// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. //! Repository use core::fmt; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::Arc; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::errors::*; #[allow(unused_imports)] use crate::log::*; use crate::store::Store; use crate::types::*; impl RepositoryV0 { pub fn new_with_meta(id: &PubKey, metadata: &Vec) -> RepositoryV0 { RepositoryV0 { id: id.clone(), metadata: metadata.clone(), verification_program: vec![], fork_of: vec![], creator: None, } } } impl Repository { pub fn new(id: &RepoId) -> Self { Repository::V0(RepositoryV0 { id: id.clone(), verification_program: vec![], creator: None, fork_of: vec![], metadata: vec![], }) } pub fn new_with_meta(id: &PubKey, metadata: &Vec) -> Repository { Repository::V0(RepositoryV0::new_with_meta(id, metadata)) } pub fn id(&self) -> &PubKey { match self { Self::V0(v0) => &v0.id, } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UserInfo { /// list of permissions granted to user, with optional metadata pub permissions: HashMap>, pub id: UserId, } impl UserInfo { pub fn has_any_perm(&self, perms: &HashSet) -> Result<(), NgError> { //log_debug!("perms {:?}", perms); if self.has_perm(&PermissionV0::Owner).is_ok() { return Ok(()); } let is_admin = self.has_perm(&PermissionV0::Admin).is_ok(); //log_debug!("is_admin {}", is_admin); //is_delegated_by_admin let has_perms: HashSet<&PermissionV0> = self.permissions.keys().collect(); //log_debug!("has_perms {:?}", has_perms); for perm in perms { if is_admin && perm.is_delegated_by_admin() || has_perms.contains(perm) { return Ok(()); } } // if has_perms.intersection(perms).count() > 0 { // Ok(()) // } else { Err(NgError::PermissionDenied) } pub fn has_perm(&self, perm: &PermissionV0) -> Result<&Vec, NgError> { self.permissions.get(perm).ok_or(NgError::PermissionDenied) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BranchInfo { pub id: BranchId, pub branch_type: BranchType, pub crdt: BranchCrdt, pub topic: Option, pub topic_priv_key: Option, pub read_cap: Option, pub fork_of: Option, pub merged_in: Option, pub current_heads: Vec, pub commits_nbr: u64, } /// In memory Repository representation. With helper functions that access the underlying UserStorage and keeps proxy of the values #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Repo { pub id: RepoId, /// Repo definition pub repo_def: Repository, pub read_cap: Option, pub write_cap: Option, pub signer: Option, pub members: HashMap, pub branches: HashMap, /// if opened_branches is empty, it means the repo has not been opened yet. /// if a branchId is present in the hashmap, it means it is opened. /// the boolean indicates if the branch is opened as publisher or not pub opened_branches: HashMap, /*pub main_branch_rc: Option, pub chat_branch_rc: Option, // only used if it is a StoreRepo pub store_branch_rc: Option, pub overlay_branch_rc: Option, // only used if it is a private StoreRepo pub user_branch_rc: Option,*/ pub store: Arc, } impl fmt::Display for Repo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "====== Repo ====== {}", self.id)?; write!(f, "== repo_def: {}", self.repo_def)?; if self.signer.is_some() { writeln!(f, "== signer: {:?}", self.signer)?; } writeln!(f, "== members: {:?}", self.members)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct CommitInfo { pub past: Vec, pub key: ObjectKey, pub signature: Option, pub author: String, pub timestamp: Timestamp, pub final_consistency: bool, pub commit_type: CommitType, pub branch: Option, pub x: u32, pub y: u32, } impl Repo { #[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))] #[allow(deprecated)] pub fn new_with_perms(perms: &[PermissionV0], store: Arc) -> Self { let pub_key = PubKey::nil(); Self::new_with_member(&pub_key, &pub_key, perms, store) } pub(crate) fn get_user_string(&self, user_hash: &Digest) -> String { self.members .get(user_hash) .map_or_else(|| format!