// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers
// All rights reserved.
// This code is partly derived from work written by TG x Thoth from P2Pcollab.
// Copyright 2022 TG x Thoth
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE2 or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
//! P2P Repo types
//! Corresponds to the BARE schema
use crate ::errors ::NgError ;
use crate ::utils ::{
decode_key , dh_pubkey_array_from_ed_pubkey_slice , dh_pubkey_from_ed_pubkey_slice ,
ed_privkey_to_ed_pubkey , from_ed_privkey_to_dh_privkey , random_key ,
} ;
use core ::fmt ;
use serde ::{ Deserialize , Serialize } ;
use serde_bare ::to_vec ;
use std ::collections ::{ HashMap , HashSet } ;
use std ::hash ::Hash ;
use zeroize ::{ Zeroize , ZeroizeOnDrop } ;
/// 32-byte Blake3 hash digest
pub type Blake3Digest32 = [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
/// Hash digest
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum Digest {
Blake3Digest32 ( Blake3Digest32 ) ,
impl fmt ::Display for Digest {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Digest ::Blake3Digest32 ( d ) = > write! ( f , "{}" , base64_url ::encode ( d ) ) ,
/// ChaCha20 symmetric key
pub type ChaCha20Key = [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
/// Symmetric cryptographic key
#[ derive(Clone, Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum SymKey {
ChaCha20Key ( ChaCha20Key ) ,
impl SymKey {
pub fn slice ( & self ) -> & [ u8 ; 32 ] {
match self {
SymKey ::ChaCha20Key ( o ) = > o ,
pub fn random ( ) -> Self {
SymKey ::ChaCha20Key ( random_key ( ) )
pub fn from_array ( array : [ u8 ; 32 ] ) -> Self {
SymKey ::ChaCha20Key ( array )
impl fmt ::Display for SymKey {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::ChaCha20Key ( k ) = > write! ( f , "{}" , base64_url ::encode ( k ) ) ,
impl TryFrom < & [ u8 ] > for SymKey {
type Error = NgError ;
fn try_from ( buf : & [ u8 ] ) -> Result < Self , NgError > {
let sym_key_array = * slice_as_array ! ( buf , [ u8 ; 32 ] ) . ok_or ( NgError ::InvalidKey ) ? ;
let sym_key = SymKey ::ChaCha20Key ( sym_key_array ) ;
Ok ( sym_key )
/// Curve25519 public key Edwards form
pub type Ed25519PubKey = [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
/// Curve25519 public key Montgomery form
pub type X25519PubKey = [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
/// Curve25519 private key Edwards form
pub type Ed25519PrivKey = [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
/// Curve25519 private key Montgomery form
pub type X25519PrivKey = [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
/// Public key
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum PubKey {
Ed25519PubKey ( Ed25519PubKey ) ,
X25519PubKey ( X25519PubKey ) ,
impl PubKey {
pub fn slice ( & self ) -> & [ u8 ; 32 ] {
match self {
PubKey ::Ed25519PubKey ( o ) | PubKey ::X25519PubKey ( o ) = > o ,
pub fn to_dh_from_ed ( & self ) -> PubKey {
match self {
PubKey ::Ed25519PubKey ( ed ) = > dh_pubkey_from_ed_pubkey_slice ( ed ) ,
_ = > panic! (
"there is no need to convert a Montgomery key to Montgomery. it is already one. check your code"
) ,
// pub fn dh_from_ed_slice(slice: &[u8]) -> PubKey {
// dh_pubkey_from_ed_pubkey_slice(slice)
// }
pub fn to_dh_slice ( & self ) -> [ u8 ; 32 ] {
match self {
PubKey ::Ed25519PubKey ( o ) = > dh_pubkey_array_from_ed_pubkey_slice ( o ) ,
_ = > panic! ( "can only convert an edward key to montgomery" ) ,
pub fn nil ( ) -> Self {
PubKey ::Ed25519PubKey ( [ 0 u8 ; 32 ] )
impl fmt ::Display for PubKey {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
PubKey ::Ed25519PubKey ( d ) | PubKey ::X25519PubKey ( d ) = > {
write! ( f , "{}" , base64_url ::encode ( d ) )
impl TryFrom < & str > for PubKey {
type Error = NgError ;
fn try_from ( str : & str ) -> Result < Self , NgError > {
let key = decode_key ( str ) . map_err ( | _ | NgError ::InvalidKey ) ? ;
Ok ( PubKey ::Ed25519PubKey ( key ) )
/// Private key
#[ derive(Clone, Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum PrivKey {
Ed25519PrivKey ( Ed25519PrivKey ) ,
X25519PrivKey ( X25519PrivKey ) ,
impl PrivKey {
pub fn slice ( & self ) -> & [ u8 ; 32 ] {
match self {
PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( o ) | PrivKey ::X25519PrivKey ( o ) = > o ,
pub fn to_pub ( & self ) -> PubKey {
match self {
PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( _ ) = > ed_privkey_to_ed_pubkey ( self ) ,
_ = > panic! ( "X25519PrivKey to pub not implemented" ) ,
#[ deprecated(note = " **Don't use dummy method** " ) ]
pub fn dummy ( ) -> PrivKey {
PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( [ 0 u8 ; 32 ] )
pub fn to_dh ( & self ) -> PrivKey {
from_ed_privkey_to_dh_privkey ( self )
pub fn random_ed ( ) -> Self {
PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( random_key ( ) )
impl From < [ u8 ; 32 ] > for PrivKey {
fn from ( buf : [ u8 ; 32 ] ) -> Self {
let priv_key = PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( buf ) ;
impl TryFrom < & [ u8 ] > for PrivKey {
type Error = NgError ;
fn try_from ( buf : & [ u8 ] ) -> Result < Self , NgError > {
let priv_key_array = * slice_as_array ! ( buf , [ u8 ; 32 ] ) . ok_or ( NgError ::InvalidKey ) ? ;
let priv_key = PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( priv_key_array ) ;
Ok ( priv_key )
impl TryFrom < & str > for PrivKey {
type Error = NgError ;
fn try_from ( str : & str ) -> Result < Self , NgError > {
let key = decode_key ( str ) . map_err ( | _ | NgError ::InvalidKey ) ? ;
Ok ( PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( key ) )
impl fmt ::Display for PrivKey {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::Ed25519PrivKey ( ed ) = > {
//let priv_key_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(ed).unwrap();
let prix_key_encoded = base64_url ::encode ( ed ) ;
write! ( f , "{}" , prix_key_encoded )
_ = > {
unimplemented! ( ) ;
/// Ed25519 signature
pub type Ed25519Sig = [ [ u8 ; 32 ] ; 2 ] ;
/// Cryptographic signature
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum Sig {
Ed25519Sig ( Ed25519Sig ) ,
/// Timestamp: absolute time in minutes since 2022-02-22 22:22 UTC
pub type Timestamp = u32 ;
pub const EPOCH_AS_UNIX_TIMESTAMP : u64 = 1645568520 ;
/// Relative time (e.g. delay from current time)
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RelTime {
Seconds ( u8 ) ,
Minutes ( u8 ) ,
Hours ( u8 ) ,
Days ( u8 ) ,
/// Bloom filter (variable size)
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct BloomFilter {
/// Number of hash functions
pub k : u32 ,
/// Filter
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub f : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Bloom filter (128 B)
/// (m=1024; k=7; p=0.01; n=107)
pub type BloomFilter128 = [ [ u8 ; 32 ] ; 4 ] ;
/// Bloom filter (1 KiB)
/// (m=8192; k=7; p=0.01; n=855)
pub type BloomFilter1K = [ [ u8 ; 32 ] ; 32 ] ;
/// RepoId is a PubKey
pub type RepoId = PubKey ;
/// RepoHash is the BLAKE3 Digest over the RepoId
pub type RepoHash = Digest ;
// impl From<RepoHash> for String {
// fn from(id: RepoHash) -> Self {
// hex::encode(to_vec(&id).unwrap())
// }
// }
/// Topic ID: public key of the topic
pub type TopicId = PubKey ;
/// User ID: user account for broker
pub type UserId = PubKey ;
/// BranchId is a PubKey
pub type BranchId = PubKey ;
/// Block ID:
/// BLAKE3 hash over the serialized BlockContent (contains encrypted content)
pub type BlockId = Digest ;
pub type BlockKey = SymKey ;
/// Block reference
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub struct BlockRef {
/// Object ID
pub id : BlockId ,
/// Key for decrypting the Object
pub key : BlockKey ,
impl BlockRef {
#[ deprecated(note = " **Don't use dummy method** " ) ]
pub fn dummy ( ) -> Self {
BlockRef {
id : Digest ::Blake3Digest32 ( [ 0 u8 ; 32 ] ) ,
key : SymKey ::ChaCha20Key ( [ 0 u8 ; 32 ] ) ,
pub fn from_id_key ( id : BlockId , key : BlockKey ) -> Self {
BlockRef { id , key }
impl From < ( & BlockId , & BlockKey ) > for BlockRef {
fn from ( id_key : ( & BlockId , & BlockKey ) ) -> Self {
BlockRef {
id : id_key . 0. clone ( ) ,
key : id_key . 1. clone ( ) ,
/// Object ID
pub type ObjectId = BlockId ;
/// Object Key
pub type ObjectKey = BlockKey ;
/// Object reference
pub type ObjectRef = BlockRef ;
/// List of Identity types
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum Identity {
OrgSite ( PubKey ) ,
IndividualSite ( PubKey ) ,
OrgPublicStore ( PubKey ) ,
