) ,
client_priv : client_priv . clone ( ) ,
info : info . clone ( ) ,
registration : Some ( core . 1 ) ,
} ) ,
. await ;
log_debug ! ( "broker.connect : {:?}" , res ) ;
tried = Some ( (
user_id . clone ( ) ,
core . 0. to_string ( ) ,
url . 0. into ( ) ,
match & res {
Ok ( _ ) = > None ,
Err ( e ) = > Some ( e . to_string ( ) ) ,
} ,
get_unix_time ( ) ,
) ) ;
if tried . is_some ( ) & & tried . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . 3. is_none ( ) {
if let Err ( e ) =
session . verifier . connection_opened ( server_key ) . await
log_err ! (
"got error while processing opened connection {:?}" ,
) ;
Broker ::close_all_connections ( ) . await ;
tried . as_mut ( ) . unwrap ( ) . 3 = Some ( e . to_string ( ) ) ;
break ;
} else {
log_debug ! ( "Failed connection {:?}" , tried ) ;
// Core information is discarded
_ = > { }
if tried . is_none ( ) {
tried = Some ( (
user_id ,
core . 0. to_string ( ) ,
"" . into ( ) ,
Some ( "No broker found" . into ( ) ) ,
get_unix_time ( ) ,
) ) ;
result . push ( tried . unwrap ( ) ) ;
Ok ( result )
/// Stops the session, that can be resumed later on. All the local data is flushed from RAM.
pub async fn session_stop ( user_id : & UserId ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
match broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
let ( session_id , _ ) = broker . remove_headless_session ( user_id ) ? ;
let request = AppSessionStop ::V0 ( AppSessionStopV0 {
session_id ,
force_close : false ,
} ) ;
let _res = broker . send_request_headless ( request ) . await ? ;
_ = > {
// TODO implement for Remote
match broker . opened_sessions . remove ( user_id ) {
Some ( id ) = > {
let _ = broker . get_session ( id ) ? ;
let real_id = LocalBroker ::to_real_session_id ( id ) ;
broker . opened_sessions_list [ real_id as usize ] . take ( ) ;
// TODO: change the logic here once it will be possible to have several users connected at the same time
Broker ::close_all_connections ( ) . await ;
None = > { }
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Stops the session, that can be resumed later on. All the local data is flushed from RAM.
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn session_headless_stop ( session_id : u64 , force_close : bool ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
match broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > {
let session = broker
. headless_sessions
. remove ( & session_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let _ = broker
. opened_sessions
. remove ( & session . user_id )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
let request = AppSessionStop ::V0 ( AppSessionStopV0 {
session_id ,
force_close ,
} ) ;
let _res = broker . send_request_headless ( request ) . await ? ;
_ = > {
return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerIsNotHeadless ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Disconnects the user from the Server Broker(s), but keep all the local data opened and ready.
pub async fn user_disconnect ( user_id : & UserId ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
broker . err_if_headless ( ) ? ;
broker . disconnect_session ( user_id ) . await
/// Closes a wallet, which means that the pazzle will have to be entered again if the user wants to use it
pub async fn wallet_close ( wallet_name : & String ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
broker . err_if_headless ( ) ? ;
match broker . opened_wallets . remove ( wallet_name ) {
Some ( mut opened_wallet ) = > {
for user in opened_wallet . wallet . site_names ( ) {
let key : PubKey = ( user . as_str ( ) ) . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
match broker . opened_sessions . remove ( & key ) {
Some ( id ) = > {
let session = broker . get_local_session_id_for_mut ( id ) ? ;
broker . opened_sessions_list [ session ] . take ( ) ;
None = > { }
opened_wallet . wallet . zeroize ( ) ;
None = > return Err ( NgError ::WalletNotFound ) ,
Broker ::close_all_connections ( ) . await ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// (not implemented yet)
pub async fn wallet_remove ( _wallet_name : String ) -> Result < ( ) , NgError > {
let _broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
_broker . err_if_headless ( ) ? ;
todo! ( ) ;
// should close the wallet, then remove all the saved sessions and remove the wallet
// /// fetches a document's content.