("t:{user_hash}"), |info| format!("i:{}", info.id)) } fn load_causal_past( &self, recursor: &mut Vec<(BlockRef, Option)>, visited: &mut HashMap, CommitInfo)>, ) -> Result, VerifierError> { let mut root = None; while let Some((next_ref, future)) = recursor.pop() { if let Ok(cobj) = Commit::load(next_ref, &self.store, true) { let id = cobj.id().unwrap(); if let Some((future_set, _)) = visited.get_mut(&id) { // we update the future if let Some(f) = future { future_set.insert(f); } } else { let commit_type = cobj.get_type().unwrap(); let acks = cobj.acks(); // for a in acks.iter() { // log_debug!("ACKS of {} {}", id.to_string(), a.id.to_string()); // } let (past, real_acks, next_future) = match commit_type { CommitType::SyncSignature => { assert_eq!(acks.len(), 1); let dep = cobj.deps(); assert_eq!(dep.len(), 1); let mut current_commit = dep[0].clone(); let sign_ref = cobj.get_signature_reference().unwrap(); let real_acks; let mut future = id; loop { let o = Commit::load(current_commit.clone(), &self.store, true)?; let deps = o.deps(); let commit_info = CommitInfo { past: deps.iter().map(|r| r.id.clone()).collect(), key: o.key().unwrap(), signature: Some(sign_ref.clone()), author: self.get_user_string(o.author()), timestamp: o.timestamp(), final_consistency: o.final_consistency(), commit_type: o.get_type().unwrap(), branch: None, x: 0, y: 0, }; let id = o.id().unwrap(); visited.insert(id, ([future].into(), commit_info)); future = id; if id == acks[0].id { real_acks = o.acks(); break; } assert_eq!(deps.len(), 1); current_commit = deps[0].clone(); } (vec![dep[0].id], real_acks, future) } CommitType::AsyncSignature => { let past: Vec = acks.iter().map(|r| r.id.clone()).collect(); for p in past.iter() { visited.get_mut(p).unwrap().1.signature = Some(cobj.get_signature_reference().unwrap()); } (past, acks, id) } _ => (acks.iter().map(|r| r.id.clone()).collect(), acks, id), }; let commit_info = CommitInfo { past, key: cobj.key().unwrap(), signature: None, author: self.get_user_string(cobj.author()), timestamp: cobj.timestamp(), final_consistency: cobj.final_consistency(), commit_type, branch: None, x: 0, y: 0, }; visited.insert(id, (future.map_or([].into(), |f| [f].into()), commit_info)); if real_acks.is_empty() && root.is_none() { root = Some(next_future); } recursor.extend(real_acks.into_iter().map(|br| (br, Some(next_future)))); // for past_ref in real_acks { // let o = Commit::load(past_ref, &self.store, true)?; // if let Some(r) = self.load_causal_past(&o, visited, Some(next_future))? { // root = Some(r); // } // } } } } Ok(root) } fn past_is_all_in( past: &Vec, already_in: &HashMap, coming_from: &ObjectId, ) -> bool { for p in past { if !already_in.contains_key(p) && p != coming_from { return false; } } true } fn collapse( id: &ObjectId, dag: &mut HashMap, CommitInfo)>, already_in: &mut HashMap, branches_order: &mut Vec>, branches: &mut HashMap, //swimlanes: &mut Vec>, ) -> Vec<(ObjectId, CommitInfo)> { let (_, c) = dag.get(id).unwrap(); //log_debug!("processing {id}"); if c.past.len() > 1 && !Self::past_is_all_in(&c.past, already_in, id) { // we postpone the merge until all the past commits have been added //log_debug!("postponed {}", id); vec![] } else { let (future, mut info) = dag.remove(id).unwrap(); let mut branch = match info.past.len() { 0 => *id, _ => info.branch.unwrap(), // _ => { // we merge on the smallest branch ordinal. // let smallest_branch = info // .past // .iter() // .map(|past_commit| { // branches.get(already_in.get(past_commit).unwrap()).unwrap() // }) // .min() // .unwrap(); // branches_order // .get(*smallest_branch) // .unwrap() // .unwrap() // .clone() // } }; info.branch = Some(branch.clone()); // let swimlane_idx = branches.get(&branch).unwrap(); // let swimlane = swimlanes.get_mut(*swimlane_idx).unwrap(); // if swimlane.last().map_or(true, |last| last != &branch) { // swimlane.push(branch.clone()); // } let mut res = vec![(*id, info)]; let mut first_child_branch = branch.clone(); already_in.insert(*id, branch); let mut future = Vec::from_iter(future); future.sort(); // the first branch is the continuation as parent. let mut iterator = future.iter().peekable(); while let Some(child) = iterator.next() { //log_debug!