OrgProtectedStore ( PubKey ) ,
OrgPrivateStore ( PubKey ) ,
IndividualPublicStore ( PubKey ) ,
IndividualProtectedStore ( PubKey ) ,
IndividualPrivateStore ( PubKey ) ,
/// List of Store Overlay types
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum StoreOverlay {
PublicStore ( PubKey ) ,
ProtectedStore ( PubKey ) ,
PrivateStore ( PubKey ) ,
Group ( PubKey ) ,
Dialog ( Digest ) ,
/// List of Store Root Repo types
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum StoreRootRepo {
PublicStore ( RepoId ) ,
ProtectedStore ( RepoId ) ,
PrivateStore ( RepoId ) ,
Group ( RepoId ) ,
Dialog ( RepoId ) ,
/// Site type
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum SiteType {
Org ,
Individual , // formerly Personal
/// Site Store
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq) ]
pub struct SiteStore {
// pub identity: Identity,
pub key : PrivKey ,
// signature with site_key
// pub sig: Sig,
pub root_branch_def_ref : ObjectRef ,
pub repo_secret : SymKey ,
/// Site Store type
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum SiteStoreType {
Public ,
Protected ,
Private ,
/// Site V0
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq) ]
pub struct SiteV0 {
pub site_type : SiteType ,
// Identity::OrgSite or Identity::IndividualSite
// pub site_identity: Identity,
pub site_key : PrivKey ,
// Identity::OrgPublicStore or Identity::IndividualPublicStore
pub public : SiteStore ,
// Identity::OrgProtectedStore or Identity::IndividualProtectedStore
pub protected : SiteStore ,
// Identity::OrgPrivateStore or Identity::IndividualPrivateStore
pub private : SiteStore ,
pub cores : Vec < ( PubKey , Option < [ u8 ; 32 ] > ) > ,
pub bootstraps : Vec < PubKey > ,
/// Reduced Site (for QRcode)
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq) ]
pub struct ReducedSiteV0 {
pub site_key : PrivKey ,
pub private_site_key : PrivKey ,
pub private_site_root_branch_def_ref : ObjectRef ,
pub private_site_repo_secret : SymKey ,
pub core : PubKey ,
pub bootstraps : Vec < PubKey > ,
/// BLOCKS common types
/// Internal node of a Merkle tree
pub type InternalNode = Vec < BlockKey > ;
/// encrypted_content of BlockContentV0: a Merkle tree node
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum ChunkContentV0 {
/// Internal node with references to children
InternalNode ( InternalNode ) ,
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
DataChunk ( Vec < u8 > ) ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct CommitHeaderV0 {
/// Other objects this commit strongly depends on (ex: ADD for a REMOVE, refs for an nrefs)
pub deps : Vec < ObjectId > ,
/// dependency that is removed after this commit. used for reverts
pub ndeps : Vec < ObjectId > ,
/// current valid commits in head
pub acks : Vec < ObjectId > ,
/// head commits that are invalid
pub nacks : Vec < ObjectId > ,
/// list of Files that are referenced in this commit
pub refs : Vec < ObjectId > ,
/// list of Files that are not referenced anymore after this commit
/// the commit(s) that created the refs should be in deps
pub nrefs : Vec < ObjectId > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum CommitHeader {
V0 ( CommitHeaderV0 ) ,
impl CommitHeader {
pub fn is_root ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
CommitHeader ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . is_root ( ) ,
pub fn deps ( & self ) -> Vec < ObjectId > {
match self {
CommitHeader ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . deps . clone ( ) ,
pub fn acks ( & self ) -> Vec < ObjectId > {
match self {
CommitHeader ::V0 ( v0 ) = > v0 . acks . clone ( ) ,
impl CommitHeaderV0 {
fn new_empty ( ) -> Self {
Self {
deps : vec ! [ ] ,
ndeps : vec ! [ ] ,
acks : vec ! [ ] ,
nacks : vec ! [ ] ,
refs : vec ! [ ] ,
nrefs : vec ! [ ] ,
pub fn new_with (
deps : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
ndeps : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
acks : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
nacks : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
refs : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
nrefs : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
) -> ( Option < Self > , Option < CommitHeaderKeysV0 > ) {
if deps . is_empty ( )
