// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers
// All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE2 or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use ed25519_dalek ::* ;
use core ::fmt ;
use duration_str ::parse ;
use futures ::{ future , pin_mut , stream , SinkExt , StreamExt } ;
use ng_net ::actors ::* ;
use ng_repo ::block_storage ::{
store_max_value_size , store_valid_value_size , BlockStorage , HashMapBlockStorage ,
} ;
use rand ::rngs ::OsRng ;
use serde ::{ Deserialize , Serialize } ;
use serde_json ::{ from_str , to_string_pretty } ;
use std ::collections ::HashMap ;
use std ::error ::Error ;
use std ::fs ::{ read_to_string , write } ;
use std ::io ::ErrorKind ;
use std ::net ::{ IpAddr , Ipv4Addr , Ipv6Addr } ;
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use std ::str ::FromStr ;
use zeroize ::Zeroize ;
use ng_client_ws ::remote_ws ::ConnectionWebSocket ;
use ng_net ::broker ::BROKER ;
use ng_net ::types ::* ;
use ng_repo ::errors ::* ;
use ng_repo ::log ::* ;
use ng_repo ::types ::* ;
use ng_repo ::utils ::{
decode_key , display_timestamp , generate_keypair , now_timestamp , timestamp_after ,
} ;
use clap ::{ arg , command , value_parser , ArgAction , Command } ;
/// CliConfig Version 0
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize) ]
pub struct CliConfigV0 {
pub ip : IpAddr ,
pub port : u16 ,
pub peer_id : PubKey ,
pub user : Option < PrivKey > ,
/// Cli config
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize) ]
pub enum CliConfig {
V0 ( CliConfigV0 ) ,
impl CliConfig {
fn new_v0 ( ip : IpAddr , port : u16 , peer_id : PubKey ) -> Self {
CliConfig ::V0 ( CliConfigV0 {
ip ,
port ,
peer_id ,
user : None ,
} )
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub enum NgcliError {
IoError ( std ::io ::Error ) ,
NgError ( NgError ) ,
InvalidKeyFile ( String ) ,
CannotSaveKey ( String ) ,
InvalidConfigFile ( String ) ,
ProtocolError ( ProtocolError ) ,
OtherConfigError ( String ) ,
OtherConfigErrorStr ( & ' static str ) ,
CannotSaveConfig ( String ) ,
impl Error for NgcliError { }
impl From < NgcliError > for std ::io ::Error {
fn from ( err : NgcliError ) -> std ::io ::Error {
match err {
NgcliError ::NgError ( e ) = > e . into ( ) ,
NgcliError ::ProtocolError ( e ) = > Into ::< NgError > ::into ( e ) . into ( ) ,
NgcliError ::IoError ( e ) = > e ,
_ = > std ::io ::Error ::new ( std ::io ::ErrorKind ::Other , err . to_string ( ) . as_str ( ) ) ,
impl From < NgError > for NgcliError {
fn from ( err : NgError ) -> NgcliError {
Self ::NgError ( err )
impl From < ProtocolError > for NgcliError {
fn from ( err : ProtocolError ) -> NgcliError {
Self ::ProtocolError ( err )
impl From < std ::io ::Error > for NgcliError {
fn from ( io : std ::io ::Error ) -> NgcliError {
NgcliError ::IoError ( io )
impl fmt ::Display for NgcliError {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::InvalidKeyFile ( s ) = > write! ( f , "provided key file is invalid. {}" , s ) ,
Self ::CannotSaveKey ( s ) = > write! ( f , "cannot save key to file. {}" , s ) ,
