// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. //! Repository serde implementation and in memory helper use crate::errors::*; use crate::event::*; use crate::log::*; use crate::object::Object; use crate::store::*; use crate::types::*; use crate::utils::generate_keypair; use crate::utils::sign; use core::fmt; use rand::prelude::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use threshold_crypto::{SecretKeySet, SecretKeyShare}; impl RepositoryV0 { pub fn new(id: &PubKey, metadata: &Vec) -> RepositoryV0 { RepositoryV0 { id: id.clone(), metadata: metadata.clone(), verification_program: vec![], creator: None, } } } impl Repository { pub fn new(id: &PubKey, metadata: &Vec) -> Repository { Repository::V0(RepositoryV0::new(id, metadata)) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UserInfo { /// list of permissions granted to user, with optional metadata pub permissions: HashMap>, pub id: UserId, } impl UserInfo { pub fn has_any_perm(&self, perms: &HashSet) -> Result<(), NgError> { //log_debug!("perms {:?}", perms); if self.has_perm(&PermissionV0::Owner).is_ok() { return Ok(()); } let is_admin = self.has_perm(&PermissionV0::Admin).is_ok(); //log_debug!("is_admin {}", is_admin); //is_delegated_by_admin let has_perms: HashSet<&PermissionV0> = self.permissions.keys().collect(); //log_debug!("has_perms {:?}", has_perms); for perm in perms { if is_admin && perm.is_delegated_by_admin() || has_perms.contains(perm) { return Ok(()); } } // if has_perms.intersection(perms).count() > 0 { // Ok(()) // } else { Err(NgError::PermissionDenied) } pub fn has_perm(&self, perm: &PermissionV0) -> Result<&Vec, NgError> { self.permissions.get(perm).ok_or(NgError::PermissionDenied) } } /// In memory Repository representation. With helper functions that access the underlying UserStore and keeps proxy of the values pub struct Repo<'a> { /// Repo definition pub repo_def: Repository, pub signer: Option, pub members: HashMap, storage: &'a Box, } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Repo<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "====== Repo ======")?; write!(f, "== repo_def: {}", self.repo_def)?; if self.signer.is_some() { writeln!(f, "== signer: {:?}", self.signer)?; } writeln!(f, "== members: {:?}", self.members)?; Ok(()) } } impl<'a> Repo<'a> { /// returns the Repo and the last seq_num of the peer pub fn new_default( creator: &UserId, creator_priv_key: &PrivKey, publisher_peer: &PrivKey, peer_last_seq_num: &mut u64, store_repo: &StoreRepo, store_secret: &ReadCapSecret, storage: &'a Box, ) -> Result<(Self, Vec), NgError> { let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(6); // creating the Repository commit let (repo_priv_key, repo_pub_key) = generate_keypair(); //let overlay = store_repo.overlay_id_for_read_purpose(); let repository = Repository::V0(RepositoryV0 { id: repo_pub_key, verification_program: vec![], creator: None, metadata: vec![], }); let repository_commit_body = CommitBody::V0(CommitBodyV0::Repository(repository.clone())); let repository_commit = Commit::new_with_body_acks_deps_and_save( &repo_priv_key, &repo_pub_key, repo_pub_key, QuorumType::NoSigning, vec![], vec![], repository_commit_body, &store_repo, &store_secret, storage, )?; log_debug!("REPOSITORY COMMIT {}", repository_commit); let repository_commit_ref = repository_commit.reference().unwrap(); let (topic_priv_key, topic_pub_key) = generate_keypair(); // creating the RootBranch commit, acks to Repository commit let repo_write_cap_secret = SymKey::random(); let root_branch_commit_body = CommitBody::V0(CommitBodyV0::RootBranch(RootBranch::V0(RootBranchV0 { id: repo_pub_key, repo: repository_commit_ref.clone(), store: store_repo.into(), store_sig: None, //TODO: the store signature topic: topic_pub_key, topic_privkey: Branch::encrypt_topic_priv_key( &topic_priv_key, topic_pub_key, repo_pub_key, &repo_write_cap_secret, ), inherit_perms_users_and_quorum_from_store: None, quorum: None, reconciliation_interval: RelTime::None, owners: vec![creator.clone()], metadata: vec![], }))); let root_branch_commit = Commit::new_with_body_acks_deps_and_save( &repo_priv_key, &repo_pub_key, repo_pub_key, QuorumType::NoSigning, vec![], vec![repository_commit_ref.clone()], root_branch_commit_body, &store_repo, &store_secret, storage, )?; log_debug!