& & ndeps . is_empty ( )
& & acks . is_empty ( )
& & nacks . is_empty ( )
& & refs . is_empty ( )
& & nrefs . is_empty ( )
( None , None )
} else {
let mut ideps : Vec < ObjectId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut indeps : Vec < ObjectId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut iacks : Vec < ObjectId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut inacks : Vec < ObjectId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut irefs : Vec < ObjectId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut inrefs : Vec < ObjectId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut kdeps : Vec < ObjectKey > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut kndeps : Vec < ObjectKey > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut kacks : Vec < ObjectKey > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut knacks : Vec < ObjectKey > = vec! [ ] ;
for d in deps {
ideps . push ( d . id ) ;
kdeps . push ( d . key ) ;
for d in ndeps {
indeps . push ( d . id ) ;
kndeps . push ( d . key ) ;
for d in acks {
iacks . push ( d . id ) ;
kacks . push ( d . key ) ;
for d in nacks {
inacks . push ( d . id ) ;
knacks . push ( d . key ) ;
for d in refs . clone ( ) {
irefs . push ( d . id ) ;
for d in nrefs {
inrefs . push ( d . id ) ;
Some ( Self {
deps : ideps ,
ndeps : indeps ,
acks : iacks ,
nacks : inacks ,
refs : irefs ,
nrefs : inrefs ,
} ) ,
Some ( CommitHeaderKeysV0 {
deps : kdeps ,
ndeps : kndeps ,
acks : kacks ,
nacks : knacks ,
refs ,
} ) ,
pub fn new_with_deps ( deps : Vec < ObjectId > ) -> Option < Self > {
assert! ( ! deps . is_empty ( ) ) ;
let mut n = Self ::new_empty ( ) ;
n . deps = deps ;
Some ( n )
pub fn new_with_deps_and_acks ( deps : Vec < ObjectId > , acks : Vec < ObjectId > ) -> Option < Self > {
assert! ( ! deps . is_empty ( ) | | ! acks . is_empty ( ) ) ;
let mut n = Self ::new_empty ( ) ;
n . deps = deps ;
n . acks = acks ;
Some ( n )
pub fn is_root ( & self ) -> bool {
// && self.ndeps.is_empty()
self . acks . is_empty ( ) & & self . nacks . is_empty ( )
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct CommitHeaderKeysV0 {
/// Other objects this commit strongly depends on (ex: ADD for a REMOVE, refs for an nrefs)
pub deps : Vec < ObjectKey > ,
/// dependencies that are removed after this commit. used for reverts
pub ndeps : Vec < ObjectKey > ,
/// current valid commits in head
pub acks : Vec < ObjectKey > ,
/// head commits that are invalid
pub nacks : Vec < ObjectKey > ,
/// list of Files that are referenced in this commit. Exceptionally this is an ObjectRef, because
/// even if the CommitHeader is omitted, we want the Files to be openable.
pub refs : Vec < ObjectRef > ,
// nrefs keys are not included because we don't need the keys to access the files we will not need anymore
// the keys are in the deps anyway
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum CommitHeaderKeys {
V0 ( CommitHeaderKeysV0 ) ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct BlockContentV0 {
/// Reference (actually, only its ID) to a CommitHeader of the root Block of a commit that contains references to other objects (e.g. Commit deps & acks)
/// Only set if the block is a commit (and it is the root block of the Object).
/// It is an easy way to know if the Block is a commit.
/// And ObjectRef to an Object containing a CommitHeaderV0
pub commit_header_id : Option < ObjectId > ,
/// Block IDs for child nodes in the Merkle tree, can be empty if ObjectContent fits in one block
pub children : Vec < BlockId > ,
/// Encrypted ChunkContentV0 (entirety or chunks of ObjectContentV0)
/// Encrypted using convergent encryption with ChaCha20:
/// - convergence_key: BLAKE3 derive_key ("NextGraph Data BLAKE3 key",
/// repo_pubkey + repo_secret)
/// - key: BLAKE3 keyed hash (convergence_key, plain_chunk_content)
/// - nonce: 0
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub encrypted_content : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Immutable object with encrypted content
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum BlockContent {
V0 ( BlockContentV0 ) ,
/// Immutable block with encrypted content
/// `ObjectContent` is chunked and stored as `Block`s in a Merkle tree.