Self ::NgError ( e ) = > write! ( f , "{}" , e . to_string ( ) ) ,
Self ::InvalidConfigFile ( s ) = > write! ( f , "provided config file is invalid. {}" , s ) ,
Self ::IoError ( e ) = > write! ( f , "IoError : {:?}" , e ) ,
Self ::ProtocolError ( e ) = > write! ( f , "{}" , e ) ,
Self ::OtherConfigError ( s ) = > write! ( f , "{}" , s ) ,
Self ::OtherConfigErrorStr ( s ) = > write! ( f , "{}" , s ) ,
_ = > write! ( f , "{:?}" , self ) ,
fn gen_client_keys ( key : Option < [ u8 ; 32 ] > ) -> [ [ u8 ; 32 ] ; 4 ] {
let key = match key {
None = > {
let mut master_key = [ 0 u8 ; 32 ] ;
log_warn ! ( "gen_client_keys: No key provided, generating one" ) ;
getrandom ::getrandom ( & mut master_key ) . expect ( "getrandom failed" ) ;
Some ( k ) = > k ,
} ;
let peerid : [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
let wallet : [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
let sig : [ u8 ; 32 ] ;
peerid = blake3 ::derive_key ( "NextGraph Client BLAKE3 key PeerId privkey" , & key ) ;
wallet = blake3 ::derive_key ( "NextGraph Client BLAKE3 key wallet encryption" , & key ) ;
sig = blake3 ::derive_key ( "NextGraph Client BLAKE3 key config signature" , & key ) ;
[ key , peerid , wallet , sig ]
#[ async_std::main ]
async fn main ( ) -> std ::io ::Result < ( ) > {
if let Err ( err ) = main_inner ( ) . await {
log_err ! ( "An error occurred: {}" , err . to_string ( ) ) ;
return Err ( err . into ( ) ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn main_inner ( ) -> Result < ( ) , NgcliError > {
let matches = command ! ( )
. arg ( arg ! (
- v - - verbose .. . "Increase the logging output. once : info, twice : debug, 3 times : trace"
) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - b - - base < PATH > "Base path for client home folder containing all persistent files, config, and key" )
. required ( false )
. value_parser ( value_parser ! ( PathBuf ) )
. default_value ( ".ng" ) )
. arg (
arg ! (
- k - - key < KEY > " Master key of the client . Should be a base64 - url encoded serde serialization of a [ u8 ; 32 ] .
If not provided , a new key will be generated for you "
. required ( false )
. env ( "NG_CLIENT_KEY" ) ,
. arg (
arg ! (
- u - - user < USER_PRIVKEY > " Client ID to use to connect to the server . Should be a base64 - url encoded serde
serialization of a [ u8 ; 32 ] representing the user private key "
. required ( false )
. env ( "NG_CLIENT_USER" ) ,
. arg (
arg ! (
- s - - server < IP_PORT_PEER_ID > " Server to connect to . IP can be IpV4 or IPv6 , followed by a
comma and port as u16 and another comma and PEER_ID
should be a base64 - url encoded serde serialization of a [ u8 ; 32 ] "
. required ( false )
. env ( "NG_CLIENT_SERVER" ) ,
. arg ( arg ! (
- - save_key " Saves to disk the provided or automatically generated key . Only use if file storage is secure .
Alternatives are passing the key at every start with - - key or NG_CLIENT_KEY env var . "
) . long ( "save-key" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! (
- - save_config "Saves to disk the provided config of the <USER_PRIVKEY> and server <IP_PORT_PEER_ID>."