("ROOT_BRANCH COMMIT {}", root_branch_commit); // adding the 2 events for the Repository and Rootbranch commits //peer_last_seq_num += 1; events.push(Event::new( publisher_peer, peer_last_seq_num, &repository_commit, &vec![], topic_pub_key, root_branch_commit.key().unwrap(), &topic_priv_key, storage, )?); //peer_last_seq_num += 1; events.push(Event::new( publisher_peer, peer_last_seq_num, &root_branch_commit, &vec![], topic_pub_key, root_branch_commit.key().unwrap(), &topic_priv_key, storage, )?); // creating the main branch let (main_branch_priv_key, main_branch_pub_key) = generate_keypair(); let (main_branch_topic_priv_key, main_branch_topic_pub_key) = generate_keypair(); let main_branch_commit_body = CommitBody::V0(CommitBodyV0::Branch(Branch::V0(BranchV0 { id: main_branch_pub_key, repo: repository_commit_ref.clone(), root_branch_readcap_id: root_branch_commit.id().unwrap(), topic: main_branch_topic_pub_key, topic_privkey: Branch::encrypt_topic_priv_key( &main_branch_topic_priv_key, main_branch_topic_pub_key, main_branch_pub_key, &repo_write_cap_secret, ), metadata: vec![], }))); let main_branch_commit = Commit::new_with_body_acks_deps_and_save( &main_branch_priv_key, &main_branch_pub_key, main_branch_pub_key, QuorumType::NoSigning, vec![], vec![], main_branch_commit_body, &store_repo, &store_secret, storage, )?; log_debug!("MAIN BRANCH COMMIT {}", main_branch_commit); // adding the event for the Branch commit // peer_last_seq_num += 1; events.push(Event::new( publisher_peer, peer_last_seq_num, &main_branch_commit, &vec![], main_branch_topic_pub_key, main_branch_commit.key().unwrap(), &main_branch_topic_priv_key, storage, )?); // creating the AddBranch commit (on root_branch), deps to the RootBranch commit // author is the owner let add_branch_commit_body = CommitBody::V0(CommitBodyV0::AddBranch(AddBranch::V0(AddBranchV0 { branch_type: BranchType::Main, topic_id: main_branch_topic_pub_key, branch_read_cap: main_branch_commit.reference().unwrap(), }))); let add_branch_commit = Commit::new_with_body_acks_deps_and_save( creator_priv_key, creator, repo_pub_key, QuorumType::Owners, vec![root_branch_commit.reference().unwrap()], vec![], add_branch_commit_body, &store_repo, &store_secret, storage, )?; log_debug!("ADD_BRANCH COMMIT {}", add_branch_commit); // TODO: optional AddMember and AddPermission, that should be added as deps to the SynSignature below (and to the commits of the SignatureContent) // using the creator as author (and incrementing their peer's seq_num) // preparing the threshold keys for the unique owner let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let sk_set = SecretKeySet::random(0, &mut rng); let pk_set = sk_set.public_keys(); let sk_share = sk_set.secret_key_share(0); // creating signature for RootBranch, AddBranch and Branch commits // signed with owner threshold signature (threshold = 0) let signature_content = SignatureContent::V0(SignatureContentV0 { commits: vec![ root_branch_commit.id().unwrap(), add_branch_commit.id().unwrap(), main_branch_commit.id().unwrap(), ], }); let signature_content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&signature_content).unwrap(); let sig_share = sk_share.sign(signature_content_ser); let sig = pk_set .combine_signatures([(0, &sig_share)]) .map_err(|_| NgError::IncompleteSignature)?; let threshold_sig = ThresholdSignatureV0::Owners((sig)); // creating root certificate of the repo let cert_content = CertificateContentV0 { previous: repository_commit_ref, readcap_id: root_branch_commit.id().unwrap(), owners_pk_set: pk_set.public_key(), orders_pk_sets: OrdersPublicKeySetsV0::None, }; // signing the root certificate let cert_content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&cert_content).unwrap(); let sig = sign(&repo_priv_key, &repo_pub_key, &cert_content_ser)?; let cert_sig = CertificateSignatureV0::Repo(sig); let cert = Certificate::V0(CertificateV0 { content: cert_content, sig: cert_sig, }); // saving the certificate let cert_object = Object::new( ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::Certificate(cert)), None, 0, &store_repo, &store_secret, ); let mut cert_obj_blocks = cert_object.save(storage)?; // finally getting the signature: let signature = Signature::V0(SignatureV0 { content: signature_content, threshold_sig, certificate_ref: cert_object.reference().unwrap(), }); // saving the signature let sig_object = Object::new( ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::Signature(signature)), None, 0, &store_repo, &store_secret, ); let mut sig_obj_blocks = sig_object.save(storage)?; // keeping the Secret Key Share of the owner let signer_cap = SignerCap { repo: repo_pub_key, epoch: root_branch_commit.id().unwrap(), owner: Some(threshold_crypto::serde_impl::SerdeSecret(sk_share)), total_order: None, partial_order: None, }; let sync_signature = SyncSignature::V0(sig_object.reference().unwrap()); // creating the SyncSignature for the root_branch with deps to the AddBranch and acks to the RootBranch commit as it is its direct causal future. let sync_sig_commit_body = CommitBody::V0(CommitBodyV0::SyncSignature(sync_signature)); let sync_sig_on_root_branch_commit = Commit::new_with_body_acks_deps_and_save( creator_priv_key, creator, repo_pub_key, QuorumType::IamTheSignature, vec![add_branch_commit.reference().unwrap()], vec![root_branch_commit.reference().unwrap()], sync_sig_commit_body.clone(), &store_repo, &store_secret, storage, )?; // adding the event for the sync_sig_on_root_branch_commit let mut additional_blocks = Vec::with_capacity( cert_obj_blocks.len() + sig_obj_blocks.len() + add_branch_commit.blocks().len(), ); additional_blocks.extend(cert_obj_blocks.iter()); additional_blocks.extend(sig_obj_blocks.iter()); additional_blocks.extend(add_branch_commit.blocks().iter()); //peer_last_seq_num += 1; events.push(Event::new( publisher_peer, peer_last_seq_num, &sync_sig_on_root_branch_commit, &additional_blocks, topic_pub_key, root_branch_commit.key().unwrap(), &topic_priv_key, storage, )?); // creating the SyncSignature for the main branch with deps to the Branch commit and acks also to this commit as it is its direct causal future. let sync_sig_on_main_branch_commit = Commit::new_with_body_acks_deps_and_save( creator_priv_key, creator, main_branch_pub_key, QuorumType::IamTheSignature, vec![main_branch_commit.reference().unwrap()], vec![main_branch_commit.reference().unwrap()], sync_sig_commit_body, &store_repo, &store_secret, storage, )?; // adding the event for the sync_sig_on_main_branch_commit let mut additional_blocks = Vec::with_capacity(cert_obj_blocks.len() + sig_obj_blocks.len()); additional_blocks.append(&mut cert_obj_blocks); additional_blocks.append(&mut sig_obj_blocks); // peer_last_seq_num += 1; events.push(Event::new( publisher_peer, peer_last_seq_num, &sync_sig_on_main_branch_commit, &additional_blocks, main_branch_topic_pub_key, main_branch_commit.key().unwrap(), &main_branch_topic_priv_key, storage, )?); // TODO: add the CertificateRefresh event on main branch // += 1; // preparing the Repo let repo = Repo { repo_def: repository, signer: Some(signer_cap), members: HashMap::new(), storage, }; Ok((repo, events)) } pub fn new_with_member( id: &PubKey, member: &UserId, perms: &[PermissionV0], overlay: OverlayId, storage: &'a Box, ) -> Self { let mut members = HashMap::new(); let permissions = HashMap::from_iter( perms .iter() .map(|p| (*p, vec![])) .collect::)>>() .iter() .cloned(), ); members.insert( CommitContent::author_digest(member, overlay), UserInfo { id: *member, permissions, }, ); Self { repo_def: Repository::new(id, &vec![]), members, storage, signer: None, } } pub fn verify_permission(&self, commit: &Commit) -> Result<(), NgError> { let content_author = commit.content_v0().author; let body = commit.load_body(&self.storage)?; match self.members.get(&content_author) { Some(info) => return info.has_any_perm(&body.required_permission()), None => {} } Err(NgError::PermissionDenied) } pub fn member_pubkey(&self, hash: &Digest) -> Result { match self.members.get(hash) { Some(user_info) => Ok(user_info.id), None => Err(NgError::NotFound), } } pub fn get_storage(&self) -> &Box { self.storage } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::object::*; use crate::repo::*; struct Test<'a> { storage: Box, } impl<'a> Test<'a> { fn storage(s: impl RepoStore + 'a) -> Self { Test { storage: Box::new(s), } } fn s(&self) -> &Box { &self.storage } } #[test] pub fn test_new_repo_default() { let (creator_priv_key, creator_pub_key) = generate_keypair(); let (publisher_privkey, publisher_pubkey) = generate_keypair(); let publisher_peer = PeerId::Forwarded(publisher_pubkey); let mut peer_last_seq_num = 10; let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); let hashmap_storage = HashMapRepoStore::new(); let t = Test::storage(hashmap_storage); let (repo, events) = Repo::new_default( &creator_pub_key, &creator_priv_key, &publisher_privkey, &mut peer_last_seq_num, &store_repo, &store_secret, t.s(), ) .expect("new_default"); log_debug!("REPO OBJECT {}", repo); log_debug!("events: {}\n", events.len()); let mut i = 0; for e in events { log_debug!("========== EVENT {:03}: {}", i, e); i += 1; } assert_eq!(peer_last_seq_num, 15); } }