# ngd - NextGraph Daemon ## Building See [Build release binaries](../README.md#build-release-binaries) in the main page. ## Usage ### Create the first admin user The current directory will be used to save all the config, keys and storage data. If you prefer to change the base directory, use the argument `--base [PATH]` when using `ngd` and/or `ngcli`. ``` ngcli gen-key ngd -v --save-key -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -l 1440 --admin <THE_USER_ID_YOU_JUST_CREATED> // note the server peerID from the logs ``` in another terminal: ``` ngcli --save-key -s,1440,<PEER_ID_OF_SERVER> -u <THE_PRIVATE_KEY_OF_THE_USER_YOU_JUST_CREATED> admin add-user <THE_USER_ID_YOU_JUST_CREATED> -a ``` you should see a message `User added successfully`. to check that the admin user has been created : ``` ngcli --save-key -s,1440,<PEER_ID_OF_SERVER> -u <THE_PRIVATE_KEY_OF_THE_USER_YOU_JUST_CREATED> admin list-users -a ``` should return your userId you can now save the configs of both the server and client ``` ngd -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -l 1440 --save-config ngcli -s,1440,<PEER_ID_OF_SERVER> -u <THE_PRIVATE_KEY_OF_THE_USER_YOU_JUST_CREATED> --save-config ```