// pub async fn doc_fetch_nuri(
// session_id: u64,
// nuri: String,
// payload: Option<AppRequestPayload>,
// ) -> Result<(Receiver<AppResponse>, CancelFn), NgError> {
// let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER.get() {
// None | Some(Err(_)) => return Err(NgError::LocalBrokerNotInitialized),
// Some(Ok(broker)) => broker.write().await,
// };
// let session_id = self.get_local_session_id_for_mut(session_id)?;
// let session = broker.opened_sessions_list[session_id]
// .as_mut()
// .ok_or(NgError::SessionNotFound)?;
// session.verifier.doc_fetch_nuri(nuri, payload, true).await
// }
// /// fetches the private store home page and subscribes to its updates.
// pub async fn doc_fetch_private(
// session_id: u64,
// ) -> Result<(Receiver<AppResponse>, CancelFn), NgError> {
// let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER.get() {
// None | Some(Err(_)) => return Err(NgError::LocalBrokerNotInitialized),
// Some(Ok(broker)) => broker.write().await,
// };
// let session_id = self.get_local_session_id_for_mut(session_id)?;
// let session = broker.opened_sessions_list[session_id]
// .as_mut()
// .ok_or(NgError::SessionNotFound)?;
// session.verifier.doc_fetch_private(true).await
// }
/// process any type of app request that returns a single value
pub async fn app_request ( request : AppRequest ) -> Result < AppResponse , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > broker . send_request_headless ( request ) . await ,
_ = > {
let ( real_session_id , is_remote ) =
broker . get_real_session_id_for_mut ( request . session_id ( ) ) ? ;
if is_remote {
let session = broker . remote_sessions_list [ real_session_id ]
. as_ref ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
session . send_request ( request ) . await
} else {
let session = broker . opened_sessions_list [ real_session_id ]
. as_mut ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
session . verifier . app_request ( request ) . await
/// process any type of app request that returns a stream of values
pub async fn app_request_stream (
request : AppRequest ,
) -> Result < ( Receiver < AppResponse > , CancelFn ) , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
match & broker . config {
LocalBrokerConfig ::Headless ( _ ) = > broker . send_request_stream_headless ( request ) . await ,
_ = > {
let ( real_session_id , is_remote ) =
broker . get_real_session_id_for_mut ( request . session_id ( ) ) ? ;
if is_remote {
let session = broker . remote_sessions_list [ real_session_id ]
. as_ref ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
session . send_request_stream ( request ) . await
} else {
let session = broker . opened_sessions_list [ real_session_id ]
. as_mut ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::SessionNotFound ) ? ;
session . verifier . app_request_stream ( request ) . await
/// retrieves the ID of one of the 3 stores of a the personal Site (3P: public, protected, or private)
pub async fn personal_site_store (
session_id : u64 ,
store_type : SiteStoreType ,
) -> Result < PubKey , NgError > {
let broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . read ( ) . await ,
} ;
let session = broker . get_session ( session_id ) ? ;
broker . get_site_store_of_session ( session , store_type )
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn take_disconnections_receiver ( ) -> Result < Receiver < String > , NgError > {
let mut broker = match LOCAL_BROKER . get ( ) {
None | Some ( Err ( _ ) ) = > return Err ( NgError ::LocalBrokerNotInitialized ) ,
Some ( Ok ( broker ) ) = > broker . write ( ) . await ,
} ;
. disconnections_receiver
. take ( )
. ok_or ( NgError ::BrokerError )
async fn do_admin_call <
A : Into < ProtocolMessage > + Into < AdminRequestContentV0 > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
> (
server_peer_id : DirectPeerId ,
admin_user_key : PrivKey ,
bind_address : BindAddress ,
cmd : A ,
) -> Result < AdminResponseContentV0 , ProtocolError > {
let ( peer_privk , peer_pubk ) = generate_keypair ( ) ;
. write ( )
. await
. admin (
Box ::new ( ConnectionWebSocket { } ) ,
peer_privk ,
peer_pubk ,
server_peer_id ,
admin_user_key . to_pub ( ) ,
admin_user_key . clone ( ) ,
bind_address ,
cmd ,
. await
async fn do_ext_call <
A : Into < ProtocolMessage > + Into < ExtRequestContentV0 > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
B : TryFrom < ProtocolMessage , Error = ProtocolError > + std ::fmt ::Debug + Sync + Send + ' static ,
> (
broker_server : & BrokerServerV0 ,
cmd : A ,
) -> Result < B , NgError > {
let ( peer_privk , peer_pubk ) = generate_keypair ( ) ;
Broker ::ext (
Box ::new ( ConnectionWebSocket { } ) ,
peer_privk ,
peer_pubk ,
broker_server . peer_id ,
broker_server . get_ws_url ( & None ) . await . unwrap ( ) . 0 , // for now we are only connecting to NextGraph SaaS cloud (nextgraph.eu) so it is safe.