/// A Block is a Merkle tree node.
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct BlockV0 {
/// Block ID
#[ serde(skip) ]
pub id : Option < BlockId > ,
/// Block Key
#[ serde(skip) ]
pub key : Option < SymKey > ,
/// Header
// #[serde(skip)]
// pub header: Option<CommitHeaderV0>,
/// Key needed to open the CommitHeader. can be omitted if the Commit is shared without its ancestors,
/// or if the block is not a root block of commit, or that commit is a root commit (first in branch)
pub commit_header_key : Option < ObjectKey > ,
pub content : BlockContent ,
/// Immutable block with encrypted content
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Block {
V0 ( BlockV0 ) ,
/// Repository definition
/// First commit published in root branch, where:
/// - branch_pubkey: repo_pubkey
/// - branch_secret: BLAKE3 derive_key ("NextGraph Root Branch secret",
/// repo_pubkey + repo_secret)
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct RepositoryV0 {
/// Repo public key ID
pub id : RepoId ,
/// Verification program (WASM)
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub verification_program : Vec < u8 > ,
/// User ID who created this repo
pub creator : Option < UserId > ,
// TODO: discrete doc type
// TODO: order (partial order, total order, partial sign all commits, fsm, smart contract )
/// Immutable App-specific metadata
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Repository definition
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Repository {
V0 ( RepositoryV0 ) ,
/// Root Branch definition V0
/// Second commit in the root branch, signed by repository key
/// is used also to update the root branch definition when users are removed
/// DEPS: Reference to the repository commit, to get the verification_program and repo_id
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct RootBranchV0 {
/// Branch public key ID, equal to the repo_id
pub id : PubKey ,
// Reference to the repository commit, to get the verification_program and repo_id
//pub repo_ref: ObjectRef,
// this can be omitted as the ref to repo is in deps.
/// Store ID the repo belongs to
/// the identity is checked by verifiers (check members, check overlay is matching)
pub store : StoreOverlay ,
/// Pub/sub topic ID for publishing events
pub topic : PubKey ,
/// topic private key, encrypted with the repo_secret, topic_id, branch_id
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub topic_privkey : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Permissions are inherited from Store Root Repo. Optional
/// (only if this repo is not a root repo itself).
/// check that it matches the self.store
pub inherit_perms : Option < StoreRootRepo > ,
/// BEC periodic reconciliation interval. zero deactivates it
pub reconciliation_interval : RelTime ,
/// signature of repoId with MODIFY_STORE_KEY privkey of store
/// in order to verify that the store recognizes this repo as part of itself.
/// only if not a store root repo itself
pub store_sig : Option < Sig > ,
/// Mutable App-specific metadata
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
/// RootBranch definition
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RootBranch {
V0 ( RootBranchV0 ) ,
/// Quorum change V0
/// Sent after RemoveUser, AddUser
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct QuorumV0 {
/// Number of signatures required for an partial order commit to be valid
pub partial_order_quorum : u32 ,
/// List of the users who can sign for partial order
pub partial_order_users : Vec < UserId > ,
/// Number of signatures required for a total order commit to be valid
pub total_order_quorum : u32 ,
/// List of the users who can sign for total order
pub total_order_users : Vec < UserId > ,
/// cryptographic material for Threshold signature
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Quorum change
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Quorum {
V0 ( QuorumV0 ) ,
/// Branch definition
/// First commit in a branch, signed by branch key
/// In case of a fork, the commit DEPS indicate
/// the previous branch heads, and the ACKS are empty.
