diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1fef55d..9043091 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 Rust implementation of NextGraph
-This repository is in active development at [https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs), a Gitea instance. For bug reports, issues, merge requests, and in order to join the dev team, please visit the link above and create an account (you can do so with a github account). The [github repo](https://github.com/nextgraph-org/nextgraph-rs) is just a read-only mirror that do not accepts issues.
+This repository is in active development at [https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs), a Gitea instance. For bug reports, issues, merge requests, and in order to join the dev team, please visit the link above and create an account (you can do so with a github account). The [github repo](https://github.com/nextgraph-org/nextgraph-rs) is just a read-only mirror that does not accept issues.