cmd ,
. await
#[ doc(hidden) ]
pub async fn admin_create_user (
server_peer_id : DirectPeerId ,
admin_user_key : PrivKey ,
server_addr : BindAddress ,
) -> Result < UserId , ProtocolError > {
let res = do_admin_call (
server_peer_id ,
admin_user_key ,
server_addr ,
CreateUser ::V0 ( CreateUserV0 { } ) ,
. await ? ;
match res {
AdminResponseContentV0 ::UserId ( id ) = > Ok ( id ) ,
_ = > Err ( ProtocolError ::InvalidValue ) ,
#[ allow(unused_imports) ]
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test {
use super ::* ;
use super ::{
init_local_broker , session_start , session_stop , user_connect , user_disconnect ,
wallet_close , wallet_create_v0 , wallet_get_file , wallet_import ,
wallet_open_with_pazzle_words , wallet_read_file , wallet_was_opened , LocalBrokerConfig ,
SessionConfig ,
} ;
use ng_net ::types ::BootstrapContentV0 ;
use ng_wallet ::{ display_mnemonic , emojis ::display_pazzle } ;
use std ::env ::current_dir ;
use std ::fs ::read_to_string ;
use std ::fs ::{ create_dir_all , File } ;
use std ::io ::BufReader ;
use std ::io ::Read ;
use std ::io ::Write ;
use std ::path ::Path ;
#[ async_std::test ]
async fn gen_wallet_for_test ( ) {
if Path ::new ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . exists ( ) {
println! ( "test files already generated. skipping" ) ;
return ;
// loading an image file from disk
let f = File ::open ( "examples/wallet-security-image-demo.png" )
. expect ( "open of examples/wallet-security-image-demo.png" ) ;
let mut reader = BufReader ::new ( f ) ;
let mut security_img = Vec ::new ( ) ;
// Read file into vector.
. read_to_end ( & mut security_img )
. expect ( "read of valid_security_image.jpg" ) ;
init_local_broker ( Box ::new ( | | LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory ) ) . await ;
//let peer_id = "X0nh-gOTGKSx0yL0LYJviOWRNacyqIzjQW_LKdK6opU";
let peer_id_of_server_broker = PubKey ::nil ( ) ;
let wallet_result = wallet_create_v0 ( CreateWalletV0 {
security_img ,
security_txt : "know yourself" . to_string ( ) ,
pin : [ 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 ] ,
pazzle_length : 9 ,
send_bootstrap : false ,
send_wallet : false ,
result_with_wallet_file : true ,
local_save : false ,
// we default to localhost:14400. this is just for the sake of an example
core_bootstrap : BootstrapContentV0 ::new_localhost ( peer_id_of_server_broker ) ,
core_registration : None ,
additional_bootstrap : None ,
} )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_create_v0" ) ;
let pazzle = display_pazzle ( & wallet_result . pazzle ) ;
let mut pazzle_words = vec! [ ] ;
println! ( "Your pazzle is: {:?}" , wallet_result . pazzle ) ;
for emoji in pazzle {
println! ( " {}:\t{}" , emoji . 0 , emoji . 1 ) ;
pazzle_words . push ( emoji . 1. to_string ( ) ) ;
create_dir_all ( "tests" ) . expect ( "create test file" ) ;
let mut file = File ::create ( "tests/wallet.pazzle" ) . expect ( "open for write pazzle file" ) ;
file . write_all ( pazzle_words . join ( " " ) . as_bytes ( ) )
. expect ( "write of pazzle" ) ;
println! ( "Your mnemonic is:" ) ;
let mut mnemonic_words = vec! [ ] ;
display_mnemonic ( & wallet_result . mnemonic )
. iter ( )
. for_each ( | word | {
mnemonic_words . push ( word . clone ( ) ) ;
print! ( "{} " , word . as_str ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
println! ( "" ) ;
let mut file = File ::create ( "tests/wallet.mnemonic" ) . expect ( "open for write mnemonic file" ) ;
file . write_all ( mnemonic_words . join ( " " ) . as_bytes ( ) )
. expect ( "write of mnemonic" ) ;
let opened_wallet =
wallet_open_with_pazzle_words ( & wallet_result . wallet , & pazzle_words , [ 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 ] )