/// Can be used also to update the branch definition when users are removed
/// In this case, the total_order quorum is needed, and DEPS indicates the previous branch definition, ACKS indicate the current HEAD
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct BranchV0 {
/// Branch public key ID
pub id : PubKey ,
/// Reference to the repository commit
pub repo : ObjectRef ,
/// object ID of the current root_branch commit, in order to keep in sync the branch with root_branch
pub root_branch_def_id : ObjectId ,
/// Pub/sub topic for publishing events
pub topic : PubKey ,
/// topic private key, encrypted with the repo_secret, branch_id, topic_id
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub topic_privkey : Vec < u8 > ,
/// App-specific metadata
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Branch definition
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Branch {
V0 ( BranchV0 ) ,
/// Add a branch to the repository
/// DEPS: if update branch: previous AddBranch or UpdateBranch commit
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct AddBranchV0 {
/// the new topic_id (will be needed immediately by future readers
/// in order to subscribe to the pub/sub)
topic_id : TopicId ,
// the new branch definition commit
// (we need the ObjectKey in order to open the pub/sub Event)
branch_def : ObjectRef ,
/// Add a branch to the repository
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum AddBranch {
V0 ( AddBranchV0 ) ,
pub type RemoveBranchV0 = ( ) ;
/// Remove a branch from the repository
/// DEPS: should point to the previous AddBranch/UpdateBranch, can be several in case of concurrent AddBranch. ORset logiv)
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RemoveBranch {
V0 ( RemoveBranchV0 ) ,
/// Add member to a repo
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct AddMemberV0 {
/// Member to add
pub member : UserId ,
/// App-specific metadata
/// (role, app level permissions, cryptographic material, etc)
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum AddMember {
V0 ( AddMemberV0 ) ,
/// Remove member from a repo
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct RemoveMemberV0 {
/// Member to remove
pub member : UserId ,
/// Should the overlay been refreshed. This is used on the last repo, when User is removed from all the repos of the store, because user was malicious.
pub refresh_overlay : bool ,
/// should this user be banned and prevented from being invited again by anybody else
pub banned : bool ,
/// Metadata
/// (reason, etc...)
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RemoveMember {
V0 ( RemoveMemberV0 ) ,
/// Permissions
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash) ]
pub enum Permission {
Create , // Used internally by the creator at creation time. Not part of the permission set that can added and removed
MoveToStore , // moves the repo to another store
AddBranch ,
RemoveBranch ,
ChangeName ,
AddMember ,
RemoveMember ,
ChangeQuorum ,
ChangePermission ,
ChangeMainBranch ,
Transaction ,
Snapshot ,
Chat ,
Inbox ,
Share ,
UpdateStore , // only for store root repo (add doc, remove doc)
/// Add permission to a member in a repo
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct AddPermissionV0 {
/// Member receiving the permission
pub member : UserId ,
/// Permission given to user
pub permission : Permission ,
/// Metadata
/// (role, app level permissions, cryptographic material, etc)
/// Can be some COMMON KEY privkey encrypted with the user pubkey
/// If a PROOF for the common key is needed, should be sent here too
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum AddPermission {
V0 ( AddPermissionV0 ) ,
/// Remove permission from a user in a repo
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct RemovePermissionV0 {
/// Member to remove
pub member : UserId ,
/// Permission removed from user
pub permission : Permission ,
/// Metadata
/// (reason, new cryptographic materials...)
/// If the permission was linked to a COMMON KEY, a new privkey should be generated
/// and sent to all users that still have this permission, encrypted with their respective pubkey
/// If a PROOF for the common key is needed, should be sent here too
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RemovePermission {
V0 ( RemovePermissionV0 ) ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RepoNamedItemV0 {
Branch ( BranchId ) ,
Commit ( ObjectId ) ,
File ( ObjectId ) ,
/// Add a new name in the repo that can point to a branch, a commit or a file
/// Or change the value of a name
/// DEPS: if it is a change of value: all the previous AddName commits seen for this name
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct AddNameV0 {
/// the name. in case of conflict, the smallest Id is taken.
/// names `main`, `chat`, `store` are reserved
pub name : String ,
/// A branch, commit or file
pub item : RepoNamedItemV0 ,
/// Metadata
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum AddName {
V0 ( AddNameV0 ) ,
/// Change the main branch
/// DEPS: previous ChangeMainBranchV0
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct ChangeMainBranchV0 {
pub branch : BranchId ,
/// Metadata
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum ChangeMainBranch {
V0 ( ChangeMainBranchV0 ) ,
/// Remove a name from the repo, using ORset CRDT logic
/// DEPS: all the AddName commits seen for this name
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct RemoveNameV0 {
/// Member to remove
/// names `main`, `chat`, `store` are reserved
pub name : String ,
/// Permission removed from user
pub permission : Permission ,
/// Metadata
/// (reason, new cryptographic materials...)
