// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers
// All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE2 or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
import { writable, readonly, derived, get } from "svelte/store";
import ng from "./api";
let all_branches = {};
export const opened_wallets = writable({});
/// { wallet:, id: }
export const active_wallet = writable(undefined);
export const wallets = writable({});
export const connections = writable({});
export const active_session = writable(undefined);
let next_reconnect = null;
export const online = derived(connections,($connections) => {
for (const cnx of Object.keys($connections)) {
if (!$connections[cnx].error) return true;
else if ($connections[cnx].error=="PeerAlreadyConnected") {
connections.update((c) => {
c[cnx].error = undefined;
return c;
return true; }
else if ($connections[cnx].error=="ConnectionError" && !$connections[cnx].connecting && next_reconnect==null) {
console.log("will try reconnect in 1 min");
next_reconnect = setTimeout(async ()=> {
await reconnect();
return false;
export const has_wallets = derived(wallets,($wallets) => Object.keys($wallets).length);
export const set_active_session = function(session) {
export { writable, readonly, derived };
export const close_active_wallet = async function() {
if (next_reconnect) {
next_reconnect = null;
await close_active_session();
active_wallet.update((w) => {
delete w.wallet;
return w;
export const close_active_session = async function() {
await ng.broker_disconnect();
const can_connect = derived([active_wallet, active_session], ([$s1, $s2]) => [
export const reconnect = async function() {
if (next_reconnect) {
next_reconnect = null;
if (!get(active_session)) {
console.log("attempting to connect...");
try {
let client = get(wallets)[get(active_wallet).id].client;
let info = await ng.client_info()
//console.log("Connecting with",client,info);
connections.set(await ng.broker_connect(
}catch (e) {
export const disconnections_subscribe = async function() {
let disconnections_unsub = await ng.disconnections_subscribe(async (user_id) => {
console.log("DISCONNECTION FOR USER", user_id);
connections.update((c) => {
c[user_id].error = "ConnectionError";
c[user_id].since = new Date();
return c;
can_connect.subscribe(async (value) => {
if (value[0] && value[0].wallet && value[1]) {
await reconnect();
const branch_commits = (nura, sub) => {
// console.log("branch_commits")
// const { subscribe, set, update } = writable([]); // create the underlying writable store
// let unsub = () => {};
// return {
// load: async () => {
// console.log("load")
// unsub = await ng.doc_sync_branch(nura, async (commit) => {
// console.log(commit);
// update( (old) => {old.unshift(commit); return old;} )
// });
// },
// subscribe: (run, invalid) => {
// console.log("sub")
// let upper_unsub = subscribe(run, invalid);
// return () => {
// upper_unsub();
// unsub();
// }
// }
// // set: (value) => {
// // localStorage.setItem(key, toString(value)); // save also to local storage as a string
// // return set(value);
// // },
// // update,
// };
return {
load: async () => {
let already_subscribed = all_branches[nura];
if (!already_subscribed) return;
if (already_subscribed.load) {
await already_subscribed.load();
already_subscribed.load = undefined;
subscribe: (run, invalid) => {
let already_subscribed = all_branches[nura];
if (!already_subscribed) {
const { subscribe, set, update } = writable([]); // create the underlying writable store
let count = 0;
let unsub = () => {};
already_subscribed = {
load: async () => {
unsub = await ng.doc_sync_branch(nura, async (commit) => {
console.log("GOT COMMIT", commit);
update( (old) => {old.unshift(commit); return old;} )
// this is in case decrease has been called before the load function returned.
if (count == 0) {unsub();}
increase: () => {
count += 1;
return readonly({subscribe});
decrease: () => {
count -= 1;
if (count == 0) {
delete all_branches[nura];
all_branches[nura] = already_subscribed;
let new_store = already_subscribed.increase();
let read_unsub = new_store.subscribe(run, invalid);
return () => {
export default branch_commits;