. expect ( "opening of wallet" ) ;
let mut file = File ::create ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "open for write wallet file" ) ;
let ser_wallet =
to_vec ( & NgFile ::V0 ( NgFileV0 ::Wallet ( wallet_result . wallet . clone ( ) ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
file . write_all ( & ser_wallet ) . expect ( "write of wallet file" ) ;
let mut file =
File ::create ( "tests/opened_wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "open for write opened_wallet file" ) ;
let ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & opened_wallet ) . expect ( "serialization of opened wallet" ) ;
file . write_all ( & ser ) . expect ( "write of opened_wallet file" ) ;
#[ async_std::test ]
async fn gen_opened_wallet_file_for_test ( ) {
let wallet_file = read ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read wallet file" ) ;
init_local_broker ( Box ::new ( | | LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory ) ) . await ;
let wallet = wallet_read_file ( wallet_file )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_read_file" ) ;
let pazzle_string = read_to_string ( "tests/wallet.pazzle" ) . expect ( "read pazzle file" ) ;
let pazzle_words = pazzle_string . split ( ' ' ) . map ( | s | s . to_string ( ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let opened_wallet = wallet_open_with_pazzle_words ( & wallet , & pazzle_words , [ 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 ] )
. expect ( "opening of wallet" ) ;
let mut file =
File ::create ( "tests/opened_wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "open for write opened_wallet file" ) ;
let ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & opened_wallet ) . expect ( "serialization of opened wallet" ) ;
file . write_all ( & ser ) . expect ( "write of opened_wallet file" ) ;
#[ ignore ]
#[ async_std::test ]
async fn gen_opened_wallet_file_for_test_with_pazzle_array ( ) {
let wallet_file = read ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read wallet file" ) ;
init_local_broker ( Box ::new ( | | LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory ) ) . await ;
let wallet = wallet_read_file ( wallet_file )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_read_file" ) ;
let pazzle = vec! [ 8 , 21 , 135 , 65 , 123 , 52 , 0 , 35 , 108 ] ;
let opened_wallet = wallet_open_with_pazzle ( & wallet , pazzle , [ 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( opened_wallet . unwrap_err ( ) , NgError ::EncryptionError ) ;
// let mut file =
// File::create("tests/opened_wallet.ngw").expect("open for write opened_wallet file");
// let ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&opened_wallet).expect("serialization of opened wallet");
// file.write_all(&ser).expect("write of opened_wallet file");
#[ ignore ]
#[ async_std::test ]
async fn import_session_for_test_to_disk ( ) {
let wallet_file = read ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read wallet file" ) ;
let opened_wallet_file = read ( "tests/opened_wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read opened_wallet file" ) ;
let opened_wallet : SensitiveWallet =
serde_bare ::from_slice ( & opened_wallet_file ) . expect ( "deserialization of opened_wallet" ) ;
let mut current_path = current_dir ( ) . expect ( "cur_dir" ) ;
current_path . push ( ".." ) ;
current_path . push ( ".ng" ) ;
current_path . push ( "example" ) ;
create_dir_all ( current_path . clone ( ) ) . expect ( "create_dir" ) ;
// initialize the local_broker with config to save to disk in a folder called `.ng/example` in the current directory