/// If the permission was linked to a COMMON KEY, a new privkey should be generated
/// and sent to all users that still have this permission, encrypted with their respective pubkey
/// If a PROOF for the common key is needed, should be sent here too
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RemoveName {
V0 ( RemoveNameV0 ) ,
/// Transaction with CRDT operations
// TODO: edeps: List<(repo_id,ObjectRef)>
// TODO: rcpts: List<repo_id>
pub type TransactionV0 = Vec < u8 > ;
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Transaction {
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
V0 ( TransactionV0 ) ,
/// Add a new binary file in a branch
/// REFS: the file ObjectRef
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct AddFileV0 {
/// an optional name. does not conflict (not unique across the branch nor repo)
pub name : Option < String > ,
/// Metadata
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum AddFile {
V0 ( AddFileV0 ) ,
/// Remove a file from the branch, using ORset CRDT logic
/// (removes the ref counting. not necessarily the file itself)
/// NREFS: the file ObjectRef
/// DEPS: all the visible AddFile commits in the branch (ORset)
pub type RemoveFileV0 = ( ) ;
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum RemoveFile {
V0 ( RemoveFileV0 ) ,
/// Snapshot of a Branch
/// Contains a data structure
/// computed from the commits at the specified head.
/// ACKS contains the head the snapshot was made from
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct SnapshotV0 {
// FIXME: why do we need this?
// Branch heads the snapshot was made from
// pub heads: Vec<ObjectId>,
/// hard snapshot will erase all the CommitBody of ancestors in the branch
/// the acks will be present in header, but the CommitContent.header_keys will be set to None so the access to the acks will be lost
/// the commit_header_key of BlockV0 can be safely shared outside of the repo, as the header_keys is empty, so the heads will not be readable anyway
/// If a branch is based on a hard snapshot, it cannot be merged back into the branch where the hard snapshot was made.
pub hard : bool ,
/// Snapshot data structure
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub content : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Snapshot of a Branch
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Snapshot {
V0 ( SnapshotV0 ) ,
/// Threshold Signature of a commit
/// mandatory for UpdateRootBranch, AddMember, RemoveMember, Quorum, UpdateBranch, hard Snapshot,
/// DEPS: the signed commit
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct ThresholdSignatureV0 {
// TODO: pub chain_of_trust: ,
/// Threshold signature
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub signature : Vec < u8 > ,
/// Snapshot of a Branch
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum ThresholdSignature {
V0 ( ThresholdSignatureV0 ) ,
/// Commit body V0
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum CommitBodyV0 {
// for root branch:
Repository ( RepositoryV0 ) , // singleton and should be first in root_branch
RootBranch ( RootBranchV0 ) , // singleton and should be second in root_branch
UpdateRootBranch ( RootBranchV0 ) , // total order enforced with total_order_quorum
AddMember ( AddMemberV0 ) , // total order enforced with total_order_quorum
RemoveMember ( RemoveMemberV0 ) , // total order enforced with total_order_quorum
Quorum ( QuorumV0 ) , // total order enforced with total_order_quorum
AddPermission ( AddPermissionV0 ) ,
RemovePermission ( RemovePermissionV0 ) ,
AddBranch ( AddBranchV0 ) ,
ChangeMainBranch ( ChangeMainBranchV0 ) ,
RemoveBranch ( RemoveBranchV0 ) ,
AddName ( AddNameV0 ) ,
RemoveName ( RemoveNameV0 ) ,
// For regular branches:
Branch ( BranchV0 ) , // singleton and should be first in branch
UpdateBranch ( BranchV0 ) , // total order enforced with total_order_quorum
Snapshot ( SnapshotV0 ) , // if hard snapshot, total order enforced with total_order_quorum
Transaction ( TransactionV0 ) ,
AddFile ( AddFileV0 ) ,
RemoveFile ( RemoveFileV0 ) ,
//Revert(RevertV0), // only possible on partial order commit
// For both
ThresholdSignature ( ThresholdSignatureV0 ) ,
/// Commit body
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum CommitBody {
V0 ( CommitBodyV0 ) ,
impl CommitBody {
pub fn must_be_root_commit_in_branch ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > match v0 {
CommitBodyV0 ::Repository ( _ ) = > true ,
CommitBodyV0 ::Branch ( _ ) = > true ,
_ = > false ,
} ,
pub fn total_order_required ( & self ) -> bool {
match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > match v0 {
CommitBodyV0 ::UpdateRootBranch ( _ ) = > true ,
CommitBodyV0 ::AddMember ( _ ) = > true ,
CommitBodyV0 ::RemoveMember ( _ ) = > true ,
CommitBodyV0 ::Quorum ( _ ) = > true ,
CommitBodyV0 ::UpdateBranch ( _ ) = > true ,
CommitBodyV0 ::Snapshot ( s ) = > s . hard ,
_ = > false ,
} ,
pub fn required_permission ( & self ) -> HashSet < & Permission > {
let res : & [ Permission ] ;
res = match self {
Self ::V0 ( v0 ) = > match v0 {