) . long ( "save-config" ) . required ( false ) )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "admin" )
. about ( "admin users can administrate their broker (add user, create invite links)" )
. subcommand_required ( true )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "add-user" )
. about ( "add a user to the server, so it can connect to it" )
. arg ( arg ! ( < USER_ID > "userId of the user to add. should be a base64-url encoded serde serialization of its pubkey [u8; 32]" ) . required ( true ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - a - - admin "make this user admin as well" ) . required ( false ) ) )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "del-user" )
. about ( "removes a user from the broker" )
. arg ( arg ! ( < USER_ID > "userId of the user to remove. should be a base64-url encoded serde serialization of its pubkey [u8; 32]" ) . required ( true ) ) )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "list-users" )
. about ( "list all users registered in the broker" )
. arg ( arg ! ( - a - - admin "only lists admin users. otherwise, lists only non admin users" ) . required ( false ) ) )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "add-invitation" )
. about ( "add an invitation to register on the server" )
. arg ( arg ! ( [ EXPIRES ] "offset (from now) of time after which the invitation should expire. Format example: 1w 1d 1m. default unit is second. see https://crates.io/crates/duration-str for format" ) . conflicts_with ( "forever" ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - a - - admin "user registered with this invitation will have admin permissions" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - i - - multi "many users can use this invitation to register themselves, until the invitation code is deleted by an admin" ) . required ( false ) . conflicts_with ( "admin" ) . conflicts_with ( "unique" ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - u - - unique "this invitation can be used only once. this is the default" ) . required ( false ) . conflicts_with ( "admin" ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - f - - forever "this invitation does not expire. it can be used forever (or until deleted by an admin). default if no EXPIRES provided" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - n - - name < NAME > "optional name of this broker that will be displayed to the user when registering: You have been invited to register an account at [NAME]" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - m - - memo < MEMO > "optional memo about this invitation that will be kept in the server. it will help you to remember who you invited and to manage the invitation" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - - notos "the TOS have already been accepted by the user. No need to redirect to a page for TOS acceptance." ) . required ( false ) ) )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "list-invitations" )
. about ( "list all invitations" )
. arg ( arg ! ( - a - - admin "only lists admin invitations" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - m - - multi "only lists multiple-use invitations" ) . required ( false ) )
. arg ( arg ! ( - u - - unique "only lists unique-use invitations" ) . required ( false ) ) )
. subcommand (
Command ::new ( "gen-key" )
. about ( "Generates a new key pair () public key and private key ) to be used by example for user authentication." )
. get_matches ( ) ;
if std ::env ::var ( "RUST_LOG" ) . is_err ( ) {
match matches . get_one ::< u8 > ( "verbose" ) . unwrap ( ) {
0 = > std ::env ::set_var ( "RUST_LOG" , "warn" ) ,
1 = > std ::env ::set_var ( "RUST_LOG" , "info" ) ,
2 = > std ::env ::set_var ( "RUST_LOG" , "debug" ) ,
3 = > std ::env ::set_var ( "RUST_LOG" , "trace" ) ,
_ = > std ::env ::set_var ( "RUST_LOG" , "trace" ) ,
env_logger ::init ( ) ;
if let Some ( matches ) = matches . subcommand_matches ( "gen-key" ) {
let ( privkey , pubkey ) = generate_keypair ( ) ;
println! ( "Your UserId is: {pubkey}" ) ;
println! ( "Your Private key is: {privkey}" ) ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
let base = matches . get_one ::< PathBuf > ( "base" ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "base {:?}" , base ) ;
