import { defineConfig } from "vite"; import { internalIpV4 } from 'internal-ip' import { svelte, vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte"; import sveltePreprocess from "svelte-preprocess"; import { viteSingleFile } from "vite-plugin-singlefile" import svelteSVG from "vite-plugin-svelte-svg"; import wasm from "vite-plugin-wasm"; import topLevelAwait from "vite-plugin-top-level-await"; // export default defineConfig(async () => { const host = await internalIpV4() const config = { optimizeDeps: { exclude: ["codemirror", "@codemirror/*", "@codemirror/language", "@codemirror/state", "@codemirror/view","@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/sparql", "@codemirror/lang-javascript", "@codemirror/lang-rust", "@replit/codemirror-lang-svelte", "yjs", "", "svelte-codemirror-editor", "prosemirror-svelte", "prosemirror-svelte/state", "prosemirror-svelte/helpers", "y-prosemirror", "prosemirror-state", "prosemirror-model", "prosemirror-view", "y-protocols"], }, worker: { format: 'es', plugins : [ topLevelAwait(), wasm(), ] }, plugins: [ topLevelAwait(), wasm(), svelte({ preprocess: [ vitePreprocess(), sveltePreprocess({ typescript: true, postcss: true, }), ], onwarn: (warning, handler) => { if (warning.code === 'css-unused-selector') { return; } handler(warning); }, }), svelteSVG({ svgoConfig: { plugins: [ { name: 'preset-default', params: { overrides: { // disable plugins removeViewBox: false, }, }, }, { name: 'prefixIds', } ], }, // See requireSuffix: true, // Set false to accept '.svg' without the '?component' }), ], // Vite options tailored for Tauri development and only applied in `tauri dev` or `tauri build` // prevent vite from obscuring rust errors clearScreen: false, // tauri expects a fixed port, fail if that port is not available server: { port: process.env.NG_APP_WEB ? 1421 : 1420, host: '', strictPort: true, // fs: { // // Allow serving files from one level up to the project root // allow: ['..'], // }, hmr: { protocol: 'ws', host, port: process.env.NG_APP_WEB ? 5184 : 5183, } }, // to make use of `TAURI_DEBUG` and other env variables // envPrefix: ["VITE_", "TAURI_", "NG_"], build: { outDir: process.env.NG_APP_WEB ? process.env.NG_APP_FILE ? 'dist-file' : 'dist-web' : 'dist', // Tauri supports es2021 target: process.env.NG_APP_WEB ? 'modules' : process.env.TAURI_PLATFORM == "windows" ? "chrome105" : "safari13", // don't minify for debug builds minify: !process.env.TAURI_DEBUG ? "esbuild" : false, // produce sourcemaps for debug builds sourcemap: !!process.env.TAURI_DEBUG, } } if (process.env.NG_APP_FILE) { config.plugins.push(viteSingleFile()); config.worker.plugins.push(viteSingleFile()); } return config })