//! Shared parser implementation for Turtle and TriG. use crate::oxrdf::vocab::{rdf, xsd}; #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] use crate::oxrdf::Triple; use crate::oxrdf::{ BlankNode, GraphName, Literal, NamedNode, NamedOrBlankNode, Quad, Subject, Term, }; use crate::oxttl::lexer::{resolve_local_name, N3Lexer, N3LexerMode, N3LexerOptions, N3Token}; use crate::oxttl::toolkit::{Lexer, Parser, RuleRecognizer, RuleRecognizerError}; use crate::oxttl::{MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE}; use oxiri::Iri; use std::collections::hash_map::Iter; use std::collections::HashMap; pub struct TriGRecognizer { stack: Vec, cur_subject: Vec, cur_predicate: Vec, cur_object: Vec, cur_graph: GraphName, } #[allow(clippy::partial_pub_fields)] pub struct TriGRecognizerContext { pub lexer_options: N3LexerOptions, pub with_graph_name: bool, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] pub with_quoted_triples: bool, prefixes: HashMap>, } impl TriGRecognizerContext { pub fn prefixes(&self) -> Iter<'_, String, Iri> { self.prefixes.iter() } } impl RuleRecognizer for TriGRecognizer { type TokenRecognizer = N3Lexer; type Output = Quad; type Context = TriGRecognizerContext; fn error_recovery_state(mut self) -> Self { self.stack.clear(); self.cur_subject.clear(); self.cur_predicate.clear(); self.cur_object.clear(); self.cur_graph = GraphName::DefaultGraph; self } fn recognize_next( mut self, token: N3Token<'_>, context: &mut TriGRecognizerContext, results: &mut Vec, errors: &mut Vec, ) -> Self { if let Some(rule) = self.stack.pop() { match rule { // [1g] trigDoc ::= (directive | block)* // [2g] block ::= triplesOrGraph | wrappedGraph | triples2 | "GRAPH" labelOrSubject wrappedGraph // [3] directive ::= prefixID | base | sparqlPrefix | sparqlBase // [4] prefixID ::= '@prefix' PNAME_NS IRIREF '.' // [5] base ::= '@base' IRIREF '.' // [5s] sparqlPrefix ::= "PREFIX" PNAME_NS IRIREF // [6s] sparqlBase ::= "BASE" IRIREF TriGState::TriGDoc => { self.cur_graph = GraphName::DefaultGraph; self.stack.push(TriGState::TriGDoc); match token { N3Token::PlainKeyword(k) if k.eq_ignore_ascii_case("base") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::BaseExpectIri); self } N3Token::PlainKeyword(k) if k.eq_ignore_ascii_case("prefix") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::PrefixExpectPrefix); self } N3Token::LangTag("prefix") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::ExpectDot); self.stack.push(TriGState::PrefixExpectPrefix); self } N3Token::LangTag("base") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::ExpectDot); self.stack.push(TriGState::BaseExpectIri); self } N3Token::PlainKeyword(k) if k.eq_ignore_ascii_case("graph") && context.with_graph_name => { self.stack.push(TriGState::WrappedGraph); self.stack.push(TriGState::GraphName); self } N3Token::Punctuation("{") if context.with_graph_name => { self.stack.push(TriGState::WrappedGraph); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } _ => { self.stack.push(TriGState::TriplesOrGraph); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } } TriGState::ExpectDot => { self.cur_subject.pop(); if token == N3Token::Punctuation(".") { self } else { errors.push("A dot is expected at the end of statements".into()); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::BaseExpectIri => { if let N3Token::IriRef(iri) = token { context.lexer_options.base_iri = Some(Iri::parse_unchecked(iri)); self } else { self.error(errors, "The BASE keyword should be followed by an IRI") } } TriGState::PrefixExpectPrefix => match token { N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, .. } if local.is_empty() => { self.stack.push(TriGState::PrefixExpectIri { name: prefix.to_owned(), }); self } _ => self.error( errors, "The PREFIX keyword should be followed by a prefix like 'ex:'", ), }, TriGState::PrefixExpectIri { name } => { if let N3Token::IriRef(iri) = token { context.prefixes.insert(name, Iri::parse_unchecked(iri)); self } else { self.error(errors, "The PREFIX declaration should be followed by a prefix and its value as an IRI") } } // [3g] triplesOrGraph ::= labelOrSubject ( wrappedGraph | predicateObjectList '.' ) | quotedTriple predicateObjectList '.' // [4g] triples2 ::= blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? '.' | collection predicateObjectList '.' TriGState::TriplesOrGraph => match token { N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.stack .push(TriGState::WrappedGraphOrPredicateObjectList { term: NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri).into(), }); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.stack .push(TriGState::WrappedGraphOrPredicateObjectList { term: t.into(), }); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, N3Token::BlankNodeLabel(label) => { self.stack .push(TriGState::WrappedGraphOrPredicateObjectList { term: BlankNode::new_unchecked(label).into(), }); self } N3Token::Punctuation("[") => { self.stack .push(TriGState::WrappedGraphBlankNodePropertyListCurrent); self } N3Token::Punctuation("(") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::ExpectDot); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectCollectionBeginning); self } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] N3Token::Punctuation("<<") if context.with_quoted_triples => { self.stack.push(TriGState::ExpectDot); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectQuotedTripleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedObject); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedSubject); self } _ => self.error(errors, "TOKEN is not a valid subject or graph name"), }, TriGState::WrappedGraphOrPredicateObjectList { term } => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("{") && context.with_graph_name { self.cur_graph = term.into(); self.stack.push(TriGState::WrappedGraph); } else { self.cur_subject.push(term.