init_local_broker ( Box ::new ( move | | {
LocalBrokerConfig ::BasePath ( current_path . clone ( ) )
} ) )
. await ;
let wallet = wallet_read_file ( wallet_file )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_read_file" ) ;
let wallet_name = wallet . name ( ) ;
let user_id = opened_wallet . personal_identity ( ) ;
let _client = wallet_import ( wallet , opened_wallet , false )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_import" ) ;
let _session = session_start ( SessionConfig ::new_in_memory ( & user_id , & wallet_name ) )
. await
. expect ( "" ) ;
async fn import_session_for_test ( ) -> ( UserId , String ) {
let wallet_file = read ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read wallet file" ) ;
let opened_wallet_file = read ( "tests/opened_wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read opened_wallet file" ) ;
let opened_wallet : SensitiveWallet =
serde_bare ::from_slice ( & opened_wallet_file ) . expect ( "deserialization of opened_wallet" ) ;
init_local_broker ( Box ::new ( | | LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory ) ) . await ;
let wallet = wallet_read_file ( wallet_file )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_read_file" ) ;
let wallet_name = wallet . name ( ) ;
let user_id = opened_wallet . personal_identity ( ) ;
let _client = wallet_import ( wallet , opened_wallet , true )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_import" ) ;
let _session = session_start ( SessionConfig ::new_in_memory ( & user_id , & wallet_name ) )
. await
. expect ( "" ) ;
( user_id , wallet_name )
#[ async_std::test ]
async fn import_wallet ( ) {
let ( user_id , wallet_name ) = import_session_for_test ( ) . await ;
let status = user_connect ( & user_id ) . await . expect ( "user_connect" ) ;
let error_reason = status [ 0 ] . 3. as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert! ( error_reason = = "NoiseHandshakeFailed" | | error_reason = = "ConnectionError" ) ;
// Then we should disconnect
user_disconnect ( & user_id ) . await . expect ( "user_disconnect" ) ;
// stop the session
session_stop ( & user_id ) . await . expect ( "session_stop" ) ;
// closes the wallet
wallet_close ( & wallet_name ) . await . expect ( "wallet_close" ) ;
#[ async_std::test ]
async fn recovery_pdf ( ) {
let wallet_file = read ( "tests/wallet.ngw" ) . expect ( "read wallet file" ) ;
init_local_broker ( Box ::new ( | | LocalBrokerConfig ::InMemory ) ) . await ;
let wallet = wallet_read_file ( wallet_file )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_read_file" ) ;
let pazzle_string = read_to_string ( "tests/wallet.pazzle" ) . expect ( "read pazzle file" ) ;
let pazzle_words = pazzle_string . split ( ' ' ) . map ( | s | s . to_string ( ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let mnemonic_string = read_to_string ( "tests/wallet.mnemonic" ) . expect ( "read mnemonic file" ) ;
let mnemonic_words = mnemonic_string . split ( ' ' ) . map ( | s | s . to_string ( ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let pin : [ u8 ; 4 ] = [ 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 ] ;
let pazzle = encode_pazzle ( & pazzle_words ) . expect ( "encode_pazzle" ) ;
let mnemonic = encode_mnemonic ( & mnemonic_words ) . expect ( "encode_mnemonic" ) ;
let wallet_recovery = wallet_to_wallet_recovery ( & wallet , pazzle , mnemonic , pin ) ;
let pdf_buffer = wallet_recovery_pdf ( wallet_recovery , 600 )
. await
. expect ( "wallet_recovery_pdf" ) ;
let mut file =
File ::create ( "tests/recovery.pdf" ) . expect ( "open for write recovery.pdf file" ) ;
file . write_all ( & pdf_buffer ) . expect ( "write of recovery.pdf" ) ;