// Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. use clap::Parser; use crate::DEFAULT_PORT; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] pub(crate) struct Cli { /// List all network interfaces available on the host #[arg(short('i'), long)] pub list_interfaces: bool, /// Increase the logging output. once : info, twice : debug, 3 times : trace #[arg(short, long, action = clap::ArgAction::Count)] pub verbose: u8, /// Base path for server home folder containing all persistent files #[arg(short, long, default_value = ".ng", value_name("PATH"))] pub base: String, /// Master key of the server. Should be a base64-url encoded serde serialization of a PrivKey. if not provided, a new key will be generated for you #[arg(short, long, env = "NG_SERVER_KEY")] pub key: Option, /// Saves to disk the provided or automatically generated key. Only use if file storage is secure. Alternatives are passing the key at every start with --key or NG_SERVER_KEY env var. #[arg(long)] pub save_key: bool, /// Quick config to listen for clients on localhost port PORT. Defaults to port 80 #[arg(short, long, value_name("PORT"), default_missing_value(format!("{}",DEFAULT_PORT)), num_args(0..=1))] pub local: Option, /// Quick config to listen for core brokers on public INTERFACE (and optional :PORT). Defaults to first public interface on the host, port 80 #[arg(short, long, value_name("INTERFACE:PORT"), default_missing_value("default"), num_args(0..=1))] pub core: Option, /// When --core is used, this option will allow clients to connect to the public interface too. Otherwise, by default, they cannot. #[arg(long, requires("core"))] pub core_with_clients: bool, /// Quick config to forward all requests to another BROKER. format is "[DOMAIN/IP:PORT]@PEER_ID". An IPv6 should be encased in square brackets `[IPv6]` and the whole option should be between double quotes. Port defaults to 80 for IPs and 443 for domains #[arg( short, long, value_name("BROKER"), conflicts_with("core"), conflicts_with("public"), conflicts_with("dynamic") )] pub forward: Option, /// Quick config to listen for clients on private INTERFACE (and optional :PORT). Defaults to first private interface on the host, port 80 #[arg(short, long, value_name("INTERFACE:PORT"), default_missing_value("default"), num_args(0..=1))] pub private: Option, /// Quick config to listen for clients and core brokers on PRIVATE_INTERFACE (can be "default"), behind a DMZ or port forwarding of a public static IP. PUBLIC_IPV6 is optional. PORTs defaults to 80. #[arg( short('u'), long, value_name("PRIVATE_INTERFACE:PORT,[PUBLIC_IPV6,]PUBLIC_IPV4:PORT"), conflicts_with("core") )] pub public: Option, /// When --public or --dynamic is used, this option will disallow clients to connect to the public interface too. Otherwise, by default, they can. Should be used in combination with a --domain option #[arg(long, conflicts_with("private"))] pub public_without_clients: bool, /// When --public is used with a public IPV6, this option will bind the IPV6 to the private interface. This is how DMZ works for IpV6 #[arg(long, requires("public"), conflicts_with("no_ipv6"))] pub bind_public_ipv6: bool, /// Quick config to listen for clients and core brokers on PRIVATE_INTERFACE, behind a DMZ or port forwarding of a public dynamic IP. PORTs defaults to 80 #[arg(short('y'), long, value_name("PRIVATE_INTERFACE:PORT,PUBLIC_PORT"), default_missing_value("default"), num_args(0..=1), conflicts_with("public"), conflicts_with("core"))] pub dynamic: Option, /// Quick config to listen for clients on localhost interface with port LOCAL_PORT (defaults to 1440), behind a reverse proxy that sends X-Forwarded-For for a TLS terminated DOMAIN name #[arg(short, long, value_name("DOMAIN:PORT,LOCAL_PORT"))] pub domain: Option, /// Quick config to listen for clients on private INTERFACE:PORT (defaults to first private interface and/or port 1440), behind a reverse proxy that sends X-Forwarded-For for a TLS terminated DOMAIN name. Domain Port defaults to 443 #[arg( short('x'), long, value_name("DOMAIN:PORT,INTERFACE:PORT"), conflicts_with("domain") )] pub domain_private: Option, /// Option for --domain if this host is part of a pool of load-balanced servers behind a reverse proxy, and the same PeerId should be shared among them all #[arg(short('e'), long, value_name("PEER_KEY"))] pub domain_peer: Option, /// Option for quick config: does not listen on any IPv6 interfaces #[arg(long)] pub no_ipv6: bool, /// Registration of new users is off. default is invitation-only registration #[arg(long)] pub registration_off: bool, /// Registration of new users is open to anybody without restriction. default is invitation-only registration #[arg(long, conflicts_with("registration_off"))] pub registration_open: bool, /// Registration URL used when creating invitation links, an optional url to redirect the user to, for accepting ToS and making payment, if any. #[arg(long)] pub registration_url: Option, /// Admin userID #[arg(long)] pub admin: Option, /// Admin invitation #[arg(long, conflicts_with("admin"))] pub invite_admin: bool, /// Saves the quick config into a file on disk, that can then be modified for advanced configs #[arg(long)] pub save_config: bool, /// Prints on stdout the Quick config submitted on command-line, or alternatively, the config already saved on disk #[arg(long)] pub print_config: bool, //TODO: to switch lang of error messages and CLI interface // pub lang: Option, }