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::ExpectDot); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); } self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } TriGState::WrappedGraphBlankNodePropertyListCurrent => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self.stack .push(TriGState::WrappedGraphOrPredicateObjectList { term: BlankNode::default().into(), }); self } else { self.cur_subject.push(BlankNode::default().into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::ExpectDot); self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::SubjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self.stack .push(TriGState::SubjectBlankNodePropertyListAfter); self } else { errors.push("blank node property lists should end with a ']'".into()); self.stack .push(TriGState::SubjectBlankNodePropertyListAfter); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::SubjectBlankNodePropertyListAfter => { if matches!(token, N3Token::Punctuation("." | "}")) { self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } else { self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::SubjectCollectionBeginning => { if let N3Token::Punctuation(")") = token { self.cur_subject.push(rdf::NIL.into()); self } else { let root = BlankNode::default(); self.cur_subject.push(root.clone().into()); self.cur_subject.push(root.into()); self.cur_predicate.push(rdf::FIRST.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectCollectionPossibleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::SubjectCollectionPossibleEnd => { let old = self.cur_subject.pop().unwrap(); self.cur_object.pop(); if let N3Token::Punctuation(")") = token { self.cur_predicate.pop(); results.push(Quad::new(old, rdf::REST, rdf::NIL, self.cur_graph.clone())); self } else { let new = BlankNode::default(); results.push(Quad::new( old, rdf::REST, new.clone(), self.cur_graph.clone(), )); self.cur_subject.push(new.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectCollectionPossibleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } // [5g] wrappedGraph ::= '{' triplesBlock? '}' // [6g] triplesBlock ::= triples ('.' triplesBlock?)? TriGState::WrappedGraph => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("{") { self.stack.push(TriGState::WrappedGraphPossibleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Triples); self } else { self.error(errors, "The GRAPH keyword should be followed by a graph name and a value in '{'") } } TriGState::WrappedGraphPossibleEnd => { self.cur_subject.pop(); match token { N3Token::Punctuation("}") => self, N3Token::Punctuation(".") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::WrappedGraphPossibleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Triples); self } _ => { errors.push( "A '}' or a '.' is expected at the end of a graph block".into(), ); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } } // [6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? // [10] subject ::= iri | BlankNode | collection | quotedTriple TriGState::Triples => match token { N3Token::Punctuation("}") => { self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) // Early end } N3Token::Punctuation("[") => { self.cur_subject.push(BlankNode::default().into()); self.stack .push(TriGState::TriplesBlankNodePropertyListCurrent); self } N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.cur_subject.push(NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri).into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_subject.push(t.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, N3Token::BlankNodeLabel(label) => { self.cur_subject .push(BlankNode::new_unchecked(label).into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self } N3Token::Punctuation("(") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectCollectionBeginning); self } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] N3Token::Punctuation("<<") if context.with_quoted_triples => { self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectQuotedTripleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedObject); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedSubject); self } _ => self.error(errors, "TOKEN is not a valid RDF subject"), }, TriGState::TriplesBlankNodePropertyListCurrent => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self } else { self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } // [7g] labelOrSubject ::= iri | BlankNode TriGState::GraphName => match token { N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.cur_graph = NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri).into(); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_graph = t.into(); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, N3Token::BlankNodeLabel(label) => { self.cur_graph = BlankNode::new_unchecked(label).into(); self } N3Token::Punctuation("[") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::GraphNameAnonEnd); self } _ => self.error(errors, "TOKEN is not a valid graph name"), }, TriGState::GraphNameAnonEnd => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self.cur_graph = BlankNode::default().into(); self } else { self.error(errors, "Anonymous blank node with a property list are not allowed as graph name") } } // [7] predicateObjectList ::= verb objectList (';' (verb objectList)?)