let mut path = base . clone ( ) ;
path . push ( "client" ) ;
if ! path . is_absolute ( ) {
path = std ::env ::current_dir ( ) . unwrap ( ) . join ( path ) ;
log_debug ! ( "cur {}" , std ::env ::current_dir ( ) . unwrap ( ) . display ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "home {}" , path . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
std ::fs ::create_dir_all ( path . clone ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// reading key from file, if any
let mut key_path = path . clone ( ) ;
key_path . push ( "key" ) ;
let key_from_file : Option < [ u8 ; 32 ] > = match read_to_string ( key_path . clone ( ) ) {
Err ( _ ) = > None ,
Ok ( mut file ) = > {
let first_line = file
. lines ( )
. nth ( 0 )
. ok_or ( NgcliError ::InvalidKeyFile ( "empty file" . to_string ( ) ) ) ? ;
let res = decode_key ( first_line . trim ( ) )
. map_err ( | _ | NgcliError ::InvalidKeyFile ( "deserialization error" . to_string ( ) ) ) ? ;
file . zeroize ( ) ;
Some ( res )
} ;
let mut keys : [ [ u8 ; 32 ] ; 4 ] = match matches . get_one ::< String > ( "key" ) {
Some ( key_string ) = > {
if key_from_file . is_some ( ) {
log_err ! ( "provided --key option or NG_CLIENT_KEY var env will not be used as a key file is already present" ) ;
gen_client_keys ( key_from_file )
} else {
let res = decode_key ( key_string . as_str ( ) ) . map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::InvalidKeyFile (
"check the argument provided in command line" . to_string ( ) ,
} ) ? ;
if matches . get_flag ( "save_key" ) {
let mut master_key = base64_url ::encode ( & res ) ;
write ( key_path . clone ( ) , & master_key )
. map_err ( | e | NgcliError ::CannotSaveKey ( e . to_string ( ) ) ) ? ;
master_key . zeroize ( ) ;
log_info ! ( "The key has been saved to {}" , key_path . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
gen_client_keys ( Some ( res ) )
None = > {
if key_from_file . is_some ( ) {
gen_client_keys ( key_from_file )
} else {
let res = gen_client_keys ( None ) ;
let mut master_key = base64_url ::encode ( & res [ 0 ] ) ;
if matches . get_flag ( "save_key" ) {
write ( key_path . clone ( ) , & master_key )
. map_err ( | e | NgcliError ::CannotSaveKey ( e . to_string ( ) ) ) ? ;
log_info ! ( "The key has been saved to {}" , key_path . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
} else {
// on purpose we don't log the key, just print it out to stdout, as it should not be saved in logger's files
println! ( "YOUR GENERATED KEY IS: {}" , master_key ) ;
log_err ! ( "At your request, the key wasn't saved. If you want to save it to disk, use ---save-key" ) ;
log_err ! ( "provide it again to the next start of ngcli with --key option or NG_CLIENT_KEY env variable" ) ;
master_key . zeroize ( ) ;
} ;
key_from_file . and_then ( | mut key | {
key . zeroize ( ) ;
None ::< ( ) >
} ) ;
// reading config from file, if any
let mut config_path = path . clone ( ) ;
config_path . push ( "config.json" ) ;
let mut config : Option < CliConfig > = match read_to_string ( config_path . clone ( ) ) {
Err ( _ ) = > None ,
Ok ( file ) = > {
Some ( from_str ( & file ) . map_err ( | e | NgcliError ::InvalidConfigFile ( e . to_string ( ) ) ) ? )
} ;
if let Some ( server ) = matches . get_one ::< String > ( "server" ) {
let addr : Vec < & str > = server . split ( ',' ) . collect ( ) ;
if addr . len ( ) ! = 3 {
return Err ( NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr (
"NG_CLIENT_SERVER or the --server option is invalid. format is IP,PORT,PEER_ID." ,
) ) ;
let ip = IpAddr ::from_str ( addr [ 0 ] ) . map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr ( "NG_CLIENT_SERVER or the --server option is invalid. format is IP,PORT,PEER_ID. The first part is not an IP address." )
} ) ? ;
let port = from_str ::< u16 > ( addr [ 1 ] ) . map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr ( "NG_CLIENT_SERVER or the --server option is invalid. format is IP,PORT,PEER_ID. The port is invalid. It should be a number." )
} ) ? ;
let peer_id : PubKey = addr [ 2 ] . try_into ( ) . map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr (
"NG_CLIENT_SERVER or the --server option is invalid. format is IP,PORT,PEER_ID. The PEER_ID is invalid. It should be a base64-url encoded serde serialization of a [u8; 32]."