CommitBodyV0 ::Repository ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Create ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::RootBranch ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Create ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::UpdateRootBranch ( _ ) = > {
& [ Permission ::RemoveMember , Permission ::MoveToStore ]
CommitBodyV0 ::AddMember ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Create , Permission ::AddMember ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::RemoveMember ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::RemoveMember ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::Quorum ( _ ) = > & [
Permission ::Create ,
Permission ::AddMember ,
Permission ::RemoveMember ,
Permission ::ChangeQuorum ,
] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::AddPermission ( _ ) = > {
& [ Permission ::Create , Permission ::ChangePermission ]
CommitBodyV0 ::RemovePermission ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::ChangePermission ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::AddBranch ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Create , Permission ::AddBranch ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::RemoveBranch ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::RemoveBranch ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::UpdateBranch ( _ ) = > {
& [ Permission ::RemoveMember , Permission ::MoveToStore ]
CommitBodyV0 ::AddName ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::AddBranch , Permission ::ChangeName ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::RemoveName ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::ChangeName , Permission ::RemoveBranch ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::Branch ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Create , Permission ::AddBranch ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::ChangeMainBranch ( _ ) = > {
& [ Permission ::Create , Permission ::ChangeMainBranch ]
CommitBodyV0 ::Snapshot ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Snapshot ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::Transaction ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Transaction ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::AddFile ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Transaction ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::RemoveFile ( _ ) = > & [ Permission ::Transaction ] ,
CommitBodyV0 ::ThresholdSignature ( _ ) = > & [
Permission ::AddMember ,
Permission ::ChangeQuorum ,
Permission ::RemoveMember ,
Permission ::Snapshot ,
Permission ::MoveToStore ,
Permission ::Transaction ,
] ,
} ,
} ;
HashSet ::from_iter ( res . iter ( ) )
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum QuorumType {
NoSigning ,
PartialOrder ,
TotalOrder ,
/// Content of a Commit
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct CommitContentV0 {
/// Commit author (a ForwardedPeerId)
pub author : PubKey ,
/// Author's commit sequence number
pub seq : u64 ,
/// BranchId the commit belongs to (not a ref, as readers do not need to access the branch definition)
pub branch : BranchId ,
/// Keys to be able to open all the references (deps, acks, refs, etc...)
pub header_keys : Option < CommitHeaderKeysV0 > ,
/// This commit can only be accepted if signed by this quorum
pub quorum : QuorumType ,
/// App-specific metadata (commit message, creation time, etc)
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
/// reference to an Object with a CommitBody inside.
/// When the commit is reverted or erased (after compaction/snapshot), the CommitBody is deleted, creating a dangling reference
pub body : ObjectRef ,
/// Commit object
/// Signed by branch key, or a member key authorized to publish this commit type
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct CommitV0 {
/// ID of containing Object
#[ serde(skip) ]
pub id : Option < ObjectId > ,
/// Key of containing Object
#[ serde(skip) ]
pub key : Option < SymKey > ,
/// optional Commit Header
#[ serde(skip) ]
pub header : Option < CommitHeaderV0 > ,
/// Commit content
pub content : CommitContentV0 ,
/// Signature over the content by the author
pub sig : Sig ,
/// Commit Object
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Commit {
V0 ( CommitV0 ) ,
/// File Object
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub struct FileV0 {
pub content_type : String ,
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub metadata : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ serde(with = " serde_bytes " ) ]
pub content : Vec < u8 > ,
/// A file stored in an Object
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum File {
V0 ( FileV0 ) ,
/// Immutable data stored encrypted in a Merkle tree V0
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum ObjectContentV0 {
Commit ( CommitV0 ) ,
CommitBody ( CommitBodyV0 ) ,
CommitHeader ( CommitHeaderV0 ) ,
File ( FileV0 ) ,
/// Immutable data stored encrypted in a Merkle tree
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum ObjectContent {
V0 ( ObjectContentV0 ) ,