* TriGState::PredicateObjectList => { self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectsList); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } TriGState::PredicateObjectListEnd => { self.cur_predicate.pop(); if token == N3Token::Punctuation(";") { self.stack .push(TriGState::PredicateObjectListPossibleContinuation); self } else { self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::PredicateObjectListPossibleContinuation => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation(";") { self.stack .push(TriGState::PredicateObjectListPossibleContinuation); self } else if matches!(token, N3Token::Punctuation("." | "}" | "]")) { self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } else { self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectsList); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } // [8] objectList ::= object annotation? ( ',' object annotation? )* // [30t] annotation ::= '{|' predicateObjectList '|}' TriGState::ObjectsList => { self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectsListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } TriGState::ObjectsListEnd => match token { N3Token::Punctuation(",") => { self.cur_object.pop(); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectsListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] N3Token::Punctuation("{|") => { let triple = Triple::new( self.cur_subject.last().unwrap().clone(), self.cur_predicate.last().unwrap().clone(), self.cur_object.pop().unwrap(), ); self.cur_subject.push(triple.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::AnnotationEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self } _ => { self.cur_object.pop(); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } }, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::AnnotationEnd => { self.cur_subject.pop(); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectsListAfterAnnotation); if token == N3Token::Punctuation("|}") { self } else { self.error(errors, "Annotations should end with '|}'") } } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::ObjectsListAfterAnnotation => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation(",") { self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectsListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self } else { self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } // [9] verb ::= predicate | 'a' // [11] predicate ::= iri TriGState::Verb => match token { N3Token::PlainKeyword("a") => { self.cur_predicate.push(rdf::TYPE.into()); self } N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.cur_predicate.push(NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri)); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_predicate.push(t); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, _ => self.error(errors, "TOKEN is not a valid predicate"), }, // [12] object ::= iri | BlankNode | collection | blankNodePropertyList | literal | quotedTriple // [13] literal ::= RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral // [14] blank ::= BlankNode | collection // [15] blankNodePropertyList ::= '[' predicateObjectList ']' // [16] collection ::= '(' object* ')' // [17] NumericLiteral ::= INTEGER | DECIMAL | DOUBLE // [128s] RDFLiteral ::= String (LANGTAG | '^^' iri)? // [133s] BooleanLiteral ::= 'true' | 'false' // [18] String ::= STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE | STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE | STRING_LITERAL_LONG_SINGLE_QUOTE | STRING_LITERAL_LONG_QUOTE // [135s] iri ::= IRIREF | PrefixedName // [136s] PrefixedName ::= PNAME_LN | PNAME_NS // [137s] BlankNode ::= BLANK_NODE_LABEL | ANON TriGState::Object => match token { N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.cur_object.push(NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_object.push(t.into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, N3Token::BlankNodeLabel(label) => { self.cur_object.push(BlankNode::new_unchecked(label).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } N3Token::Punctuation("[") => { self.stack .push(TriGState::ObjectBlankNodePropertyListCurrent); self } N3Token::Punctuation("(") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectCollectionBeginning); self } N3Token::String(value) => { self.stack .push(TriGState::LiteralPossibleSuffix { value, emit: true }); self } N3Token::Integer(v) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(v, xsd::INTEGER).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } N3Token::Decimal(v) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(v, xsd::DECIMAL).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } N3Token::Double(v) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(v, xsd::DOUBLE).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } N3Token::PlainKeyword("true") => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal("true", xsd::BOOLEAN).