("child of {} : {}", id, child); { // we merge on the smallest branch ordinal. let (_, info) = dag.get_mut(child).unwrap(); if let Some(b) = info.branch.to_owned() { let previous_ordinal = branches.get(&b).unwrap(); let new_ordinal = branches.get(&branch).unwrap(); let close = if previous_ordinal > new_ordinal { let _ = info.branch.insert(branch); // we close the previous branch // log_debug!( // "closing previous {} {} in favor of new {} {}", // previous_ordinal, // b, // new_ordinal, // branch // ); &b } else { // otherwise we close the new branch if first_child_branch == branch { first_child_branch = b; } // log_debug!( // "closing new branch {} {} in favor of previous {} {}", // new_ordinal, // branch, // previous_ordinal, // b // ); &branch }; let i = branches.get(close).unwrap(); branches_order.get_mut(*i).unwrap().take(); } else { let _ = info.branch.insert(branch); } } // log_debug!( // "branches_order before children of {child} {:?}", // branches_order // .iter() // .enumerate() // .map(|(i, b)| b.map_or(format!("{i}:closed"), |bb| format!("{i}:{bb}"))) // .collect::>() // .join(" -- ") // ); res.append(&mut Self::collapse( child, dag, already_in, branches_order, branches, //swimlanes, )); // log_debug!( // "branches_order after children of {child} {:?}", // branches_order // .iter() // .enumerate() // .map(|(i, b)| b.map_or(format!("{i}:closed"), |bb| format!("{i}:{bb}"))) // .collect::>() // .join(" -- ") // ); // each other child gets a new branch if let Some(next) = iterator.peek() { branch = **next; if branches.contains_key(*next) { continue; } let mut branch_inserted = false; let mut first_child_branch_passed = false; for (i, next_branch) in branches_order.iter_mut().enumerate() { if let Some(b) = next_branch { if b == &first_child_branch { first_child_branch_passed = true; //log_debug!("first_child_branch_passed"); } } if next_branch.is_none() && first_child_branch_passed { //log_debug!("found empty lane {}, putting branch in it {}", i, branch); let _ = next_branch.insert(branch.clone()); branches.insert(branch, i); branch_inserted = true; break; } } if !branch_inserted { //swimlanes.push(Vec::new()); // log_debug!( // "adding new lane {}, for branch {}", // branches_order.len(), // branch // ); branches_order.push(Some(branch.clone())); branches.insert(branch, branches_order.len() - 1); } } } res } } pub fn history_at_heads( &self, heads: &[ObjectRef], ) -> Result<(Vec<(ObjectId, CommitInfo)>, Vec>), VerifierError> { assert!(!heads.is_empty()); // for h in heads { // log_debug!("HEAD {}", h.id); // } let mut visited = HashMap::new(); let mut root = None; let mut recursor: Vec<(BlockRef, Option)> = heads.iter().map(|h| (h.clone(), None)).collect(); let r = self.load_causal_past(&mut recursor, &mut visited)?; if r.is_some() { root = r; } // for id in heads { // if let Ok(cobj) = Commit::load(id.clone(), &self.store, true) { // let r = self.load_causal_past(&cobj, &mut visited, None)?; // //log_debug!("ROOT? {:?}", r.map(|rr| rr.to_string())); // if r.is_some() { // root = r; // } // } // } // for h in visited.keys() { // log_debug!