} ) ? ;
if config . is_some ( ) {
log_warn ! ( "Overriding the config found in file with new server parameters provided on command line!" ) ;
let CliConfig ::V0 ( c ) = config . as_mut ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
c . ip = ip ;
c . port = port ;
c . peer_id = peer_id ;
} else {
config = Some ( CliConfig ::new_v0 ( ip , port , peer_id ) ) ;
if config . is_none ( ) {
return Err ( NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr (
"No config found for the server to connect to. The config file is missing. You must provide NG_CLIENT_SERVER or the --server option." ,
) ) ;
if let Some ( user ) = matches . get_one ::< String > ( "user" ) {
let privkey : PrivKey = user . as_str ( ) . try_into ( ) . map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr (
"NG_CLIENT_USER or the --user option is invalid. It should be a base64-url encoded serde serialization of a [u8; 32] of a private key for a user." ,
} ) ? ;
if config . is_some ( ) {
let CliConfig ::V0 ( c ) = config . as_mut ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if c . user . is_some ( ) {
log_warn ! ( "Overriding the config found in file with new user parameter provided on command line!" ) ;
c . user = Some ( privkey ) ;
} else {
panic! ( "should not happen. no config and no server params. cannot set user" ) ;
let CliConfig ::V0 ( config_v0 ) = config . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if config_v0 . user . is_none ( ) {
return Err ( NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr (
"No config found for the user. The config file is missing. You must provide NG_CLIENT_USER or the --user option." ,
) ) ;
if matches . get_flag ( "save_config" ) {
// saves the config to file
let json_string = to_string_pretty ( config . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
write ( config_path . clone ( ) , json_string ) . map_err ( | e | {
NgcliError ::CannotSaveConfig ( format! ( "cannot save config to file. {}." , e . to_string ( ) ) )
} ) ? ;
log_info ! (
"The config file has been saved to {}" ,
config_path . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( )
) ;
async fn do_admin_call <
A : Into < ProtocolMessage >
+ Into < AdminRequestContentV0 >
+ std ::fmt ::Debug
+ Sync
+ Send
+ ' static ,
> (
privk : [ u8 ; 32 ] ,
config_v0 : & CliConfigV0 ,
cmd : A ,
) -> Result < AdminResponseContentV0 , ProtocolError > {
let peer_privk = PrivKey ::Ed25519PrivKey ( privk ) ;
let peer_pubk = peer_privk . to_pub ( ) ;
. write ( )
. await
. admin (
Box ::new ( ConnectionWebSocket { } ) ,
peer_privk ,
peer_pubk ,
config_v0 . peer_id ,
config_v0 . user . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . to_pub ( ) ,
config_v0 . user . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . clone ( ) ,
BindAddress {
port : config_v0 . port ,
ip : ( & config_v0 . ip ) . into ( ) ,
} ,
cmd ,
. await
//log_debug!("{:?}", config);
match matches . subcommand ( ) {
Some ( ( "admin" , sub_matches ) ) = > match sub_matches . subcommand ( ) {
Some ( ( "add-user" , sub2_matches ) ) = > {
log_debug ! ( "add-user" ) ;
let res = do_admin_call (
keys [ 1 ] ,
config_v0 ,
AddUser ::V0 ( AddUserV0 {
user : sub2_matches
. get_one ::< String > ( "USER_ID" )
. unwrap ( )
. as_str ( )
. try_into ( )
. map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr ( "supplied USER_ID is invalid" )
} ) ? ,
is_admin : sub2_matches . get_flag ( "admin" ) ,
} ) ,
. await ? ;
println! ( "User added successfully" ) ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
Some ( ( "del-user" , sub2_matches ) ) = > {
log_debug ! ( "add-user" ) ;
let res = do_admin_call (
keys [ 1 ] ,
config_v0 ,
DelUser ::V0 ( DelUserV0 {
user : sub2_matches
. get_one ::< String > ( "USER_ID" )
. unwrap ( )
. as_str ( )
. try_into ( )
. map_err ( | _ | {
NgcliError ::OtherConfigErrorStr ( "supplied USER_ID is invalid" )
} ) ? ,
} ) ,
. await ? ;
println! ( "User removed successfully" ) ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