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } N3Token::PlainKeyword("false") => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal("false", xsd::BOOLEAN).into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] N3Token::Punctuation("<<") if context.with_quoted_triples => { self.stack .push(TriGState::ObjectQuotedTripleEnd { emit: true }); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedObject); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedSubject); self } _ => self.error(errors, "TOKEN is not a valid RDF object"), }, TriGState::ObjectBlankNodePropertyListCurrent => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self.cur_object.push(BlankNode::default().into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } else { self.cur_subject.push(BlankNode::default().into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::PredicateObjectList); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::ObjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self.cur_object.push(self.cur_subject.pop().unwrap().into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } else { self.error(errors, "blank node property lists should end with a ']'") } } TriGState::ObjectCollectionBeginning => { if let N3Token::Punctuation(")") = token { self.cur_object.push(rdf::NIL.into()); self.emit_quad(results); self } else { let root = BlankNode::default(); self.cur_object.push(root.clone().into()); self.emit_quad(results); self.cur_subject.push(root.into()); self.cur_predicate.push(rdf::FIRST.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectCollectionPossibleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::ObjectCollectionPossibleEnd => { let old = self.cur_subject.pop().unwrap(); self.cur_object.pop(); if let N3Token::Punctuation(")") = token { self.cur_predicate.pop(); results.push(Quad::new(old, rdf::REST, rdf::NIL, self.cur_graph.clone())); self } else { let new = BlankNode::default(); results.push(Quad::new( old, rdf::REST, new.clone(), self.cur_graph.clone(), )); self.cur_subject.push(new.into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::ObjectCollectionPossibleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::Object); self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } } TriGState::LiteralPossibleSuffix { value, emit } => match token { N3Token::LangTag(lang) => { self.cur_object.push( Literal::new_language_tagged_literal_unchecked( value, lang.to_ascii_lowercase(), ) .into(), ); if emit { self.emit_quad(results); } self } N3Token::Punctuation("^^") => { self.stack .push(TriGState::LiteralExpectDatatype { value, emit }); self } _ => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_simple_literal(value).into()); if emit { self.emit_quad(results); } self.recognize_next(token, context, results, errors) } }, TriGState::LiteralExpectDatatype { value, emit } => match token { N3Token::IriRef(datatype) => { self.cur_object.push( Literal::new_typed_literal(value, NamedNode::new_unchecked(datatype)) .into(), ); if emit { self.emit_quad(results); } self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(value, t).into()); if emit { self.emit_quad(results); } self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, _ => self .error(errors, "Expecting a datatype IRI after ^^, found TOKEN") .recognize_next(token, context, results, errors), }, // [27t] quotedTriple ::= '<<' qtSubject verb qtObject '>>' #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::SubjectQuotedTripleEnd => { let triple = Triple::new( self.cur_subject.pop().unwrap(), self.cur_predicate.pop().unwrap(), self.cur_object.pop().unwrap(), ); self.cur_subject.push(triple.into()); if token == N3Token::Punctuation(">>") { self } else { self.error( errors, "Expecting '>>' to close a quoted triple, found TOKEN", ) } } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::ObjectQuotedTripleEnd { emit } => { let triple = Triple::new( self.cur_subject.pop().unwrap(), self.cur_predicate.pop().unwrap(), self.cur_object.pop().unwrap(), ); self.cur_object.push(triple.into()); if emit { self.emit_quad(results); } if token == N3Token::Punctuation(">>") { self } else { self.error( errors, "Expecting '>>' to close a quoted triple, found TOKEN", ) } } // [28t] qtSubject ::= iri | BlankNode | quotedTriple #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::QuotedSubject => match token { N3Token::Punctuation("[") => { self.cur_subject.push(BlankNode::default().into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedAnonEnd); self } N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.cur_subject.push(NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri).into()); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_subject.push(t.into()); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, N3Token::BlankNodeLabel(label) => { self.cur_subject .push(BlankNode::new_unchecked(label).into()); self } N3Token::Punctuation("<<") => { self.stack.push(TriGState::SubjectQuotedTripleEnd); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedObject); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedSubject); self } _ => self.error( errors, "TOKEN is not a valid RDF quoted triple subject: TOKEN", ), }, // [29t] qtObject ::= iri | BlankNode | literal | quotedTriple #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::QuotedObject => match token { N3Token::Punctuation("[") => { self.cur_object.push(BlankNode::default().into()); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedAnonEnd); self } N3Token::IriRef(iri) => { self.cur_object.push(NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri).into()); self } N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, } => match resolve_local_name( prefix, &local, might_be_invalid_iri, &context.prefixes, ) { Ok(t) => { self.cur_object.push(t.into()); self } Err(e) => self.error(errors, e), }, N3Token::BlankNodeLabel(label) => { self.cur_object.push(BlankNode::new_unchecked(label).into()); self } N3Token::String(value) => { self.stack .push(TriGState::LiteralPossibleSuffix { value, emit: false }); self } N3Token::Integer(v) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(v, xsd::INTEGER).into()); self } N3Token::Decimal(v) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(v, xsd::DECIMAL).into()); self } N3Token::Double(v) => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal(v, xsd::DOUBLE).into()); self } N3Token::PlainKeyword("true") => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal("true", xsd::BOOLEAN).into()); self } N3Token::PlainKeyword("false") => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_typed_literal("false", xsd::BOOLEAN).into()); self } N3Token::Punctuation("<<") => { self.stack .push(TriGState::ObjectQuotedTripleEnd { emit: false }); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedObject); self.stack.push(TriGState::Verb); self.stack.push(TriGState::QuotedSubject); self } _ => self.error(errors, "TOKEN is not a valid RDF quoted triple object"), }, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TriGState::QuotedAnonEnd => { if token == N3Token::Punctuation("]") { self } else { self.error(errors, "Anonymous blank node with a property list are not allowed in quoted triples") } } } } else if token == N3Token::Punctuation(".") || token == N3Token::Punctuation("}") { // TODO: be smarter depending if we are in '{' or not self.stack.push(TriGState::TriGDoc); self } else { self } } fn recognize_end( mut self, _context: &mut TriGRecognizerContext, results: &mut Vec, errors: &mut Vec, ) { match &*self.stack { [] | [TriGState::TriGDoc] => { debug_assert!( self.cur_subject.is_empty(), "The cur_subject stack must be empty if the state stack is empty" ); debug_assert!( self.cur_predicate.is_empty(), "The cur_predicate stack must be empty if the state stack is empty" ); debug_assert!( self.cur_object.is_empty(), "The cur_object stack must be empty if the state stack is empty" ); } [.., TriGState::LiteralPossibleSuffix { value, emit: true }] => { self.cur_object .push(Literal::new_simple_literal(value).into()); self.emit_quad(results); errors.push("Triples should be followed by a dot".into()) } _ => errors.push("Unexpected end".into()), // TODO } } fn lexer_options(context: &TriGRecognizerContext) -> &N3LexerOptions { &context.lexer_options } } impl TriGRecognizer { pub fn new_parser( with_graph_name: bool, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] with_quoted_triples: bool, unchecked: bool, base_iri: Option>, prefixes: HashMap>, ) -> Parser { Parser::new( Lexer::new( N3Lexer::new(N3LexerMode::Turtle, unchecked), MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, true, Some(b"#"), ), Self { stack: vec![TriGState::TriGDoc], cur_subject: Vec::new(), cur_predicate: Vec::new(), cur_object: Vec::new(), cur_graph: GraphName::DefaultGraph, }, TriGRecognizerContext { with_graph_name, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] with_quoted_triples, prefixes, lexer_options: N3LexerOptions { base_iri }, }, ) } #[must_use] fn error( mut self, errors: &mut Vec, msg: impl Into, ) -> Self { errors.push(msg.into()); self.stack.clear(); self.cur_subject.clear(); self.cur_predicate.clear(); self.cur_object.clear(); self.cur_graph = GraphName::DefaultGraph; self } fn emit_quad(&mut self, results: &mut Vec) { results.push(Quad::new( self.cur_subject.last().unwrap().clone(), self.cur_predicate.last().unwrap().clone(), self.cur_object.last().unwrap().clone(), self.cur_graph.clone(), )); } } #[derive(Debug)] enum TriGState { TriGDoc, ExpectDot, BaseExpectIri, PrefixExpectPrefix, PrefixExpectIri { name: String, }, TriplesOrGraph, WrappedGraphBlankNodePropertyListCurrent, SubjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd, SubjectBlankNodePropertyListAfter, SubjectCollectionBeginning, SubjectCollectionPossibleEnd, WrappedGraphOrPredicateObjectList { term: NamedOrBlankNode, }, WrappedGraph, WrappedGraphPossibleEnd, GraphName, GraphNameAnonEnd, Triples, TriplesBlankNodePropertyListCurrent, PredicateObjectList, PredicateObjectListEnd, PredicateObjectListPossibleContinuation, ObjectsList, ObjectsListEnd, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] AnnotationEnd, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] ObjectsListAfterAnnotation, Verb, Object, ObjectBlankNodePropertyListCurrent, ObjectBlankNodePropertyListEnd, ObjectCollectionBeginning, ObjectCollectionPossibleEnd, LiteralPossibleSuffix { value: String, emit: bool, }, LiteralExpectDatatype { value: String, emit: bool, }, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] SubjectQuotedTripleEnd, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] ObjectQuotedTripleEnd { emit: bool, }, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] QuotedSubject, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] QuotedObject, #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] QuotedAnonEnd, }