("VISITED {}", h); // } if root.is_none() { return Err(VerifierError::MalformedDag); } let root = root.unwrap(); let mut already_in: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut branches_order: Vec> = vec![Some(root.clone())]; let mut branches: HashMap = HashMap::from([(root.clone(), 0)]); //let mut swimlanes: Vec> = vec![vec![root.clone()]]; let mut commits = Self::collapse( &root, &mut visited, &mut already_in, &mut branches_order, &mut branches, //&mut swimlanes, ); for (i, (_, commit)) in commits.iter_mut().enumerate() { commit.y = i as u32; commit.x = *branches.get(commit.branch.as_ref().unwrap()).unwrap() as u32; } Ok((commits, branches_order)) } pub fn update_branch_current_heads( &mut self, branch: &BranchId, commit_ref: ObjectRef, past: Vec, ) -> Result, VerifierError> { //log_info!("from branch {} HEAD UPDATED TO {}", branch, commit_ref.id); if let Some(branch) = self.branches.get_mut(branch) { let mut set: HashSet<&ObjectRef> = HashSet::from_iter(branch.current_heads.iter()); for p in past { set.remove(&p); } branch.current_heads = set.into_iter().cloned().collect(); branch.current_heads.push(commit_ref); branch.commits_nbr += 1; // we return the new current heads Ok(branch.current_heads.to_vec()) } else { Err(VerifierError::BranchNotFound) } } pub fn new_with_member( repo_id: &PubKey, member: &UserId, perms: &[PermissionV0], store: Arc, ) -> Self { let mut members = HashMap::new(); let permissions = HashMap::from_iter( perms .iter() .map(|p| (*p, vec![])) .collect::)>>() .iter() .cloned(), ); let overlay = store.get_store_repo().overlay_id_for_read_purpose(); let member_hash = CommitContent::author_digest(member, overlay); //log_debug!("added member {:?} {:?}", member, member_hash); members.insert( member_hash, UserInfo { id: *member, permissions, }, ); Self { id: repo_id.clone(), repo_def: Repository::new(&repo_id), members, store, signer: None, read_cap: None, write_cap: None, branches: HashMap::new(), opened_branches: HashMap::new(), //main_branch_rc: None, } } pub fn verify_permission(&self, commit: &Commit) -> Result<(), NgError> { let content_author = commit.content_v0().author; let body = commit.load_body(&self.store)?; match self.members.get(&content_author) { Some(info) => return info.has_any_perm(&body.required_permission()), None => {} } Err(NgError::PermissionDenied) } pub fn member_pubkey(&self, hash: &Digest) -> Result { match self.members.get(hash) { Some(user_info) => Ok(user_info.id), None => Err(NgError::NotFound), } } pub fn branch(&self, id: &BranchId) -> Result<&BranchInfo, NgError> { //TODO: load the BranchInfo from storage self.branches.get(id).ok_or(NgError::BranchNotFound) } pub fn branch_mut(&mut self, id: &BranchId) -> Result<&mut BranchInfo, NgError> { //TODO: load the BranchInfo from storage self.branches.get_mut(id).ok_or(NgError::BranchNotFound) } pub fn overlay_branch(&self) -> Option<&BranchInfo> { for (_, branch) in self.branches.iter() { if branch.branch_type == BranchType::Overlay { return Some(branch); } } None } pub fn user_branch(&self) -> Option<&BranchInfo> { for (_, branch) in self.branches.iter() { if branch.branch_type == BranchType::User { return Some(branch); } } None } pub fn main_branch(&self) -> Option<&BranchInfo> { for (_, branch) in self.branches.iter() { if branch.branch_type == BranchType::Main { return Some(branch); } } None } pub fn store_branch(&self) -> Option<&BranchInfo> { for (_, branch) in self.branches.iter() { if branch.branch_type == BranchType::Store { return Some(branch); } } None } pub fn root_branch(&self) -> Option<&BranchInfo> { for (_, branch) in self.branches.iter() { if branch.branch_type == BranchType::Root { return Some(branch); } } None } pub fn overlay_branch_read_cap(&self) -> Option<&ReadCap> { match self.overlay_branch() { Some(bi) => Some(bi.read_cap.as_ref().unwrap()), None => self.read_cap.as_ref(), // this is for private stores that don't have an overlay branch } } pub fn branch_is_opened(&self, branch: &BranchId) -> bool { self.opened_branches.contains_key(branch) } pub fn branch_is_opened_as_publisher(&self, branch: &BranchId) -> bool { match self.opened_branches.get(branch) { Some(val) => *val, None => false, } } // pub(crate) fn get_store(&self) -> &Store { // self.store.unwrap() // } }