Some ( ( "list-users" , sub2_matches ) ) = > {
log_debug ! ( "list-users" ) ;
let admins = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "admin" ) ;
let res = do_admin_call ( keys [ 1 ] , config_v0 , ListUsers ::V0 ( ListUsersV0 { admins } ) )
. await ? ;
match & res {
AdminResponseContentV0 ::Users ( list ) = > {
println! (
"Found {} {}users" ,
list . len ( ) ,
if admins { "admin " } else { "" }
) ;
for user in list {
println! ( "{user}" ) ;
_ = > return Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse . into ( ) ) ,
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
Some ( ( "add-invitation" , sub2_matches ) ) = > {
log_debug ! ( "add-invitation" ) ;
let expires = sub2_matches . get_one ::< String > ( "EXPIRES" ) ;
let expiry = if expires . is_some ( ) {
let duration = parse ( expires . unwrap ( ) . as_str ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
timestamp_after ( duration )
} else {
} ;
let admin = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "admin" ) ;
let multi = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "multi" ) ;
let _unique = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "unique" ) ;
let symkey = SymKey ::random ( ) ;
let invite_code = if admin {
InvitationCode ::Admin ( symkey . clone ( ) )
} else if multi {
InvitationCode ::Multi ( symkey . clone ( ) )
} else {
InvitationCode ::Unique ( symkey . clone ( ) )
} ;
let mut res = do_admin_call (
keys [ 1 ] ,
config_v0 ,
AddInvitation ::V0 ( AddInvitationV0 {
invite_code ,
expiry ,
memo : sub2_matches . get_one ::< String > ( "memo" ) . map ( | s | s . clone ( ) ) ,
tos_url : ! sub2_matches . get_flag ( "notos" ) ,
} ) ,
. await ? ;
match & mut res {
AdminResponseContentV0 ::Invitation ( invitation ) = > {
. set_name ( sub2_matches . get_one ::< String > ( "name" ) . map ( | s | s . clone ( ) ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{:?}" , invitation ) ;
println! ( "Invitation created successfully. please note carefully the following links. share one of them with the invited user(s)" ) ;
for link in invitation . get_urls ( ) {
println! ( "The invitation link is: {}" , link )
_ = > return Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse . into ( ) ) ,
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
Some ( ( "list-invitations" , sub2_matches ) ) = > {
log_debug ! ( "invitations" ) ;
let admin = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "admin" ) ;
let multi = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "multi" ) ;
let unique = sub2_matches . get_flag ( "unique" ) ;
let res = do_admin_call (
keys [ 1 ] ,
config_v0 ,
ListInvitations ::V0 ( ListInvitationsV0 {
admin ,
multi ,
unique ,
} ) ,
. await ? ;
match & res {
AdminResponseContentV0 ::Invitations ( list ) = > {
println! (
"Found {} {}invitations" ,
list . len ( ) ,
if admin & & multi & & unique {
"" . to_string ( )
} else {
let mut name = vec! [ ] ;
if admin {
name . push ( "admin " ) ;
if multi {
name . push ( "multi " ) ;
if unique {
name . push ( "unique " ) ;
name . join ( "or " )
) ;
for invite in list {
println! (
"{} expires {}. memo={}" ,
invite . 0 ,
if invite . 1 = = 0 {
"never" . to_string ( )
} else {
display_timestamp ( & invite . 1 )
} ,
invite . 2. as_ref ( ) . unwrap_or ( & "" . to_string ( ) )
) ;
_ = > return Err ( NgError ::InvalidResponse . into ( ) ) ,
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
_ = > panic! ( "shouldn't happen" ) ,
} ,
_ = > println! ( "Nothing to do." ) ,
Ok ( ( ) )
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod test {
// #[async_std::test]
// pub async fn test_local_cnx() {}
// //test_local_connection().await;
// //test_remote_connection("ws://").await;
// use async_std::task;
// use ng_broker::server_ws::*;
// use ng_net::utils::gen_dh_keys;
// use ng_net::WS_PORT;
// use ng_repo::log::*;
// use ng_repo::types::PubKey;
// //#[async_std::test]
// }